Dick Cheney: Picking Sarah Palin Was A ‘Mistake’

Former Vice President Dick Cheney criticized Sen. John McCain's 2008 decision to choose Sarah Palin as his running mate

McCain picking Palin wasn't his mistake. His mistake was promising 4 more years of the crappy W Presidency. Palin couldn't dig him out of that hole.

Hell? McCain's staff put a muzzle on her...SHE was upstaging him.
In the same way that Kanye West upstaged Taylor Swift at the Grammys. :lol:
ok Rigties. Send me some pos-rep ;)

She enthused the base during the 2008 election. McCain was never going to win. This was a Bob Dole replay.

You show your ignorance when you speak so poorly of her qualifications. Let alone stating that McCain lost votes because of Palin.

Bullshit. It means you don't have a clue at how furious the base was at being given milk toast like McCain.

You show your ignorance by thinking she has any qualifications other than a failed governorship in a state with a population less than Delaware.

Wolfsister77 is right on the money.

Yep, Palin was not qualified because she knew nothing of foreign affairs and very little of domestic policy as well. Part of the reason McCain lost was because people were scared to death of the thought of her in the WH as President. It is the truth.
Especially given that McCain was 72 years old with physical, and perhaps mental disabilities. Who knows if his treatment by the NV would have brought on some sudden dementia a year or so into his term.

There was a higher concern with McCain than any president since Reagan.
Bush Failed Policies > Obama's successful ones

Obama succeeded At everything Bush failed at

Including killing Bin Laden

Obama is a record setting President for sure: record debt, deficits, poverty, homelessness, unemployment and our first ever credit downgrade.

If anything, Obama killing Osama only vindicates Bush Doctrine. Osama's death didn't end the war and apparently without state sponsorship, Osama was no longer a big deal.

You're such a pathetic hack. :lol:
Fascinating how that works in la la land. Dick Cheney is a lying republican war monger unless he says something you like and then all of a sudden he's right on.

but of course..
like Obama picking Biden has been a huge win for him...
how scary to think he could step in as President...
Biden is more qualified, and more knowledgeable, than McCain, Palin or Obama.

Yeah, just ask him.

If he were geunine? He would have told his handlers back then to unleash her. They muzzled her.

I really don't think he remembers it.

"muzzled her"? :eusa_eh: :lol: She was screaming from the rooftops about Wright & that other guy at every campaign stop. :clap2: Where were you?
Not good enough. The T is pissed that Poor Sarah wasn't calling Obama a ****** at campaign stops.
I remember vividly when McCain announced his VP mate on live TV. As soon as she opened her mouth, I busted out laughing. Turned off the TV and said "we are fucked". What an incredibly moronic decision. That woman reminds me of Howdy Doody on steroids.
"muzzled her"? :eusa_eh: :lol: She was screaming from the rooftops about Wright & that other guy at every campaign stop. :clap2: Where were you?

Keep laughing...

Palin derided by top McCain aide, book

Palin's 'going rogue,' McCain aide says


Keep trying to rewrite things...and interesting You're defending McCain.

She should have been lead on the ticket.

Two books/interviews written after-the-fact? I'm saying I watched her at rallies, speeches, and campaign stops and she was not "muzzled". She was McCain's attack dog, so to speak, so that he didn't get his hands dirty. She was telling anybody & everybody about how evil Obama was at every campaign stop. In the end it didn't matter because there was no way a Repub was going to be Prez in '08. :eusa_boohoo:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gi3oP74kMjA]Palin Criticizes Obama's 'Terrorist' Connection - YouTube[/ame]
I personally think that McCain gets too much grief over picking Palin, and a lot of the judgments about Palin aren't based on what we knew in 2008, but what she's done since in her "reality TV" mode. Yes, let's concede the point, we really dodged a bullet putting someone that petty and dumb a heartbeat away from the presidency.

However, the People saying "I told you so" really said no such things in 2008. At the time, Palin looked like a pretty good pick. She got the conservative base excited, she had a good record as a reformer, she was attractive and likable.

McCain's real problems were that his own party really didn't want him, but the alternatives were worse, and the economic and military situations had drained any popularity the GOP had.
McCain's main problem was a vow to continue the failed policies of Bush.

That's why he got the nicknames 'McBush' and 'McSame'.

Picking Poor Sarah was just the final straw and made people seriously question his judgement.

I have to respectfully disagree.

McCain spent his entire career trying to be Mr. Middle of the Road, Mr. Bi-Partisan, Mr. "You can work with me", but after years of saying "If Republicans were just more like John McCain, I could almost stand you", Dems treated him worse than they treated Bush.

And this is something as a moderate Republican that has always annoyed me. When we try to meet you halfway, we get our hands slapped, and then get jeered by our own when we walk back.

