Dick Cheney: Picking Sarah Palin Was A ‘Mistake’

yes, my dear child, you do care or you would not jump on it. As Snow White told the Wicked Stepdaughter, "It is best to know when you are beaten, yes."

Jillian and Syn have beaten you on this.

Poor Sarah
Joe Walsh
Christine The Witch
Bonefinger Brewer
Crazy Sharron Angle
Virginia Foxx

The list on the Right is certainly long.

it's YOUR LIST child...no one else cares

what is with you people and having this need to BEAT people..are you all that shallow?
well nevermind, you three are..:lol:
Of course we rejected him! We just spent 8 years criticizing Bush and his failed policies,but now we're going to vote for the guy who promises to continue them? That's crazy talk.

We are happy to work with and meet McCain halfway in the Senate, but we aren't going to vote for him over a Democrat.

There is a difference between bi-partisan cooperation and choosing a leader.

Now, that said, a lot of moderates/independents/people who don't follow politics would have voted for McCain if he had been acting like McCain 2000. He would have gotten the Reagan Democrats vote. But he fucked up and put his friendship with Dubya ahead of putting his own stamp on the GOP.

He should have totally broken with Bush and picked Bloomberg. One with national security experience, the other with economic experience. THAT would have been following his original line of attack - that Obama lacked experience.

Honestly, this sound like more of a rationalization than a criticism. The things that McCain continued of Bush's are things Obama continued anyway. Gitmo is still open, we are still hip deep in Afghanistan, etc.

The point is, you guys can't keep complaining about the lack of moderation in the GOP and then never support a moderate or centrist when he comes along.

Ironcially, Romney was a centrist, but figured out there was no merit in it, so he embraced the right wing crazy in a way McCain never would have. You think McCain would be standing on a stage with Donald Trump while he spouted birther nonsense?

Consistency is important, and people sense a phoney. McCain would have had more credibility had he stayed the same maverick throughout the Bush years. But he didn't. He became another Bush mouthpiece.

And in 2010, he abandoned a career's worth of credentials to go hard Right, rather than doing the hard work of actually defending his stances and letting the chips fall where they may.

McCain would have just been smarter than to even let Trump get near him.

Are you aware that Trump's grand total of contributions is only $3500, with none of it going to Romney?


So it's not like this clown is a big donor who you don't want to piss off.
actually sawwah is done politically, though she still has a small radically insane group of supporters.

i've always marveled at the ignorance that would make someone support a politician simply for based on the amusement value of the level that politician repels normal people.
Poor Sarah
Joe Walsh
Christine The Witch
Bonefinger Brewer
Crazy Sharron Angle
Virginia Foxx

The list on the Right is certainly long.

it's YOUR LIST child...no one else cares
No. Actually, it's your list. You support each and every one of these whackjobs.
Dick Cheney stated he did not think Sarah Palin had enough experience. His daughter made the point she was better prepared then Obama and Biden put together. Two people who love and respect one another with differing "opinions" BFD.

The thing that keeps stories like this non story alive, is president Obama's failures and the left's desire to talk about anything and everything else BUT Obama's failures and ineptness.
Dick Cheney stated he did not think Sarah Palin had enough experience. His daughter made the point she was better prepared then Obama and Biden put together. Two people who love and respect one another with differing "opinions" BFD.

The thing that keeps stories like this non story alive, is president Obama's failures and the left's desire to talk about anything and everything else BUT Obama's failures and ineptness.

Which clearly demonstrates why no one should pay any attention to Liz Cheney. SHE has no qualifications to judge anyone's qualifications. She has never even run for anything, never mind won anything.

If not for her daddy's name, Liz Cheney would just be Stephanie, or you, on USMB.
Dick Cheney stated he did not think Sarah Palin had enough experience. His daughter made the point she was better prepared then Obama and Biden put together. Two people who love and respect one another with differing "opinions" BFD.

The thing that keeps stories like this non story alive, is president Obama's failures and the left's desire to talk about anything and everything else BUT Obama's failures and ineptness.

Which clearly demonstrates why no one should pay any attention to Liz Cheney. SHE has no qualifications to judge anyone's qualifications. She has never even run for anything, never mind won anything.

If not for her daddy's name, Liz Cheney would just be Stephanie, or you, on USMB.

LOL...but you do...
Poor Sarah
Joe Walsh
Christine The Witch
Bonefinger Brewer
Crazy Sharron Angle
Virginia Foxx

Dick Cheney stated he did not think Sarah Palin had enough experience. His daughter made the point she was better prepared then Obama and Biden put together. Two people who love and respect one another with differing "opinions" BFD.

