Dems want a Civil War

You mean, sort of like how the dems did when they lost?

The best you could hope for is throwing the election to the house(which will never happen). If you did that, no Republican in the house would be dumb enough to throw their reelection chances down the toilet. The Majority of Republicans nominated trump. To throw the election from trump would be political suicide for any Republican.

Not if they all elected Kasich instead.
Why the hell would anyone be happy with that? Kasich was sent down the road for a reason and it sure as hell wasn't because we actually liked him and want him for president. The fact you think you would be happy with him doesn't mean shit to the rest of us that voted him out. Fuck Kasich.

There is already a strong base of people regretting their votes for Trump... Kasich would appease them.

Poll: Trump's popularity soars after election

Poll: Trump's Popularity Soars After Election

Poll: Trump’s Popularity Soars After Election

Donald Trump Polls Higher Than Ever Before: President-Elect’s Popularity Soars

Poll: Trump's popularity soars after election

Shall I continue?

And I can ruin your entire post with one post. This is from Breitbart... so you can not argue it is biased against Trump. :)

Trump least popular US president-elect in two decades: polls - Breitbart

Yet your same article said he was becoming more popular.
You should probably read your own article....
Not if they all elected Kasich instead.
Why the hell would anyone be happy with that? Kasich was sent down the road for a reason and it sure as hell wasn't because we actually liked him and want him for president. The fact you think you would be happy with him doesn't mean shit to the rest of us that voted him out. Fuck Kasich.

There is already a strong base of people regretting their votes for Trump... Kasich would appease them.

Poll: Trump's popularity soars after election

Poll: Trump's Popularity Soars After Election

Poll: Trump’s Popularity Soars After Election

Donald Trump Polls Higher Than Ever Before: President-Elect’s Popularity Soars

Poll: Trump's popularity soars after election

Shall I continue?

And I can ruin your entire post with one post. This is from Breitbart... so you can not argue it is biased against Trump. :)

Trump least popular US president-elect in two decades: polls - Breitbart

Yet your same article said he was becoming more popular.
You should probably read your own article....

I know what the article says... and even with getting "more popular" he is still BY FAR the lowest popular President elect in over two decades.
Heck a civil war will probably erupt if this election gets over turned, but that's what Obama has been wanting all along according to most when looking back now

Yes, we get it. Like most of the alt-right, you so very badly want a civil war. After all, it's only the violent alt-right thug-fringe here that keeps talking about it.

And yes, we understand the master plan. You alt-righters want to make all dissent against DearLeaderTrump illegal. That's why you're here loudly declaring that any such dissent is treason. Your mentors Stalin and Alinsky smile upon you.
Which may be true if the EC had a duty to vote according the the PV, but they don't. They have a duty to vote according to the voters of their state--that's it.

That's not true of every state. In fact, it's not true of most states. And state law does not override the Constitution.

A vote against the will of the people is anti-american. A vote against the will of the people is disenfranchisement. To be totally honest, if I were an elector, I would be very fearful of voting against the people. I would have to hire security for protection for at least three years.

Wrong. The will of the American people is Hillary Clinton, which is why she won by 2.8 million votes and counting. Only in your delusional Repug world does Trump reflect the will of the American people. If that were true, he would not have lost by fucking 2%, which is a significant margin. The EC has every reason in the world to vote for Clinton.

No they don't. They are to vote in representation of the state voters themselves. If the voters of a state vote for X by a majority, so should the EC vote the same way. They are not obligated to vote for the national popular vote. They are to vote for the state popular vote.

Actually, my understanding is that electors are not obligated to vote for anyone in particular.

There is no federal law nor constitutional requirement for electors to vote a certain way.

While there are some state laws about electors, no faithless elector has ever been prosecuted.
U. S. Electoral College: Who Are the Electors? How Do They Vote?

The USSC has ruled that electors can be forced to pledge to vote a certain way, but not vote a certain way. In Ray v Blair, the court said this, "However, even if such promises of candidates for the electoral college are legally unenforceable because violative of an assumed constitutional freedom of the elector under the Constitution, Art. II, § 1, to vote as he may choose in the electoral college, it would not follow that the requirement of a pledge in the primary is unconstitutional." Note the "assumed constitutional freedom of the vote as he may choose in the electoral college."

