Did the Tea Party cause our problems or cause them to get worse?

Most Americans problem.....selfishness......The quality and decency of any society,is how they care for the less fortunate.......but your foulmouthed hypocricy knows no bounds,to say "look to those who have money to do so"

Sorry but you collectively don't have money...other than borrowed MONEY...so like the spew your spewing on others,YOU are exactly the same.....Thou Spewest on Thyself....its idiots like you who have ruined America.....your unAmerican and a foul mouth to boot.

Glad I could Explain THAT...........boy..I'm theliq,I tell it like it is because I can:cool::clap2::clap2:
Did the Tea Party cause our problems or cause them to get worse?


Care to explain that? any progressive care to explain that?

How does libertarian/classical liberal philosophy "cause our problems to get worse?"

How the FUCK does personal responsibility and reliability cause a fucking problem???

In reality the tea party doesn't have a fucking problem - government dependents do, and you can thank your democrats who are committed to spending my money and giving it to you fore that.

We have problems because libfucks cant fund their own socialism and they look to those who have money to do so.

And save the Social Security bullshit. I have a fucking job - I pay social security too - so why the fuck do we have problem???

Oh thats right - because democrats do their best to create crisis' because thats the only possible way they will be able to survive as an elitist party....

I can't even believe progressives believe they're "liberal" when in reality they're government whores who are actually the exact opposite of what a real "liberal" is.

What the fuck is wrong with you??

The big government authoritarian tyrants created the problems we face today....

Then donate your money to charity.... I do..

Our government isn't a fucking charity.

At least when I give money to a charity I have a say in helping those I believe need help... I have no say when a third generation welfare recipient is proud to be living off the dole and getting that "free moooonnnaaay."
Allow me to throw my two cents in here. First off, I admire the Tea Party. They are resolute in their stance and that is something to be said in this day and age.
Ah, yes.....who can forget the good ol' days.....when folks were more resolute in their stance?

I'll answer your last question first if I may.....Firstly no monies should be paid without people trying to get work,but a lot of folk your taxes are helping would as a matter of course never want a government hand out.........in recent years the reality is......that hard working American families have through NO fault of their own fallen on hard times,as a proud person of a proud nation,the adjustment to this situation must be very difficult for most people,you fellow Americans,maybe your neibour down the street infact.

Look Nick nothing is black or white....in reality there are just not enough jobs for everyone in all facets of life...in the US at the moment..its easy for you or I to critisize,being employed is a great thing,but pity the American(maybe a friend)who now finds themselves in this situation,these folk are not lazy wasters but just unable to get a job...they need help,support and kindness.
Yep there are some who fleece/take advantage of the system/the safety net as it were....these people should be made to work recalsigents that they are.

Our family give much to charity......we sponser many children and their families world wide.....New Guinea,Sudan(South) Guatemala....The boy I have sponsered in Guatemala for 18 years has just become a Doctor,his older sister likewise and his two younger siblings should follow.......we have had built a health centre for women and children....not bad for a child of a wonderful woman...my MOM who was widowed at 28 with 6 children.

Nick one thing I learn't as a young boy was solidarity,our family protected each other and I have been fortunate to carry this on through my business......its family and although there have been tough time I've never had to retrench a single employee...where so many others have.

I'm not big noting myself by the way but trying to explain why through caring things can often be a good thing.........I was an asshole speaking to you the way I did..my apologies steve
Most Americans problem.....selfishness......The quality and decency of any society,is how they care for the less fortunate.......but your foulmouthed hypocricy knows no bounds,to say "look to those who have money to do so"

Sorry but you collectively don't have money...other than borrowed MONEY...so like the spew your spewing on others,YOU are exactly the same.....Thou Spewest on Thyself....its idiots like you who have ruined America.....your unAmerican and a foul mouth to boot.

Glad I could Explain THAT...........boy..I'm theliq,I tell it like it is because I can:cool::clap2::clap2:
Care to explain that? any progressive care to explain that?

How does libertarian/classical liberal philosophy "cause our problems to get worse?"

How the FUCK does personal responsibility and reliability cause a fucking problem???

In reality the tea party doesn't have a fucking problem - government dependents do, and you can thank your democrats who are committed to spending my money and giving it to you fore that.

We have problems because libfucks cant fund their own socialism and they look to those who have money to do so.

And save the Social Security bullshit. I have a fucking job - I pay social security too - so why the fuck do we have problem???

Oh thats right - because democrats do their best to create crisis' because thats the only possible way they will be able to survive as an elitist party....

I can't even believe progressives believe they're "liberal" when in reality they're government whores who are actually the exact opposite of what a real "liberal" is.

What the fuck is wrong with you??

