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Did Pelosi Do Blackmail?

This should have happened with that gavel:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pipyvVQ6nX4"]What really happened when Pelosi Hands the Gavel to the new speaker - YouTube[/ame]

Don't you love how it has gold bands??

It really shows how delusional she is...

Fuck that bitch...

People are struggling to put food on the table and that lunatic is walking around with a token gold plated gavel..

Shows how in tough she is with our problems..

Why not a diamond decorated gavel??

Maybe it would look nice with her expensive jewelry..

Of course this is one of the masterminds behind the idea of elitism..

What a bitch...
Pelosi is an elitist that pretends (as most gubmints electeds do) that they're friends with thier constituients.

NOTHING is farther from the truth. They're ALL complicit and stealing us blind in terms of liberty.

You linked to an illiterate's rant, and this is supposed to convince us of what, exactly?

I see you had to reword the link's title since it actually says this:
Charges Against Newt Is Phony Democrat BS! « conservativetickler

Get a grip, folks. Gingrich was brought down by the Democrats for the same emotional reason they reasoned with Hillary who was way ahead of Obama to concede her votes to Obama. It was because they felt like it.

Gingrich was brought down by the Republicans, not the Democrats. The Democrats did not select who was Speaker, and they did not force Newt out. His fellow Republicans did.

The Dems are scum, but that is no excuse to not get your facts straight.

As for the charges that were dropped, "dropped charges" =/= "innocent". Newt repeatedly violated one of the laws, but was allowed to plea bargain that one away.

And while you all are ranting about Pelosi getting away with blackmail, which is not proven, the rant to which you linked shows just how hypocritical you are:

I am still supporting Newt until they prove he did something wrong and even then I might still support him.

Pretty much sums up Gingrich's supporters.

She's not the one walking around with the gold plated gavel.....
CG, Gingrich may have his faults, but he has been cleared of every false charge leveled against him that the DNC Spin room pretended was true, and the media has blatantly insured that you don't know it.

You are accepting a wrongful outcome of Gingrich's actual innocence of those charges and interpreting them as guilty, which is not true. He was cleared.

His marriage details were falsely reported also, and the media played the public like a cheap violin to have the truth suppressed.

If a man is innocent, then he is not guilty. Newt Gingrich proved he was innocent, and his one oversight, he corrected when his mistake was called to his attention. Not once did he deny his error, but it was not an impeachable offense.

Had he done one thing wrong, the Democrats would have impeached him and dragged the entire nation through the mud.

Trouble is, they knew he was innocent when they were doing their theatre on bad Gingrich.

Some theater in Washington is staged by famous thespians you see at all the Democrat galas. They coach the Democrats on how to make someone into a bad guy and keep him that way. The first thing producers do is make the bad guy of the movie kick a dog or a cat. That makes people hate him. Newt's cancerous wife? The divorce was decided before she got cancer. That detail was undisclosed by Newt's media/thespian detractors. They used his wife's cancer to make the bad guy kick the dog. Get it?

It's called dirty politics. And Omerta? That means you never, never admit your theater.

I have not read any 'gossip' about his marriages. I have little interest in his personal life, other than a somewhat vague interest in his inability to keep his marriage vows.

Substantial amounts of Gingrich's wealth comes from insider trading. Because, apparently, congress do not have to abide by the laws that the rest of us do. You voted for these people - I have not. Therefore, I carry no responsibility that is the clusterfuck called congress. You support them - while they rob you - that is your choice. But they rob me too... and that pisses me off. I blame you (you in the generic - everyone who keeps these assholes in power kind of you).

Gingrich does have faults.... he's corrupt, amoral, self serving, arrogant, egotistical, dishonest.... I could go on but you get where I'm going with this, I'm sure.

You support these fucking bastards if that is your (sic*)want. Just don't expect the rest of the country to blindly follow. Some of us are sick of your assclowns, and the other sides assclowns.

The GOP actually has a pretty decent candidate... one that is the epitome of what their party stands for.... and y'all 'hate' him because of his religion, his ability to compromise, his wealth (which he actually earned and didn't get by the corrupt means afforded to congress)... Him you dislike.... And you wonder why the Independents are a tad pissed? Seriously?
*The word is spelled "wont."
You are grossing over me with allegations true of others. You've never seen any of my several posts defending a Mormon friend of mine?