Legally, electors may be free to vote for whomever they choose. In practice, while there have been about 80-85 faithless electors not due to deaths, no presidential election's outcome has ever been changed by faithless electors. I find it extremely unlikely that will change.
. How does one win an election, and then the process of change begins as based upon the results, but those final results are somehow still in flux ???? Then you have the elected going forth to begin the assembling of the transition team (huge work involved), and then the entire process only to have those results overturned by some kind of voter intimidation butt hurt tactic carried out by radical groups who are undermining this nations election results ???? Kidding me right ?? The lawsuits will run forever. You think this nations economy is in ruin's now, just wait and see what this would bring. The election result will stand, and if changes need to be made, then they will be made in the future. This election and it's results are grandfathered in under the same process that has taken place over the years now, and if changes are to be made, they will be worked on and made where appropriate in the future.
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Beagle only a complete idiot inferior moron would get agitated by a post here. I could care less inmy heart of hearts who is prez whether its hitlery or Donald duck....if this agitates you have zero recourse even if youy were standing in my living room.
. Slow down your words are stuttering... lol
Heck a civil war will probably erupt if this election gets over turned, but that's what Obama has been wanting all along according to most when looking back now

Yes, we get it. Like most of the alt-right, you so very badly want a civil war. After all, it's only the violent alt-right thug-fringe here that keeps talking about it.

And yes, we understand the master plan. You alt-righters want to make all dissent against DearLeaderTrump illegal. That's why you're here loudly declaring that any such dissent is treason. Your mentors Stalin and Alinsky smile upon you.
. Not me wanting a civil war, but of course you have to deflect like the alt-left that you are.
Don't you worry I quit flying my flag 30 years ago. Not worth my effort.
Mine is flying high and proud. It's meaning that I carry in my heart remains. The problem you have is that you have allowed others meanings to infect your meanings, and so you capitulated by lowering your flag and your meaning of it ?? Sad.
You people will get one if you prevent Trump from being President.
Jesus H. Christ recruit I don't believe what I am seeing!

You has best square your azz away and start sh!tting me Tiffiany's cufflinks or I will gouge out your eyes and sh!t down your neck!

Jeeze Gunny, are you still in an US-AGAINST-THEM mind set ??

You are retired now so ease up and relax.

When BHO was POTUS the GOP wanted a civil war.

Now that Trump is POTUS (elect) the DEM's want a civil war.

Samee-same G/I ... only the shoe is on the other foot.

Gunny -- news flash -- there ain't gonna be no civil war.

Semper Fi.
Heck a civil war will probably erupt if this election gets over turned, but that's what Obama has been wanting all along according to most when looking back now

Yes, we get it. Like most of the alt-right, you so very badly want a civil war. After all, it's only the violent alt-right thug-fringe here that keeps talking about it.

And yes, we understand the master plan. You alt-righters want to make all dissent against DearLeaderTrump illegal. That's why you're here loudly declaring that any such dissent is treason. Your mentors Stalin and Alinsky smile upon you.

And yet it's alt-left morons who are pushing for a coup. Go figure....
Why the hell would anyone be happy with that? Kasich was sent down the road for a reason and it sure as hell wasn't because we actually liked him and want him for president. The fact you think you would be happy with him doesn't mean shit to the rest of us that voted him out. Fuck Kasich.

There is already a strong base of people regretting their votes for Trump... Kasich would appease them.

Poll: Trump's popularity soars after election

Poll: Trump's Popularity Soars After Election

Poll: Trump’s Popularity Soars After Election

Donald Trump Polls Higher Than Ever Before: President-Elect’s Popularity Soars

Poll: Trump's popularity soars after election

Shall I continue?

And I can ruin your entire post with one post. This is from Breitbart... so you can not argue it is biased against Trump. :)

Trump least popular US president-elect in two decades: polls - Breitbart

Yet your same article said he was becoming more popular.
You should probably read your own article....

