
because it doesn't matter, they're crazy and don't follow rules. they will do whatever it takes to do what they want to do. no matter what you think. That's why they're crazy.

shit, why have ANY laws at all then?? :uhoh3:
no more gun free zones that attract mental disordered people?

We learned that the Texas shooter didn't even care about gun free zones and the reason he shot up the church was because of a personal dispute he had with his ex.

You're the one who think s letting domestic abusers get guns is OK. Over half of all mass shooters are males with domestic violence records. So wouldn't it make sense to prohibit anyone with a domestic violence charge from buying a gun?
never said any such thing and you're now insulting me without proof. you're sick you're as crazy as the dude that just did it. you point at me instead of looking for a way to avoid it. There are ways, places like churches should lock doors once everyone is in to avoid someone from just walking in with three guns dressed like a military guy. Next having someone in attendance that can shot a dude that attempts it would be nice. See you think you can just stop him by having his name on a list. That makes you crazy.
what is the LAWFUL PURPOSE for the average joe to own an assault weapon??

The NRA and their conservative backers want to make sure that any assassin has unfettered access to the weapon of his choice

What is the best weapon to slaughter young children and churchgoers?

AR-15 big a magazine do I need?
Bump stock? Hey...go for it bubba
bump stock got legal by obamas ATF
Try again, hack boi

So...lets ban them

If we legalize machine guns.
Honestly, you people look like fools. I bet 90% of you didnt even know what they were until ONE PERSON abuses them. Its fucking pathetic dude.
because it doesn't matter, they're crazy and don't follow rules. they will do whatever it takes to do what they want to do. no matter what you think. That's why they're crazy.

shit, why have ANY laws at all then?? :uhoh3:
the laws are for punishment. To which demolosers are against. You really think the law is to stop someone from committing a crime? really, that's what you're going with? LOL you are immature.

BTW, sane people see the law and know it is merely a deterrent, it will not stop crazy people cause they don't care and again, what makes them crazy. It's why we have a police force. Lawyers, Judges and Jails.
no more gun free zones that attract mental disordered people?

We learned that the Texas shooter didn't even care about gun free zones and the reason he shot up the church was because of a personal dispute he had with his ex.

You're the one who think s letting domestic abusers get guns is OK. Over half of all mass shooters are males with domestic violence records. So wouldn't it make sense to prohibit anyone with a domestic violence charge from buying a gun?

A finding does. Unfair I still believe. I support renewed 2nd Amendment rights for reformed felons, and do not support anti 2nd Amendment PANIC ideas. By reformed I refer to a man who spent 20 years outside after prison for gasp....conspiracy to distribute cannabis, became a good businessman....wanted his firearm rights restored, to hunt. No go Republican Governor. All others restored on first shot. From voting, rright to be a Guardian, run a Corporation involving finances, etc. He is in the Timber business, so firearm rights came first with him.
There are ways, places like churches should lock doors once everyone is in to avoid someone from just walking in with three guns dressed like a military guy.

So your solution is to lock people inside of churches? What happens if there's a fire? Then all those people are trapped. They can't lock doors because of fire code laws. What if the shooter sneaks a gun into the church and then the doors are all locked? You don't really think these things through, do you? Seems like it would just be easier to limit access to guns, then churches don't have to break fire code laws just to protect their people from shooters.

Next having someone in attendance that can shot a dude that attempts it would be nice. See you think you can just stop him by having his name on a list. That makes you crazy.

Pure fantasy. Having his name on a list would prevent him from buying the gun legally. That's the point.
finding does. Unfair I still believe

But you can't say how or why you think this.

support renewed 2nd Amendment rights for reformed felons

Why? If they can't vote, then they shouldn't be allowed to buy a gun either.

and do not support anti 2nd Amendment PANIC ideas. By reformed I refer to a man who spent 20 years outside after prison for gasp....conspiracy to distribute cannabis, became a good businessman....wanted his firearm rights restored, to hunt. No go Republican Governor. All others restored on first shot. From voting, rright to be a Guardian, run a Corporation involving finances, etc. He is in the Timber business, so firearm rights came first with him.

The fantasy gun owner you are dreaming up doesn't exist and never will.
what is the LAWFUL PURPOSE for the average joe to own an assault weapon??

The NRA and their conservative backers want to make sure that any assassin has unfettered access to the weapon of his choice

What is the best weapon to slaughter young children and churchgoers?

AR-15 big a magazine do I need?
Bump stock? Hey...go for it bubba
bump stock got legal by obamas ATF
Try again, hack boi

So...lets ban them

If we legalize machine guns.
Honestly, you people look like fools. I bet 90% of you didnt even know what they were until ONE PERSON abuses them. Its fucking pathetic dude.

I know.....the 57 people slaughtered in Las Vegas appreciate you defending the monster who had open access to so much firepower
What's despicable are the GOP NRA puppets pretending they give a shit.

Like you nimrods actually care about this beyond seeing it as a method to get your agenda pushed.

Our "agenda" is about saving lives, saving the lives of people such as the ones in this massacre, which is the ONLY reason to want stricter gun control. To you people, caring about these people is all pretense; to you they are just collateral.

Your agenda is control wrapped up in touchy feely "Think of the Children" type sap. You want government to have all the power, and the people dependent on it.

