Despite Mueller handing 45 a gift of no collusion and 45's crony watering it down, there is a catch

It was fine for Trump to boast that he was found innocent on collusion but again, he went to far. "I have been totally exonerated..." No he was not He just was not found guilty.. Barr even used the same word "it does not exonerate him."

He could be happy all night but he had to give the liberals a bone. As soon as he said it, I just shook my head.
As 45, his cronies and brainwashed cult followers do their victory lap with all that winning from hell, apparently the morons forgot the fact that this is hardly over, and despite Mueller's report, Congress already has evidence of 45 conspiring directly and indirectly with Russians to hack the election in his favor. There is also they SDNY legal dilemma hovering over the 45 tyrant. After all, if there were no conspiracy, why have numerous 45 cronies, including Russians been indicted, jailed and charged in relation to 45's pyramid of crimes against humanity to lawlessly corrupt the 2016 election? Obviously this is not over, although 45 and his fool's might think so because Mueller's investigation was not the only method used to obtain unobstructed details regarding 45's treasonous ways that his idiot follows thinks is so innocent. Also it might not bode well with 45's hand picked fellow crook Barr at obstructing the entire report against public knowledge that paid the $40 million as taxpayers for the investigation, watering down or minimizing a otherwise explosive matter of 45's high crimes and misdemeanors.

Congress already has evidence of 45 conspiring directly and indirectly with Russians to hack the election in his favor.
amazing that over the course of the investigation, no one brought that evidence to Muellers attention.
I'm sure it was.

Wake up and smell the MAGA!

Not ONE Trump cult far....addressed the O/P...

No wonder Trump stated that he loves the poorly educated.......LMAO
"Not found guilty", "found not guilty" or "exonerated", take your pick. There never was any evidence of "collusion". Mueller spent two years trying to deflect America's attention from an attempted political coup by agents of the last administration.
It appears 45 and his team of unAmerican degenerates are having their victory party against America and the civilized part of humanity. This atrocity thinking Mueller let Americans down at siding with a Russian puppet, claiming there is no evidence of a collusion or conspiracy against democracy perpetrated by 45 and his fellow goons? Well despite 45's hand picked crony Barr conspiring against society at obstructing its ability to see the entire un tempered with report, could backfire on him in a way I don't think Barr would find it worth destroying his career Over. This as a result of accommodating a demonstrated felonious criminal against the law and humanity. Yet it appears this latest conspiracy to obstruct justice within the 45 circle of sedition will not have much of a affect on how justice will continue to evolve against this monstrous 45 and crony created scandal against society. Investigations will continue despite submission of the Mueller report - CNNPolitics
As 45, his cronies and brainwashed cult followers do their victory lap with all that winning from hell, apparently the morons forgot the fact that this is hardly over, and despite Mueller's report, Congress already has evidence of 45 conspiring directly and indirectly with Russians to hack the election in his favor. There is also they SDNY legal dilemma hovering over the 45 tyrant. After all, if there were no conspiracy, why have numerous 45 cronies, including Russians been indicted, jailed and charged in relation to 45's pyramid of crimes against humanity to lawlessly corrupt the 2016 election? Obviously this is not over, although 45 and his fool's might think so because Mueller's investigation was not the only method used to obtain unobstructed details regarding 45's treasonous ways that his idiot follows thinks is so innocent. Also it might not bode well with 45's hand picked fellow crook Barr at obstructing the entire report against public knowledge that paid the $40 million as taxpayers for the investigation, watering down or minimizing a otherwise explosive matter of 45's high crimes and misdemeanors.

Congress already has evidence of 45 conspiring directly and indirectly with Russians to hack the election in his favor.
amazing that over the course of the investigation, no one brought that evidence to Muellers attention.
I'm sure it was.

Wake up and smell the MAGA!


I just love how Diamond n' Silk keep reminding the Democrat Plantation slaves that they are still on the plantation.
While those ladies are truly free!
It appears 45 and his team of unAmerican degenerates are having their victory party against America and the civilized part of humanity. This atrocity thinking Mueller let Americans down at siding with a Russian puppet, claiming there is no evidence of a collusion or conspiracy against democracy perpetrated by 45 and his fellow goons? Well despite 45's hand picked crony Barr conspiring against society at obstructing its ability to see the entire un tempered with report, could backfire on him in a way I don't think Barr would find it worth destroying his career Over. This as a result of accommodating a demonstrated felonious criminal against the law and humanity. Yet it appears this latest conspiracy to obstruct justice within the 45 circle of sedition will not have much of a affect on how justice will continue to evolve against this monstrous 45 and crony created scandal against society. Investigations will continue despite submission of the Mueller report - CNNPolitics

Don't all presidents hand pick their AGs?
We know who will "explore this a bit further," all those who didn't get what they expected from Mueller.

