Did Jesus die for our sins, or his own?

Jesus' Sins: The Unspoken Bible

"Right believing Christians who have been brainwashed into believing Jesus was perfectly free of sin, might be shocked to know that he succumbed to six of these sins. He was fat and lazy. He didn't work and he hated money, so he was dependant on handouts. When they weren't offered, he stole.

People called him a glutton and a drunkard. Women followed him around like a bunch of groupies eager to service their hero. He didn't wash, so it is a wonder they could stand his smell.

He had such a high opinion of himself that he got frustrated or angry at those who didn't believe him. When he insulted them or threatened to send them to hell, he only made his audience angry at him. Who could blame his skeptics? He wasn't the only miracle man in those days, claiming to be sent by God.

21"Not every one who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
22On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?'
23And then will I declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from me, you evildoers.' (Matt. 7:21-23)"

Chapter and verse evidence Jesus commited 6 of the 7 'deadly sins' at link.

How many posts about religion does this one make? You never think of anything else at all do you? Total obsession.
Thank God for his personal revelations to confirm the truth of it in these latter days. We are not left with the bible only but modern revelation and the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Then what does the following translate into english?
"I Am HaShev" &
what does "I am the Bread" translate to in Hebrew?

What does I'll Return or I'll restore translate to in Hebrew?

If all these phrases which is the same word in Hebrew are used over & over in your revelation of truth translated into many various definitions yet still the same Hebrew word
Then why are you BLOTTING OUT and fighting the truth by losing the original language and thus blocking the revelation?

Next time you pretend to discuss a Hebrew Religion try using the Hebrew.
Jesus' Sins: The Unspoken Bible

"Right believing Christians who have been brainwashed into believing Jesus was perfectly free of sin, might be shocked to know that he succumbed to six of these sins. He was fat and lazy. He didn't work and he hated money, so he was dependant on handouts. When they weren't offered, he stole.

People called him a glutton and a drunkard. Women followed him around like a bunch of groupies eager to service their hero. He didn't wash, so it is a wonder they could stand his smell.

He had such a high opinion of himself that he got frustrated or angry at those who didn't believe him. When he insulted them or threatened to send them to hell, he only made his audience angry at him. Who could blame his skeptics? He wasn't the only miracle man in those days, claiming to be sent by God.

21"Not every one who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
22On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?'
23And then will I declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from me, you evildoers.' (Matt. 7:21-23)"

Chapter and verse evidence Jesus commited 6 of the 7 'deadly sins' at link.

How many posts about religion does this one make? You never think of anything else at all do you? Total obsession.
I noticed that he's a serial poster and thread maker all over this site. He must be lonely.
Thank God for his personal revelations to confirm the truth of it in these latter days. We are not left with the bible only but modern revelation and the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Then what does the following translate into english?
"I Am HaShev" &
what does "I am the Bread" translate to in Hebrew?

What does I'll Return or I'll restore translate to in Hebrew?

If all these phrases which is the same word in Hebrew are used over & over in your revelation of truth translated into many various definitions yet still the same Hebrew word
Then why are you BLOTTING OUT and fighting the truth by losing the original language and thus blocking the revelation?

Next time you pretend to discuss a Hebrew Religion try using the Hebrew.
I don't think your answering this the way his statement was intended. What he is talking about is there are Prophets today who are inspired by the Holy Ghost And because they are inspired by the Holy Ghost they give a dimension outside Biblical thought.
I don't think Hebrew or even Greek or Aramaic was part of this.
Thank God for his personal revelations to confirm the truth of it in these latter days. We are not left with the bible only but modern revelation and the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Then what does the following translate into english?
"I Am HaShev" &
what does "I am the Bread" translate to in Hebrew?

What does I'll Return or I'll restore translate to in Hebrew?

If all these phrases which is the same word in Hebrew are used over & over in your revelation of truth translated into many various definitions yet still the same Hebrew word
Then why are you BLOTTING OUT and fighting the truth by losing the original language and thus blocking the revelation?

Next time you pretend to discuss a Hebrew Religion try using the Hebrew.
I don't think your answering this the way his statement was intended. What he is talking about is there are Prophets today who are inspired by the Holy Ghost And because they are inspired by the Holy Ghost they give a dimension outside Biblical thought.
I don't think Hebrew or even Greek or Aramaic was part of this.

