DHS Vans Taking Antifa Away

So you're going on record as supportive of a police state.

tRumplings have always been fascists. Now we have confirmation.
are you saying the citizens of the city have no rights?
Apparently not because Trump's thugs can now arrest people without probable cause.
if you took time to educate yourself on the subject you would know that never happened,,,
That's exactly what happened. They're substituting reasonable suspicion for probable cause, which is a violation of the Constitution.
So you're going on record as supportive of a police state.

tRumplings have always been fascists. Now we have confirmation.
are you saying the citizens of the city have no rights?
Apparently not because Trump's thugs can now arrest people without probable cause.
They are domestic terrorist, of course he can.
And when was the trial that determined they were domestic terrorists?
So you're going on record as supportive of a police state.

tRumplings have always been fascists. Now we have confirmation.
are you saying the citizens of the city have no rights?
Apparently not because Trump's thugs can now arrest people without probable cause.
if you took time to educate yourself on the subject you would know that never happened,,,
That's exactly what happened. They're substituting reasonable suspicion for probable cause, which is a violation of the Constitution.
name me one person arrested,,,,
So you're going on record as supportive of a police state.

tRumplings have always been fascists. Now we have confirmation.
are you saying the citizens of the city have no rights?
Apparently not because Trump's thugs can now arrest people without probable cause.
if you took time to educate yourself on the subject you would know that never happened,,,
That's exactly what happened. They're substituting reasonable suspicion for probable cause, which is a violation of the Constitution.
name me one person arrested,,,,
Mark Pettibone and Connor O'Shea
So you're going on record as supportive of a police state.

tRumplings have always been fascists. Now we have confirmation.
are you saying the citizens of the city have no rights?
Apparently not because Trump's thugs can now arrest people without probable cause.
if you took time to educate yourself on the subject you would know that never happened,,,
That's exactly what happened. They're substituting reasonable suspicion for probable cause, which is a violation of the Constitution.
name me one person arrested,,,,
Mark Pettibone and Connor O'Shea
got a link???
So you're going on record as supportive of a police state.

tRumplings have always been fascists. Now we have confirmation.
are you saying the citizens of the city have no rights?
Apparently not because Trump's thugs can now arrest people without probable cause.
if you took time to educate yourself on the subject you would know that never happened,,,
That's exactly what happened. They're substituting reasonable suspicion for probable cause, which is a violation of the Constitution.
name me one person arrested,,,,
Mark Pettibone and Connor O'Shea
got a link???
It's unconstitutional to use federal policing power....

It was not delegated to the federal gvt, in the Constitution, thus it is reserved to the State.

Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
So you're going on record as supportive of a police state.

tRumplings have always been fascists. Now we have confirmation.
are you saying the citizens of the city have no rights?
Apparently not because Trump's thugs can now arrest people without probable cause.
if you took time to educate yourself on the subject you would know that never happened,,,
That's exactly what happened. They're substituting reasonable suspicion for probable cause, which is a violation of the Constitution.
name me one person arrested,,,,
Mark Pettibone and Connor O'Shea
got a link???
I'm not seeing where either of them were arrested or their rights were violated,,,
It's unconstitutional to use federal policing power....

It was not delegated to the federal gvt, in the Constitution, thus it is reserved to the State.

Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
when the crime happened on federal property they have the authority,,,
more so when the locals refuse to do their job,,,
So you're going on record as supportive of a police state.

tRumplings have always been fascists. Now we have confirmation.
are you saying the citizens of the city have no rights?
Apparently not because Trump's thugs can now arrest people without probable cause.
if you took time to educate yourself on the subject you would know that never happened,,,
That's exactly what happened. They're substituting reasonable suspicion for probable cause, which is a violation of the Constitution.
name me one person arrested,,,,
Mark Pettibone and Connor O'Shea
got a link???
I'm not seeing where either of them were arrested or their rights were violated,,,
Being hauled off in a van isn't an arrest?
So you're going on record as supportive of a police state.

tRumplings have always been fascists. Now we have confirmation.
are you saying the citizens of the city have no rights?
Apparently not because Trump's thugs can now arrest people without probable cause.
if you took time to educate yourself on the subject you would know that never happened,,,
That's exactly what happened. They're substituting reasonable suspicion for probable cause, which is a violation of the Constitution.
name me one person arrested,,,,
Mark Pettibone and Connor O'Shea
got a link???
I'm not seeing where either of them were arrested or their rights were violated,,,
Being hauled off in a van isn't an arrest?
It's unconstitutional to use federal policing power....

It was not delegated to the federal gvt, in the Constitution, thus it is reserved to the State.

Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
when the crime happened on federal property they have the authority,,,
more so when the locals refuse to do their job,,,
Where does the Constitution say such? If it does, which I haven't found, then please post it.... otherwise, policing is reserved to the States.

If it's to protect a federal building, and that is somehow permitted, then they surround the federal building to protect the federal building, but that does or would not allow them to go out in the public streets to police, the protesters as if they were state or local police.
It's unconstitutional to use federal policing power....

It was not delegated to the federal gvt, in the Constitution, thus it is reserved to the State.

Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
when the crime happened on federal property they have the authority,,,
more so when the locals refuse to do their job,,,
Where does the Constitution say such? If it does, which I haven't found, then please post it.... otherwise, policing is reserved to the States.

If it's to protect a federal building, and that is somehow permitted, then they surround the federal building to protect the federal building, but that does or would not allow them to go out in the public streets to police, the protesters as if they were state or local police.
we know youre an ignorant moron,,,but you really shouldnt flaunt it in public,,,
Yea not like having a leader say people do what they do as they rear down the county.

ya fuck.

So the actions of tin pot dictatorships are fine so long as they go after people you don’t like. Quick question, and only one question. What happens when they come after you?
you can thank Obama for signing off on ndaa 2012 indefinite detention yeah thanks Obama
It's unconstitutional to use federal policing power....

It was not delegated to the federal gvt, in the Constitution, thus it is reserved to the State.

Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
when the crime happened on federal property they have the authority,,,
more so when the locals refuse to do their job,,,
Where does the Constitution say such? If it does, which I haven't found, then please post it.... otherwise, policing is reserved to the States.

If it's to protect a federal building, and that is somehow permitted, then they surround the federal building to protect the federal building, but that does or would not allow them to go out in the public streets to police, the protesters as if they were state or local police.
Obama signed off on the ndaa 2012 indefinite detention authorized by Congress

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