The thing that keeps stories like this non story alive, is president Obama's failures and the left's desire to talk about anything and everything else BUT Obama's failures and ineptness.

Which clearly demonstrates why no one should pay any attention to Liz Cheney. SHE has no qualifications to judge anyone's qualifications. She has never even run for anything, never mind won anything.

If not for her daddy's name, Liz Cheney would just be Stephanie, or you, on USMB.

LOL...but you do...
Poor Sarah
Joe Walsh
Christine The Witch
Bonefinger Brewer
Crazy Sharron Angle
Virginia Foxx

FOXNEWS isn't giving me a platform to air my views. Why should Liz Cheney have one? Who the fuck is she?
Dick Cheney stated he did not think Sarah Palin had enough experience. His daughter made the point she was better prepared then Obama and Biden put together. Two people who love and respect one another with differing "opinions" BFD.

The thing that keeps stories like this non story alive, is president Obama's failures and the left's desire to talk about anything and everything else BUT Obama's failures and ineptness.

Which clearly demonstrates why no one should pay any attention to Liz Cheney. SHE has no qualifications to judge anyone's qualifications. She has never even run for anything, never mind won anything.

If not for her daddy's name, Liz Cheney would just be Stephanie, or you, on USMB.

Actually, she's thinking of running for office in Wyoming, and because there is such a large teabagger contingent there, that is the reason she went and defended the Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil, is because that she knows she's gonna need teabagger support if she's gonna win an office.
Steph, it is the nature of the board to up(wo)manship one another. If I hurt your feelings, then I apologize. For real.

yes, my dear child, you do care or you would not jump on it. As Snow White told the Wicked Stepdaughter, "It is best to know when you are beaten, yes."

Jillian and Syn have beaten you on this.

it's YOUR LIST child...no one else cares

what is with you people and having this need to BEAT people..are you all that shallow?
well nevermind, you three are..:lol:
Steph, it is the nature of the board to up(wo)manship one another. If I hurt your feelings, then I apologize. For real.

yes, my dear child, you do care or you would not jump on it. As Snow White told the Wicked Stepdaughter, "It is best to know when you are beaten, yes."

Jillian and Syn have beaten you on this.

what is with you people and having this need to BEAT people..are you all that shallow?
well nevermind, you three are..:lol:

Of course we rejected him! We just spent 8 years criticizing Bush and his failed policies,but now we're going to vote for the guy who promises to continue them? That's crazy talk.

We are happy to work with and meet McCain halfway in the Senate, but we aren't going to vote for him over a Democrat.

There is a difference between bi-partisan cooperation and choosing a leader.

Now, that said, a lot of moderates/independents/people who don't follow politics would have voted for McCain if he had been acting like McCain 2000. He would have gotten the Reagan Democrats vote. But he fucked up and put his friendship with Dubya ahead of putting his own stamp on the GOP.

He should have totally broken with Bush and picked Bloomberg. One with national security experience, the other with economic experience. THAT would have been following his original line of attack - that Obama lacked experience.

Honestly, this sound like more of a rationalization than a criticism. The things that McCain continued of Bush's are things Obama continued anyway. Gitmo is still open, we are still hip deep in Afghanistan, etc.

The point is, you guys can't keep complaining about the lack of moderation in the GOP and then never support a moderate or centrist when he comes along.

Ironcially, Romney was a centrist, but figured out there was no merit in it, so he embraced the right wing crazy in a way McCain never would have. You think McCain would be standing on a stage with Donald Trump while he spouted birther nonsense?

Consistency is important, and people sense a phoney. McCain would have had more credibility had he stayed the same maverick throughout the Bush years. But he didn't. He became another Bush mouthpiece.

And in 2010, he abandoned a career's worth of credentials to go hard Right, rather than doing the hard work of actually defending his stances and letting the chips fall where they may.

McCain would have just been smarter than to even let Trump get near him.

Are you aware that Trump's grand total of contributions is only $3500, with none of it going to Romney?

So it's not like this clown is a big donor who you don't want to piss off.

No, but he could be a pain in the ass if he wasn't mollifed.

now everyone knows that getting me to say a kind word about the Weird Mormon Robot would be about as easy (and fun) as pulling one of my teeth. But I think he kind of made the right call here. Better to kiss Trump's ring when no one is paying attention than have him make an ass of himself running third party like Perot and undermining your support.

Tactically, it made sense. Morally, it was repugnant, and McCain, whom I still consider a man of honor, would never have done it.

Not that being a man of honor got would get McCain a cup of coffee at Starbucks.
I remember vividly when McCain announced his VP mate on live TV. As soon as she opened her mouth, I busted out laughing. Turned off the TV and said "we are fucked". What an incredibly moronic decision. That woman reminds me of Howdy Doody on steroids.

