Did President Trump violate campaign finance laws? Professor Dershowitz doesn't think so!

No, he didn’t pay off Stormy to keep it away from his family. He didn’t d it because there was an election less than 2 weeks away.

The evidence of that is he didn’t pay off Stormy Daniels 12 years ago when he had the affair with her. He didn’t pay off Stormy Daniels when she went public with her account of their affair 7 years ago. He waited until Americans were preparing to go to the polls to vote and just after his campaign reeled from the release of the Access Hollywood tale to pay her off.
Why would he pay her 12 years ago before she tried to blackmail him? And since it was in the public 7 years ago, and nothing happened no big deal since it was already out there. It does seem odd that she would all of a sudden show up with a Democrat lawyer a few weeks before the election...I see a Roy Moore type Democrat DIRTY TRICKS PLAY, but now trying to prove a campaign violation is NOT CRIMINAL, a fine at most,
Because if he cared about keeping it secret from his family, he would have protected his family by buying her silence years ago. If not when they had the affair, at least when she went public with it in 2011.
Why spend the money? Even billionaires want to save money in that respect they are just human. Again if anything it is a campaign violation, and didn't Edward's go through court with a similar situation and found NOT GUILTY?
Then why spend the money in 2016?
Undoubtedly that is when she actually wanted money.

Funneling cash to hide an affair? Trump, Edwards scandals have similarities - WRAL-TV
WRAL.com › funneling-cash-to...

3 days ago · Consider the parallels of Donald Trump and John Edwards. Two then- presidential candidates caught up in accusations of adultery
She wanted money in 2011 as she tried to sell her story then.

If trump silenced her to protect his family, he would have done so then. That he waited until 11 days before his election reveals his intent of the payoff.

You demonstrate your IQ is on the lower end of that IQ test as the margin of error is built into the score they present; being that it’s a range and not a specific number.

And no, you weren’t off by less than 10 points...

Marty: 114-121
Faun: 131-230

The closest you could be is 10 points. But as far off as 116 points.

You lost. And if you had even a bit more intelligence than you obviously do, you wouldn’t repeat a wager you lost.

Wow, 131-230, that's the point they gave up on grading.

I didn't lose, it was a short test with a wide margin of error, and we ended up around the same value.

Keep telling yourself that, dumbass, if it makes you feel better. But there was no margin of error given that it gave you a range.

And still, 114-121 is less than 131-230.

You’d know that if your IQ was just a wee bit higher.


From a quick quiz with a high margin of error. Same ballpark me and you.

Sorry you have to feel like this, I guess your ego is larger than your intellect.

That doesn’t close the gap on our scores. My numbers were still higher than yours. My ego is supported by my score. Whereas yours reflects jealousy and envy.


I was in the 2nd highest range, you were in the highest range. The fact that their highest range covers over 100 points shows in inaccuracy.

Well your ego is now bordering on narcissism.

Losers bitch and moan about losing.

Please show me where I said anything about your grammar.

You really aren't the sharpest tool in the box are you.

Grammar, spelling, use of words, I'm an Engineer not an English Major.

What butthurt you possess.
Engineer or not you are a dumbass. "Cuck" is what alt-right lunatics call conservatives that still possess some common sense.

Fine, you are now a "cock"

feel better, snowflake?
And you're still a dumbass.

I would imagine you're used to it by now.

Not even close, twat.

I'll put my education, IQ and credentials up against yours any day of the week.
Internet tough guy
Wow, 131-230, that's the point they gave up on grading.

I didn't lose, it was a short test with a wide margin of error, and we ended up around the same value.

Keep telling yourself that, dumbass, if it makes you feel better. But there was no margin of error given that it gave you a range.

And still, 114-121 is less than 131-230.

You’d know that if your IQ was just a wee bit higher.


From a quick quiz with a high margin of error. Same ballpark me and you.

Sorry you have to feel like this, I guess your ego is larger than your intellect.

