Did they dope up tRump to keep

Trump loves Saudi Arabia like no other President. Didn't care they killed a journalist for the WAPO. Doesn't care they are killing civilians. Wants to rent them our troops.
Didn't care their people were responsible for 9/11,,,What a patriot
Hey dumbass, Obama had eight years to do something. What happened?
for starters 76 straight months of 6 digit employment gains
That's bullshit, what did Obama do about Saudi Arabia? Obama created part time jobs, Trump creates full-time jobs and the pay is increasing.
Liar. 15% of the jobs added under Obama were part time. And that’s factoring in Bush’s Great Recession.
Lol, Obama care made part time jobs. I remember liberals saying greedy rich people were to blame. Tell me, do you remember his energy plan? Inflate your tires, so you can save a couple gallons of gas every 20,000 miles? How about the cash for clunkers failure? It took all affordable good cars that poor people could afford. Off the road?
Him from going off the rails during his speech yesterday?

Slurred words, gasping for air, looking confused and barely able to stand....


Trump Sounded Drugged As He Slurred, Snorted, and Breathed Heavily During Iran Statement
Sounds like Pelosi, she seems touched in the head... But SHE is holding the keys to the kingdom, those articles of impeachment. And then, when the other shoe falls, Trump isn't going anywhere, possibly just re-enforces his position.
That's just stupid.

Yes, it was stupid of Obama to harm America like he did. See, look:

Removed the public option from the Obamacare final draft? Check.
Made me pay a $495 fine for not buying Obamacare? Check.
Sent weapons to Mexico, fast & furiously, as the weapons killed US Fed Agents and Mexican women/children? Check.
Opened up our borders to illegal, undocumented HISP? Check.
Imported tens of millions of anti-American, Arab, refugees into the USA? Check.
Refused to rehab crack addicts like Trump has rehab opioid addicts? Check.
Too spooked to start a trade war vs China ---but did ask Bush43 to start one in July'08? Check.
Forced anti-gay Americans to uplift our nation's LGBT brethren? Check.


Yes Obama was very anti American, and man0man did it hurt the USA.

The Congress removed the public option.

You wre so fucking stupid not to have health insurance? If you had a major problem you would depend on others to pay your bulls,. You cheapass jerk.

Obama had nothing to do with Fasdt & Furious, The government did not send guns into Mexico.

Our borders were not opened. Obama increased the border patrol & deports more than Bush

Ten of millions refugees were not resettled in the US.

Obama fought the drug problems. It included helping addicts.

Yes Obama did not start a trade war that cost US farmers their farms & is reducing US manufacturing.

Gay people are US citizens & deserve the same status as a bigoted piece of fucking shit like you.
Why you lie?
See, here's the thing:

He's not. The "media" sources you consume are.
Lol, Obama was a failure. That's why is was so easy for Trump to make his presidency a bad memory.
I'll be thrilled when tRump's *presidency* is a bad memory. Right now it's a horrible present.
Trump is doing the transforming like he did when bankrupting 6 companies No bank in America would lend him a dime They know he's a crook but I guess since he's your crook and pervert it's ok?
Trump has done great things for america.
Losing all our allies , lying 15000 times in 3 years, pardoning murdering pos are 3 of those great things?
Obama couldn't tell the truth if his life depended on it. Obama ran around the world apologizing for American greatness. He divided this country like no one ever has. When being the first black president. He could've United us. Obama was the worst president ever.
Ok, list Obama's 15,000 + lies please.
If the media hated him, we would have the list. Trump says the sky is blue, the media says you lie. There is a cloud in it.
That's a lie.

Try again .
Didn't care their people were responsible for 9/11,,,What a patriot
Hey dumbass, Obama had eight years to do something. What happened?
for starters 76 straight months of 6 digit employment gains
That's bullshit, what did Obama do about Saudi Arabia? Obama created part time jobs, Trump creates full-time jobs and the pay is increasing.
Liar. 15% of the jobs added under Obama were part time. And that’s factoring in Bush’s Great Recession.
Lol, Obama care made part time jobs. I remember liberals saying greedy rich people were to blame. Tell me, do you remember his energy plan? Inflate your tires, so you can save a couple gallons of gas every 20,000 miles? How about the cash for clunkers failure? It took all affordable good cars that poor people could afford. Off the road?
Stop lying.

