
where is your concern for the 800 plus black deaths in Chicago due to gun violence? where is your effort to take guns out of the inner cities? where is your legislation?

If you ever post something relevant we should make that a USMB day of remembrance.
dude, I just wanted to out those who don't give a shit about black lives and you fell for it hook line and sinker we know you don't give a shit about black lives. You are happy to abort them and let them kill each other while staying silent. Every once in awhile when challenged as I have done here you stand up and yell HEY HERE I AM, and tell the world you hate black lives. Thanks for standing up and announcing that.

The killer in Texas legally bought guns because the GOP doesn't want an efficient, universal, background check system.
Something 90% of Americans want. So stop pretending you give a shit that those poor people died in Texas.
I can't stop it and neither can you. you should stop pretending you can. That is the sick part of this. you think you can. you can't. And I reference black deaths at 100 times the rate of that one massacre and you don't care. yeah, cause you're so much more moral than me you think you can stop it. funny dude. you are truly a loser and hate black people. you prey on the victims, not me.

You want it to be as easy as possible, and LEGAL, for violent mental cases like the killer in Texas to buy guns.

I don't. That's the difference between you and me. A difference I'm am proud of.
no I don't I want to shut people like you up that think you can read peoples minds. you will never be able to stop crime ahead of it happening no matter how much you wish to demoralize victims. You are not a moral advocate for anything other than propaganda. Now, I'd like to go back and discuss illegal guns and getting those off the streets. why don't you?
it wouldn't have mattered here in the Texas massacre. it just wouldn't have. you can mouth off all day, he would have passed it. WOULD HAVE PASSED IT! therefore, there is nothing you can do. NOTHING.

No...he had a domestic violence conviction on his record. That would have disqualified him.

Yes but what's worse, in Texas he could have found a private seller to sell him the guns legally, no questions asked.
That is the flaw in the background check laws that EVERYONE in America, except for a handful of gun rights extremists, and GOP puppet politicians,

want fixed.
If you ever post something relevant we should make that a USMB day of remembrance.
dude, I just wanted to out those who don't give a shit about black lives and you fell for it hook line and sinker we know you don't give a shit about black lives. You are happy to abort them and let them kill each other while staying silent. Every once in awhile when challenged as I have done here you stand up and yell HEY HERE I AM, and tell the world you hate black lives. Thanks for standing up and announcing that.

The killer in Texas legally bought guns because the GOP doesn't want an efficient, universal, background check system.
Something 90% of Americans want. So stop pretending you give a shit that those poor people died in Texas.
I can't stop it and neither can you. you should stop pretending you can. That is the sick part of this. you think you can. you can't. And I reference black deaths at 100 times the rate of that one massacre and you don't care. yeah, cause you're so much more moral than me you think you can stop it. funny dude. you are truly a loser and hate black people. you prey on the victims, not me.

You want it to be as easy as possible, and LEGAL, for violent mental cases like the killer in Texas to buy guns.

I don't. That's the difference between you and me. A difference I'm am proud of.
no I don't I want to shut people like you up that think you can read peoples minds. you will never be able to stop crime ahead of it happening no matter how much you wish to demoralize victims. You are not a moral advocate for anything other than propaganda. Now, I'd like to go back and discuss illegal guns and getting those off the streets. why don't you?

If laws can't deter crime, why have any laws?
it wouldn't have mattered here in the Texas massacre. it just wouldn't have. you can mouth off all day, he would have passed it. WOULD HAVE PASSED IT! therefore, there is nothing you can do. NOTHING.

No...he had a domestic violence conviction on his record. That would have disqualified him.

Wife beating is accepted in Texas

No reason to keep him from his guns

Democrat walks out of moment of silence for Texas massacre victims

"A junior Democratic congressman walked out of a moment of silence Monday night for victims of this weekend's mass shooting at a Texas church."

Talk about total disrespect to the victims and their families...

Walk-Out was part of an emotion-based ploy to push gun-control...because that's what liberals do when they can't stand / debate on facts / substance....

"I can’t do this again; I’ve been to too many moments of silences..."I urge us to pass reasonable gun safety legislation, including a universal background check law supported by 80 percent of Americans, a ban on assault rifles and a ban on bump stocks”

There is no such thing as an 'assault rifle' - it is a Liberal-generated term used in their Don Quixote-mission of eliminating the 2nd Amendment. ANY rifle can be used to 'assault' someone. As far as the bump stock goes, the GOP agree.
and a bump stock can be a rubber band - so now what?

it's the whole "my way or the highway" all over again. i urge him to stop disrespecting the victims by using them like this for emo-politics.
Riddle me this dumbfuck :
What laws would have prevented this recent shooting?