And you shouldn't expect anyone to address that whole "while this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him [from obstruction of justice]." It's one of those sticky little facts that doesn't neatly fit into the "WE WON!" narrative.
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I support Trump but I am a realist. He shouldn't be allowed to talk without getting a printed speech from a speech writer.
It won’t last. The worlds going to come crashing down. They already have multiple felonies against Trump. Is soon as he leaves office he’s going to be hit with indictments.
There was one interesting sentence in that whitewash letter that Barr sent to congress, where Barr directly cites a statement made by Mueller regarding obstruction of justice.

From the Barr letter......"The special counsel states that 'while thus report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it ALSO does NOT exonerate him [from obstruction of justice.]'

Rather interesting as to who will explore this a bit further........

So you want to push it to the Left? So what, your screwed-) Watch how many of your peeps get hosed now that the special counsel is disbanded.

You are going to be so damn busy spinning like Beanie and Cecil, you aren't going to have time to worry about Trump!

Cya, wouldn't want to be ya-)
There was one interesting sentence in that whitewash letter that Barr sent to congress, where Barr directly cites a statement made by Mueller regarding obstruction of justice.

From the Barr letter......"The special counsel states that 'while thus report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it ALSO does NOT exonerate him [from obstruction of justice.]'

Rather interesting as to who will explore this a bit further........

Don't have to......any educated person knows the role of the special counsel is NOT to exonerate the target. It is to bring indictments if crimes are found to have been committed.

Have to bring better game to a thread sweetie...…….:2up:
Top story on DRUDGE.....



Complete and total exhonoration!!

Head out for the premium selection of beer tonight my friends!
Hey, I like Trump and will vote for him again, but he was not completely and totally exonerated. He was not exonerated on obstruction.

He just has to shut up. He gave the liberals a great talking point.
It appears 45 and his team of unAmerican degenerates are having their victory party against America and the civilized part of humanity. This atrocity thinking Mueller let Americans down at siding with a Russian puppet, claiming there is no evidence of a collusion or conspiracy against democracy perpetrated by 45 and his fellow goons? Well despite 45's hand picked crony Barr conspiring against society at obstructing its ability to see the entire un tempered with report, could backfire on him in a way I don't think Barr would find it worth destroying his career Over. This as a result of accommodating a demonstrated felonious criminal against the law and humanity. Yet it appears this latest conspiracy to obstruct justice within the 45 circle of sedition will not have much of a affect on how justice will continue to evolve against this monstrous 45 and crony created scandal against society. Investigations will continue despite submission of the Mueller report - CNNPolitics

Don't all presidents hand pick their AGs?
Well legally speaking, 45 is no legitimate president who is also in violation of U.S. Constitutional law as a result of the electoral college voting for the demagogue and tyrant, and states getting hacked in 45's favor, etc.
Top story on DRUDGE.....



Complete and total exhonoration!!

Head out for the premium selection of beer tonight my friends!
Hey, I like Trump and will vote for him again, but he was not completely and totally exonerated. He was not exonerated on obstruction.

He just has to shut up. He gave the liberals a great talking point.

Only a political matter now...….the legal stuff is behind the president, thank God :deal::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
It appears 45 and his team of unAmerican degenerates are having their victory party against America and the civilized part of humanity. This atrocity thinking Mueller let Americans down at siding with a Russian puppet, claiming there is no evidence of a collusion or conspiracy against democracy perpetrated by 45 and his fellow goons? Well despite 45's hand picked crony Barr conspiring against society at obstructing its ability to see the entire un tempered with report, could backfire on him in a way I don't think Barr would find it worth destroying his career Over. This as a result of accommodating a demonstrated felonious criminal against the law and humanity. Yet it appears this latest conspiracy to obstruct justice within the 45 circle of sedition will not have much of a affect on how justice will continue to evolve against this monstrous 45 and crony created scandal against society. Investigations will continue despite submission of the Mueller report - CNNPolitics

Don't all presidents hand pick their AGs?
Well legally speaking, 45 is no legitimate president who is also in violation of U.S. Constitutional law as a result of the electoral college voting for the demagogue and tyrant, and states getting hacked in 45's favor, etc.

You're a loser, too.

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