Did a historical Jesus exist?

Where was Jesus between the ages or 12 and 30 (the lost years))? There is no mention of his activities in the New Testament. It is suggested Jesus may have traveled to Egypt or India where he may have studied Buddhism.


Unknown years of Jesus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Studied Buddhism? Who is the hopeful historian on that one? Jesus is God, He has a mission. Advancing Buddhism is not part of it.

There is a book titled "The Mystical City of God" which was penned by a Spanish nun from the 1600's. It is essentially an autobiography of the Virgin Mary as she appeared to her on several occasions and dictated to this nun what to write down. The unabridged version is over 2600 pages and this nun (Mary Agreda) was far from a scholar. The universities and theologian of that day marveled at its Scriptural accuracy and sublime teachings. They as consensus concluded it was virtually without error (albeit some minor contradictions). Of course you are free to reject it, but I read the abridged version (800 pages) and as a Catholic I will say it is an amazing manuscript. It reveals a number of things about the youth Jesus and about Mary, accounts or points of fact that can be disputed but I totally embrace. There you can find out much as to where Jesus was during those years. I do not recall any mention of traveling abroad, however.
Daws, I'm flattered that you're flattered : ))

(I kinda figured you meant something like what you just now said - and I tend to agree with you, LOL! I read my Scriptures as 'allegorical' far more of the time than I do 'literal' anyway)
Studied Buddhism? Who is the hopeful historian on that one? Jesus is God, He has a mission. Advancing Buddhism is not part of it.

It is impossible that Jesus or any human being ever was God or ever became God either before, during or after their human existence.
There is no "HISTORICAL" evidence of a Jesus. You can carry on believing in a metaphorical story of a phantom Lord.

In that case, you have no premise for your thread, and should ask that it be removed.
No there isn't. You posted a thread based on what you believe to be a false premise, in order to troll the religion forum. As I stated from the beginning. If you don't believe Christ existed, how on earth can you surmise what he was doing during the "missing" years? There were no missing years, as there was no Christ, according to you.

You're not even a very GOOD troll.
Studied Buddhism? Who is the hopeful historian on that one? Jesus is God, He has a mission. Advancing Buddhism is not part of it.

It is impossible that Jesus or any human being ever was God or ever became God either before, during or after their human existence.

No. But it is impossible for me to take your words as the definitive word on the subject, superseding those of great saints like Catherine of Siena, St. John Vianney, Padre Pio and the like. You really are over your head when you make such declarations, IMO.
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So your thread is a decoy, since you don't believe Jesus existed. I'll ask the mods to remove it for you.
No I do not believe in God or Jesus and this thread was to generate discussion.
How can you intelligently discuss where Christ was during his *missing years* if you maintain he never existed? Do you not see the problem with that?
This has been a learning experience and what I have learned is that Jesus did not exist, nor does God.
Is it just you and I in these forums?

Nobody is going to engage a duplicitous nutbag. You aren't going to get the board Christians to engage, because they recognize you for what you are, and you aren't going to get anti-christians to engage because they are incapable of doing anything except troll and lie, and they've already been schooled regarding that.

So you're stuck with me. I'll continue to point out what an idiot you are, until you give up, or quit acting like one, or get banned. Whichever comes first.
This has been a learning experience and what I have learned is that Jesus did not exist, nor does God.

That's as retarded as all your other posts, so I'm not surprised. Logic, and reality, are not your strong suits.
I'm not a troll at all. I've tried to get you to support the garbage you post, and you won't. I ask you direct questions..and you refuse to answer. You're the troll. And most likely a sock. I don't expect you to be here long.
Of course I do. You are promoting Dawson, who thinks that sending children to church is worse than feeling them up.

Got it.

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