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Did Obama Watch While They Fought for their Lives?

Benghazi investigator won't deny Stevens kidnap plot

Questions mount regarding murder of U.S. ambassador

Published: 5 days ago

JERUSALEM – Is the Obama administration suppressing evidence of a kidnapping or attempted kidnapping of murdered U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens?

As WND reported, the State Department’s lead Benghazi investigator, Thomas Pickering, refused to deny there was a plan to kidnap Stevens.

Pickering’s response is just the latest in a series of developments raising questions about the story behind Stevens’ murder.

Pickering was the author of the 39-page report by the State Department’s Accountability Review Board, or ARB, which largely absolved then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other top State officials of wrongdoing regarding the Benghazi attack.


Read more at Benghazi investigator won?t deny Stevens kidnap plot

Issa: Benghazi attack result of Hillary Clinton’s reckless, ill-advised ‘war on terror’ policies [VIDEO]

By Grae Stafford 9:32 PM 10/05/2013


Responsibility for the September 11 Benghazi assault and the deaths of four U.S. citizens — including Libyan ambassador Chris Stevens — lies personally at the feet of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, according to California Republican Rep. Darrell Issa.

“The investigation really is now not about what we know, but about how we can prevent abuse of security before the fact, how we respond during the fact, and how we hold people accountable after the fact for deliberate misinformation — if you want to be kind — [and] outright lies, if not,” said Issa, who serves as head of the Oversight and Government reform committee.

Clinton recklessly pursued an ill-advised policy of “normalization” meant to make the U.S. look like it was winning the war on terror, dividing the State and Defense Departments. The rift between the two weakened cooperation — the full weight of assets that the U.S. could have deployed to help the Americans stranded in the consulate were not dispatched, since the State department did not want to involve military forces for the sake of appearances, Issa said.


Read more: Issa: Hilary Clinton's reckless 'war on terror' policies led to deadly Benghazi attack | The Daily Caller
Obama responds to Benghazi victim’s father with insulting, evasive letter

October 14, 2013 by Tom Tillison


President Obama has responded to a letter from the father of one of the four Americans killed in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.

Even though some may suggest that the response was insulting, at best.

On the one year anniversary of the attack in Libya, during an appearance on Fox News’ “Hannity,” Charles Woods read aloud four questions from a letter he’d sent to Obama, Breitbart News reported.

Woods’ son, ex-SEAL Tyrone Woods, was one of four Americans killed in the terrorist attack in Benghazi.

“What we want are not just answers,” the elder Woods wrote. “We also want the truth.”


Obama responds to Benghazi victim?s father with insulting, evasive letter - BizPac Review

House panel on Benghazi eyes White House document, Panetta testimony

By James Rosen
October 17, 2013

As they wrap up their 13-month probe into the terrorist attacks in Benghazi that killed four Americans, congressional investigators have zeroed in on a press release issued the day before the murders by White House Press Secretary Jay Carney.

They also are seeking fresh testimony from former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta.

Staffers with the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations told Fox News they have reached the preliminary conclusion – as the Obama administration has long maintained – that no military rescue or remedy was feasible on the night of September 11, 2012, when U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens and three other Americans died amid an eight-hour assault by terrorists on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi and a nearby annex.


House panel on Benghazi eyes White House document, Panetta testimony | Fox News
Did Obama Watch While They Fought for their Lives?

most likely

to be fair, he did have a fundraiser in Vegas to go to
Foreign service is dangerous you idiot. Foreign service in Islamic politically unstable countries when you are a flaming homosexual is suicide.
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Did Obama Watch While They Fought for their Lives?

By Karin McQuillan

They fought for their lives for seven hours. 9/11/ 2012. Benghazi. The White House watched. No help was sent and they died.

Oh for chrissake, get over it. Even "60 Minutes" got over it, and they had to embarrass themselves first, just like you have done.

BTW, would you like a little background on terrorist/attacks on our Embassies and missions for the last fucking forever? Here: Now really, stop it. You're embarrassing yourself.

US diplomatic missions attacked at least 44 times in 52 years

1) On January 27, 1958, the US embassy at Ankara was attacked. This happened just a couple of days before John Foster Dulles, the then US Secretary of State under President Dwight Eisenhower, was set to arrive in this Turkish city for a Baghdad Pact meeting.

2) The United States Embassy at Libreville (Gabon) was bombed on March 5, 1964.

3) The United States Embassy at Libreville was again attacked on March 8, 1964.

4) On January 31, 1968, the US embassy at Saigon (South Vietnam) was attacked, killing few diplomats who had to fight themselves.

5) One person was killed when the US embassy at Phnom Penh, Cambodia was attacked on September 26, 1971, while a softball game was in progress.

6) A US marine was wounded when Communists in Manila attacked the American diplomatic mission in 1972.

7) On August 19, 1974, the US ambassador and his assistant were killed by a sniper in a riot outside the country’s embassy in Nicosia, Cyprus.

8) On August 4, 1975, Japanese Red Army gunmen raided the US embassy at Kuala Lumpur. No casualties were reported.

9) On Nov 4, 1979, US embassy at Tehran was attacked and country’s 52 diplomats were taken hostage by a group of pro-Revolution students and hardliners. The Iran hostage crisis continued for 444 days till January 20, 1981.

10) On Nov 21, 1979, a mob attacked US embassy in Islamabad, killing two American diplomats.