You will never, never, never see me calling another American a "fucking bastard." American citizens historically get enough of that from the English, always have, at least since my family members arrived on the Mayflower.

However, since you deem yourself the righteous judge, I don't care if you call them whatever you like. Believe any printed detail that would cause you to call another American such slander you like. Do not believe you can cause me to believe misunderstood information.

I don't buy into the Hollyweird way of sanitizing criminal rapists to hold high office, while excoriating not such beautiful specimens as "fucking bastards."

So you bought the farm because your friends did. I have been reading newspapers and staying on top of the news since I was 10 years old. I know the current writers as to who's naughty and who's nice, by what they pass off to John Q. Public as tradition that never happened and ignore the truth as though they'd catch the plague from it.

I don't buy cheap thespian tricks performed by the press in concert with their idols of the DNC. If you do, it's not at my peril, because there was a day in this country when you read a newspaper, there was a 99% chance it was accurate. Today journalists slip in and out of clown mode, with one side of their mouth saying "believe me," and the other side saying "it was a joke, what's wrong with YOU don't you have a sense of humor." Feh! Nowadays you buy a Swedish pancake, and you get Swiss plastic yogurt dumped on it instead of lingonberry butter. hahahaha We live in interesting times.

I haven't made my mind up yet on who I will vote for for President, but after watching how callously Nancy Pelosi has ensured diversion of golden parachutes to her family members who need a half a billion in backup for marginal businesses, I'm thinking we need somebody who, through sad experience, has his apples in a row to fight off whatever further lying smarm is tossed his way by Nancy Pelosi and her choice of deliverers this week. Right now, she's in full panic mode and is probably kicking herself for letting a little truth slip out--not the truth she wants anybody to know about either, about her mobster genes that are squealing "blackmail, blackmail, blackmail...."

Anyway, after watching the former House Speaker mouthing a blackmail threat to one of her predecessors, I am thinking. Nice guys shouldn't be in the same ring with this evil dowager, or he will fail. Newt is an innocent man who has been theatricized with lies on his character but who can deal with her better than someone who did his homework on their false charges and after months, proved his innocence of their extreme and untimely calumny against him.

So I'm saying it depends, but I've decided down to two who I will cast a vote for when the primary comes to my state. Neither is my first choice, and either will have a headache ahead if he wins. Both are honorable men, and not the unmentionable names you have called them, the same as you accused me of saying anything bad about Mormons. That has never come from any keyboard or pen I ever used to form words and never will.

If, however, I find that the other candidate believes the lying smarm of the Democratic National Committee's fictitious account of former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, and uses a single word of their Party Platform to smear this man with, rest assured I will consider him a misinformed airhead, unfit to be President, and he will not get my vote.

You notice this one truth: Newt Gingrich was not impeached because he did not do anything to merit such a censure. The harsh words cast were words against pure invented Democrat theater and nothing more substantial that, as Gingrich was exonerated of every single last one of their false and calumnious claims, which they well knew was false and calumnious, which is nothing to write home about, believe me.

I'll be attending the next few debates on television. I will determine who is naughty and who is nice, and I won't be wrong. I've done my homework all my long and giving life.

You've been reading newspapers? :lol: It's been at least a couple of decades since they were a reliable 'source'. In fact, as has just been explained, you appear to struggle to understand what the word 'source' means.

I haven't formed my opinions of Gingrich from any newspaper, or any media sources at all.... left or right. I have the happy circumstance of not having to have my views fed to me by others. I examine the people.

Gingrich got wealthy by insider trading. That is illegal for all Americans other than congress critters. I find that alone enough to dismiss him as unworthy to hold the office of President.

I call anyone a 'fucking bastard' if they earn it. He earned it.... along with most of congress. Respect is earned... one doesn't get it because one is an American, or a Congressman, or a President. I respect those offices - but I do not respect the 'Americans' that hold those offices without them earning it.

And... just for the record... I'm not at all impressed with your 'I'm more American than you cuz my family came on the Mayflower' crap. Mine came here from Ireland.... because they didn't want to starve to death under the oppression of the English.... I'm proud to be an immigrant family. We helped build this nation just as much as any other.
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What is the source of the OP link's information? Where and when did Pelosi say she would release confidential Ethics Committee records if Newt is nominated?

I don't know what the OP source is, but I know what mine is.

