Did a historical Jesus exist?

Yeshua is Joshua who was a great jewish leader.

He took over for Moses and led the jews into Israel.
Yeshua is Joshua who was a great jewish leader.

He took over for Moses and led the jews into Israel.
Thank you CMike. Yeshua is also Jesus name in Hebrew.
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God has many names, and so does Jesus/Yeshua.

God is Love, Truth to atheists, Wisdom to Buddhists.
Nature to secular gentiles, in terms of natural laws and laws of science.
God is Life in all the diverse forms this is manifested,
tangible or intangible, infinite or manmade.

Jesus is
Salvation/Yeshua to the Believers under sacred laws and scriptures
Justice to the secular Gentiles under natural laws and civil laws

Love of Christ is Love of Conscience

Christ Jesus means Restorative Justice, or Justice with Mercy to bring lasting Peace.

Christianity is Charity, where forgiveness is the greatest charity of all.
And unforgiveness is the one sin that must be freely chosen to give up
before God's will can intervene with respect to human free will.

So of course, Yeshua will manifest in different ways to different people.

Because Christ Jesus is universal, fulfilling all laws of all tribes on this planet,
then the language and understanding of the meaning of God and Jesus
will vary from person to person, depending on language and context.
Where was Jesus between the ages or 12 and 30 (the lost years))? There is no mention of his activities in the New Testament. It is suggested Jesus may have traveled to Egypt or India where he may have studied Buddhism.


Unknown years of Jesus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My traditional pastor and ministerial friends will say Jesus never wandered that far from his place of birth.

Friends who believe the Mormon teachings say Jesus may have manifested spiritually to the Native Americans as teh Great Manito or this may be the Holy Spirit.

My mother and many others believe that Jesus had knowledge of Buddhist concepts.
I read one source that said reincarnation was changed to resurrection to mask this link.

Regardless, I find close connection between Buddhist practices of meditation on past life karma passed down to future generations, and Christian practice of breakign generational curses by deliverance prayer to end this cycle of sin and karma that otherwise repeats.

So it's one process no matter if you use natural or scientific or spiritual laws to describe it.
It's left out because the powers that be didn't want to include it in what is now called "the bible". Which is why I don't put much stock in it.
Where was Jesus between the ages or 12 and 30 (the lost years))? There is no mention of his activities in the New Testament. It is suggested Jesus may have traveled to Egypt or India where he may have studied Buddhism.


Unknown years of Jesus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The flesh of the saints were used to gather in the visible things of this world so our invisible Creator could teach His invisible servant ( the Word of God ) who he is and God's eternal plan for His invisible creation.

God used things like trees that came from seed in the ground, sand on the seashores, fig trees, animals, grass, leaves, rocky soil, wheat and chaff, etc. to help His invisible servant understand that he was created as God's voice called the Word of God and that everything was spoken into existence through the Word of God.

God's invisible servant is NOT the flesh of the saints and prophets so the "He" in these scriptures below is the invisible "messiah" that used the flesh of all the prophets and saints.

John 1
1: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2: He was in the beginning with God;
3: all things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made.
4: In him was life, and the life was the light of men.

I Colossians 1:
15: He is the image of the invisible God, the first-born of all creation;
16: for in him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or authorities – all things were created through him and for him.
17: He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
18: He is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning, the first-born from the dead, that in everything he might be pre-eminent.
19: For in him all the fulness of God was pleased to dwell,
There wasn't any saints named "Jesus" because there wasn't any english language in those days. I have no idea what the first saint's name was and I don't care.
Yeshua is the Hebrew name for Jesus. It means "Yahweh [the Lord] is Salvation." The English spelling of Yeshua is “Joshua.” However, when translated from Hebrew into the Greek language, the name Yeshua becomes Iēsous. The English spelling for Iēsous is “Jesus.”

Basically, what this means is Joshua and Jesus are the same name. One is translated from Hebrew into English, the other from Greek into English.

Name of Jesus - Why Do We Call Him Jesus if His Name is Yeshua?

No english speaking Christian has any idea what the Hebrew language was 2,000 years ago. Languages change constantly so it's impossible to know what names meant from that long ago.