The big government authoritarian tyrants created the problems we face today....

Then donate your money to charity.... I do..

Our government isn't a fucking charity.

At least when I give money to a charity I have a say in helping those I believe need help... I have no say when a third generation welfare recipient is proud to be living off the dole and getting that "free moooonnnaaay."
I'll answer your last question first if I may.....Firstly no monies should be paid without people trying to get work,but a lot of folk your taxes are helping would as a matter of course never want a government hand out.........in recent years the reality is......that hard working American families have through NO fault of their own fallen on hard times,as a proud person of a proud nation,the adjustment to this situation must be very difficult for most people,you fellow Americans,maybe your neibour down the street infact.

Look Nick nothing is black or white....in reality there are just not enough jobs for everyone in all facets of life...in the US at the moment..its easy for you or I to critisize,being employed is a great thing,but pity the American(maybe a friend)who now finds themselves in this situation,these folk are not lazy wasters but just unable to get a job...they need help,support and kindness.
Yep there are some who fleece/take advantage of the system/the safety net as it were....these people should be made to work recalsigents that they are.

Our family give much to charity......we sponser many children and their families world wide.....New Guinea,Sudan(South) Guatemala....The boy I have sponsered in Guatemala for 18 years has just become a Doctor,his older sister likewise and his two younger siblings should follow.......we have had built a health centre for women and children....not bad for a child of a wonderful woman...my MOM who was widowed at 28 with 6 children.

Nick one thing I learn't as a young boy was solidarity,our family protected each other and I have been fortunate to carry this on through my business......its family and although there have been tough time I've never had to retrench a single employee...where so many others have.

I'm not big noting myself by the way but trying to explain why through caring things can often be a good thing.........I was an asshole speaking to you the way I did..my apologies steve
Most Americans problem.....selfishness......The quality and decency of any society,is how they care for the less fortunate.......but your foulmouthed hypocricy knows no bounds,to say "look to those who have money to do so"

Sorry but you collectively don't have money...other than borrowed MONEY...so like the spew your spewing on others,YOU are exactly the same.....Thou Spewest on Thyself....its idiots like you who have ruined America.....your unAmerican and a foul mouth to boot.

Glad I could Explain THAT...........boy..I'm theliq,I tell it like it is because I can:cool::clap2::clap2:

Then donate your money to charity.... I do..

Our government isn't a fucking charity.

At least when I give money to a charity I have a say in helping those I believe need help... I have no say when a third generation welfare recipient is proud to be living off the dole and getting that "free moooonnnaaay."

What exactly do you not understand about the government not being a charity??

What exactly do you not understand about the government (democrats) pissing away the SS funds?

Yeah lets borrow some more money from China that I have to pay for so you can get cha free shit...

You claim you care but you obviously don't give a fuck about tomorrow.

Tomorrow to you is just more spending of kids money that weren't even born yet ...

The people who really care are trying to salvage this economy.... Those who support the democrats are just trying to salvage tomorrow and when tomorrow comes they'll think about the next day.

I'm 31.... Do you care more about yourself at tomorrow than you do about me or your nonexistent kids at 65?

I bet you believe the big government will have it figured out by then? much like Lenin had it figured out in 1917.
Did the Tea Party cause our problems or cause them to get worse?


LOL ok yep they did,its a hoot,Bush dumbest ever,but still able to pull off so much,and now we have a small group, and they are politically,and they are the cause of all the problems.
most of the time and how I might add did Bush become so great......None are blinder than those who wear rose tinted glasses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!O yeah all your problems started with President Obama.....NOT....theliq:clap2:
Did the Tea Party cause our problems or cause them to get worse?


LOL ok yep they did,its a hoot,Bush dumbest ever,but still able to pull off so much,and now we have a small group, and they are politically,and they are the cause of all the problems.
I'll answer your last question first if I may.....Firstly no monies should be paid without people trying to get work,but a lot of folk your taxes are helping would as a matter of course never want a government hand out.........in recent years the reality is......that hard working American families have through NO fault of their own fallen on hard times,as a proud person of a proud nation,the adjustment to this situation must be very difficult for most people,you fellow Americans,maybe your neibour down the street infact.

Look Nick nothing is black or white....in reality there are just not enough jobs for everyone in all facets of life...in the US at the moment..its easy for you or I to critisize,being employed is a great thing,but pity the American(maybe a friend)who now finds themselves in this situation,these folk are not lazy wasters but just unable to get a job...they need help,support and kindness.
Yep there are some who fleece/take advantage of the system/the safety net as it were....these people should be made to work recalsigents that they are.