From what we know...

450 shots fired from an At-15. Just another case of mass murderers having access to their weapon of choice.
Why do we still allow high capacity magazines?
Why is a convicted wife beater allowed to buy weapons?
Why aren't there effective background checks?

There aren't universal background checks because the Republicans in Congress work for one of the most powerful special interest lobbies in the country,

the NRA.
it wouldn't have mattered here in the Texas massacre. it just wouldn't have. you can mouth off all day, he would have passed it. WOULD HAVE PASSED IT! therefore, there is nothing you can do. NOTHING.

He only passed it because the proper authorities didn't do their job.

And BTW, you don't even need a background check to sell guns legally in Texas.
so, it fking happened and guess what you couldn't have stopped it cause someone screwed up. any moral outrage you have is stupid. the fact is, even if he had been on file correctly, he still would have gotten a gun through illegal processes and still would have done what he did because,....... he wanted to. You think you can stop someone who wants to that you know nothing about. and you fill the victims with this nonsense during their mourning. you are sick as I already stated.
Seeing the photo and story of the mother who died trying to shield her 4 children is heartbreaking, but the prayers and meditation ended too soon.
what is the LAWFUL PURPOSE for the average joe to own an assault weapon??
assault weapon? You mean a sword? :rolleyes:

sure simpleton, all of them, compare and contrast their LAWFUL PURPOSE right up to the most extreme weapons which is the TOPIC. :itsok:
Lawful purpose?
How about
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
what is the LAWFUL PURPOSE for the average joe to own an assault weapon??

The NRA and their conservative backers want to make sure that any assassin has unfettered access to the weapon of his choice

What is the best weapon to slaughter young children and churchgoers?

AR-15 big a magazine do I need?
Bump stock? Hey...go for it bubba
what is the LAWFUL PURPOSE for the average joe to own an assault weapon??

The NRA and their conservative backers want to make sure that any assassin has unfettered access to the weapon of his choice

What is the best weapon to slaughter young children and churchgoers?

AR-15 big a magazine do I need?
Bump stock? Hey...go for it bubba
bump stock got legal by obamas ATF
Try again, hack boi

This is the Poster Child for Hypocrites.

The scum lovers are all upset with "thoughts and prayers."

They demand action.

BUT when it is one of their smelling ass Muslim's doing the killing...
it's all about..."We're Boston Strong," or "We're Orlando Strong,"
or "We're New York Strong," or "Whatever Strong."

The rhetoric becomes "we're not going to give in to terrorist."
Or..."We will continue with our Normal Lives."

And when the POTUS takes steps to improve the vetting on this
worthless shit that is entering this Country, their phony judges
block it, temporarily, and they cheer it on. Then they welcome
this filth at the airport.

The worthless scum loving, jaboni loving, naughty little sissy boy
loving, liberals wrote the book on being two-faced.

I have no problem in keeping assault rifles out of the hands of Muslim terrorists
They can't fly....but no problem getting the guns they need

Why does the NRA?
it wouldn't have mattered here in the Texas massacre. it just wouldn't have. you can mouth off all day, he would have passed it. WOULD HAVE PASSED IT! therefore, there is nothing you can do. NOTHING.

No...he had a domestic violence conviction on his record. That would have disqualified him.
but it wasn't entered into the database. Why didn't you stop him you know about it now? Funny again, you think you are a moral person and you aren't. you point to Monday morning quarterbacking like you could have done something different. you couldn't have, someone already fked up. No matter how many gun laws, he would have gotten them. Pissed isn't a solution. because there is no solution. only defense against it. no more gun free zones that attract mental disordered people?
what is the LAWFUL PURPOSE for the average joe to own an assault weapon??

The NRA and their conservative backers want to make sure that any assassin has unfettered access to the weapon of his choice

What is the best weapon to slaughter young children and churchgoers?

AR-15 big a magazine do I need?
Bump stock? Hey...go for it bubba
bump stock got legal by obamas ATF
Try again, hack boi

So...lets ban them

What's despicable are the GOP NRA puppets pretending they give a shit.

Like you nimrods actually care about this beyond seeing it as a method to get your agenda pushed.

Our "agenda" is about saving lives, saving the lives of people such as the ones in this massacre, which is the ONLY reason to want stricter gun control. To you people, caring about these people is all pretense; to you they are just collateral.
What laws would have prevented this besides banning guns?

What laws prevent rape?

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