What happens is that Christians are so eager to want Jesus to be their god that they make up all kinds of lies to establish him as their Lord and savior to justify the lies that the Roman religious leaders added to their new testament to deceive the Christians from becoming new saints.

The parents of the saints had no idea that their children would become saints in their adult years so none of them would have named their children a name that meant "the Lord". This is a lie by English speaking Christians to justify their false god named "Jesus".

The names of the saints weren't important at all. It's the invisible "messiah" that was important and the one all the saints spoke from before their flesh was killed by unbelievers such as the Roman religious leaders who hated the Truth they were speaking.
How Yeshua became Jesus

The first letter in the name Yeshua ("Jesus") is the yod. Yod represents the "Y" sound in Hebrew. Many names in the Bible that begin with yod are mispronounced by English speakers because the yod in these names was transliterated in English Bibles with the letter "J" rather than "Y". This came about because in early English the letter "J" was pronounced the way we pronounce "Y" today. All proper names in the Old Testament were transliterated into English according to their Hebrew pronunciation, but when English pronunciation shifted to what we know today, these transliterations were not altered. Thus, such Hebrew place names as ye-ru-sha-LA-yim, ye-ri-HO, and yar-DEN have become known to us as Jerusalem, Jericho, and Jordan; and Hebrew personal names such as yo-NA, yi-SHAI, and ye-SHU-a have become known to us as Jonah, Jesse, and Jesus.

The yod is the smallest letter of the alphabet, which is why Yeshua used it in His famous saying in Matt 5:18: "Until heaven and earth pass away not one yod ("iota" in the Greek text) or one kots will pass from the Torah." For emphasis, Yeshua incorporated in this saying a well-known Hebrew expression: lo' yod ve-LO' ko-TSO shel yod, "not a yod and not a 'thorn' of a yod," i.e., not the most insignificant and unimportant thing. When Yeshua declared that heaven and earth might sooner disappear than the smallest letter of the Hebrew alphabet, or the smallest stroke of a letter, He was simply saying that the Torah ("Law" or "Teaching") of Moses would never cease to be.

The second sound in Yeshua's name is called tse-RE, and is pronounced almost like the letter "e" in the word "net". Just as the "Y" sound of the first letter is mispronounced in today's English, so too the first vowel sound in "Jesus". Before the Hebrew name "Yeshua" was transliterated into English, it was first transliterated into Greek. There was no difficulty in transliterating the tse-RE sound since the ancient Greek language had an equivalent letter which represented this sound. And there was no real difficulty in transcribing this same first vowel into English. The translators of the earliest versions of the English Bible transliterated the tse-RE in Yeshua with an "e". Unfortunately, later English speakers guessed wrongly that this "e" should be pronounced as in "me," and thus the first syllable of the English version of Yeshua came to be pronounced "Jee" instead of "Yeh". It is this pronunciation which produced such euphemistic profanities as "Gee" and "Geez".

Since Yeshua is spelled "Jeshua" and not "Jesus" in most English versions of the Old Testament (for example in Ezra 2:2 and 2 Chronicles 31:15), one easily gets the impression that the name is never mentioned in the Hebrew Scriptures. Yet 'Yeshua' appears there twenty-nine times, and is the name of at least five different persons and one village in the southern part of Yehudah ("Judah").

In contrast to the early biblical period, there were relatively few different names in use among the Jewish population of the Land of Israel at the time of the Second Temple. The name Yeshua was one of the most common male names in that period, tied with Eleazer for fifth place behind Simon, Joseph, Judah, and John. Nearly one out of ten persons known from the period was named Yeshua.

The first sound of the second syllable of Yeshua is the "sh" sound. It is represented by the Hebrew letter shin. However Greek, like many other languages, has no "sh" sound. Instead, the closest approximation, the Greek sigma, was used when transcribing "Yeshua" as "Iesus". Translators of English versions of the New Testament transliterated the Greek transcription of a Hebrew name, instead of returning to the original Hebrew. This was doubly unfortunate, first because the "sh" sound exists in English, and second because in English the "s" sound can shift to the "z" sound, which is what happened in the case of the pronunciation of "Jesus".

