Dick Morris: Sarah Palin Is Now The Front Runner (So True)


May 29, 2010
Dick Morris who got Clinton elected is right on the money. Sarah Palin is the top person to take this country back and she is commanding the media attention and is in full charge. This time she is setting the rules and the media has no choice to not ignore her. The tide has turned. Sarah Palins exquisite exemplary record as Alaska governor shows she has the American spirit, pride, patriotism and guts to take on Washington's republican and democrat cronies. She took on people of both parties in Alaska and purged the corrupt out of office. She has so many good qualities as a person that it is inevitable that she will take America by storm and save this country from a non-natural born citizen who doesn't qualify to hold the office of the presidency under Article 2 Section 1 Clause 5 of the United States Constitution.

Governor Palin 4 President: (Video) Dick Morris: Sarah Palin Is The GOP Frontrunner

Political strategist Dick Morris says Sarah Palin is now the clear front-runner for the Republican nomination for president.

Morris says that, despite his respect for the political and intellectual talents of former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who expressed keen interest Monday in running for the nomination, Palin remains the favorite.

"Oh, I think she always had front-runner status," Morris tells Newsmax.TV in an exclusive interview. "The person who is the vice-presidential nominee last time almost automatically has front-runner status if they did a good job, which she did. And I think that she was a fabulous candidate for vice president."
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When Dick Morris says something, chances are it's not true.
When Dick Morris says something, chances are it's not true.

I rarely agree with you, but you are right.

Morris has been batting .000 since he got caught sucking on a prostitutes' toe.

Remember when he said Condi was going to be the next president?
You folks must be so proud to have such a beacon of intelligence running for president.
Obvious Obama doesn't have any intelligence. I mean come on, anybody who thinks we have 57 states is pretty stupid.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpGH02DtIws]YouTube - Obama Claims He's Visited 57 States[/ame]
You folks must be so proud to have such a beacon of intelligence running for president.

Yeah...kinda like BO...and look how that turned out... :lol::lol::lol:

Seriously though, unlike Barack, she doesn't have George Soros getting her elected. So she will not make it through the initial months of the campaign.
You folks must be so proud to have such a beacon of intelligence running for president.

Hate to break it to you, but no one is running for President. Candidates won't start declaring themselves until next year.
You folks must be so proud to have such a beacon of intelligence running for president.
Obvious Obama doesn't have any intelligence. I mean come on, anybody who thinks we have 57 states is pretty stupid.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpGH02DtIws]YouTube - Obama Claims He's Visited 57 States[/ame]

or says stuff like this...

"UPS and FedEx are doing just fine, right? It's the Post Office that's always having problems." ---said while attempting to make the case for government-run healthcare...(w/o his teleprompter)

Breitbart.tv Obama: ‘It’s the Post Office That’s Always Having Problems’
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You folks must be so proud to have such a beacon of intelligence running for president.
Obvious Obama doesn't have any intelligence. I mean come on, anybody who thinks we have 57 states is pretty stupid.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpGH02DtIws]YouTube - Obama Claims He's Visited 57 States[/ame]

or says stuff like this...

"UPS and FedEx are doing just fine, right? It's the Post Office that's always having problems." ---said while attempting to make the case for government-run healthcare...(w/o his teleprompter)

Breitbart.tv Obama: ‘It’s the Post Office That’s Always Having Problems’

You really can't blame him for that one...the teleprompter got confused
Dick Morris who got Clinton elected is right on the money. Sarah Palin is the top person to take this country back and she is commanding the media attention and is in full charge. This time she is setting the rules and the media has no choice to not ignore her. The tide has turned. Sarah Palins exquisite exemplary record as Alaska governor shows she has the American spirit, pride, patriotism and guts to take on Washington's republican and democrat cronies. She took on people of both parties in Alaska and purged the corrupt out of office. She has so many good qualities as a person that it is inevitable that she will take America by storm and save this country from a non-natural born citizen who doesn't qualify to hold the office of the presidency under Article 2 Section 1 Clause 5 of the United States Constitution.

Governor Palin 4 President: (Video) Dick Morris: Sarah Palin Is The GOP Frontrunner

Political strategist Dick Morris says Sarah Palin is now the clear front-runner for the Republican nomination for president.

