DHS Vans Taking Antifa Away

id be ok with a remote island, base infrastructure and drop 'em off with enough to live on for a year.

there. y'all do what you want but you're never leaving the island.
Yeah that works too. I do think there would be some poetic justice for letting them try to live under the form of government they love so much.

Did you hear about the class-action suit filed on behalf of people who own property in the "CHAZ/CHOP" area of Seattle?

"This lawsuit does not seek to undermine CHOP participants’ message or present a counter message. Rather, this lawsuit is about the constitutional and other legal rights of Plaintiffs… which were overrun by the City of Seattle’s unprecedented decision to abandon and close off an entire city neighborhood, leaving it unchecked by the police, unserved by fire and emergency health services and inaccessible to the public at large.”

So they're basically saying, "How DARE you make us actually live out the views we express?!"

Leftists, man.
Yea not like having a leader say people do what they do as they rear down the county.

ya fuck.

So the actions of tin pot dictatorships are fine so long as they go after people you don’t like. Quick question, and only one question. What happens when they come after you?
you can thank Obama for signing off on ndaa 2012 indefinite detention yeah thanks Obama

Ok. Let’s agree Obama was wrong. He was. But how does that excuse the actions of monsters today? If it was wrong when Obama did it. And I called the Feds on it when they rampaged around Boston searching houses without warrants after the bombing. How is it any less wrong today?
Yea not like having a leader say people do what they do as they rear down the county.

ya fuck.

So the actions of tin pot dictatorships are fine so long as they go after people you don’t like. Quick question, and only one question. What happens when they come after you?
you can thank Obama for signing off on ndaa 2012 indefinite detention yeah thanks Obama

Ok. Let’s agree Obama was wrong. He was. But how does that excuse the actions of monsters today? If it was wrong when Obama did it. And I called the Feds on it when they rampaged around Boston searching houses without warrants after the bombing. How is it any less wrong today?
to late to whine about it now
You leftists were silent when Obama was President and did it
Yea not like having a leader say people do what they do as they rear down the county.

ya fuck.

So the actions of tin pot dictatorships are fine so long as they go after people you don’t like. Quick question, and only one question. What happens when they come after you?
you can thank Obama for signing off on ndaa 2012 indefinite detention yeah thanks Obama

Ok. Let’s agree Obama was wrong. He was. But how does that excuse the actions of monsters today? If it was wrong when Obama did it. And I called the Feds on it when they rampaged around Boston searching houses without warrants after the bombing. How is it any less wrong today?
cause it ain't the same thing. arresting people isn't kidnapping.

get off this shit cause now you're trying to say YEA WE WERE WRONG BUT SO - YOU SHOULDN'T DO IT CAUSE WE DID.

what obama did was wrong.
arresting people isn't kidnapping now matter how many times you say it is.
Being hauled off in a van isn't an arrest?
Then what is it?
removal from a situation and is standard practice. Happens at bars with bouncers. Arrest occurs at the station. And that isn't always a given either. they can detain anyone they want.
This isn’t a club, it’s the street. Snatching people off the street and driving them to undisclosed locations is arrest by any sane definition.
Being hauled off in a van isn't an arrest?
Then what is it?
removal from a situation and is standard practice. Happens at bars with bouncers. Arrest occurs at the station. And that isn't always a given either. they can detain anyone they want.
This isn’t a club, it’s the street. Snatching people off the street and driving them to undisclosed locations is arrest by any sane definition.
are you a fucking idiot or a liar,,,
I cant think of any other reason for your comment,,,,

as we all know they were brought in for questioning over an attack against a government building by radical extremists,,,
they were read their rights and released after the questioning,,,

so wheres the crime???
It's unconstitutional to use federal policing power....

It was not delegated to the federal gvt, in the Constitution, thus it is reserved to the State.

Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
when the crime happened on federal property they have the authority,,,
more so when the locals refuse to do their job,,,
Where does the Constitution say such? If it does, which I haven't found, then please post it.... otherwise, policing is reserved to the States.

If it's to protect a federal building, and that is somehow permitted, then they surround the federal building to protect the federal building, but that does or would not allow them to go out in the public streets to police, the protesters as if they were state or local police.
Maybe if I type slowly you’ll understand. These idiots attacked a FEDERAL building. Thus the incompetent crybaby “mayor” has ZERO authority to stop the FEDERAL authorities from picking up the idiots. If you don’t want your precious rioters arrested they can just be shot.
Being hauled off in a van isn't an arrest?
Then what is it?
standard operating procedure,,,
It’s an arrest and unconstitutional.

Y’all are turning us into a banana republic.
shit dude who's tearing down our history again?

and again why are you bitching someone caught defacing federal property got arrested?

They didn’t decade property. They weren’t charged. There was no probable cause for anonymous government law enforcement to throw them the back of an unmarked van blindfolded.

That’s why I’m bitching. Y’all used to talk a big game about federal law enforcement violating civil rights. What happened?

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