Diane Sawyer +ABC+ Gabby Giffords Special = Yellow Journalism


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
This is the kind of dishonest evocative rewriting of history the in the bubble media practices on a steady basis, I see it on my ABC affiliate just about everyday, from OWS to the debt. and Solyndra coverage.

ABC and most especially Sawyer should know better, but imho, they don’t like their versions of villainy to be challenged and just, to be fair, just may not know any better because they have lost their objectivity aside from being highly selective. I wonder how Jake Tapper feels about this?

Gabrielle Giffords Special Ruined by Gratuitous Attack on Sarah Palin, Tea Party

COMMENTARY | The ABC News "20 20" special with Diane Sawyer that chronicled the struggle of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords to regain her faculties after a brain injury as the result of a shooting in January was-for the most part-heart-warming and inspirational.

The documentary, which also contained the first public interview with Giffords since the shooting, was ruined by a gratuitous attack on tea party opponents of health care reform and on Sarah Palin toward the end of the one-hour special. A short segment showed Giffords confronting an angry crowd of constituents at a town hall meeting. Palin was shown briefly, as was the infamous cross hairs map.

The segment was shown without context or detail. As Giffords is deservedly a national heroine because of how far she has recovered, the segment gave the clear impression of tea partiers as an angry mob and Sarah Palin as the cause of the shooting.

ABC News and Sawyer committed journalistic malpractice by dredging up the old accusations without also showing evidence that debunked them. Palin and her map had nothing to do with Giffords' shooting, as was implied in the segment. Jared Loughner, Giffords' assailant, was an insane man who likely never heard of Palin and certainly was unaware of the cross hairs map. Yet ABC chose not to mention this.

More at-

Gabrielle Giffords Special Ruined by Gratuitous Attack on Sarah Palin, Tea Party - Yahoo! News

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqH5v-VVp28]Gabrielle Giffords talks to Diane Sawyer - YouTube[/ame]
It sickens me that Americans are stupid enough to fall for this kind of bullshit. Seriously. I await the left wing borg showing up to 'defend' the 'truth'. I'm seriously beginning to wonder whether they could 'handle the truth'.
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Sawyer like many other liberal talking heads, Chrissy Matthews, Olbermann, Maddow...are washed up Democrat-Progressive USEFUL tools.

that was sickening what Sawyer said. screw her
Are you surprised by anything in the media by the left or the right? It's all about ratings baby!

People can form their own opinions about what happened and why, anyone that needs to be 'spoon fed' information are the same ones that watch reality shows and read People Magazine, and thus can't think for themselves.
This is the kind of dishonest evocative rewriting of history the in the bubble media practices on a steady basis, I see it on my ABC affiliate just about everyday, from OWS to the debt. and Solyndra coverage.

ABC and most especially Sawyer should know better, but imho, they don’t like their versions of villainy to be challenged and just, to be fair, just may not know any better because they have lost their objectivity aside from being highly selective. I wonder how Jake Tapper feels about this?

Gabrielle Giffords Special Ruined by Gratuitous Attack on Sarah Palin, Tea Party

COMMENTARY | The ABC News "20 20" special with Diane Sawyer that chronicled the struggle of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords to regain her faculties after a brain injury as the result of a shooting in January was-for the most part-heart-warming and inspirational.

The documentary, which also contained the first public interview with Giffords since the shooting, was ruined by a gratuitous attack on tea party opponents of health care reform and on Sarah Palin toward the end of the one-hour special. A short segment showed Giffords confronting an angry crowd of constituents at a town hall meeting. Palin was shown briefly, as was the infamous cross hairs map.

The segment was shown without context or detail. As Giffords is deservedly a national heroine because of how far she has recovered, the segment gave the clear impression of tea partiers as an angry mob and Sarah Palin as the cause of the shooting.

ABC News and Sawyer committed journalistic malpractice by dredging up the old accusations without also showing evidence that debunked them. Palin and her map had nothing to do with Giffords' shooting, as was implied in the segment. Jared Loughner, Giffords' assailant, was an insane man who likely never heard of Palin and certainly was unaware of the cross hairs map. Yet ABC chose not to mention this.

More at-

Gabrielle Giffords Special Ruined by Gratuitous Attack on Sarah Palin, Tea Party - Yahoo! News

Gabrielle Giffords talks to Diane Sawyer - YouTube
Fake but accurate!!

