Desaster in Ukraine is probably not enough,Putin wants to annex Transnistria to provoke NATO for WWIII


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
NWO as the true Boss of Putin badly needs a nuclear Armageddon to hide sad aftermaths of 'quackcine' and destroy Russia. Now Russians (and the world of course ) shall be fooled again, Putin is going to annex the next country.

Who benefits:

1. NATO becomes $$$ billions over billions tax payer money
2. Three Baltic dwarves & Poland which defense systems get hugely improved
3. Western whore presstitute propaganda
4. Schwab, WEF, NWO & Satan - the white genocide continues
5. USA and China, because no European competitors in few years

Who loose:

1. Russia ( can be broken in twenty parts)
2. Russian people (who will have millions of deaths)
3. Russian 'economy'
4. Europa which can be annihilated in the nuclear war with Russia

Transnistrian opposition activist Ghenadie Ciorba said on Wednesday that deputies will ask on February 28 for Moscow to annex Transnistria, a day before Putin addresses the Russian Federal Assembly, Moldovan outlet Deschide reported.

If Russians and Russia lose, then it is a win win for the West and NATO.

Like Russia the West is run by satanists with their depopulation and white genocide obsession.
The truth is Putin is the guy of Schwab and does anything possible to take the dream of his bosses into existence: the world without 'evil' whites and Christians
Now Russians (and the world of course ) shall be fooled again, Putin is going to annex the next country.



Transnistria has officially turned to Russia for help
28.02.2024 17:43
Transnistria has appealed to Russia for help in connection with the economic blockade by Moldova, a declaration adopted by the congress of deputies.

The appeal, in which there is a request for help, was adopted to the Russian State Duma and the Sovfed.

Transnistria has faced unprecedented challenges and threats, the resolution of the congress of deputies says. The document notes that 220 thousand Russian citizens permanently reside in Transnistria.

In addition, the congress resolution contains appeals to the UN Secretary General, CIS, European Parliament, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and other organizations with a request to prevent further escalation of the conflict in relations between Chisinau and Tiraspol. The Transnistrian authorities also hope for assistance in resuming a full-fledged dialog with Moldova

Earlier this year, Moldovan authorities introduced a duty on exported goods to Transnistria. To date, shipments can only be made through the Chisinau-controlled section.

In July 2022, Transnistria's Foreign Minister Vitaly Ignatiev told the RIA Novosti news agency that Tiraspol intends to seek independence with subsequent accession to Russia.

P.S. There are huge depots of Soviet munitions concentrated in Transnistria. The Kiev Nazi junta and cocaine junkie Zelensky, who is begging around the world for artillery shells, could really use these warehouses.
So, when you hear or read from corrupt journalists about the lack of freedom and democracy in Transnistria, remember this fact.
Transnistria has officially turned to Russia for help
28.02.2024 17:43
Transnistria has appealed to Russia for help in connection with the economic blockade by Moldova, a declaration adopted by the congress of deputies.

The appeal, in which there is a request for help, was adopted to the Russian State Duma and the Sovfed.

Transnistria has faced unprecedented challenges and threats, the resolution of the congress of deputies says. The document notes that 220 thousand Russian citizens permanently reside in Transnistria.

In addition, the congress resolution contains appeals to the UN Secretary General, CIS, European Parliament, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and other organizations with a request to prevent further escalation of the conflict in relations between Chisinau and Tiraspol. The Transnistrian authorities also hope for assistance in resuming a full-fledged dialog with Moldova

Earlier this year, Moldovan authorities introduced a duty on exported goods to Transnistria. To date, shipments can only be made through the Chisinau-controlled section.

In July 2022, Transnistria's Foreign Minister Vitaly Ignatiev told the RIA Novosti news agency that Tiraspol intends to seek independence with subsequent accession to Russia.

P.S. There are huge depots of Soviet munitions concentrated in Transnistria. The Kiev Nazi junta and cocaine junkie Zelensky, who is begging around the world for artillery shells, could really use these warehouses.
So, when you hear or read from corrupt journalists about the lack of freedom and democracy in Transnistria, remember this fact.
The real threat is from the Nato stooge Romania, that's where any attack will come from.
The real threat is from the Nato stooge Romania, that's where any attack will come from.
I wonder if people in the West know that Russia's peacekeeping 14th army is in Transnistria?
And that an attack on the Russian army would mean war?
The last time such a thing was done when Saakashvili attacked Russian peacekeepers in South Ossetia in 2008.
I wonder if people in the West know that Russia's peacekeeping 14th army is in Transnistria?
And that an attack on the Russian army would mean war?
The last time such a thing was done when Saakashvili attacked Russian peacekeepers in South Ossetia in 2008.
They probably don't know or care, we still see it today when the same clowns say Russia just attacked Geogia out of nowhere, even the EU admitted in the end that Saakashvili started it with a midnight Blitzkrieg on civilians and peacekeepers, once again with the US pushing behind the scenes.
I wonder if people in the West know that Russia's peacekeeping 14th army is in Transnistria?
And that an attack on the Russian army would mean war?
The last time such a thing was done when Saakashvili attacked Russian peacekeepers in South Ossetia in 2008.

you. are joking …..
There was a civil war in Moldova in 1992,

🇸🇦 🐖🇷🇺BS. your mouth is too dirty for our Free World, you Asiatic thug

On 22 June 2018, UN General Assembly adopted resolution (document A/72/L.58), which urged the Moscow empire (ulus) to unconditionally withdraw its troops and armaments without delay from the territory of the Republic of Moldova.

you. are joking …..
On 22 June 2018, UN General Assembly adopted resolution (document A/72/L.58), which urged the Moscow empire (ulus) to unconditionally withdraw its troops and armaments without delay from the territory of the Republic of Moldova.

you. are joking …..
No i am not joking they were working with Georgian peacekeepers and South Osetians, this is the problem some people just don't know what the hell they are talking about and feel they are qualified to comment.
On 22 June 2018, UN General Assembly adopted resolution (document A/72/L.58), which urged the Moscow empire (ulus) to unconditionally withdraw its troops and armaments without delay from the territory of the Republic of Moldova.
The Russians said "F#ck off", and they were right. There are thousands of Russia's citizens living there and Russia won't allow Romanian nationalists to discriminate, abuse or genocide them.
No i am not joking they were working with Georgian peacekeepers and South Osetians, this is the problem some people just don't know what the hell they are talking about and feel they are qualified to comment.
i know wnhat i s m talking sbout …….

do YOU?

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