Wow, no bigotry here, eh?

So people with accents you are unfamiliar with are just idiots, is that it?

Dick Cheney stated he did not think Sarah Palin had enough experience. His daughter made the point she was better prepared then Obama and Biden put together. Two people who love and respect one another with differing "opinions" BFD.

The thing that keeps stories like this non story alive, is president Obama's failures and the left's desire to talk about anything and everything else BUT Obama's failures and ineptness.

Which clearly demonstrates why no one should pay any attention to Liz Cheney. SHE has no qualifications to judge anyone's qualifications. She has never even run for anything, never mind won anything.

If not for her daddy's name, Liz Cheney would just be Stephanie, or you, on USMB.

You do not have to have held an elected office to be able to comment on it- Liz Cheney does so with intelligence... In addition her career certainly gives her a greater knowledge and depth then you wish to convey. But I digress, what fucking experience do you have to comment on anything political?
Dick Cheney stated he did not think Sarah Palin had enough experience. His daughter made the point she was better prepared then Obama and Biden put together. Two people who love and respect one another with differing "opinions" BFD.

The thing that keeps stories like this non story alive, is president Obama's failures and the left's desire to talk about anything and everything else BUT Obama's failures and ineptness.

Which clearly demonstrates why no one should pay any attention to Liz Cheney. SHE has no qualifications to judge anyone's qualifications. She has never even run for anything, never mind won anything.

If not for her daddy's name, Liz Cheney would just be Stephanie, or you, on USMB.

Actually, she's thinking of running for office in Wyoming, and because there is such a large teabagger contingent there, that is the reason she went and defended the Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil, is because that she knows she's gonna need teabagger support if she's gonna win an office.

ahhhh the intelligence of liberalism on display... </sarcasm>
Dick Cheney stated he did not think Sarah Palin had enough experience. His daughter made the point she was better prepared then Obama and Biden put together. Two people who love and respect one another with differing "opinions" BFD.

The thing that keeps stories like this non story alive, is president Obama's failures and the left's desire to talk about anything and everything else BUT Obama's failures and ineptness.

Which clearly demonstrates why no one should pay any attention to Liz Cheney. SHE has no qualifications to judge anyone's qualifications. She has never even run for anything, never mind won anything.

If not for her daddy's name, Liz Cheney would just be Stephanie, or you, on USMB.

Actually, she's thinking of running for office in Wyoming, and because there is such a large teabagger contingent there, that is the reason she went and defended the Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil, is because that she knows she's gonna need teabagger support if she's gonna win an office.
Actually, her dad was only elected Congressman of Wyoming. That's IT! Big fucking whoop.

He was appointed to everything else he's ever done.

As far as the voters are concerned, Obama is way more qualified than Cheney.
Honestly, this sound like more of a rationalization than a criticism. The things that McCain continued of Bush's are things Obama continued anyway. Gitmo is still open, we are still hip deep in Afghanistan, etc.

The point is, you guys can't keep complaining about the lack of moderation in the GOP and then never support a moderate or centrist when he comes along.

Ironcially, Romney was a centrist, but figured out there was no merit in it, so he embraced the right wing crazy in a way McCain never would have. You think McCain would be standing on a stage with Donald Trump while he spouted birther nonsense?

Consistency is important, and people sense a phoney. McCain would have had more credibility had he stayed the same maverick throughout the Bush years. But he didn't. He became another Bush mouthpiece.

And in 2010, he abandoned a career's worth of credentials to go hard Right, rather than doing the hard work of actually defending his stances and letting the chips fall where they may.

McCain would have just been smarter than to even let Trump get near him.

Are you aware that Trump's grand total of contributions is only $3500, with none of it going to Romney?

So it's not like this clown is a big donor who you don't want to piss off.

No, but he could be a pain in the ass if he wasn't mollifed.

now everyone knows that getting me to say a kind word about the Weird Mormon Robot would be about as easy (and fun) as pulling one of my teeth. But I think he kind of made the right call here. Better to kiss Trump's ring when no one is paying attention than have him make an ass of himself running third party like Perot and undermining your support.

Tactically, it made sense. Morally, it was repugnant, and McCain, whom I still consider a man of honor, would never have done it.

Not that being a man of honor got would get McCain a cup of coffee at Starbucks.
Now, see, I think Trump is a joke AND I think the vast majority of America sees him as a joke.

And he would NEVER run. As Lawrence O'Donnell has covered ad nauseum. He could not stand the scrutiny of the press for a single day, and he damn well knows it. And he sure as hell doesn't want them taking him seriously, and start to dig into his business and personal life. For one, it would come out that he's not even a billionaire, never mind a multi-billionaire.

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