Him from going off the rails during his speech yesterday?

Slurred words, gasping for air, looking confused and barely able to stand....


Trump Sounded Drugged As He Slurred, Snorted, and Breathed Heavily During Iran Statement
I think you're talking about Pelosi.
Nansheee Pelosheee drinks all of the time
You know her intimately of course mr PhD?
He's just posting what he's been ordered to, he doesn't actually know anything about any of this.
Trump certainly sounded drugged up, about to have a stroke or suffering from early on-set Alzheimer’s. There is something weird about a man who can’t stop snorting. The delivery of the speech would have been a C- in a high school public speaking class.
Lol, no comments about the actual content of the speech though...

Some of the content was fine and his restraint was fine by me. Blaming Obama was pathetic.

Trump was and is no Ronald Reagan.
I like that.I was on-board when Trump alleged back in 08' that Obama and the birther thing. I was an idiot. But I am just as astounded when liberals create sanctuary cities without our consent and everyone thinks that normal or acceptable. Being DUMB is the new NORMAL. Put on your normality glasses and stop accepting the bullshit, tune into your inner George Carlin.
Look assfuck. Time Zones. Learn about them.

While the attack started after dark in Benghazi, it was afternoon in DC.
He looked well rested when he lied to us about bengazi then flew off to Vegas to golf and campaign.
You're lying, Obama didn't lie.
He said the Obama care debate would be televised on cspan.
He promised $2500 dollars a year on health insurance.
He stated his mom didn't get treated for cancer because her insurance wouldn't cover it. Her health insurance did cover her treatment, but her supplement insurance didn't give her money.
You can keep your doctor. That one got him awarded lie of the year.
My gosh he even lie about where and when he was conceived.
He lied about the deaths of 4 Americans.
He lied about he would have the most transparent administration in history.
Just a few off the top of my head.
You were talking about Benghazi, ya crazed fruitloop. And no, he didn't lie about it.

As far as the other lies, Impeached Trump lies more than that each day by breakfast.

President Trump has made 15,413 false or misleading claims over 1,055 days
The bengazi attack was a planned terrorist attack. Not a protest over a movie nobody saw. Obama couldn't tell the truth but you were blind and didn't care. Even the red cross got their people because they knew something was going to happen. Pretty bad when a private business knows more about what was going on than the president of the United States. But he did find out major world events on the eleven o'clock news.
It is easy to know years after the attack. It the couple days after the attack, the video was listed as a possibility.

The video has just been translated into Arabic & shown on arab TV> The idea you don't know this is proof of how fucking stupids you are. So shove your lies up youe ignorant ass & get a fucking education.
You're lying, Obama didn't lie.
He said the Obama care debate would be televised on cspan.
He promised $2500 dollars a year on health insurance.
He stated his mom didn't get treated for cancer because her insurance wouldn't cover it. Her health insurance did cover her treatment, but her supplement insurance didn't give her money.
You can keep your doctor. That one got him awarded lie of the year.
My gosh he even lie about where and when he was conceived.
He lied about the deaths of 4 Americans.
He lied about he would have the most transparent administration in history.
Just a few off the top of my head.
The White House dies not dictate what Congress does.
I saved more than $2500 on my health insurance & the ACA lowered the rate of increase.
You are lying about his Mother
Show me where in the ACA that it controls provider networks
You are just too stupid to understand his comments about race in the 60's
There was no lie about Benghazi. You really need to quit using the death of Americans as fodder to spread lies about Obama. The video did create rioting in many Arab cities so why was Benghazi immune to it. The video was only a possibility as investigation was clearly stated.
His administration was more transparent than most.

Quit lying about Obama as some sort of defense for your orange buddy.
Your a great knob polisher. The price of health insurance has almost doubled. I guess you got the free goverment healthcare. The rest of what I said was the truth about Obama's lies.

Jesus fuck, do you ever stop lying.

Notice how it flattened out under Obama.
My bad. I should have known you were too fucking stupid to understand a graph.
There are no guarantees, ya dumbfuck.
This one is, even my liberal friend from Vermont is embarrassed over the Democrat actions on this one. And he hates Trump.
That you think there are guarantees only serves to demonstrate how wrong you are.
What you pulled on Kavanaugh and now trying to take out a duly elected president, just because you lost the election. Lol, you people should never have power again.View attachment 299876
These are your people.
”What you pulled on Kavanaugh...”

what I “pulled” on Kavanaugh was to say I thought Blasey Ford was lying because there was no evidence to confirm her claims.