That doesn’t close the gap on our scores. My numbers were still higher than yours. My ego is supported by my score. Whereas yours reflects jealousy and envy.


I was in the 2nd highest range, you were in the highest range. The fact that their highest range covers over 100 points shows in inaccuracy.

Well your ego is now bordering on narcissism.

Losers bitch and moan about losing.


I hit the post, nothing more or less.
Grammar, spelling, use of words, I'm an Engineer not an English Major.

What butthurt you possess.
Engineer or not you are a dumbass. "Cuck" is what alt-right lunatics call conservatives that still possess some common sense.

Fine, you are now a "cock"

feel better, snowflake?
And you're still a dumbass.

I would imagine you're used to it by now.

Not even close, twat.

I'll put my education, IQ and credentials up against yours any day of the week.
Internet tough guy

Nah, I am not threatening bodily harm to anyone.

When you call someone stupid, be prepared to back it up.

Or not, this is a message board after all.

Now how smart if Faun really if I am able to drag this on beyond 5-6 posts?
Why would he pay her 12 years ago before she tried to blackmail him? And since it was in the public 7 years ago, and nothing happened no big deal since it was already out there. It does seem odd that she would all of a sudden show up with a Democrat lawyer a few weeks before the election...I see a Roy Moore type Democrat DIRTY TRICKS PLAY, but now trying to prove a campaign violation is NOT CRIMINAL, a fine at most,
Because if he cared about keeping it secret from his family, he would have protected his family by buying her silence years ago. If not when they had the affair, at least when she went public with it in 2011.
Why spend the money? Even billionaires want to save money in that respect they are just human. Again if anything it is a campaign violation, and didn't Edward's go through court with a similar situation and found NOT GUILTY?
Then why spend the money in 2016?
Undoubtedly that is when she actually wanted money.

Funneling cash to hide an affair? Trump, Edwards scandals have similarities - WRAL-TV
WRAL.com › funneling-cash-to...

3 days ago · Consider the parallels of Donald Trump and John Edwards. Two then- presidential candidates caught up in accusations of adultery
She wanted money in 2011 as she tried to sell her story then.

If trump silenced her to protect his family, he would have done so then. That he waited until 11 days before his election reveals his intent of the payoff.
She was paid by the Enquirer in 2011. SHE simply wanted MORE, and unlike Edward's that used campaign donors money to pay off his lover, Trump used personal money thereby taking it out of a campaign legal indictment, simply a FEC possible violation.
Because if he cared about keeping it secret from his family, he would have protected his family by buying her silence years ago. If not when they had the affair, at least when she went public with it in 2011.
Why spend the money? Even billionaires want to save money in that respect they are just human. Again if anything it is a campaign violation, and didn't Edward's go through court with a similar situation and found NOT GUILTY?
Then why spend the money in 2016?
Undoubtedly that is when she actually wanted money.

Funneling cash to hide an affair? Trump, Edwards scandals have similarities - WRAL-TV
WRAL.com › funneling-cash-to...

3 days ago · Consider the parallels of Donald Trump and John Edwards. Two then- presidential candidates caught up in accusations of adultery
She wanted money in 2011 as she tried to sell her story then.

If trump silenced her to protect his family, he would have done so then. That he waited until 11 days before his election reveals his intent of the payoff.
She was paid by the Enquirer in 2011. SHE simply wanted MORE, and unlike Edward's that used campaign donors money to pay off his lover, Trump used personal money thereby taking it out of a campaign legal indictment, simply a FEC possible violation.
You’re not answering the actual question...

If the reason trump bought her silence in 2016 when she was seeking to sell her story was to protect his family — why didn’t he buy her silence in 2011 when she sought to sell her story?
Engineer or not you are a dumbass. "Cuck" is what alt-right lunatics call conservatives that still possess some common sense.

Fine, you are now a "cock"

feel better, snowflake?
And you're still a dumbass.

I would imagine you're used to it by now.

Not even close, twat.

I'll put my education, IQ and credentials up against yours any day of the week.
Internet tough guy

Nah, I am not threatening bodily harm to anyone.

