Did Jesus reveal the name of the anti-Christ?

anyone who tries to take the place of christ is an anti-Christ. I suppose with that definition Obama would qualify.

What makes you think that Obama is trying to take the place of Christ?

Do you also think that Willem Dafoe in the Last Temptation of Christ was trying to take the place of Christ?

He certainly looks like he was trying to...

3 people: Obama, Pelosi and Reid.

and you'll get someone on the left saying it's bush, cheney and rumsfeld...

and someone else will say it's ahmadinejad and bin laden and one of their cronies...

this is too retarded for words.

I used to say it was Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld when Bush was in office.

I'm just having fun watching you post on a board about Jesus and the anti-christ! :D

I used to like to say Bush, Dick, and Colin...which sounds like triad of sexual exploration.
I could have guessed the conclusion without watching it.

If it is true, then as a Christian you should not worry about it. That just means the end is here and we know how the end turns out. Worrying about the end times is a waste of time for a Christian.

On a personal note, I don't buy it. During the Reformation folks on both sides relied on number gematria to show conclusively that either Martin Luther or the Pope was the anti-christ. Nothing came of that either. If you're willing to reach far enough you can "prove" anyone is the Anti-Christ.

Who said anything about being worried? I recieved this in an email and thought I'd share it and get some opinions on it. Thanks for sharing yours.

Oh, you just wanted others' thoughts on it. I see ... Ok, I'll humor you. I think that .... it is a video made by fucking retards for other fucking retards, so that they can discuss each others' thoughts about it.

There. I hope you appreciate my input.
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I just received this in an email.

Your thoughts?

YouTube - Did Jesus Reveal The Name Of The Anti Christ


Man I hope so...

It's an interesting notion... and Hussein is the most evil human being thats ever been elected to the Office of the US Presidency...

But if Hussein IS the anti-Christ, then the rapture is near and his black-ass is GRASS... and I'll be sitting with the Father with the other Americans and believers through the species... while the Muslims and Humanists of the Left will be here on Earth getting a lesson in Christian tolerance and an avalanche of the evidence that they've been demanding with regard to PROOF THAT GOD EXIST! And right at the MOST incovenient time...
anyone who tries to take the place of christ is an anti-Christ. I suppose with that definition Obama would qualify. however, if you think that the Bible is somehow predicting Obama's existance or stating that he is the greatest force for evil the world has ever known, i think you are insane.

LOL... this species of reason fascinates me...

I mean given all of what we know about the worst evils, certainly within living memory...

Mao, Lennin, Stalin, Hitler, Mousolini, Pol Pot, the Il family... Castro, Guevara... all came up through populist leftist movements... 'Lightening' Hussin Obama came to power through precisely the same cultural ruse...

So while its true that at this point in time, Hussein does not have a history of perpetrating unspeakable evil... but history indicates that his path is one which is common to such evil.
anyone who tries to take the place of christ is an anti-Christ. I suppose with that definition Obama would qualify. however, if you think that the Bible is somehow predicting Obama's existance or stating that he is the greatest force for evil the world has ever known, i think you are insane.

LOL... this species of reason fascinates me...

I mean given all of what we know about the worst evils, certainly within living memory...

Mao, Lennin, Stalin, Hitler, Mousolini, Pol Pot, the Il family... Castro, Guevara... all came up through populist leftist movements... 'Lightening' Hussin Obama came to power through precisely the same cultural ruse...

So while its true that at this point in time, Hussein does not have a history of perpetrating unspeakable evil... but history indicates that his path is one which is common to such evil.

And that above was written by one of those aforementioned fucking retards....
anyone who tries to take the place of christ is an anti-Christ.


Man I hope so...

It's an interesting notion... and Hussein is the most evil human being thats ever been elected to the Office of the US Presidency...

But if Hussein IS the anti-Christ, then the rapture is near and his black-ass is GRASS... and I'll be sitting with the Father with the other Americans and believers through the species... while the Muslims and Humanists of the Left will be here on Earth getting a lesson in Christian tolerance and an avalanche of the evidence that they've been demanding with regard to PROOF THAT GOD EXIST! And right at the MOST incovenient time...

PompousInfantilus :evil: has anointed herself as God and sat in judgment of the Muslims and Humanists.
It's about time a black man was running the show in the US, the white folks ain't got a clue. When you elect GW Bush and Cheney for TWO terms, you know it's time for a black man to come and clean the whitey's cum stains from the oval office rug!
anyone who tries to take the place of christ is an anti-Christ. I suppose with that definition Obama would qualify. however, if you think that the Bible is somehow predicting Obama's existance or stating that he is the greatest force for evil the world has ever known, i think you are insane.

LOL... this species of reason fascinates me...

I mean given all of what we know about the worst evils, certainly within living memory...

Mao, Lennin, Stalin, Hitler, Mousolini, Pol Pot, the Il family... Castro, Guevara... all came up through populist leftist movements... 'Lightening' Hussin Obama came to power through precisely the same cultural ruse...

So while its true that at this point in time, Hussein does not have a history of perpetrating unspeakable evil... but history indicates that his path is one which is common to such evil.

And that above was written by one of those aforementioned fucking retards....

Well I suppose what I like best about the left is their command of reason... their keen insight through which all thought is exposed to its rhetorical bones...

Their intellectual prowess... is remakable.
It's about time a black man was running the show in the US, the white folks ain't got a clue. When you elect GW Bush and Cheney for TWO terms, you know it's time for a black man to come and clean the whitey's cum stains from the oval office rug!

The only one that left cum stains on the oval office rug was Clinton, but at that time I'm sure you thought that was something to celebrate.
anyone who tries to take the place of christ is an anti-Christ.


Man I hope so...

It's an interesting notion... and Hussein is the most evil human being thats ever been elected to the Office of the US Presidency...

But if Hussein IS the anti-Christ, then the rapture is near and his black-ass is GRASS... and I'll be sitting with the Father with the other Americans and believers through the species... while the Muslims and Humanists of the Left will be here on Earth getting a lesson in Christian tolerance and an avalanche of the evidence that they've been demanding with regard to PROOF THAT GOD EXIST! And right at the MOST incovenient time...

PompousInfantilus :evil: has anointed herself as God and sat in judgment of the Muslims and Humanists.

It's the Rapture!



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