Did you really think the forum needed more evidence you’re fucked in the head?
Your party did differently and those
Maybe they should've offed Obama when he backed saudi Arabia. Or when he gave Iran billions to give to terrorist. Even John Kerry said that some of that money would go to them.

Trump loves Saudi Arabia like no other President. Didn't care they killed a journalist for the WAPO. Doesn't care they are killing civilians. Wants to rent them our troops.
Didn't care their people were responsible for 9/11,,,What a patriot
Hey dumbass, Obama had eight years to do something. What happened?
He had Osama bin Laden killed.
Yes he did, as they say. How did killing Laden stop terrorism? He was neuered, I'm glad he is dead though.
Bin Laden was the leader & the source of a lot of their funding through his contacts.

Obama took out a lot of terrorists through drone strikes & you assfucks bitched about every one.
There are no guarantees, ya dumbfuck.
This one is, even my liberal friend from Vermont is embarrassed over the Democrat actions on this one. And he hates Trump.
That you think there are guarantees only serves to demonstrate how wrong you are.
What you pulled on Kavanaugh and now trying to take out a duly elected president, just because you lost the election. Lol, you people should never have power again.View attachment 299876
These are your people.
”What you pulled on Kavanaugh...”

what I “pulled” on Kavanaugh was to say I thought Blasey Ford was lying because there was no evidence to confirm her claims.

Did you really think the forum needed more evidence you’re fucked in the head?
Your party did differently and those
Maybe they should've offed Obama when he backed saudi Arabia. Or when he gave Iran billions to give to terrorist. Even John Kerry said that some of that money would go to them.

Trump loves Saudi Arabia like no other President. Didn't care they killed a journalist for the WAPO. Doesn't care they are killing civilians. Wants to rent them our troops.
Didn't care their people were responsible for 9/11,,,What a patriot
Hey dumbass, Obama had eight years to do something. What happened?
He had Osama bin Laden killed.
Yes he did, as they say. How did killing Laden stop terrorism? He was neuered, I'm glad he is dead though.[/QUOTE
Didn't care their people were responsible for 9/11,,,What a patriot
Hey dumbass, Obama had eight years to do something. What happened?
for starters 76 straight months of 6 digit employment gains
That's bullshit, what did Obama do about Saudi Arabia? Obama created part time jobs, Trump creates full-time jobs and the pay is increasing.
Liar. 15% of the jobs added under Obama were part time. And that’s factoring in Bush’s Great Recession.
Lol, Obama care made part time jobs. I remember liberals saying greedy rich people were to blame. Tell me, do you remember his energy plan? Inflate your tires, so you can save a couple gallons of gas every 20,000 miles? How about the cash for clunkers failure? It took all affordable good cars that poor people could afford. Off the road?

I remember you assfucks having a fit when Obama suggested inflating your tires.....until NASCAR came out & agreed citing the loss of MPGs due to under inflated tires.

Oil production flourished under Obama.

Cash for Clunkers helped the auto industry in trouble thanks to the Bush recession.
Him from going off the rails during his speech yesterday?

Slurred words, gasping for air, looking confused and barely able to stand....


Trump Sounded Drugged As He Slurred, Snorted, and Breathed Heavily During Iran Statement

Hey dummy. Seeing as how he is usually NOT like this. Use your mind. We had just gone through a critical moment and he would not have gone to sleep. He obviously had stayed awake as needed to be informed of any
military developments. He was tired.
Now Obama on the other hand, sounded smooth and all good after Benghazi because he got all his sleep.
You cant have it both ways.

Yarddog, What didn't President Obama do that he should have?
Maybe they should've offed Obama when he backed saudi Arabia. Or when he gave Iran billions to give to terrorist. Even John Kerry said that some of that money would go to them.