When you call someone stupid, be prepared to back it up.

Or not, this is a message board after all.

Now how smart if Faun really if I am able to drag this on beyond 5-6 posts?

I remember what my professor told me when I went to Wharton........”Education is good”
I never forgot it

Wharton is a good school, good school. Only smart people go to Wharton, real smart
I went to Wharton.....I have the best words
Because if he cared about keeping it secret from his family, he would have protected his family by buying her silence years ago. If not when they had the affair, at least when she went public with it in 2011.
Why spend the money? Even billionaires want to save money in that respect they are just human. Again if anything it is a campaign violation, and didn't Edward's go through court with a similar situation and found NOT GUILTY?
Then why spend the money in 2016?
Undoubtedly that is when she actually wanted money.

Funneling cash to hide an affair? Trump, Edwards scandals have similarities - WRAL-TV
WRAL.com › funneling-cash-to...

3 days ago · Consider the parallels of Donald Trump and John Edwards. Two then- presidential candidates caught up in accusations of adultery
She wanted money in 2011 as she tried to sell her story then.

If trump silenced her to protect his family, he would have done so then. That he waited until 11 days before his election reveals his intent of the payoff.
She was paid by the Enquirer in 2011. SHE simply wanted MORE, and unlike Edward's that used campaign donors money to pay off his lover, Trump used personal money thereby taking it out of a campaign legal indictment, simply a FEC possible violation.
Does Trump have proof?
Fine, you are now a "cock"

feel better, snowflake?
And you're still a dumbass.

I would imagine you're used to it by now.

Not even close, twat.

I'll put my education, IQ and credentials up against yours any day of the week.
Internet tough guy

Nah, I am not threatening bodily harm to anyone.

When you call someone stupid, be prepared to back it up.

Or not, this is a message board after all.

Now how smart if Faun really if I am able to drag this on beyond 5-6 posts?

I remember what my professor told me when I went to Wharton........”Education is good”
I never forgot it

Wharton is a good school, good school. Only smart people go to Wharton, real smart
I went to Wharton.....I have the best words

is't that the motto of Faber College from Animal House?

Too much time at the Delta house Winger?
And you're still a dumbass.

I would imagine you're used to it by now.

Not even close, twat.

I'll put my education, IQ and credentials up against yours any day of the week.
Internet tough guy

Nah, I am not threatening bodily harm to anyone.

When you call someone stupid, be prepared to back it up.

Or not, this is a message board after all.

Now how smart if Faun really if I am able to drag this on beyond 5-6 posts?

I remember what my professor told me when I went to Wharton........”Education is good”
I never forgot it

Wharton is a good school, good school. Only smart people go to Wharton, real smart
I went to Wharton.....I have the best words

is't that the motto of Faber College from Animal House?

Too much time at the Delta house Winger?


Did we quit when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
Because if he cared about keeping it secret from his family, he would have protected his family by buying her silence years ago. If not when they had the affair, at least when she went public with it in 2011.
Why spend the money? Even billionaires want to save money in that respect they are just human. Again if anything it is a campaign violation, and didn't Edward's go through court with a similar situation and found NOT GUILTY?
Then why spend the money in 2016?
Undoubtedly that is when she actually wanted money.

Funneling cash to hide an affair? Trump, Edwards scandals have similarities - WRAL-TV
WRAL.com › funneling-cash-to...

3 days ago · Consider the parallels of Donald Trump and John Edwards. Two then- presidential candidates caught up in accusations of adultery
She wanted money in 2011 as she tried to sell her story then.