The fourth sound one hears in the name Yeshua is the "u" sound, as in the word "true". Like the first three sounds, this also has come to be mispronounced but in this case it is not the fault of the translators. They transcribed this sound accurately, but English is not a phonetic language and "u" can be pronounced in more than one way. At some point the "u" in "Jesus" came to be pronounced as in "cut," and so we say "Jee-zuhs."

The "a" sound, as in the word "father," is the fifth sound in Jesus' name. It is followed by a guttural produced by contracting the lower throat muscles and retracting the tongue root- an unfamiliar task for English speakers. In an exception to the rule, the vowel sound "a" associated with the last letter "ayin" (the guttural) is pronounced before it, not after. While there is no equivalent in English or any other Indo-European language, it is somewhat similar to the last sound in the name of the composer, "Bach." In this position it is almost inaudible to the western ear. Some Israelis pronounce this last sound and some don't, depending on what part of the dispersion their families returned from. The Hebrew Language Academy, guardian of the purity of the language, has ruled that it should be sounded, and Israeli radio and television announcers are required to pronounce it correctly. There was no letter to represent them, and so these fifth and sixth sounds were dropped from the Greek transcription of "Yeshua," -the transcription from which the English "Jesus" is derived.

So where did the final "s" of "Jesus" come from? Masculine names in Greek ordinarily end with a consonant, usually with an "s" sound, and less frequently with an "n" or "r" sound. In the case of "Iesus," the Greeks added a sigma, the "s" sound, to close the word. The same is true for the names Nicodemus, Judas, Lazarus, and others.

English speakers make one further change from the original pronunciation of Jesus' name. English places the accent on "Je," rather than on "sus." For this reason, the "u" has shortened in its English pronunciation to "uh."

In the West, a child's name is often chosen for its pleasant sound, or because another family member had it. The Jews of the Second Temple period also named after relatives (Luke 1:59-63). However, almost all Jewish names have a literal meaning. Occasionally this is seen in English names too, such as Scott (a person from Scotland), Johnson (son of John), and Baker (bread maker). But with Hebrew names it is the rule, rather than the exception.

The name Yeshua literally means The LORD's Salvation, or Salvation from the LORD. In comparison, prior to being transliterated from the Hebrew Bible, the name Iesus did not exist in Greek. Through multiple translations and changes in pronunciation, a tradition of saying "Jesus" has obscured His name, "Yeshua." It has shifted His perceived message and identity from Hebrew to Greek.

How "Yeshua" Became "Jesus"

The names of the saints were unimportant. It was their message from the invisible "messiah" that was important so they could learn that they were created in the unseen world ( energy ) before any visible world became the illusions we see, hear, taste, smell and touch.

The saints came to learn that ALL God's created people will be saved from the deluded world we all live in once God destroys it all.
The universe came to be, and earth is a random orb of primordial microbes that evolved into what we humans are today. Yet we have devolved into a slough of mindless paranoid idiots who cling to a notion, rendering us incapable of forming our own thought for our own benefit.
The universe came to be, and earth is a random orb of primordial microbes that evolved into what we humans are today. Yet we have devolved into a slough of mindless paranoid idiots who cling to a notion, rendering us incapable of forming our own thought for our own benefit.

Those evolving primordial microbes sure made you an idiot. Our Creator made me as His voice where He spoke His thoughts into wavelengths of stored energy, waiting to be used to give us a visible world of illusions that appear very believable to man. Scientists still believe that atomic elements are real. LOL
Jesus existed, yup.

Nope. He probably didn't.

the OP having too many words, the fact is, no one who wrote about Jesus ever met him personally.

And the Gospels contradict each other on key points.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVuNA2rfjuQ&feature=c4-overview-vl&list=PLD2A83ECA28A43F72]The New Jesus Timeline Part III: It's a Mess - YouTube[/ame]
It's left out because the powers that be didn't want to include it in what is now called "the bible". Which is why I don't put much stock in it.
It was left out because Jesus may have traveled to India or Egypt to study Buddhism.
The universe came to be, and earth is a random orb of primordial microbes that evolved into what we humans are today. Yet we have devolved into a slough of mindless paranoid idiots who cling to a notion, rendering us incapable of forming our own thought for our own benefit.