Trump loves Saudi Arabia like no other President. Didn't care they killed a journalist for the WAPO. Doesn't care they are killing civilians. Wants to rent them our troops.
Didn't care their people were responsible for 9/11,,,What a patriot
Hey dumbass, Obama had eight years to do something. What happened?
for starters 76 straight months of 6 digit employment gains
That's bullshit, what did Obama do about Saudi Arabia? Obama created part time jobs, Trump creates full-time jobs and the pay is increasing.

Jesus fuck,. Is there nothing you don't lie about?
Trump loves Saudi Arabia like no other President. Didn't care they killed a journalist for the WAPO. Doesn't care they are killing civilians. Wants to rent them our troops.
Didn't care their people were responsible for 9/11,,,What a patriot
Hey dumbass, Obama had eight years to do something. What happened?
for starters 76 straight months of 6 digit employment gains
That's bullshit, what did Obama do about Saudi Arabia? Obama created part time jobs, Trump creates full-time jobs and the pay is increasing.

Jesus fuck,. Is there nothing you don't lie about?

No, there is not
Maybe they should've offed Obama when he backed saudi Arabia. Or when he gave Iran billions to give to terrorist. Even John Kerry said that some of that money would go to them.

Trump loves Saudi Arabia like no other President. Didn't care they killed a journalist for the WAPO. Doesn't care they are killing civilians. Wants to rent them our troops.
Didn't care their people were responsible for 9/11,,,What a patriot
Hey dumbass, Obama had eight years to do something. What happened?
for starters 76 straight months of 6 digit employment gains
That's bullshit, what did Obama do about Saudi Arabia? Obama created part time jobs, Trump creates full-time jobs and the pay is increasing.

Most jobs created under rump are still part time jobs. But I guess the fact you need at least 2 of them to exist must count as full time employment, right?
Yes, it was stupid of Obama to harm America like he did. See, look:

Removed the public option from the Obamacare final draft? Check.
Made me pay a $495 fine for not buying Obamacare? Check.
Sent weapons to Mexico, fast & furiously, as the weapons killed US Fed Agents and Mexican women/children? Check.
Opened up our borders to illegal, undocumented HISP? Check.
Imported tens of millions of anti-American, Arab, refugees into the USA? Check.
Refused to rehab crack addicts like Trump has rehab opioid addicts? Check.
Too spooked to start a trade war vs China ---but did ask Bush43 to start one in July'08? Check.
Forced anti-gay Americans to uplift our nation's LGBT brethren? Check.


Yes Obama was very anti American, and man0man did it hurt the USA.

The Congress removed the public option.

You wre so fucking stupid not to have health insurance? If you had a major problem you would depend on others to pay your bulls,. You cheapass jerk.

Obama had nothing to do with Fasdt & Furious, The government did not send guns into Mexico.

Our borders were not opened. Obama increased the border patrol & deports more than Bush

Ten of millions refugees were not resettled in the US.

Obama fought the drug problems. It included helping addicts.

Yes Obama did not start a trade war that cost US farmers their farms & is reducing US manufacturing.

Gay people are US citizens & deserve the same status as a bigoted piece of fucking shit like you.
Why you lie?
See, here's the thing:

He's not. The "media" sources you consume are.
Lol, Obama was a failure. That's why is was so easy for Trump to make his presidency a bad memory.
I'll be thrilled when tRump's *presidency* is a bad memory. Right now it's a horrible present.
One vote for stop all that winning. I can't stand it. All this prosperity is just awful.
The Congress removed the public option.

You wre so fucking stupid not to have health insurance? If you had a major problem you would depend on others to pay your bulls,. You cheapass jerk.

Obama had nothing to do with Fasdt & Furious, The government did not send guns into Mexico.

Our borders were not opened. Obama increased the border patrol & deports more than Bush

Ten of millions refugees were not resettled in the US.

Obama fought the drug problems. It included helping addicts.

Yes Obama did not start a trade war that cost US farmers their farms & is reducing US manufacturing.

Gay people are US citizens & deserve the same status as a bigoted piece of fucking shit like you.
Why you lie?
See, here's the thing:

He's not. The "media" sources you consume are.
Lol, Obama was a failure. That's why is was so easy for Trump to make his presidency a bad memory.
I'll be thrilled when tRump's *presidency* is a bad memory. Right now it's a horrible present.
One vote for stop all that winning. I can't stand it. All this prosperity is just awful.
All this "prosperity" is artificial.

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