If trump silenced her to protect his family, he would have done so then. That he waited until 11 days before his election reveals his intent of the payoff.
She was paid by the Enquirer in 2011. SHE simply wanted MORE, and unlike Edward's that used campaign donors money to pay off his lover, Trump used personal money thereby taking it out of a campaign legal indictment, simply a FEC possible violation.
As usual the Right has no understanding of how the law works. It's the knowing and willfulness that makes it a crime. The lies by Trump and Cohen in the beginning solidify the guilt. And it wasn't reported;Trump Said Campaign Finance Violations Aren't a Crime. Experts Say That's 'Nonsensical'
Why spend the money? Even billionaires want to save money in that respect they are just human. Again if anything it is a campaign violation, and didn't Edward's go through court with a similar situation and found NOT GUILTY?
Then why spend the money in 2016?
Undoubtedly that is when she actually wanted money.

Funneling cash to hide an affair? Trump, Edwards scandals have similarities - WRAL-TV
WRAL.com › funneling-cash-to...

3 days ago · Consider the parallels of Donald Trump and John Edwards. Two then- presidential candidates caught up in accusations of adultery
She wanted money in 2011 as she tried to sell her story then.

If trump silenced her to protect his family, he would have done so then. That he waited until 11 days before his election reveals his intent of the payoff.
She was paid by the Enquirer in 2011. SHE simply wanted MORE, and unlike Edward's that used campaign donors money to pay off his lover, Trump used personal money thereby taking it out of a campaign legal indictment, simply a FEC possible violation.
You’re not answering the actual question...

If the reason trump bought her silence in 2016 when she was seeking to sell her story was to protect his family — why didn’t he buy her silence in 2011 when she sought to sell her story?
Having the Enquirer buy it kept him OUT of the picture....wouldn't you have someone else dirty their hands than YOU get personally involved...
Not even close, twat.

I'll put my education, IQ and credentials up against yours any day of the week.
Internet tough guy

Nah, I am not threatening bodily harm to anyone.

When you call someone stupid, be prepared to back it up.

Or not, this is a message board after all.

Now how smart if Faun really if I am able to drag this on beyond 5-6 posts?

I remember what my professor told me when I went to Wharton........”Education is good”
I never forgot it

Wharton is a good school, good school. Only smart people go to Wharton, real smart
I went to Wharton.....I have the best words

is't that the motto of Faber College from Animal House?

Too much time at the Delta house Winger?


Did we quit when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Remain calm! All is Well!

This may hijack the thread
Because if he cared about keeping it secret from his family, he would have protected his family by buying her silence years ago. If not when they had the affair, at least when she went public with it in 2011.
Why spend the money? Even billionaires want to save money in that respect they are just human. Again if anything it is a campaign violation, and didn't Edward's go through court with a similar situation and found NOT GUILTY?
Then why spend the money in 2016?
Undoubtedly that is when she actually wanted money.

Funneling cash to hide an affair? Trump, Edwards scandals have similarities - WRAL-TV
WRAL.com › funneling-cash-to...

3 days ago · Consider the parallels of Donald Trump and John Edwards. Two then- presidential candidates caught up in accusations of adultery
She wanted money in 2011 as she tried to sell her story then.

If trump silenced her to protect his family, he would have done so then. That he waited until 11 days before his election reveals his intent of the payoff.
She was paid by the Enquirer in 2011. SHE simply wanted MORE, and unlike Edward's that used campaign donors money to pay off his lover, Trump used personal money thereby taking it out of a campaign legal indictment, simply a FEC possible violation.
Cohen admitted to making these payments on behalf of the campaign. That proves the knowing and willing standard. Michael Cohen plea deal: How were campaign finance laws broken? | Atlanta: News, Weather and Traffic
Why spend the money? Even billionaires want to save money in that respect they are just human. Again if anything it is a campaign violation, and didn't Edward's go through court with a similar situation and found NOT GUILTY?
Then why spend the money in 2016?
Undoubtedly that is when she actually wanted money.

Funneling cash to hide an affair? Trump, Edwards scandals have similarities - WRAL-TV
WRAL.com › funneling-cash-to...

3 days ago · Consider the parallels of Donald Trump and John Edwards. Two then- presidential candidates caught up in accusations of adultery
She wanted money in 2011 as she tried to sell her story then.