The whole tiff began when she told TPM, "I know a lot about him. I served on the investigative committee that investigated him, four of us locked in a room in an undisclosed location for a year." She promised to reveal those details "when the time's right."

The Last Word - Pelosi clarifies remark on Newt's past

Of course her staff later said she just meant the public stuff, probably because she would have to actually break the law to release anything more, and everyone in Congress would be lining up to kick her out if she did, but it doesn't sound like that to me.

Personally, I think she is more worried about rocking the boat than breaking the law.
Did Pelosi Commit Blackmail?

Illegal threats -- blackmail or extortion -- make for some of the baser tools left to the dreary, heartless grandees of leftism. They cannot persuade -- indeed, men like Obama do not even dare call themselves "liberal" to America -- so they use the same sort of "persuasion" that organized crime uses. Sometimes, like with House Democrat Leader Pelosi's recent comments about Gingrich, the familiar threat of exposure or of future injury, which Pelosi has doubtless rolled out many times behind closed doors, is simply stated to the world, as if this revolting behavior were perfectly proper

Why does Nancy Pelosi go unpunished? Does she do this all the time against other people to obtain her will over their conscience to get their House vote?

The American thinker author, Bruce Walker drew his own conclusion:

So what will happen to Pelosi now? She has completed the felony -- backtracking does not undo the crime. You know what will happen as well as I do: nothing at all. The ugly blackmail and extortion racket that would make us rage against private citizens makes us yawn when leftist politicians do it. As Hannah Arendt, the famous student of totalitarianism, might have described it, what Pelosi did to Gingrich has become to us the banality of evil.

This nation is starting to look like the petty partisan court of King George in 1776. This, of course, is not good for anybody in America, much less the middle class. I'm getting good and sick of Democrat blacklists.

Nancy Pelosi needs to be charged with insider stock trading--as do all others that have participated in it. That 60 minute session was fairly DAMMING of congressional members who have participated in things that we peasants get thrown in jail over--and I am sick and tired of this double standard--to where elected officials on both sides of the isle get away with this kind of B.S.

Furthermore there is no "secret". This woman LIES constantly. She was the one that launched these ethics charges at Gingrich--he was CLEARED of all of them, except one in which he paid a fine--and 3 years later he was cleared of that one by a federal court and the IRS. All of these charges are and have been a matter of public record.

GET A CLUE The one candidate that Nancy Pelosi fears most is NEWT GINGRICH--because she knows he would kick Barack Obama's ass.
They WANT Mitt Romney as our nominee--so they can tatoo Wall Street Guy--top 1%'ter on his forehead--with Swiss and Cayman Island Bank accounts.


If Martha Stewart can get investigated over insider trading then so should our elected officials.
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Don't you love how it has gold bands??

It really shows how delusional she is...

Fuck that bitch...

People are struggling to put food on the table and that lunatic is walking around with a token gold plated gavel..

Are you really that stupid?

Moments before that photo was taken, she was handed that gavel from Representative Dingell whose father had used that gavel as Speaker of the House when Medicare was enacted in 1965. It was to be used to symbollically link Medicare and ObamaCare.

And I would bet even money that's brass, not gold.

Since it is a 1965 gavel, she didn't take any food from anyone's mouth. Dipshit.

Now, don't let your imagination carry you away into believing I'm all for ObamaCare just because I felt the full facts of that photo should be known.

It was a ceremonial gavel, and is not the one she used every day as Speaker.

So before you go and set that asshole-ish benchmark of yours in stone, be sure to check and make sure no Republicans have ever used a ceremonial gavel, with or without gold.

If the best substance you can come up with is to make a petty attack over a fucking gavel, no wonder my Republican party is getting its ass kicked in the polls.
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Don't you love how it has gold bands??

It really shows how delusional she is...

Fuck that bitch...

People are struggling to put food on the table and that lunatic is walking around with a token gold plated gavel..

Are you really that stupid?

Moments before that photo was taken, she was handed that gavel from Representative Dingell whose father had used that gavel as Speaker of the House when Medicare was enacted in 1965. It was to be used to symbollically link Medicare and ObamaCare.

And I would bet even money that's brass, not gold.

Since it is a 1965 gavel, she didn't take any food from anyone's mouth. Dipshit.

Now, don't let your imagination carry you away into believing I'm all for ObamaCare just because I felt the full facts of that photo should be known.

It was a ceremonial gavel, and is not the one she used every day as Speaker.

