Did a historical Jesus exist?

Sadly, there is absolutely nothing to support this *theory*. So it's no more likely than it is no more likely than any other fantasy you develop. If Jesus was married to Mary (which one?) then someone would have mentioned it. They didn't, because he wasn't. Mary was not his wife, she was most likely a wealthy sponsor.

The point is, there is documentation of those events. There is ZERO of the other. Try to avoid logical fallacy if you're going to participate, mmkay?

LOL, sure, there is documentation of events that have always been and will always be impossible to occur in reality leaving the allegorical implications the only possible truth.

And that Jesus was most likely married in an arranged marriage by the age of 14 whether he liked it or not is a well know and historically documented practice of the times when Jesus lived. If he was never married by 30 such an oddity would have been pointed out as evidence of a mental defect by the people trying to disprove his claims of being the Jewish messiah who was expected to obey all of the divine commands including a literal fulfillment of the command to be fruitful and multiply..

All you're doing is proving your ignorance. No, they would not have held him up as an object of ridicule for failing to marry. You have an odd and skewed, and ignorant, concept of what life was like during the days of Christ. There were many 30 year old men who were not married, and they were not considered mentally defective. Men then, as now, waited upon their fortune to marry, and men then, as now, devoted themselves fully to devotion of God and were not considered mentally defective for doing so.

Again you are wrong. Men did no waiting to get their fortune, the got a fortune if they married well, the brides family providing the dowry to the man for taking a girl off his hands and mind.

You have quite the imagination.

Even the prophets had wives. anyone who forsook marriage was considered an oddity, mentally or otherwise defective, which disqualified him from a holy life and consideration as being a prophet or the messiah who is bound by law irrevocable under covenant to be fruitful and multiply.
This is not about proving anything. This is about exchanging opinions and sharing different viewpoints. To demand someone 'Prove it' sounds so infantile.
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No, it's the way you assert your opinion. And you are making egregious statements and presenting them as *fact* when, in fact, they are not.
If your opinion is that Christ was married, and to support that opinion you state that all men were married by 30 and if they weren't, they were considered mentally defective, then the onus is on you to prove that is actually TRUE. Otherwise, it has no place in the conversation. It's just another opinion, based upon nothing but your own imagination. Which is, of course, exactly what it is. Adults don't discuss lofty subjects and support their stance by just making shit up. Adults use facts and reality to support their opinions, or they accept the fact that nobody will take them seriously, and they are not fit to debate any topic whatever with other adults.

So far, you aren't making a great showing.
It is typical of Christians when they are at a loss for words - they either flood the board with Bible references or demand proof.
It's a fact that you have yet to support anything you've said.

I think your primary malfunction, aside from a deplorable lack of education and exposure to the world, is that you don't recognize the difference between truth (aka *reality*) and the fiction you have running in your head. I bet you think you're smart, too. Another opinion that has no validity if you can't bring forth something real to support it.
Nothing in this thread can be supported with evidence. You do not see none believers demanding proof from Christians. There is no proof. There is simply their faith in a phantom God. These are nothing more than speculation.
Nothing that YOU'VE written can be supported with evidence, you mean. Because you're just, well, making shit up.
NOTHING can be supported with evidence because NONE of this is factual.
We can keep going back and forth like this...NONE of it is factual. There is no historical evidence Jesus even existed.
There is no "HISTORICAL" evidence of a Jesus. You can carry on believing in a metaphorical story of a phantom Lord.
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By the way, you should read the document on "Did Jesus Really Exist"
Daws: "The invisible "messiah" fuuuuuuuuck me!"

Marg: I'm a very happily married woman, and I swore off other men the day I married my beloved : )) While I do like you, Daws, you'll have to find some other lady ......
I'm flattered!
i did not mean fuuuuuck me literally, more like in a world full of crack pot idea's that has to be one of the most crack pottiest.
but then I remembered the showbizz axiom "always play to the house."

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