If trump silenced her to protect his family, he would have done so then. That he waited until 11 days before his election reveals his intent of the payoff.
She was paid by the Enquirer in 2011. SHE simply wanted MORE, and unlike Edward's that used campaign donors money to pay off his lover, Trump used personal money thereby taking it out of a campaign legal indictment, simply a FEC possible violation.
As usual the Right has no understanding of how the law works. It's the knowing and willfulness that makes it a crime. The lies by Trump and Cohen in the beginning solidify the guilt. And it wasn't reported;Trump Said Campaign Finance Violations Aren't a Crime. Experts Say That's 'Nonsensical'

The Former Chairman of the FEC said he didn't commit a crime..... so you can try to spread the lie as much as you want, but the truth is going to get out....the real campaign finance violations happened, again, on the democrat side, not with Trump. hilary laundered 84 million dollars through the state parties, that is an actual crime.....

Here, read about an actual campaign finance crime...

FEC Records Indicate Hillary Campaign Illegally Laundered $84 Million

Think Of It Like A Shell Game With Millions Of Dollars
During the 2016 presidential election, Hillary Clinton, the DNC, and participating state Democratic committees established the Hillary Victory Fund (HVF) as a joint fundraising committee to accept contributions from large donors, some exceeding $400,000. So far, so good. To comply with campaign finance law, the HVF needed to transfer the donations to the specified recipients, whether the Clinton campaign, down-ticket Democrats, the DNC, or state committees.

FEC records, however, show several large contributions reported as received by the HVF and the same amount on the same day (or occasionally the following day) recorded as received by the DNC from a state Democratic committee, but without the state Democratic committee ever reporting the contribution.

For instance, the HVF reported transferring $19,500 to the Mississippi Democratic Party on November 2, 2015, and the Democratic National Committee reported receiving $19,500 from the Mississippi Democratic Party on November 2, 2015. But the Mississippi Democratic Party never recorded the receipt or the disbursement of the $19,500, and without the Mississippi Democratic Party controlling the funds, the HVF’s contribution to the DNC violated campaign finance law.

Over a 13-month period, FEC records show some 30 separate occasions when the HVF transferred contributions totaling more than $10 million to the DNC without any corresponding record of the receipt or disbursement from the state parties, thus illegally leap-frogging the state Democratic parties.

On the other hand, of the contributions state parties reported as received from the HVF, 99 percent wound up at the DNC. They were transferred immediately or within a day or two, raising questions of whether the state Democratic committees truly exercised control over the money—something necessary under campaign finance law to allow a later-legal transfer to the DNC.

Again, the evidence is damning. According to Politico, “[w]hile state party officials were made aware that Clinton’s campaign would control the movement of the funds between participating committees, one operative who has relationships with multiple state parties said that some of their officials have complained that they weren’t notified of the transfers into and out of their accounts until after the fact.”
Why spend the money? Even billionaires want to save money in that respect they are just human. Again if anything it is a campaign violation, and didn't Edward's go through court with a similar situation and found NOT GUILTY?
Then why spend the money in 2016?
Undoubtedly that is when she actually wanted money.

Funneling cash to hide an affair? Trump, Edwards scandals have similarities - WRAL-TV
WRAL.com › funneling-cash-to...

3 days ago · Consider the parallels of Donald Trump and John Edwards. Two then- presidential candidates caught up in accusations of adultery
She wanted money in 2011 as she tried to sell her story then.

If trump silenced her to protect his family, he would have done so then. That he waited until 11 days before his election reveals his intent of the payoff.
She was paid by the Enquirer in 2011. SHE simply wanted MORE, and unlike Edward's that used campaign donors money to pay off his lover, Trump used personal money thereby taking it out of a campaign legal indictment, simply a FEC possible violation.
As usual the Right has no understanding of how the law works. It's the knowing and willfulness that makes it a crime. The lies by Trump and Cohen in the beginning solidify the guilt. And it wasn't reported;Trump Said Campaign Finance Violations Aren't a Crime. Experts Say That's 'Nonsensical'
Well we already have Lies by Cohen about the incident flip flopping his story. but nothing from the president, and APPARENTLY NOTHING on the unethical TAPES of Cohen, or it would have been played already....AND...