That's because you could not answer the Question. If you knew Hebrew you would know it had EVERYTHING to do with his comment:
" his personal revelations to confirm the truth of it in these latter days."
If 'god' knew he was going to resurrect Jesus three days later, uh, did he rely 'sacrifice' anything?

I'm taking your cell phone away for three days. I'm taking your keys for three days. No tv for three days. Only bread and water for three days.

I mean if it was for like 1000 years you could say yeah, that was a sacrifice. 3 days? The holy ghost probably didn't even know he was gone for 3 days. Or probably did as they are all the same thing?...

Seriously though, if you know he's back in 3 days there is no real sacrifice is there?
If 'god' knew he was going to resurrect Jesus three days later, uh, did he rely 'sacrifice' anything?

I'm taking your cell phone away for three days. I'm taking your keys for three days. No tv for three days. Only bread and water for three days.

I mean if it was for like 1000 years you could say yeah, that was a sacrifice. 3 days? The holy ghost probably didn't even know he was gone for 3 days. Or probably did as they are all the same thing?...

Seriously though, if you know he's back in 3 days there is no real sacrifice is there?

I see. So you think Jesus and God are all phonies and myths, but just in case this Jesus did exist it still makes no sense to you He could be God because this three day death is no big deal. Therefore, this all has to be made up.

Yes, you got it all figured out. But just in case you were still a little bit curious I might direct you to a Spanish nun in the 1600’s who claimed to receive a number of visitations from the Mary, the Mother of God. And this nun, Mary of Agreda, was not highly educated but was instructed by the Virgin Mother to write down all that was said to her. What she finally produced was a 1,600 page virtual autobiography of the life of Mary. It is called The Mystical City of God and the universities, theologians and bishops of that time were spellbound by its vastness and inerrancy, almost perfectly in agreement with Catholic teaching, et al.

I bring this up because you think what Jesus endured was no big deal. Well if anyone is interested here are three chapters of the book which speaks upon His passion and death. If one were wise they would be nothing but humble and grateful.

Jesus before Pilot: the scourging and the crowning with thorns

The Way of the Cross

The Crucifixion
If 'god' knew he was going to resurrect Jesus three days later, uh, did he rely 'sacrifice' anything?

I'm taking your cell phone away for three days. I'm taking your keys for three days. No tv for three days. Only bread and water for three days.

I mean if it was for like 1000 years you could say yeah, that was a sacrifice. 3 days? The holy ghost probably didn't even know he was gone for 3 days. Or probably did as they are all the same thing?...

Seriously though, if you know he's back in 3 days there is no real sacrifice is there?

That has to take the record for the most stupid post in the history of USMB. It is nothing of significance to be beaten and tortured and then taken and nailed through one's hands and feet to a cross? You really are a special kind of stupid.
Jesus died because he was gay, god doesn't like homos, that's why he didn't save him.
Jesus died because he was gay, god doesn't like homos, that's why he didn't save him.
What kind of a message or consortium would it take to get rid of a loser like you?
Go entertain yourself on some salacious website.
Michael could be asking..Where is Waldo. But he is being gentle and wants you to think for yourself...Where is your missing saviour...Is he sleeping, is he thinking, is he working...These are the questions that everyone should be asking...Of course there is alot in common between Waldo and Jesus if one thinks about it but everyone assumes they both exist ..I myself have doubts because there are too many discrepancies ..Even if one of those characters is the basis for him it is obvious he fell far short of what it is that was believed he did...It is just one big fairy tale that gulliable little fishies have swallowed hook line and sinker to say the least...We are told to educate ourselves and study everything so we will not be fooled too bad people are just too plain lazy and complacent to do so....it is a shame really...
If 'god' knew he was going to resurrect Jesus three days later, uh, did he rely 'sacrifice' anything?

I'm taking your cell phone away for three days. I'm taking your keys for three days. No tv for three days. Only bread and water for three days.

I mean if it was for like 1000 years you could say yeah, that was a sacrifice. 3 days? The holy ghost probably didn't even know he was gone for 3 days. Or probably did as they are all the same thing?...

Seriously though, if you know he's back in 3 days there is no real sacrifice is there?

That has to take the record for the most stupid post in the history of USMB. It is nothing of significance to be beaten and tortured and then taken and nailed through one's hands and feet to a cross? You really are a special kind of stupid.

I'm honored, the most stupid in history? YES baby!

But Jesus was resurrected 2000 years ago presumably for this moment in the day. How is he still atoning for anything. He isn't dead any more.