Morris says that, despite his respect for the political and intellectual talents of former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who expressed keen interest Monday in running for the nomination, Palin remains the favorite.

"Oh, I think she always had front-runner status," Morris tells Newsmax.TV in an exclusive interview. "The person who is the vice-presidential nominee last time almost automatically has front-runner status if they did a good job, which she did. And I think that she was a fabulous candidate for vice president."

When and only when Palin STATES she is running for POTUS--then I'll believe it. There is so much B.S. from these talking heads--it gets ridiculous after a while.

Right now she is flying high with all of her appearances--her NUMBER 1 seller book. And right now she can say anything she wants too without fear of a frivilous law-suit that drove her out of the Govenor's office.

So I think she likes what she is doing right now--and has no intention of running for POTUS.

I mean how fun: All she needs to do is post something on face--book or say something and she can get a liberal foaming at the mouth--with their panties tied up in a wad over it. Now that's what I call real power.--:lol::lol:
Dick Morris who got Clinton elected is right on the money. Sarah Palin is the top person to take this country back and she is commanding the media attention and is in full charge. This time she is setting the rules and the media has no choice to not ignore her. The tide has turned. Sarah Palins exquisite exemplary record as Alaska governor shows she has the American spirit, pride, patriotism and guts to take on Washington's republican and democrat cronies. She took on people of both parties in Alaska and purged the corrupt out of office. She has so many good qualities as a person that it is inevitable that she will take America by storm and save this country from a non-natural born citizen who doesn't qualify to hold the office of the presidency under Article 2 Section 1 Clause 5 of the United States Constitution.

Governor Palin 4 President: (Video) Dick Morris: Sarah Palin Is The GOP Frontrunner

Political strategist Dick Morris says Sarah Palin is now the clear front-runner for the Republican nomination for president.

Morris says that, despite his respect for the political and intellectual talents of former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who expressed keen interest Monday in running for the nomination, Palin remains the favorite.

"Oh, I think she always had front-runner status," Morris tells Newsmax.TV in an exclusive interview. "The person who is the vice-presidential nominee last time almost automatically has front-runner status if they did a good job, which she did. And I think that she was a fabulous candidate for vice president."

When and only when Palin STATES she is running for POTUS--then I'll believe it. There is so much B.S. from these talking heads--it gets ridiculous after a while.

Right now she is flying high with all of her appearances--her NUMBER 1 seller book. And right now she can say anything she wants too without fear of a frivilous law-suit that drove her out of the Govenor's office.

So I think she likes what she is doing right now--and has no intention of running for POTUS.

I mean how fun: All she needs to do is post something on face--book or say something and she can get a liberal foaming at the mouth--with their panties tied up in a wad over it. Now that's what I call real power.--:lol::lol:

That sums it up. Palin isn't going to run for President. Why would she take a pay cut.

On the flip side, she knows that once she declares that she won't run, her stock will plummet. So the name of the game is to string along the demand as long as she can.

Eventually expect some bland "I would rather focus on issues that matter to me than run for president at this time" statement that is intended to string along the most gullible of the faithful.

Gotta hand it to the woman. She ain't no dummy. She's figured out how cash in on her fleeting popularity.
I agree.

Palin hasn't said she's running for anything. Why the hell should she?? She's doing A O K doing just what she's doing right now. Let the talking heads talk. Thats just what it is. Talk. LOL

2012 is a long way off. I'm just going to wait and see who does start campaigning for the nod.
The question grandpa army man won't answer:

Why is Sarah Palin a better candidate than Mitt Romney?

Does she have more executive experience?

Does she have more private sector experience running a business?

Does she have a better understanding of the issues and a better ability to articulate that understanding?

...or are those considerations of no importance now?
As much as I would like for Sarah Palin to hold the future of the Republican Party in her hands, cooler heads will prevail and a moderate Republican will prevail in 2012.

Just like in 2008, when REAL Republicans went to the primaries in state after state, they chose the moderate McCain over the candidates being advocated by Limbaugh and his right wing lynch mob.
Palin is repulsive to most centrist Republicans and when it comes time to vote they will choose Romney

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