Lanny Davis backs away from confidence that Cohen has information about Trump’s knowledge on Russia
Washington Post ^

Wasn't RUSSIA what this is supposed to be about?

An attorney for Michael Cohen, President Trump’s former lawyer, is backing away from confident assertions he made that Cohen has information to share with investigators that shows Trump knew in 2016 of Russian efforts to undermine Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

Lanny Davis, a spokesman and attorney for Cohen, said in an interview this weekend that he is no longer certain about claims he made to reporters on background and on the record in recent weeks about what Cohen knows about Trump’s awareness of the Russian efforts.

Davis did not rule out that his claims were correct but expressed regret that he did not explain that he could not independently corroborate them, saying that he now believes he “should have been more clear.”

Neither Cohen nor his lead defense attorney, Guy Petrillo, responded to requests for comment.

The prospect that Cohen could be a potential witness against the president in the special counsel’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election has dominated the news, particularly since Cohen pleaded guilty Tuesday to tax evasion, bank fraud and campaign finance crimes.

Davis’s latest comments cast doubt on what Cohen may know, including about a June 2016 meeting in New York’s Trump Tower attended by Trump’s eldest son and a Russian lawyer.

Trump and his allies seized on the erosion of those claims.

“Michaels Cohen’s attorney clarified the record, saying his client does not know if President Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting (out of which came nothing!),” Trump tweeted Saturday. “The answer is that I did NOT know about the meeting. Just another phony story by the Fake News Media!”
Why spend the money? Even billionaires want to save money in that respect they are just human. Again if anything it is a campaign violation, and didn't Edward's go through court with a similar situation and found NOT GUILTY?
Then why spend the money in 2016?
Undoubtedly that is when she actually wanted money.

Funneling cash to hide an affair? Trump, Edwards scandals have similarities - WRAL-TV
WRAL.com › funneling-cash-to...

3 days ago · Consider the parallels of Donald Trump and John Edwards. Two then- presidential candidates caught up in accusations of adultery
She wanted money in 2011 as she tried to sell her story then.

If trump silenced her to protect his family, he would have done so then. That he waited until 11 days before his election reveals his intent of the payoff.
She was paid by the Enquirer in 2011. SHE simply wanted MORE, and unlike Edward's that used campaign donors money to pay off his lover, Trump used personal money thereby taking it out of a campaign legal indictment, simply a FEC possible violation.
Cohen admitted to making these payments on behalf of the campaign. That proves the knowing and willing standard. Michael Cohen plea deal: How were campaign finance laws broken? | Atlanta: News, Weather and Traffic

You don't know the law.....The former head of the FEC said he didn't break the law..... try finding what he said and you will see you don't know what you are talking about.
Then why spend the money in 2016?
Undoubtedly that is when she actually wanted money.

Funneling cash to hide an affair? Trump, Edwards scandals have similarities - WRAL-TV
WRAL.com › funneling-cash-to...

3 days ago · Consider the parallels of Donald Trump and John Edwards. Two then- presidential candidates caught up in accusations of adultery
She wanted money in 2011 as she tried to sell her story then.

If trump silenced her to protect his family, he would have done so then. That he waited until 11 days before his election reveals his intent of the payoff.
She was paid by the Enquirer in 2011. SHE simply wanted MORE, and unlike Edward's that used campaign donors money to pay off his lover, Trump used personal money thereby taking it out of a campaign legal indictment, simply a FEC possible violation.
You’re not answering the actual question...

If the reason trump bought her silence in 2016 when she was seeking to sell her story was to protect his family — why didn’t he buy her silence in 2011 when she sought to sell her story?
Having the Enquirer buy it kept him OUT of the picture....wouldn't you have someone else dirty their hands than YOU get personally involved...
Except Trump's hands were dirtied. Cohen admitted to making and planning these payments on behalf of the campaign.

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