Those evolving primordial microbes sure made you an idiot. Our Creator made me as His voice where He spoke His thoughts into wavelengths of stored energy, waiting to be used to give us a visible world of illusions that appear very believable to man. Scientists still believe that atomic elements are real. LOL

I believe that only in death will we come to know the real truth of things.
In the meantime, keep deluding yourself.
No english speaking Christian has any idea what the Hebrew language was 2,000 years ago. Languages change constantly so it's impossible to know what names meant from that long ago.
Possibly no English speaking Christian has any idea what the Hebrew language was 2,000 years ago except those who may have studied Hebrew.

In any case, the Hebrew translation for Yeshua is Jesus.
How would we recognize Christ's return?

Well, first He descends out of heaven.

Second, the wicked are destroyed

Third, he has scars from nails in his hands wrist and feet and a spear scar to his side.

Fourth, a thousand years of peace begins.

Im pretty sure it will be fairly easy to spot when it happens.
It's left out because the powers that be didn't want to include it in what is now called "the bible". Which is why I don't put much stock in it.
It was left out because Jesus may have traveled to India or Egypt to study Buddhism.

None of us saints had to study the false religions of this world but God used the religions of this world to help us saints understand the total delusion of this world and how God is going to destroy this world on the "Last Day" of this first age.

God also teaches us that He used religion to teach men how to build things so that He could use these visible things to help us understand our invisible created existence within His mind. God's "beast" is the plan that forced His people to build things with their human hands and the reason the symbolic "mark of the beast" on their hands and forehead. God was the one who put all the thoughts in their minds to build things without His people knowing who God is and that He was the one who created all their thoughts.

So the "beast" was also a way to keep God's people deceived from knowing their true invisible existence in His mind while teaching them how to build things starting with looking into the stars to get building shapes for building plans. Everything has to be planned out before building. Even our Creator planned everything before He started creating His invisible creation.
With all the psychiatry/psychology we have today, anyone claiming to be Jesus would be hauled off to a mental institution. How would Christians identify Jesus, if he did come?

No flesh called "Jesus" will appear in this world speaking for our Creator. However, the invisible "messiah" is being testified to today in this forum but Christians don't believe Him, just like the religious Jews who rejected the invisible "messiah" that the other saints preached to them.

John 6
63: It is the spirit that gives life, the flesh is of no avail; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life.

If you're waiting for the flesh of Jesus to come, you're totally deceived of the invisible "messiah" that came in the cloud of invisible information that no man can ever see.
How would we recognize Christ's return?

Well, first He descends out of heaven.

Second, the wicked are destroyed

Third, he has scars from nails in his hands wrist and feet and a spear scar to his side.

Fourth, a thousand years of peace begins.

Im pretty sure it will be fairly easy to spot when it happens.

The religious Jews thought they would recognize the "messiah" when He came, also. They didn't realize that the "messiah" was invisible.

John 6
63: It is the spirit that gives life, the flesh is of no avail; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life.
No english speaking Christian has any idea what the Hebrew language was 2,000 years ago. Languages change constantly so it's impossible to know what names meant from that long ago.
Possibly no English speaking Christian has any idea what the Hebrew language was 2,000 years ago except those who may have studied Hebrew.

In any case, the Hebrew translation for Yeshua is Jesus.

No one can understand the old languages spoken 2,000 years ago. It's religious pride that convinces these Christians that they understand it.

My spanish wife can write and speak in five different languages. She told me she couldn't understand written spanish from the days of Columbus and that is only five hundred years ago.

People who argue against the Truth are stupid people.

Psalm 92
5: How great are thy works, O LORD! Thy thoughts are very deep!
6: The dull man cannot know, the stupid cannot understand this:

Jeremiah 10
14: Every man is stupid and without knowledge; every goldsmith is put to shame by his idols; for his images are false, and there is no breath in them.
15: They are worthless, a work of delusion; at the time of their punishment they shall perish.

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