Samuel Adams said it best:

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you.May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."
finding does. Unfair I still believe

But you can't say how or why you think this.

support renewed 2nd Amendment rights for reformed felons

Why? If they can't vote, then they shouldn't be allowed to buy a gun either.

and do not support anti 2nd Amendment PANIC ideas. By reformed I refer to a man who spent 20 years outside after prison for gasp....conspiracy to distribute cannabis, became a good businessman....wanted his firearm rights restored, to hunt. No go Republican Governor. All others restored on first shot. From voting, rright to be a Guardian, run a Corporation involving finances, etc. He is in the Timber business, so firearm rights came first with him.

The fantasy gun owner you are dreaming up doesn't exist and never will.

I have known him since high school; a religious conservative. Now, I can wax poetic on "gun and light at night" and the reason that hunters must respect the history of the joy of hunting, and abide by regulations; the Judge did. Lecture, fine, and the lecture was remembered.
I will settle for banning bump stocks if we make machine guns legal

I'll trade bump stocks in NYC for being able to get a CCW without spending $1000 or begging some NYPD idiot, and getting a home use handgun permit without waiting 3-6 months and spending $500.00

We get it. You want to be able to buy guns as easily as the deranged killer, convicted of violent crimes, did in Texas.

No, I want to be able to get a firearm without having to beg for it.

And he was able to get his because the check system failed due to government failure.

Why should I be punished because the government couldn't do it job?
what is the LAWFUL PURPOSE for the average joe to own an assault weapon??

The NRA and their conservative backers want to make sure that any assassin has unfettered access to the weapon of his choice

What is the best weapon to slaughter young children and churchgoers?

AR-15 big a magazine do I need?
Bump stock? Hey...go for it bubba
bump stock got legal by obamas ATF
Try again, hack boi

So...lets ban them

If we legalize machine guns.
Honestly, you people look like fools. I bet 90% of you didnt even know what they were until ONE PERSON abuses them. Its fucking pathetic dude.

I know.....the 57 people slaughtered in Las Vegas appreciate you defending the monster who had open access to so much firepower
Im not defending him, you dishonest prick.
I have known him since high school; a religious conservative.

You should know by now that unverifiable personal anecdotes aren't something that can be accepted in a debate. So your imaginary friend isn't an effective counter-argument to the facts. And why is it that in order to lend credibility to your argument, you feel you have to invoke something you know cannot be verified? Easy; you're being lazy.
I'll trade bump stocks in NYC for being able to get a CCW without spending $1000 or begging some NYPD idiot, and getting a home use handgun permit without waiting 3-6 months and spending $500.00

Why? Why should we trade one way of you nuts getting guns for another way for you nuts to get guns.

The problem is, it's too easy for nuts to get guns.
There are ways, places like churches should lock doors once everyone is in to avoid someone from just walking in with three guns dressed like a military guy.

So your solution is to lock people inside of churches? What happens if there's a fire? Then all those people are trapped. They can't lock doors because of fire code laws. What if the shooter sneaks a gun into the church and then the doors are all locked? You don't really think these things through, do you? Seems like it would just be easier to limit access to guns, then churches don't have to break fire code laws just to protect their people from shooters.

Next having someone in attendance that can shot a dude that attempts it would be nice. See you think you can just stop him by having his name on a list. That makes you crazy.

Pure fantasy. Having his name on a list would prevent him from buying the gun legally. That's the point.
Pure fantasy. Having his name on a list would prevent him from buying the gun legally. That's the point.

Does it stop him from buying one illegally? LOL, you fks are truly clueless.

They can't lock doors because of fire code laws.

There are doors with one way locks. There is a bar you push to exit. ever see em before can't get in but can get out? again, dude you are truly clueless.

Funny, I work in a building that every outside door is locked all day everyday and it passes fire codes all the time. one must have a badge to unlock the door to come in. but to go out, push the bar and the door opens. wow, you need to get into the 20th century.

Oh and we have security guards that watch those coming in and going out.
No, I want to be able to get a firearm without having to beg for it.

How would a background check result in you having to in-dignify yourself by "begging"? Isn't that just a dramatic, wild emotional exaggeration?

And he was able to get his because the check system failed due to government failure.

No, due to the Air Force not putting in his conviction into the system. So the system would work, if your friends in the military did their jobs.

Why should I be punished because the government couldn't do it job?

How are you punished? What punishment are you facing? None. You're just being a drama queen.
What's despicable are the GOP NRA puppets pretending they give a shit.

Like you nimrods actually care about this beyond seeing it as a method to get your agenda pushed.

Our "agenda" is about saving lives, saving the lives of people such as the ones in this massacre, which is the ONLY reason to want stricter gun control. To you people, caring about these people is all pretense; to you they are just collateral.

Your agenda is control wrapped up in touchy feely "Think of the Children" type sap. You want government to have all the power, and the people dependent on it.

Samuel Adams said it best:

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you.May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."

That's nonsense, absolute nonsense. I want to save lives. I want life in America to be safer, for everyone. The proliferation of guns in the US makes it a more dangerous society. I want to stop the mass shootings. I want people with obsessions about guns to stop putting the rest of the country at their mercy. My desire for gun control has nothing to do with government or control. It has to do with having a safer, saner society.

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