So before you go and set that asshole-ish benchmark of yours in stone, be sure to check and make sure no Republicans have ever used a ceremonial gavel, with or without gold.

If the best substance you can come up with is to make a petty attack over a fucking gavel, no wonder my Republican party is getting its ass kicked in the polls.

Yeah and I only saw that shit on TV...

None of that is the point...

The point is NO ONE should be taking jet aircraft to ask for a bailout.. No one should hold a golden gavel with arrogance..

You think I would do that??

Hell no....

That is/was arrogant.

It was almost as cocky as when she said "we need to pass the bill to see whats inside."
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Did Pelosi Commit Blackmail?

Illegal threats -- blackmail or extortion -- make for some of the baser tools left to the dreary, heartless grandees of leftism. They cannot persuade -- indeed, men like Obama do not even dare call themselves "liberal" to America -- so they use the same sort of "persuasion" that organized crime uses. Sometimes, like with House Democrat Leader Pelosi's recent comments about Gingrich, the familiar threat of exposure or of future injury, which Pelosi has doubtless rolled out many times behind closed doors, is simply stated to the world, as if this revolting behavior were perfectly proper

Why does Nancy Pelosi go unpunished? Does she do this all the time against other people to obtain her will over their conscience to get their House vote?

The American thinker author, Bruce Walker drew his own conclusion:

So what will happen to Pelosi now? She has completed the felony -- backtracking does not undo the crime. You know what will happen as well as I do: nothing at all. The ugly blackmail and extortion racket that would make us rage against private citizens makes us yawn when leftist politicians do it. As Hannah Arendt, the famous student of totalitarianism, might have described it, what Pelosi did to Gingrich has become to us the banality of evil.

This nation is starting to look like the petty partisan court of King George in 1776. This, of course, is not good for anybody in America, much less the middle class. I'm getting good and sick of Democrat blacklists.

Did an insider punk another insider to do the evil that the elite wants and plans....hummm...let me think. Golly! oh my gosh. LOL! get ready to die or gain chains if you are afforded to live.

Wake up sleeping Americans, don't play the game.
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Don't you love how it has gold bands??

It really shows how delusional she is...

Fuck that bitch...

People are struggling to put food on the table and that lunatic is walking around with a token gold plated gavel..

Are you really that stupid?

Moments before that photo was taken, she was handed that gavel from Representative Dingell whose father had used that gavel as Speaker of the House when Medicare was enacted in 1965. It was to be used to symbollically link Medicare and ObamaCare.

And I would bet even money that's brass, not gold.

Since it is a 1965 gavel, she didn't take any food from anyone's mouth. Dipshit.

Now, don't let your imagination carry you away into believing I'm all for ObamaCare just because I felt the full facts of that photo should be known.

It was a ceremonial gavel, and is not the one she used every day as Speaker.

So before you go and set that asshole-ish benchmark of yours in stone, be sure to check and make sure no Republicans have ever used a ceremonial gavel, with or without gold.

If the best substance you can come up with is to make a petty attack over a fucking gavel, no wonder my Republican party is getting its ass kicked in the polls.

In the next couple elections I will be running as an independent for representative of the United States House and if I ever end up in a position to break that fucking gavel I will do so...
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Here we go: Pelosi Hints, Then Denies She Has Gingrich Secrets : NPR

She never threatened to actually release the records, but she sure did skate close to the edge:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7VHjYIcaII]Pelosi: Gingrich will never be president - YouTube[/ame]

Who said "conservative"-PARANOIA isn't amusing??!!!!


Yes she did....
Not in that interview...
She said she had the goods because she was part of the investigation/hearings....
She offered to give out what went on....
This is the same woman who said that the Dems were going to keep the House for 2011.
She doesn't know anything. Her prediction was wrong then and her prediction is wrong now.
No, I don't think so.

But I do think Newt's files should be released.

We deserve to know the truth.

Truth....:lol:....ammunition is more likely..

I would say if Newt ends up offering a threat to Obama, plenty of preferential crap will come out from un-named sources in the media, as usual. The damage will be done, then Democrats will be found giggling in the corners and saying.. It's politics..the end justifies the means..true or untrue..
No, I don't think so.

But I do think Newt's files should be released.

We deserve to know the truth.

They were, and the IRS even investigated and released a 74 page report that said everything he did was completely legal.

