
In NYC you have to "show cause" to get a CCW.

In NYC you have to pay over $400 and wait 3-6 months just to keep a revolver legally in your own home.

Air Force is government, government failure.

I agree, the Air Force failed because our system isnt' designed to keep nuts from getting guns.

Again, the gun industry wants nuts to have guns. Then everyone else will want them, too.
No easy answers, and gun bans, more regs will not.
no answers. Period. It's all delusional thinking by the left as always. they think they can stop a crazy person. You didn't stop John Wayne Gacy? you didn't stop Charles Manson. Even knew about them, and still couldn't stop em. See the thing is, delusional thinking gets people killed.
In NYC you have to "show cause" to get a CCW.

In NYC you have to pay over $400 and wait 3-6 months just to keep a revolver legally in your own home.

Air Force is government, government failure.

I agree, the Air Force failed because our system isnt' designed to keep nuts from getting guns.

Again, the gun industry wants nuts to have guns. Then everyone else will want them, too.
no it didn't and the information is always and will always be manually input into the system. If someone doesn't enter a name, guess what happens, it doesn't get added to the list. You are truly stupid.
Our "agenda" is about saving lives, saving the lives of people such as the ones in this massacre, which is the ONLY reason to want stricter gun control. To you people, caring about these people is all pretense; to you they are just collateral.

Your agenda is control wrapped up in touchy feely "Think of the Children" type sap. You want government to have all the power, and the people dependent on it.

Samuel Adams said it best:

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you.May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."

That's nonsense, absolute nonsense. I want to save lives. I want life in America to be safer, for everyone. The proliferation of guns in the US makes it a more dangerous society. I want to stop the mass shootings. I want people with obsessions about guns to stop putting the rest of the country at their mercy. My desire for gun control has nothing to do with government or control. It has to do with having a safer, saner society.

Safer saner by YOUR RULES OR ELSE? Right?

Again, surrender your own freedom for some token safety and suck the government dick on your own time.
No one has absolute free will. Even a hermit is restricted by environment. If you are going to be a positive member of society, you have to be restricted in various ways.
how, what is your solution?
Utilitarianism: The word utilitarian was coined by the philosopher and judge Jeremy Bentham, who argued that his principle of utility would create the "greatest happiness for the greatest number of people." Pragmatic, realistic. Most Americans want stricter gun control. People would be safer and happier with less guns in circulation in the country.
I think more of this country than that. We have surmounted the odds again and again.
because it doesn't matter, they're crazy and don't follow rules. they will do whatever it takes to do what they want to do. no matter what you think. That's why they're crazy.

shit, why have ANY laws at all then?? :uhoh3:
the laws are for punishment. To which demolosers are against. You really think the law is to stop someone from committing a crime? really, that's what you're going with? LOL you are immature.

BTW, sane people see the law and know it is merely a deterrent, it will not stop crazy people cause they don't care and again, what makes them crazy. It's why we have a police force. Lawyers, Judges and Jails.

You deny that laws have any deterrent effect? Goddam that's stupid.

So you believe that if there were no laws against shoplifting, the amount of goods taken out of stores, not paid for,
would remain the same as it is today.

Goddam that's stupid.
Your agenda is control wrapped up in touchy feely "Think of the Children" type sap. You want government to have all the power, and the people dependent on it.

Samuel Adams said it best:

That's nonsense, absolute nonsense. I want to save lives. I want life in America to be safer, for everyone. The proliferation of guns in the US makes it a more dangerous society. I want to stop the mass shootings. I want people with obsessions about guns to stop putting the rest of the country at their mercy. My desire for gun control has nothing to do with government or control. It has to do with having a safer, saner society.

Safer saner by YOUR RULES OR ELSE? Right?

Again, surrender your own freedom for some token safety and suck the government dick on your own time.
No one has absolute free will. Even a hermit is restricted by environment. If you are going to be a positive member of society, you have to be restricted in various ways.
how, what is your solution?
Utilitarianism: The word utilitarian was coined by the philosopher and judge Jeremy Bentham, who argued that his principle of utility would create the "greatest happiness for the greatest number of people." Pragmatic, realistic. Most Americans want stricter gun control. People would be safer and happier with less guns in circulation in the country.
and that is pure delusional thinking. sorry!

so what day is the next crazy going down? come on man you think you know how to stop it. where will it be?
Your agenda is control wrapped up in touchy feely "Think of the Children" type sap. You want government to have all the power, and the people dependent on it.

Samuel Adams said it best:

That's nonsense, absolute nonsense. I want to save lives. I want life in America to be safer, for everyone. The proliferation of guns in the US makes it a more dangerous society. I want to stop the mass shootings. I want people with obsessions about guns to stop putting the rest of the country at their mercy. My desire for gun control has nothing to do with government or control. It has to do with having a safer, saner society.

Safer saner by YOUR RULES OR ELSE? Right?

Again, surrender your own freedom for some token safety and suck the government dick on your own time.
No one has absolute free will. Even a hermit is restricted by environment. If you are going to be a positive member of society, you have to be restricted in various ways.
how, what is your solution?
Utilitarianism: The word utilitarian was coined by the philosopher and judge Jeremy Bentham, who argued that his principle of utility would create the "greatest happiness for the greatest number of people." Pragmatic, realistic. Most Americans want stricter gun control. People would be safer and happier with less guns in circulation in the country.