McCain could have been a president who got things done, but honestly, you guys rejected him. And if Romney wins, because Obama wasn't up to the job, you guys are really going to have no one to blame but yourselves.

Incidently, voting against Romney because I think he's a horrible human being who will do harm to this country... but his oppurtunity is there.

Of course we rejected him! We just spent 8 years criticizing Bush and his failed policies,but now we're going to vote for the guy who promises to continue them? That's crazy talk.

We are happy to work with and meet McCain halfway in the Senate, but we aren't going to vote for him over a Democrat.

There is a difference between bi-partisan cooperation and choosing a leader.

Now, that said, a lot of moderates/independents/people who don't follow politics would have voted for McCain if he had been acting like McCain 2000. He would have gotten the Reagan Democrats vote. But he fucked up and put his friendship with Dubya ahead of putting his own stamp on the GOP.

He should have totally broken with Bush and picked Bloomberg. One with national security experience, the other with economic experience. THAT would have been following his original line of attack - that Obama lacked experience.
Sounds like your guy Obama you are describing.

Those pubs who get to know SP get to the point of detesting her.

Well, the Establishment doesn't like her. That's actually in her favor, as far as I'm concerned.

I've often said, the TEA Party and OWS should be on the same side, because they are really mad about the same thing, the incestous relationship between big corporations and big government.

The problem with the GOP Establishment is left to their druthers, they'd be cutting deals on behalf of their corporate masters. But they'd never get any votes doing that, so they play up to the rabble. Sometimes they bring up valid points - we spend too much and create too much government dependence... sometimes they appeal to the worse angels of people's nature- homophobia, racism, religious stupidity.

But when they get a Huckabee or a Palin or a Santorum who actually sincerely believes stuff and is more atuned to what working folks care about, they get into pant-shitting panic.
Of course we rejected him! We just spent 8 years criticizing Bush and his failed policies,but now we're going to vote for the guy who promises to continue them? That's crazy talk.

We are happy to work with and meet McCain halfway in the Senate, but we aren't going to vote for him over a Democrat.

There is a difference between bi-partisan cooperation and choosing a leader.

Now, that said, a lot of moderates/independents/people who don't follow politics would have voted for McCain if he had been acting like McCain 2000. He would have gotten the Reagan Democrats vote. But he fucked up and put his friendship with Dubya ahead of putting his own stamp on the GOP.

He should have totally broken with Bush and picked Bloomberg. One with national security experience, the other with economic experience. THAT would have been following his original line of attack - that Obama lacked experience.

Honestly, this sound like more of a rationalization than a criticism. The things that McCain continued of Bush's are things Obama continued anyway. Gitmo is still open, we are still hip deep in Afghanistan, etc.

The point is, you guys can't keep complaining about the lack of moderation in the GOP and then never support a moderate or centrist when he comes along.

Ironcially, Romney was a centrist, but figured out there was no merit in it, so he embraced the right wing crazy in a way McCain never would have. You think McCain would be standing on a stage with Donald Trump while he spouted birther nonsense?
Interestingly enough, it's FAUX Nooze that pays her, not CNN or MSNBC.

Wanna explain again how the left keeps bringing her money?

Because the more that libtards like you insult and demean her, the more that conservatives buy her books and appear at her rallies. Libtard attacks on her are money in the bank for Sarah.

Of course I doubt you can wrap your brain around that, but here you go anyway.

actually sawwah is done politically, though she still has a small radically insane group of supporters.

i've always marveled at the ignorance that would make someone support a politician simply for based on the amusement value of the level that politician repels normal people.
Poor Sarah
Joe Walsh
Christine The Witch
Bonefinger Brewer
Crazy Sharron Angle
Virginia Foxx

The list on the Right is certainly long.
Because the more that libtards like you insult and demean her, the more that conservatives buy her books and appear at her rallies. Libtard attacks on her are money in the bank for Sarah.

Of course I doubt you can wrap your brain around that, but here you go anyway.

actually sawwah is done politically, though she still has a small radically insane group of supporters.

i've always marveled at the ignorance that would make someone support a politician simply for based on the amusement value of the level that politician repels normal people.
Poor Sarah
Joe Walsh
Christine The Witch
Bonefinger Brewer
Crazy Sharron Angle
Virginia Foxx

The list on the Right is certainly long.

it's YOUR LIST child...no one else cares
yes, my dear child, you do care or you would not jump on it. As Snow White told the Wicked Stepmother, "It is best to know when you are beaten, yes."

Jillian and Syn have beaten you on this.

actually sawwah is done politically, though she still has a small radically insane group of supporters.

i've always marveled at the ignorance that would make someone support a politician simply for based on the amusement value of the level that politician repels normal people.
Poor Sarah
Joe Walsh
Christine The Witch
Bonefinger Brewer
Crazy Sharron Angle
Virginia Foxx

The list on the Right is certainly long.

it's YOUR LIST child...no one else cares

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