The ethics report is 1200 pages, feel free to peruse it. The $300,000 dollar fine was because he said nasty things about the investigation itself. Personally, I think people are free to say nasty things about investigations, even if they are guilty.

In the Matter of Representative Newt Gingrich | House Committee on Ethics
In the next couple elections I will be running as an independent for representative of the United States House and if I ever end up in a position to break that fucking gavel I will do so...

I'd rather you smashed ObamaCare.
If you flex against Newt and you can't back the shit up you're asking for a whole world of hurt.

The one thing I really do like about him is he takes no crap off of anyone. And frankly after watching the past decade of Pelosi and Reids hammer attacks against the GOP and the likes of Bill Frist standing there like a deer in the headlights, I'm thrilled Newt punches back.

It's about time someone laid a smack down on those two vicious vile scum.

Somewhere in the Gingrich campaign there's a Frank Luntz type character fist pumping because he knows exactly how to play people like you for his benefit. All the stuff Newt is doing in the debates, etc... it's a behavior coach like Frank Luntz telling him how to best manipulate the emotions of potential supporters. Obama probably did the same thing during the 2008 election.
I have not read any 'gossip' about his marriages. I have little interest in his personal life, other than a somewhat vague interest in his inability to keep his marriage vows.

Substantial amounts of Gingrich's wealth comes from insider trading. Because, apparently, congress do not have to abide by the laws that the rest of us do. You voted for these people - I have not. Therefore, I carry no responsibility that is the clusterfuck called congress. You support them - while they rob you - that is your choice. But they rob me too... and that pisses me off. I blame you (you in the generic - everyone who keeps these assholes in power kind of you).

Gingrich does have faults.... he's corrupt, amoral, self serving, arrogant, egotistical, dishonest.... I could go on but you get where I'm going with this, I'm sure.

You support these fucking bastards if that is your (sic*)want. Just don't expect the rest of the country to blindly follow. Some of us are sick of your assclowns, and the other sides assclowns.

The GOP actually has a pretty decent candidate... one that is the epitome of what their party stands for.... and y'all 'hate' him because of his religion, his ability to compromise, his wealth (which he actually earned and didn't get by the corrupt means afforded to congress)... Him you dislike.... And you wonder why the Independents are a tad pissed? Seriously?
*The word is spelled "wont."
You are grossing over me with allegations true of others. You've never seen any of my several posts defending a Mormon friend of mine?

You will never, never, never see me calling another American a "fucking bastard." American citizens historically get enough of that from the English, always have, at least since my family members arrived on the Mayflower.

However, since you deem yourself the righteous judge, I don't care if you call them whatever you like. Believe any printed detail that would cause you to call another American such slander you like. Do not believe you can cause me to believe misunderstood information.

I don't buy into the Hollyweird way of sanitizing criminal rapists to hold high office, while excoriating not such beautiful specimens as "fucking bastards."

So you bought the farm because your friends did. I have been reading newspapers and staying on top of the news since I was 10 years old. I know the current writers as to who's naughty and who's nice, by what they pass off to John Q. Public as tradition that never happened and ignore the truth as though they'd catch the plague from it.

I don't buy cheap thespian tricks performed by the press in concert with their idols of the DNC. If you do, it's not at my peril, because there was a day in this country when you read a newspaper, there was a 99% chance it was accurate. Today journalists slip in and out of clown mode, with one side of their mouth saying "believe me," and the other side saying "it was a joke, what's wrong with YOU don't you have a sense of humor." Feh! Nowadays you buy a Swedish pancake, and you get Swiss plastic yogurt dumped on it instead of lingonberry butter. hahahaha We live in interesting times.

I haven't made my mind up yet on who I will vote for for President, but after watching how callously Nancy Pelosi has ensured diversion of golden parachutes to her family members who need a half a billion in backup for marginal businesses, I'm thinking we need somebody who, through sad experience, has his apples in a row to fight off whatever further lying smarm is tossed his way by Nancy Pelosi and her choice of deliverers this week. Right now, she's in full panic mode and is probably kicking herself for letting a little truth slip out--not the truth she wants anybody to know about either, about her mobster genes that are squealing "blackmail, blackmail, blackmail...."