Great you pulled that up, not applicable in this context. The majority may want all persons to be required to carry next month, an ever changing most want set?
That's nonsense, absolute nonsense. I want to save lives. I want life in America to be safer, for everyone. The proliferation of guns in the US makes it a more dangerous society. I want to stop the mass shootings. I want people with obsessions about guns to stop putting the rest of the country at their mercy. My desire for gun control has nothing to do with government or control. It has to do with having a safer, saner society.

Safer saner by YOUR RULES OR ELSE? Right?

Again, surrender your own freedom for some token safety and suck the government dick on your own time.
No one has absolute free will. Even a hermit is restricted by environment. If you are going to be a positive member of society, you have to be restricted in various ways.
how, what is your solution?
Utilitarianism: The word utilitarian was coined by the philosopher and judge Jeremy Bentham, who argued that his principle of utility would create the "greatest happiness for the greatest number of people." Pragmatic, realistic. Most Americans want stricter gun control. People would be safer and happier with less guns in circulation in the country.
and that is pure delusional thinking. sorry!

so what day is the next crazy going down? come on man you think you know how to stop it. where will it be?

Do laws against rape deter rape?
because it doesn't matter, they're crazy and don't follow rules. they will do whatever it takes to do what they want to do. no matter what you think. That's why they're crazy.

shit, why have ANY laws at all then?? :uhoh3:
the laws are for punishment. To which demolosers are against. You really think the law is to stop someone from committing a crime? really, that's what you're going with? LOL you are immature.

BTW, sane people see the law and know it is merely a deterrent, it will not stop crazy people cause they don't care and again, what makes them crazy. It's why we have a police force. Lawyers, Judges and Jails.

You deny that laws have any deterrent effect? Goddam that's stupid.

So you believe that if there were no laws against shoplifting, the amount of goods taken out of stores, not paid for,
would remain the same as it is today.

Goddam that's stupid.
nope and it isn't what I said. nice to fk that up bubba. I said you can't make someone who is crazy abide by the laws, sane people know this. insane people don't fking care the consequences. They like suicide by whatever. That stupid fk is my point.
Safer saner by YOUR RULES OR ELSE? Right?

Again, surrender your own freedom for some token safety and suck the government dick on your own time.
No one has absolute free will. Even a hermit is restricted by environment. If you are going to be a positive member of society, you have to be restricted in various ways.
how, what is your solution?
Utilitarianism: The word utilitarian was coined by the philosopher and judge Jeremy Bentham, who argued that his principle of utility would create the "greatest happiness for the greatest number of people." Pragmatic, realistic. Most Americans want stricter gun control. People would be safer and happier with less guns in circulation in the country.
and that is pure delusional thinking. sorry!

so what day is the next crazy going down? come on man you think you know how to stop it. where will it be?

Do laws against rape deter rape?
it does to many people but not all. if you think it does then there would be no need for police or courtrooms.
What's despicable are the GOP NRA puppets pretending they give a shit.

Prayers are easy to fake. Action requires a commitment.
such as?

Anything more than pretending to pray.
sure set up defenses to stop someone from randomly entering a church or theater after closing doors. I already stated what could be done to defend against it. Now you present a solution that will stop it.
That's nonsense, absolute nonsense. I want to save lives. I want life in America to be safer, for everyone. The proliferation of guns in the US makes it a more dangerous society. I want to stop the mass shootings. I want people with obsessions about guns to stop putting the rest of the country at their mercy. My desire for gun control has nothing to do with government or control. It has to do with having a safer, saner society.

Safer saner by YOUR RULES OR ELSE? Right?

Again, surrender your own freedom for some token safety and suck the government dick on your own time.
No one has absolute free will. Even a hermit is restricted by environment. If you are going to be a positive member of society, you have to be restricted in various ways.
how, what is your solution?
Utilitarianism: The word utilitarian was coined by the philosopher and judge Jeremy Bentham, who argued that his principle of utility would create the "greatest happiness for the greatest number of people." Pragmatic, realistic. Most Americans want stricter gun control. People would be safer and happier with less guns in circulation in the country.
and that is pure delusional thinking. sorry!

so what day is the next crazy going down? come on man you think you know how to stop it. where will it be?
You've never studied sociology, perhaps not much of anything.
as a gun owner i do believe it is time to examine why these mass shootings are occurring....and perhaps more vetting
They’re occurring because we have abandoned all of our morals as a society. Any society that accepts deviancy like we do gets this kind of thing.

What deviancy is causing massacres?
Total disregard for human life in the womb for one. When a human isn't a human during pregnancy it doesn't hold that much value after birth either. The attacks on Christianity, no morality is being taught to young kids and as a result they are now adults without any. Forced acceptance of every concievable sexual perversion you can think of. Trannies, homo's, hell the left is even starting to push incest and pedophelia as normal. Destruction of families. etc. etc. etc.

Basically everything you liberals stand for.
In NYC you have to "show cause" to get a CCW.

OK, and that's begging how?

In NYC you have to pay over $400 and wait 3-6 months just to keep a revolver legally in your own home.

OK, and that's a punishment, how?

Air Force is government, government failure.

Government is only as effective as the people you elect to it. If you want more effective government, stop electing people who think the institution of government is the problem. As PJ O'Rourke says, "[Conservatives] like to say government is the problem, then they get elected and prove it."

How about if you had to show cause to vote?

Again, how about a $100 fee and a 2 week waiting period for an abortion?

The problem is the government at all levels has become too bloated to be responsible to the people.

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