11) On December 2, 1979, the US embassy at Tripoli (Libya) was attacked. No casualties were reported.

12) On April 18, 1983, a car bomb attack on US embassy at Beirut claimed 63 lives, including 17 Americans.

13) On Dec 12, 1983, a truck bomb exploded outside US embassy at Kuwait, killing six people.

14) On September 20, 1984, a Hezbollah truck bomb outside the US embassy at Beirut killed 24 people, including two Americans.

15) In Nov 1984, a car bomb outside the US embassy at Bogota (Columbia) killed one person.

16) On May 14, 1986, Japanese Red Army attacked the US embassy at Jakarta.

17) On June 9, 1987, Japanese Red Army attacked the US embassy at Rome.

18) On September 17, 1989, a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) fired on US embassy at Bogota (Colombia) caused no damage.

19) In 1990, the US Embassy at Tel Aviv (Israel) was attacked.

20) On July 27, 1993, a car bomb planted outside the US Embassy at Lima (Peru) ripped off.

21) On September 13, 1995, an RPG was fired on US embassy at Moscow.

22) On June 21, 1988, an RPG was fired on the US embassy at Beirut by Hezbollah.

23) On August 7, 1988, Al-Qaeda attacked the US embassy at Nairobi.

24) On August 7, 1988, Al-Qaeda also attacked the US embassy at Dar-es-Salaam (Tanzania). The two simultaneous attacks had killed 224 people altogether.

25) On January 22, 2002, Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami gunmen attacked the US consulate at Kolkata, killing five people.

26) On June 14, 2002, an Al-Qaeda truck bomb detonated outside the US consulate at Karachi, killing 12.

27) On October 12, 2002, the US consular office at Denpasar (Indonesia) was bombed by Jemaah Islamiyah as part of the Bali bombings.

28) In 2002 again, nine people were killed by bomb blast near US embassy in Lima (Peru). It was seen as attempt to disrupt forthcoming visit by President George W. Bush.

29) On February 28, 2003, unknown gunmen attacked US embassy at Islamabad, killing two people.

30) On June 30, 2004, a suicide bomber hailing from the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan attacked US embassy at Tashkent, killing two people.

31) On December 6, 2004, Al-Qaeda gunmen raided the diplomatic compound at Jeddah (Saudi Arabia), killing nine Americans.

32) On March 2, 2006, two people were killed when a car bomb exploded outside the US consulate in Karachi.

33) On September 12, 2006, gunmen raided the US embassy at Damascus (Syria), killing four people.

34) On January 12, 2007, a Greek revolutionary group fired an RPG at the US embassy at Greece. No damage done.

35) On March 18, 2008, a mortar attack at the US Embassy at Sana’a (Yemen) killed two people.

36) On July 9, 2008, an armed attack at the US consulate at Istanbul killed six people.

37) On September 17, 2008, 16 people were killed when the US embassy at Sana’a (Yemen) was attacked.

38) On July 11, 2011, supporters of the Syrian government stormed the US embassy at Damascus, smashing windows and raising a Syrian flag at the US diplomatic compound. The office building was damaged as the Syrian security forces were slow to respond. Following the embassy assault, the residence of the US ambassador, Robert Ford, was also attacked by a mob.

39) On September 13, 2011, Taliban attacked the US embassy and the NATO’s International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) headquarters at Kabul with small arms and RPGs.

40) On October 28, 2011, a man armed with an automatic weapon fired shots at the US embassy at Sarajevo, hitting a police officer before authorities shot and wounded him.

41) On April 5, 2012, eight people lost lives when the US Consulate at Peshawar was attacked.

42) On September 11, 2012, a group of violent protesters stormed the US consulate at Benghazi (Libya) against the recent anti-Islam blasphemous video film—- killing the US Ambassador and three staff members.

43) On September 11, 2012, the US embassy at Cairo was also attacked.

44) On September 11, 2012, the US embassy at Sana’a too came under an aggressive assault.

US diplomatic missions attacked at least 44 times in 52 years - thenews.com.pk
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Rep. Nunes says Benghazi testimony 'outstanding' help to probe of attack

Published December 03, 2013 • FoxNews.com


He said the contractors' account raises questions as to why no one was sent to help the Benghazi compound that night when it was unclear whether the attack had ended.

“What if they attack had gone on for another 24 hours?” he asked. “Would they have sent help then?”

Nunes said it is unclear why even though the contractors found out about the attack around dusk, they did not arrive to help those at the compound until the next day around 5:00 a.m.

“There is no accountability in the process that I’ve seen so far and nobody knows what the president knew and when he knew it,” he said.

Rep. Nunes says Benghazi testimony 'outstanding' help to probe of attack | Fox News
Congresswoman declines Benghazi question because ‘we’re here to talk about the Middle East’

By Aaron Blake December 10 at 11:58 am

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEeX8q1NQ4w]Ann Kuster dodges Benghazi Q&A by saying it is not in Middle East. - YouTube[/ame]

A Democratic congresswoman declined to address questions about the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya, at a recent town hall meeting, but didn't offer a very good excuse.

According to a video of the town hall, Rep. Ann Kuster (D-N.H.) said she wouldn't answer Benghazi questions because the topic was the Middle East.

"I’m certainly not here to talk about it," Kuster said. "We’re here to talk about the Middle East.”
Kuster's comments were first reported by Townhall.com.


Congresswoman declines Benghazi question because ?we?re here to talk about the Middle East?

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