Our family give much to charity......we sponser many children and their families world wide.....New Guinea,Sudan(South) Guatemala....The boy I have sponsered in Guatemala for 18 years has just become a Doctor,his older sister likewise and his two younger siblings should follow.......we have had built a health centre for women and children....not bad for a child of a wonderful woman...my MOM who was widowed at 28 with 6 children.

Nick one thing I learn't as a young boy was solidarity,our family protected each other and I have been fortunate to carry this on through my business......its family and although there have been tough time I've never had to retrench a single employee...where so many others have.

I'm not big noting myself by the way but trying to explain why through caring things can often be a good thing.........I was an asshole speaking to you the way I did..my apologies steve
Then donate your money to charity.... I do..

Our government isn't a fucking charity.

At least when I give money to a charity I have a say in helping those I believe need help... I have no say when a third generation welfare recipient is proud to be living off the dole and getting that "free moooonnnaaay."

What exactly do you not understand about the government not being a charity??Hardly

What exactly do you not understand about the government (democrats) pissing away the SS funds?

Yeah lets borrow some more money from China that I have to pay for so you can get cha free shit...

You claim you care but you obviously don't give a fuck about tomorrow.Rubbish

Tomorrow to you is just more spending of kids money that weren't even born yet ...Rubbish

The people who really care are trying to salvage this economy.... Those who support the democrats are just trying to salvage tomorrow and when tomorrow comes they'll think about the next day.???Nonsense

I'm 31.... Do you care more about yourself at tomorrow than you do about me or your nonexistent kids at 65?Amazing

I bet you believe the big government will have it figured out by then? much like Lenin had it figured out in 1917.
Sorry your way off line:cuckoo:
Did the Tea Party cause our problems or cause them to get worse?


yeah.....but thats the sentiment only of perhaps 21% of Americans so politically its irrelevant.

Thye bullseye is on the president and the whole world knows it ( except for the k00ks )

Did the Tea Party cause our problems..

No. Most TPers are innocent of everything except being clueless morons.

But their masters certainly caused our problems.

or cause them to get worse?

Maybe. That remains to be seen
Aside from being a strange bunch of uneducated racist fools, the Tea Party timing is all wrong. Right now is exactly the WRONG time to be concerned with austerity, balancing budgets, and reducing the national debt. The conversation is good - but the timing sucks, which I suspect is by design.

I also suspect the conversation would be different with a WHITE president.

I suspect the conversation would be the same with a WHITE president. With ANY President who sucks so badly as POTUS.

The racist crap is getting pretty old. It doesn't work so you may want to change your attack mode to something that may work. LOL Have fun.
Stealplate I'm on my EVO today so I'm not gonna quote ya as it makes it nearly impossible to filter through long posts. But I do want to comment on your post.

The TP and Ryans budget don't want to destroy Medicare. They want to try to make it viable for future generations. Also I find it offensive that democrats as a whole want to demonize any efforts to do so. Having said that I'm not claiming that only the right have any good ideas or that all their ideas are good but at least they are putting forth an effort.
I just don't understand why for instance the left couldn't take Ryans plan. Debate it, add ideas to it and try to come to a mutually agreeable plan for the future. Hell Reid could have taken the Ryan budget, guted it and added their ideas. But all we get is partisan snipes. The system can't sustain itself on its current track. Is the left going to just keep demogouging the issue until they lose power and then have no voice in the changes? I just don't get the logic.

Take the ideas of the TP and make something out of them. Or be left behind when the change comes. If the TP gains ranks in the next election and the left doesn't adjust they will be left in the dust with no voice.
It is a myth that Democrats have ever controlled Congress.

Congress is controlled by George Soros and a handful of others who make their filthy lucre by betting against These United Socialist States of Soviet America.

Hell, Democrats can't even control their own bowels!
Most Americans problem.....selfishness......The quality and decency of any society,is how they care for the less fortunate.......but your foulmouthed hypocricy knows no bounds,to say "look to those who have money to do so"

Sorry but you collectively don't have money...other than borrowed MONEY...so like the spew your spewing on others,YOU are exactly the same.....Thou Spewest on Thyself....its idiots like you who have ruined America.....your unAmerican and a foul mouth to boot.

Glad I could Explain THAT...........boy..I'm theliq,I tell it like it is because I can:cool::clap2::clap2:
Did the Tea Party cause our problems or cause them to get worse?


Care to explain that? any progressive care to explain that?

How does libertarian/classical liberal philosophy "cause our problems to get worse?"

How the FUCK does personal responsibility and reliability cause a fucking problem???

In reality the tea party doesn't have a fucking problem - government dependents do, and you can thank your democrats who are committed to spending my money and giving it to you fore that.

We have problems because libfucks cant fund their own socialism and they look to those who have money to do so.