And I know these types of threads are just circular descents into nothingness so thanks for the 'worst in history' comment and see you in another thread.
If 'god' knew he was going to resurrect Jesus three days later, uh, did he rely 'sacrifice' anything?

I'm taking your cell phone away for three days. I'm taking your keys for three days. No tv for three days. Only bread and water for three days.

I mean if it was for like 1000 years you could say yeah, that was a sacrifice. 3 days? The holy ghost probably didn't even know he was gone for 3 days. Or probably did as they are all the same thing?...

Seriously though, if you know he's back in 3 days there is no real sacrifice is there?

That has to take the record for the most stupid post in the history of USMB. It is nothing of significance to be beaten and tortured and then taken and nailed through one's hands and feet to a cross? You really are a special kind of stupid.

I'm honored, the most stupid in history? YES baby!

But Jesus was resurrected 2000 years ago presumably for this moment in the day. How is he still atoning for anything. He isn't dead any more.

And I know these types of threads are just circular descents into nothingness so thanks for the 'worst in history' comment and see you in another thread.

Where did you get the idea that he was still atoning? Are you daft? Don't reply to that, we both know you are.
If 'god' knew he was going to resurrect Jesus three days later, uh, did he rely 'sacrifice' anything?

I'm taking your cell phone away for three days. I'm taking your keys for three days. No tv for three days. Only bread and water for three days.

I mean if it was for like 1000 years you could say yeah, that was a sacrifice. 3 days? The holy ghost probably didn't even know he was gone for 3 days. Or probably did as they are all the same thing?...

Seriously though, if you know he's back in 3 days there is no real sacrifice is there?

That has to take the record for the most stupid post in the history of USMB. It is nothing of significance to be beaten and tortured and then taken and nailed through one's hands and feet to a cross? You really are a special kind of stupid.

I'm honored, the most stupid in history? YES baby!

But Jesus was resurrected 2000 years ago presumably for this moment in the day. How is he still atoning for anything. He isn't dead any more.

And I know these types of threads are just circular descents into nothingness so thanks for the 'worst in history' comment and see you in another thread.

Where did you get the idea that he was still atoning? Are you daft? Don't reply to that, we both know you are.

If he isn't still atoning then how do you get saved through his sacrifice.

A scapegoat has to complete the sacrifice to fulfill the magic of scapegoating. The practice is an ancient one (which is where this story came from) where the tribe would put all its misdeeds on a goat and drive it into the desert to die to scrub the entire tribe of all its evil. If the goat wanders back into town the 'scrubbing' still applies?

You have your beliefs, keep them. I just stop by now and then to toss out some comedy, the worst comedy ever according to you, and I can live with that.

There once was a lady from Nantucket...
If 'god' knew he was going to resurrect Jesus three days later, uh, did he rely 'sacrifice' anything?

I'm taking your cell phone away for three days. I'm taking your keys for three days. No tv for three days. Only bread and water for three days.

I mean if it was for like 1000 years you could say yeah, that was a sacrifice. 3 days? The holy ghost probably didn't even know he was gone for 3 days. Or probably did as they are all the same thing?...

Seriously though, if you know he's back in 3 days there is no real sacrifice is there?

That has to take the record for the most stupid post in the history of USMB. It is nothing of significance to be beaten and tortured and then taken and nailed through one's hands and feet to a cross? You really are a special kind of stupid.

I'm honored, the most stupid in history? YES baby!

But Jesus was resurrected 2000 years ago presumably for this moment in the day. How is he still atoning for anything. He isn't dead any more.

And I know these types of threads are just circular descents into nothingness so thanks for the 'worst in history' comment and see you in another thread.

Where did you get the idea that he was still atoning? Are you daft? Don't reply to that, we both know you are.

If he isn't still atoning then how do you get saved through his sacrifice.

A scapegoat has to complete the sacrifice to fulfill the magic of scapegoating. The practice is an ancient one (which is where this story came from) where the tribe would put all its misdeeds on a goat and drive it into the desert to die to scrub the entire tribe of all its evil. If the goat wanders back into town the 'scrubbing' still applies?

You have your beliefs, keep them. I just stop by now and then to toss out some comedy, the worst comedy ever according to you, and I can live with that.

There once was a lady from Nantucket...

He completed the sacrifice once and for all. The sin debt has already been paid in full. Unless you are totally stupid, you already know this. We are saved by grace.

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