Anyway, after watching the former House Speaker mouthing a blackmail threat to one of her predecessors, I am thinking. Nice guys shouldn't be in the same ring with this evil dowager, or he will fail. Newt is an innocent man who has been theatricized with lies on his character but who can deal with her better than someone who did his homework on their false charges and after months, proved his innocence of their extreme and untimely calumny against him.

So I'm saying it depends, but I've decided down to two who I will cast a vote for when the primary comes to my state. Neither is my first choice, and either will have a headache ahead if he wins. Both are honorable men, and not the unmentionable names you have called them, the same as you accused me of saying anything bad about Mormons. That has never come from any keyboard or pen I ever used to form words and never will.

If, however, I find that the other candidate believes the lying smarm of the Democratic National Committee's fictitious account of former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, and uses a single word of their Party Platform to smear this man with, rest assured I will consider him a misinformed airhead, unfit to be President, and he will not get my vote.

You notice this one truth: Newt Gingrich was not impeached because he did not do anything to merit such a censure. The harsh words cast were words against pure invented Democrat theater and nothing more substantial that, as Gingrich was exonerated of every single last one of their false and calumnious claims, which they well knew was false and calumnious, which is nothing to write home about, believe me.

I'll be attending the next few debates on television. I will determine who is naughty and who is nice, and I won't be wrong. I've done my homework all my long and giving life.

You've been reading newspapers? :lol: It's been at least a couple of decades since they were a reliable 'source'. In fact, as has just been explained, you appear to struggle to understand what the word 'source' means.

I haven't formed my opinions of Gingrich from any newspaper, or any media sources at all.... left or right. I have the happy circumstance of not having to have my views fed to me by others. I examine the people.

Gingrich got wealthy by insider trading. That is illegal for all Americans other than congress critters. I find that alone enough to dismiss him as unworthy to hold the office of President.

I call anyone a 'fucking bastard' if they earn it. He earned it.... along with most of congress. Respect is earned... one doesn't get it because one is an American, or a Congressman, or a President. I respect those offices - but I do not respect the 'Americans' that hold those offices without them earning it.

And... just for the record... I'm not at all impressed with your 'I'm more American than you cuz my family came on the Mayflower' crap. Mine came here from Ireland.... because they didn't want to starve to death under the oppression of the English.... I'm proud to be an immigrant family. We helped build this nation just as much as any other.
You're assuming everyone on the Mayflower was English. My family escaped from Holland and came over on the Mayflower with others from Holland. I don't count it as anything except a way for that side of my family to get over here facing the other side, who may have considered pointing arrows at them.

I've probably been reading newspapers since before you were born, sweetcakes, so you can cut the crud. And I don't care who the likes of you puts into swearword terms that you can turn into an inner cancer to feed the sundry ethno- and religio- hatreds in your sorry mouth and soul that spews "bastards" out in every other sentence because you have not endeavored to improve your mind with a distinguished vocabulary. It is clear to me your philosophy is based on media paranoia, and not the slogging reality of hard work in the area of research that our Republican representatives do before making decisions that affect the mistreated and the poor of this world.

Thanks to the Republican Party, slavery was ended, but not without having to defend itself from a bitter war waged chiefly by racist Democrats in which deciding that wealth gleaned from poor and mistreated blacks was counterproductive and needed to be set aside. You can fill your mouth with the vomitus of calling Republicans "fucking bastards" if you are resentful of our origins in antislavery, which are presently being erased in such websites as Wikipedia where, for political or any other reason, people can walk right in, edit the truth out and fill it with wild imaginings of their Saul Alinsky-proffered rants in place of fact to achieve political power to help themselves and their families to money paid by working class Americans, many of whom are conservative Republicans who work hard for a living.

You don't think Sandy Berger got his wrists slapped for nothing when he was busily removing the truth out of the National Archives whilst claiming to be "reviewing" information, do you?

He did it in order to remove dirty tricks his strongboss (Clinton) did in the Middle East so they could dump all Clinton's liabilities upon Clinton's successor, who may have thought State Department records in that administration were the truth. But not to worry, the omission of fact from the National Archives then is nothing compared to what it is now that there is free and unfettered access under a very weak and corrupt Obama administration to raise a little intellectual farce against America to protect the con job leftists have committed against the people of this nation.

You, the expatriot, blame everyone except yourself for America's problems that are inconveniencing you, while stateside, we are trying to sift through the rhetoric of campaigns to determine who we will pick?

Whatever, sweetcakes. :eusa_eh:
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