I know what the article says... and even with getting "more popular" he is still BY FAR the lowest popular President elect in over two decades.
. Shows how bad the brainwashing has been, and still is.
If Trump was somehow stopped from being President... there would be zero civil war. Trump supporters will just get on forums across the internet and cry about it.
The Orange Clown will be prez. Clinton is finished, so you all better get over that as well.

But . . . if Trump were prevented from being inaugurated, the fascist alt and far right would do nothing . . . absolutely . . . nothing . . . other than yelling butt hurt yells.
Not only is Clinton finished but the Clinton dynasty is also finished and the Bush dynasty is finished too.

Amazing how many icons Mr. Trump has been able to destroy in one fell swoop !!

Hat's off to the man.
No Civil War necessary....just waiting for Trump to implode
Trump will turn out either like Reagan (a phenomenal success) or Carter (a dismal failure).

It is way to early to tell which right now.

But the first clue will come at the 2018 midterm elections for the Senate.

If the DEM's recapture both House Of Reps and Senate then turn out the lights the party's over.

If the GOP retains control of at least one of the two then we have a ballgame.
And yet it's alt-left morons who are pushing for a coup. Go figure....
For a "liberal democrat", you certainly are quick to echo every fictional alt-right talking point.

But then, you get to parrot every GOP point verbatim, gleefully spread every bit of fake news, seethe with unhinged hatred at every liberal and democrat ... but since you don't openly hate gays, you get to say you're a "liberal democrat".

Notice how nobody believes that crock? That means you ought to drop the charade. Whatever you once were, you're a Republican buttboy now, so own it.

Now, don't you have some more interference to run for DearLeaderTrump, you fine "liberal Democrat?".
And yet it's alt-left morons who are pushing for a coup. Go figure....
For a "liberal democrat", you certainly are quick to echo every fictional alt-right talking point.

But then, you get to parrot every GOP point verbatim, gleefully spread every bit of fake news, seethe with unhinged hatred at every liberal and democrat ... but since you don't openly hate gays, you get to say you're a "liberal democrat".

Notice how nobody believes that crock? That means you ought to drop the charade. Whatever you once were, you're a Republican buttboy now, so own it.

Now, don't you have some more interference to run for DearLeaderTrump, you fine "liberal Democrat?".

The utter corruption of the DNC has soured me on them. Unlike you I am not a willing storm trooper eager to sell my soul for the Party. I have ethics, clearly you don't.
If Trump was somehow stopped from being President... there would be zero civil war. Trump supporters will just get on forums across the internet and cry about it.

You mean, sort of like how the dems did when they lost?

The best you could hope for is throwing the election to the house(which will never happen). If you did that, no Republican in the house would be dumb enough to throw their reelection chances down the toilet. The Majority of Republicans nominated trump. To throw the election from trump would be political suicide for any Republican.

Not if they all elected Kasich instead.

Kasich said he doesn't want the job. Plus you'd have to convince 270 Republicans to switch to Kasich or whomever. If the Republican doesn't get 270 votes, it would be thrown to the house.

That's just it. If one EV is changed to Kasich and neither candidate hits 270... and it goes to the House, then the house could vote in Kasich instead of Trump.

If Trump was somehow stopped from being President... there would be zero civil war. Trump supporters will just get on forums across the internet and cry about it.
I think you're wrong about that. I suspect it wouldn't be safe for Dim politicians to leave their homes.
Trump as president defies the will of the American people.

Maybe say that a million times and it will mean something. The rest of us understand who won the election. Jan. 20th, President Trump.
That's why the buyers' remorse of America is hardening toward Trump. We all understand who won, and we expect Trump to be nominated and then removed by Congress. when he crosses the line, as we all know he will.

Trump won by the rules in play. If the positions were reversed, would you and the other hillary fans be complaining that she won unfairly because she won the electoral vote, and Trump won the popular vote?
I voted against BOTH Clinton and the Orange Clown, jason.

The will of the people seems to be that neither were qualified to run for the presidency.
You have no business bitching about Trump if you threw away your only opportunity to vote for the one viable candidate running against him.
Horse crap. Clinton was no more viable than is Trump.

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