Did Americans get tired of too much winning?

You mean one of the reasons Biden won was because of Trump's disasterous handling of Covid? And who forced him to screw up it?

Oh btw. It was idiot Trump who told his supporters not to use mail- in.

Thanks for letting me straighten you out.

Another lie from the Communist party. If Trump screwed up covid, how did Dementia end up with more dead Americans than Trump did? Trump didn't have three vaccines, Dementia did and Trump still had less deaths. Dementia had a stockpile of PPE, the cabinet was bare when we got hit with covid under Trump because that Kenyan lawn jockey emptied all our PPE and never replaced it.

You people are nothing but born liars, that's why you vote Democrat. Here, this is what Dementia said about Trump when we hit the 200K dead Americans mark. Tell me why he didn't take his own advice.

Then you are politically deaf, dumb and blind. Trump declares war on everyone who fails to do the will of his monoverse to be only and exclusivelly loyal to pharao Donald Trump.

Why are you using words you don't know the definition of? You need a better translation program. Yours sucks.
Under Trump the USA won "energy independence".
Trump filled the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, now Biden has it half empty. (its supposed to be only for "emergencies")
Under Trump gas and diesel was affordable. Now many truckers are selling their trucks, and we have shortages and supply chain problems.
Under Trump the US exported energy. Under Biden we need to beg dictators like Putin to pump more oil.

What do you think the US lost under Trump? Under Biden we lost prosperity.

Your leftist EU governments did a very poor job planning for energy needs for the coming winter. I hear your energy costs tripled already.
Trump did fill up the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, it was at it's highest point in his first week in office. We are more energy "independent" today than we were at any point of Trump's tenure. Domestic production will exceed Trump's best year at the end of this year and exports, especially LNG, are breaking records.
President Trump got an historic tax reform bill passed and signed into law. The poor and working class got a tax cut. The wealthy got a tax increase via the SALT cap. Oddly, after Trump increased taxes on the wealthy Dems squealed like stuck pigs.
How stupid. The wealthy didn't get a tax increase due to the SALT cap, which was specifically targeted to punish individuals that chose to live in blue states like New York and California. The top one percent walked away with an average $50,000 in tax cuts. Think they paid that in state and local income taxes? And the bottom 80 percent got an average $800. Trump's tariffs on Chinese imports averaged over two grand for those same bottom 80 percent income households.
How stupid. The wealthy didn't get a tax increase due to the SALT cap, which was specifically targeted to punish individuals that chose to live in blue states like New York and California.
Ah, you are a bold faced LIAR. Go wash your lying Dem mouth out with soap. :eusa_hand: Get this clown ^^^ trying to tell us the reason Dems are squealing like stuck pigs over the SALT cap is because nobody got a tax increase...oh wait. :eusa_hand:
Another lie from the Communist party. If Trump screwed up covid, how did Dementia end up with more dead Americans than Trump did? Trump didn't have three vaccines, Dementia did and Trump still had less deaths. Dementia had a stockpile of PPE, the cabinet was bare when we got hit with covid under Trump because that Kenyan lawn jockey emptied all our PPE and never replaced it.

You people are nothing but born liars, that's why you vote Democrat. Here, this is what Dementia said about Trump when we hit the 200K dead Americans mark. Tell me why he didn't take his own advice.

It's not Biden's fault that you idiots won't take the vaccine, idiot. Obama is not a "Kenyan lawn jockey" you racist cockfaced asshole.
I am very interested in Trump's foreign policy successes. Because he sure shit on the domestic agenda, lowest GDP growth since Hoover, same for unemployment rates not seen since Hoover. Did you know, he actually increased "regulations". And his economic "success"? LOL, sugar high from tax cuts initially, both on a personal and the laughably stupid corporate level. I mean the stock market immediately adjusts to higher earnings after income taxes, a one time bump that has now long lost all its power.

The tariffs against China were a clear slap in the face of the founding Republicans and Conservatists as well. And did you know, Trump increased the trade deficit. Hell, he even increased the trade deficit with China. Yeah, he started a trade war with China. And yeah, he flippin lost. What a dumb ass.