And save the Social Security bullshit. I have a fucking job - I pay social security too - so why the fuck do we have problem???

Oh thats right - because democrats do their best to create crisis' because thats the only possible way they will be able to survive as an elitist party....

I can't even believe progressives believe they're "liberal" when in reality they're government whores who are actually the exact opposite of what a real "liberal" is.

What the fuck is wrong with you??

The big government authoritarian tyrants created the problems we face today....

You my friend are a good little Socialist..And being LECTURED by you is very funny. You think this is going to MAKE you more friends here, think again.
First, we had Jr. give tax cuts to the ultra wealthy and corporations. That was supposed to create jobs and get the economy moving, but if it didn't, then they were supposed to EXPIRE IN 10 YEARS.

Sadly, the tax cuts by Jr. haven't worked.

Then.......people like Grover Norquist and the Koch brothers started an astroturf movement (it wasn't grass roots, it was funded by uber wealthy people) and that became the tea baggers.

Some of those teabaggers ended up getting support from people like the Koch brothers and Grover Norquist, which in turn helped to fund their campaigns and they won. However, most of them spoke about jobs and getting the economy back running, but many haven't done anything towards that end as of yet.

Boehner HAD a deal that included not only spending cuts, but there was also around 15 perent of tax increases (revenue increases), but the rabid teabaggers turned on their own party and blocked it because of the revenue increases. Boehner can't even run his own party, because it's been hijacked by people like Cantor and the other baggers.

Did the tea party cause this mess? Not really, because it was started under Jr's watch.

HOWEVER.............any attempt to fix the problem has been steadfastly blocked by them.

And, some of the more idiotic Republicans have signed on with the baggers, because as many of them have stated REPEATEDLY, their only goal is making Obama a one term president.
The TP and Ryans budget don't want to destroy Medicare. They want to try to make it viable for future generations.

Why cling to this fiction? Under Ryan's plan, after a certain point no one is allowed to enroll in Medicare ever again.

There is no planet on which halting a program and phasing it out by attrition is saving it for future generations (the very generations that aren't allowed to access it under that proposal).
Your so boring in your assessment of me being of some communistic persuasion.....as a self made person employing over 300 "friends" for that what our employees and their families are to us..........your snipe is both churlish and banal.Yes we are fair and honest people.....if caring for the less fortunate is socialist(always has to be LEFT or RIGHT to you guys....stupid as it is)then you can call me whatever you want.

I called you ignorant before but I was wrong,you just have a nasty trait in you,that I will change in time I hope.......I may be funny to you but I have helped many its just part of who I am..no big deal......its easy for you to critisize me from you lofty eyrie but shitting on me from a great height,merely allows me to step aside in time.....I did notice in your last dumping that you had given birth to the next conservative saviour.....heavan forbid.

As for friends.....I've always thought better to make one friend in the true sense of the word than a thousand aquaintances.

Steph,you have a choice,we can be friends inspite of our differences or carry on like this,don't take this plea as weakness because I make a horrible enemy.

I hope we get on,I am a somewhat complex character.......but worth the effort,I actually like you and trust we can dialogue with each other in the future....Just saying steve.have a nice day:eusa_angel:
Most Americans problem.....selfishness......The quality and decency of any society,is how they care for the less fortunate.......but your foulmouthed hypocricy knows no bounds,to say "look to those who have money to do so"

Sorry but you collectively don't have money...other than borrowed MONEY...so like the spew your spewing on others,YOU are exactly the same.....Thou Spewest on Thyself....its idiots like you who have ruined America.....your unAmerican and a foul mouth to boot.

Glad I could Explain THAT...........boy..I'm theliq,I tell it like it is because I can:cool::clap2::clap2:
Care to explain that? any progressive care to explain that?

How does libertarian/classical liberal philosophy "cause our problems to get worse?"

How the FUCK does personal responsibility and reliability cause a fucking problem???

In reality the tea party doesn't have a fucking problem - government dependents do, and you can thank your democrats who are committed to spending my money and giving it to you fore that.

We have problems because libfucks cant fund their own socialism and they look to those who have money to do so.

And save the Social Security bullshit. I have a fucking job - I pay social security too - so why the fuck do we have problem???

Oh thats right - because democrats do their best to create crisis' because thats the only possible way they will be able to survive as an elitist party....

I can't even believe progressives believe they're "liberal" when in reality they're government whores who are actually the exact opposite of what a real "liberal" is.

What the fuck is wrong with you??

The big government authoritarian tyrants created the problems we face today....

You my friend are a good little Socialist..And being LECTURED by you is very funny. You think this is going to MAKE you more friends here, think again.
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