/USMB drooling leftist
It sickens me that Americans are stupid enough to fall for this kind of bullshit. Seriously. I await the left wing borg showing up to 'defend' the 'truth'. I'm seriously beginning to wonder whether they could 'handle the truth'.

The left is exploiting Giffords. Pure and simple.
Are you surprised by anything in the media by the left or the right? It's all about ratings baby!

People can form their own opinions about what happened and why, anyone that needs to be 'spoon fed' information are the same ones that watch reality shows and read People Magazine, and thus can't think for themselves.

This is a really good point. Reality tv and gossip mags will be the death of the country. Certainly they spell the death of intellectualism and critical thought.
The documentary, which also contained the first public interview with Giffords since the shooting, was ruined by a gratuitous attack on tea party opponents of health care reform and on Sarah Palin toward the end of the one-hour special. A short segment showed Giffords confronting an angry crowd of constituents at a town hall meeting. Palin was shown briefly, as was the infamous cross hairs map.

And what do you propose be done about it?

Other than reaffirming conservative hatred of the press, and providing a rightist a thread topic accordingly, 20/20 and Sawyer are well within their First Amendment right to compose the broadcast as they saw fit.

Yes, it’s understood you’re upset that the documentary was presented as ‘journalism’ rather than ‘opinion,’ but the basic Constitutional premise remains in force.

But it’s troubling that you believe viewers are so gullible as to be influenced by the piece, that supporters of Palin and the rightist agenda will suddenly run into the arms of democrats.

You and those who agree with you must have a very low opinion of the intelligence of your fellow Americans.
The documentary, which also contained the first public interview with Giffords since the shooting, was ruined by a gratuitous attack on tea party opponents of health care reform and on Sarah Palin toward the end of the one-hour special. A short segment showed Giffords confronting an angry crowd of constituents at a town hall meeting. Palin was shown briefly, as was the infamous cross hairs map.

And what do you propose be done about it?

Other than reaffirming conservative hatred of the press, and providing a rightist a thread topic accordingly, 20/20 and Sawyer are well within their First Amendment right to compose the broadcast as they saw fit.

Yes, it’s understood you’re upset that the documentary was presented as ‘journalism’ rather than ‘opinion,’ but the basic Constitutional premise remains in force.

But it’s troubling that you believe viewers are so gullible as to be influenced by the piece, that supporters of Palin and the rightist agenda will suddenly run into the arms of democrats.

You and those who agree with you must have a very low opinion of the intelligence of your fellow Americans.
Actually, that would be the left and their constant use of the Big Lie technique.
I watched the program and saw it as 50 minutes of genuinely inspiring coverage of a very courageous woman beating the odds tainted by a 30-second cheap shot by Sawyer with the whole Sarah Palin target BS. I didn't see it as pushing any liberal agenda by ABC News even though her husband shared his opinion that this could have been prevented had there been a national-level healthcare program in place for mental sickos like Loughner. I disagree with that, but I'm not going to hold it against Mark Kelly; that's HIS WIFE struggling for her survival, so I'm not going to criticize HIS views.

Otherwise, I saw it as an inspirational story. I was amazed how music played a key role in her recovery, and, of course, I was just in plain awe of her courage and determination.
The documentary, which also contained the first public interview with Giffords since the shooting, was ruined by a gratuitous attack on tea party opponents of health care reform and on Sarah Palin toward the end of the one-hour special. A short segment showed Giffords confronting an angry crowd of constituents at a town hall meeting. Palin was shown briefly, as was the infamous cross hairs map.

And what do you propose be done about it?

Other than reaffirming conservative hatred of the press, and providing a rightist a thread topic accordingly, 20/20 and Sawyer are well within their First Amendment right to compose the broadcast as they saw fit.

Yes, it’s understood you’re upset that the documentary was presented as ‘journalism’ rather than ‘opinion,’ but the basic Constitutional premise remains in force.