But hell, Trumps your boy. God bless your heart. But can't you see it in that whole trade bit with China. He got his ass handed to him, paid out millions to farmers, soybeans and corn tanked. Hell, we were burying over half a million hogs per month during the peak of Covid. So he pulled back, and soon, live hogs were on ships to China, we weren't burying them anymore. So now, well Trump don't talk much about it. The reality it is the same thing on January 6.

Look, Trump saw what was going on. All those around him told him to do something about it. You know why he didn't? Cause he was hoping they could pull it the flip off. Period. Had Pence been swinging from the gallows, Trump would have been gleeful. Hell, he probably would have called up his buddy in North Korea laughing about it. But he called it off when he saw there was no hope. Live to fight another day, period. That's him. Screw all you yahoo's that got caught.

Trump has allegiance to one person. Trump. Period. People, family, country, nope, not a consideration. That is your "boy".
A stupid response is still a stupid response regradless of how you deluded yourself into think you are right. Good job little snowflake.
Ah, you are a bold faced LIAR. Go wash your lying Dem mouth out with soap. :eusa_hand: Get this clown ^^^ trying to tell us the reason Dems are squealing like stuck pigs over the SALT cap is because nobody got a tax increase...oh wait. :eusa_hand:
Look here dumbass.

the average tax cut for the richest 1 percent to be $51,000 and the average tax cut for the bottom 80 percent to be about $800.

57 percent would benefit the top one percent (a cut of $33,100);

Now, where I went to school $51,000 is greater than $33,100. I mean how stupid are you, the top one percent, even in high tax states like New York, still banked almost eighteen grand. You would have been lucky to get $800 and yet you are so foolish that you believe the wealthy, that banked almost 20 times what you did, got a tax hike.

I mean Republican tax cuts are like the bad movie that you see over and over again. They throw some crumbs at the middle class and drop caviar and diamonds in the laps of the wealthy contributors. But worse, they manipulate the economic landscape to benefit the wealthy, the rich get richer, the poor poorer.

Median family income grew by just $514 in 2018 after enactment of the tax law—much slower growth than occurred in each of the last three years under President Obama. The increase in the yearly wage growth rate is up just 0.4 percent over the roughly two years since the Trump-GOP tax law was enacted. The yearly wage growth rate under Obama’s last two years accelerated by 0.7 percent.

So basically, Trump cut income growth by half with his tax cuts, which was easily predictable by anyone that knew the difference between the Phillips curve and the cobweb theorem. Hell, he bent your ass over and all you can do is say, "Thank you sir, may I have another."
It's not Biden's fault that you idiots won't take the vaccine, idiot. Obama is not a "Kenyan lawn jockey" you racist cockfaced asshole.

"The best part about being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault."
Ray from Cleveland
the average tax cut for the richest 1 percent to be $51,000 and the average tax cut for the bottom 80 percent to be about $800.

57 percent would benefit the top one percent (a cut of $33,100);

Wow! Are you trying to tell us that the people that paid the most income tax got a larger tax break? What kind of Fd up concept is that? The people that paid nearly nothing in income tax should have gotten the most.
Look here dumbass.

the average tax cut for the richest 1 percent to be $51,000 and the average tax cut for the bottom 80 percent to be about $800.

57 percent would benefit the top one percent (a cut of $33,100);

Now, where I went to school $51,000 is greater than $33,100. I mean how stupid are you, the top one percent, even in high tax states like New York, still banked almost eighteen grand. You would have been lucky to get $800 and yet you are so foolish that you believe the wealthy, that banked almost 20 times what you did, got a tax hike.

I mean Republican tax cuts are like the bad movie that you see over and over again. They throw some crumbs at the middle class and drop caviar and diamonds in the laps of the wealthy contributors. But worse, they manipulate the economic landscape to benefit the wealthy, the rich get richer, the poor poorer.

Median family income grew by just $514 in 2018 after enactment of the tax law—much slower growth than occurred in each of the last three years under President Obama. The increase in the yearly wage growth rate is up just 0.4 percent over the roughly two years since the Trump-GOP tax law was enacted. The yearly wage growth rate under Obama’s last two years accelerated by 0.7 percent.