But it’s troubling that you believe viewers are so gullible as to be influenced by the piece, that supporters of Palin and the rightist agenda will suddenly run into the arms of democrats.

the 1st amendment appreciates your sppt.

argumentum ad hominem noted, then again, as your missive proves, you just cannot say it......here, its easy- they framed the piece dishonestly.

no where did I contest their right to air it, did I?

and as far as gullibility, you makes little sense, its we well known that it is alive and well, I can real off names till the sun goes down ala 'journalists editors publishers' who have framed issues that took root. we still live with them today. It certainly speaks to the ABC view, now doesn't it? Why don't you take them to task instead of me for posting this? last I checked this was a discussion forum.

You and those who agree with you must have a very low opinion of the intelligence of your fellow Americans.

again, make your case to ABC, or is it it just beyond you, to take actually address the offense and those that committed it, instead of the opinion of one whom pointed it out?
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the documentary, which also contained the first public interview with giffords since the shooting, was ruined by a gratuitous attack on tea party opponents of health care reform and on sarah palin toward the end of the one-hour special. A short segment showed giffords confronting an angry crowd of constituents at a town hall meeting. Palin was shown briefly, as was the infamous cross hairs map.

and what do you propose be done about it?

Other than reaffirming conservative hatred of the press, and providing a rightist a thread topic accordingly, 20/20 and sawyer are well within their first amendment right to compose the broadcast as they saw fit.

Yes, it’s understood you’re upset that the documentary was presented as ‘journalism’ rather than ‘opinion,’ but the basic constitutional premise remains in force.

But it’s troubling that you believe viewers are so gullible as to be influenced by the piece, that supporters of palin and the rightist agenda will suddenly run into the arms of democrats.

You and those who agree with you must have a very low opinion of the intelligence of your fellow americans.
actually, that would be the left and their constant use of the big lie technique.

Sawyer like many other liberal talking heads, Chrissy Matthews, Olbermann, Maddow...are washed up Democrat-Progressive USEFUL tools.

that was sickening what Sawyer said. screw her
Sawyer worked for Nixon at the White House. I always thought she was a republican.
No surprise to me... no amount of hype could ever get me to watch that garbage show in the 1st place.

Sawyer like many other liberal talking heads, Chrissy Matthews, Olbermann, Maddow...are washed up Democrat-Progressive USEFUL tools.

that was sickening what Sawyer said. screw her
Sawyer worked for Nixon at the White House. I always thought she was a republican.

She's got great legs.

Amusing that in the struggle to broadcast truth in journalism, Sawyer and others hide their true appearance from high-definition technology with Barbara-Walters-soft-focus camera shots.

I don't know if she's a democrat or republican. I think she looks great for her age.
Must be surreal to be at your own vigil...
Giffords to attend vigil on Ariz. shooting anniversary
5 Jan.`12 -- A year to the day after she was shot in the head at a constituent event, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords will appear at a public candlelight vigil on Sunday in Tucson to observe the anniversary with the city, the victims and their families.
Giffords and her husband, retired astronaut Mark Kelly, will participate in the ceremony, her office said in a news release. Giffords, however, will not meet with reporters or give interviews while in Tucson. "She wants to be with her family that day," said Mark Kimble, a spokesman.

The congresswoman was hosting a meet-and-greet outside a Safeway grocery store on Jan. 8, 2011, when a gunman targeting her shot Giffords and 18 others. Six died. The defendant, Jared Loughner, is in federal custody. The event begins at 6:30 p.m. Sunday at the University of Arizona. During the observances, the families of the victims will each come forward to light a candle. Members of the public are invited, but are asked not to bring candles. Glow sticks will be distributed instead.

Participants include Giffords' rabbi, Dr. Stephanie Aaron; the Tucson Symphony Orchestra; and Dr. Peter Rhee, the University Medical Center surgeon who administered to Giffords. Victim Ron Barber, who is also Giffords' district director, will emcee on Sunday, and Tucson band Calexico -- a Giffords/Kelly favorite -- will perform. The event is one of several this weekend commemorating the first anniversary, including a communitywide bell ringing at 10:11 a.m. Sunday.

The SOB's couldn't resist it. The local sheriff tried to cover up his own negligence by blaming Rush Limbaugh but that didn't last long and now ABC is trying to promote a dishonest political issue. The killer was a maniac. It's possible that in his depraved mind he thought he was shooting at Sarah Palin with all the hate speech that was floating around at the time. If former beauty queen Dianne Sawyer wants to do the right thing she should interview the shooter too.

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