So basically, Trump cut income growth by half with his tax cuts, which was easily predictable by anyone that knew the difference between the Phillips curve and the cobweb theorem. Hell, he bent your ass over and all you can do is say, "Thank you sir, may I have another."
I like how first class assholes like Newt Gingrich are always ranting & raving about how employers can't find workers to fill job openings. Gingrich & his wealthy pals are pissed off because workers aren't groveling for those $10/hr. jobs anymore.

Trump's asslickers are in for a rude awakening when the tax cuts for the middle class sunset on Dec. 31, 2025. But the corporate tax cuts that their boy Trump & his Republican goon squad enacted? Nope, but who's surprised?
Wow! Are you trying to tell us that the people that paid the most income tax got a larger tax break? What kind of Fd up concept is that? The people that paid nearly nothing in income tax should have gotten the most.
Oh, I agree with you. The wealthy shoulder way too much of the total tax burden. I got some numbers for you. The top one percent paid 38.5% of all federal income taxes. They made 21% of all income. But here is the real kicker, they only paid 4% of Social Security taxes. Time to remove the cap on income subject to the Social Security tax. And make it means tested. If you are making half a million dollars a year you don't need no damn stinking Social Security check.

Here is the think, the rich paid a much lower portion of total taxes when their marginal tax rates were higher. So make them higher. There are inherent reasons for that that I could happily explain to you but somehow, I just figure I would be wasting my time.
Sure, if you count "winning" as ignoring a pandemic, the hundreds of thousands of dead bodies, the economic carnage and ruin, and the incompetent, sputtering, insurrectionist and seditionist ending to a disaster of a Presidency. Then yeah, I can see how his most ardent supporters would call that winning. You wanted an autocracy. An economic boom and falling unemployment that began under his predecessor. All he had to do was not fuck it up...which he did, the first moment his Presidency was tested.

Donald Trump was a hot mess of a shit show. Donald Trump IS the worst President elected in United States history.
That's quite an accomplishment..eclipsing two Presidents (Buchanan and Pierce) who allowed events that led to the Civil War.
But I don't remember either one of those men ever making an attempt to shred The Constitution and our democratic norms..because he wanted to continue to play President. :)
Trump did what Fauci told him to do. I will hold him accountable for that one. Fauci is a fuck up.
Oh, I agree with you. The wealthy shoulder way too much of the total tax burden. I got some numbers for you. The top one percent paid 38.5% of all federal income taxes. They made 21% of all income. But here is the real kicker, they only paid 4% of Social Security taxes. Time to remove the cap on income subject to the Social Security tax. And make it means tested. If you are making half a million dollars a year you don't need no damn stinking Social Security check.

Here is the think, the rich paid a much lower portion of total taxes when their marginal tax rates were higher. So make them higher. There are inherent reasons for that that I could happily explain to you but somehow, I just figure I would be wasting my time.

So what you're saying is that the wealthy should be funding a program the rest of us use, but they shouldn't use?

Yes, please explain to me how the wealthy were paying lower taxes with a higher marginal rate. Do they get more deductions paying a higher rate, more write-offs? It doesn't make sense. They have the same write-offs paying a lower marginal rate as they do the higher one. Logic dictates that they pay less taxes with a lower marginal rate. It sounds like wherever you got your stats from is bullshitting you.

If you worked lower wage jobs or mostly party time jobs than I have, at retirement time, I will get a larger SS check than you because I paid more into it. Why should it not be like that for the wealthy if they pay more into the program than the rest of us?
Sure, if you count "winning" as ignoring a pandemic, the hundreds of thousands of dead bodies, the economic carnage and ruin, and the incompetent, sputtering, insurrectionist and seditionist ending to a disaster of a Presidency. Then yeah, I can see how his most ardent supporters would call that winning. You wanted an autocracy. An economic boom and falling unemployment that began under his predecessor. All he had to do was not fuck it up...which he did, the first moment his Presidency was tested.

Donald Trump was a hot mess of a shit show. Donald Trump IS the worst President elected in United States history.
That's quite an accomplishment..eclipsing two Presidents (Buchanan and Pierce) who allowed events that led to the Civil War.
But I don't remember either one of those men ever making an attempt to shred The Constitution and our democratic norms..because he wanted to continue to play President. :)
What a ridiculous lying post. Trump was probably the greatest and most successful president of the last 100 years.

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