Did Trump ever draw First Blood?

He constantly draws first blood - by running face first into walls. You kids think the basest insulted should win POTUS? Really?
Just asking of course. Yes, I do follow politics, but I step away because it gets to be too much at times, especially during Global Warming where I spend a lot of time outside.

The reason I ask this question is due to this Khan situation. Once again, Trump is attacked, and when he strikes back, somehow Trump is the devil.

In all the instances that I can remember, I don't recall Trump ever attacking anybody that didn't attack him first. Or am I wrong? Does anybody remember anytime Trump drew first blood in this election?

It kind of reminds me of a kid on the street where I grew up. He was a little prankster, and used to throw water balloons at the big kid all the time. He would make sure he pulled his stunt in front of his house where he could safely run back inside. Of course, he couldn't stay inside forever. When the big kid finally caught him away from the house, he would beat the hell out of him, and then the mother of the prankster would walk to the big kids house to complain to his mother.

In my opinion, once you throw your hat into the ring, all bets are off. It doesn't matter who you are, who your son was, or where you came from. You joined the political fight willingly. You can't throw water balloons at the big kid on the block and expect him to stand there and take it. Remember Mr. Khan, the Democrats are not honoring you or your son, they are using you and your son. Big difference.

Well I do remember trump attacking that retard.

You probably don't even realize that what you just said if far more offensive than what Trump said.
You might want to watch one of her many videos. She says she holds Hillary responsible, and the right wing talking heads who interview her or talk about her certainly say Hillary was personally responsible.

If she wasn't responsible, then who was? It couldn't have been Obama. He went to sleep while the attack was going on so he could wake up early for a fund raiser in Las Vegas.

Even if you want to blame somebody else, that doesn't negate the fact she promoted the lie that the attack was brought on by some video nobody ever seen. She even told her daughter it was a terrorist attack while she told us it was this video.

And if she would get elected President, how many things will she not be responsible for holding that job?
Conservatives still double down on Gold Star parents

They couldn't help attacking Cindy Sheehan either

There's a difference between "attacking" and "responding" which was the point of my thread here.

So again the question: who drew first blood, Khan or Trump? Who drew first blood, Sheehan or the Republicans?
He constantly draws first blood - by running face first into walls. You kids think the basest insulted should win POTUS? Really?

I'm going to attempt to help you out here, I doubt you will understand but here....

In Khan vs Trump who started it? Think hard.....before the Muzzie stood and addressed the DNC convention Donald Trump had most likely never heard of Khan.

Get it?
Trump was attacking her before he even declared for President. I didn't see Hillary go after him until he was a candidate

Were Trumps birther rants a first blood?

Before Trump decided to run for President, he and Hillary were friends. He was even at their daughters wedding for crying out loud.

As for DumBama's birth certificate, many people were suspicious about that and still are. Trump was considering running the last time, and I hardly call asking for verification of a persons birth an attack.
Thats a tough question since everything short of sucking Trumps dick is described as an "Attack"
Just asking of course. Yes, I do follow politics, but I step away because it gets to be too much at times, especially during Global Warming where I spend a lot of time outside.

The reason I ask this question is due to this Khan situation. Once again, Trump is attacked, and when he strikes back, somehow Trump is the devil.

In all the instances that I can remember, I don't recall Trump ever attacking anybody that didn't attack him first. Or am I wrong? Does anybody remember anytime Trump drew first blood in this election?

It kind of reminds me of a kid on the street where I grew up. He was a little prankster, and used to throw water balloons at the big kid all the time. He would make sure he pulled his stunt in front of his house where he could safely run back inside. Of course, he couldn't stay inside forever. When the big kid finally caught him away from the house, he would beat the hell out of him, and then the mother of the prankster would walk to the big kids house to complain to his mother.

In my opinion, once you throw your hat into the ring, all bets are off. It doesn't matter who you are, who your son was, or where you came from. You joined the political fight willingly. You can't throw water balloons at the big kid on the block and expect him to stand there and take it. Remember Mr. Khan, the Democrats are not honoring you or your son, they are using you and your son. Big difference.

Right. And as soon as we need the mentality of a kid playing on the street, I'll vote for Trump. The thing is that we need an adult in that position, and Trump's mental and emotional abilities just don't cut it.

Why do you support Hillary simply because she has a vagina? That's not the adult thing to do.
What did the Judge do to Trump?

What did Kasich do to Trump?
What did Megan Kelly do to Trump?
What did Fiorina do to Trump?
What did the handicap reporter do to Trump?

You'll find that every answer to every question will be described as an attack. Either you agree or you're attacking. There is no middle
Just asking of course. Yes, I do follow politics, but I step away because it gets to be too much at times, especially during Global Warming where I spend a lot of time outside.

The reason I ask this question is due to this Khan situation. Once again, Trump is attacked, and when he strikes back, somehow Trump is the devil.

In all the instances that I can remember, I don't recall Trump ever attacking anybody that didn't attack him first. Or am I wrong? Does anybody remember anytime Trump drew first blood in this election?

It kind of reminds me of a kid on the street where I grew up. He was a little prankster, and used to throw water balloons at the big kid all the time. He would make sure he pulled his stunt in front of his house where he could safely run back inside. Of course, he couldn't stay inside forever. When the big kid finally caught him away from the house, he would beat the hell out of him, and then the mother of the prankster would walk to the big kids house to complain to his mother.

In my opinion, once you throw your hat into the ring, all bets are off. It doesn't matter who you are, who your son was, or where you came from. You joined the political fight willingly. You can't throw water balloons at the big kid on the block and expect him to stand there and take it. Remember Mr. Khan, the Democrats are not honoring you or your son, they are using you and your son. Big difference.

Trump is attacking the parents of an honored American veteran- and it doesn't matter to you.

You want an example of Trump attacking someone who 'didn't attack him first- that is easy- Judge Curiel.

Remember- the judge that Trump attacked for being "Mexican"- and called him a 'hater'?

How did Judge Curiel 'attack' Donald Trump? Well he did his job, and Trump didn't like it.

Trump is notoriously thin skinned and hyperbolically easy to offend.

The situation with the Khan family is a stunning example. If he had just praised their son's sacrifice and ignored everything else, nobody would be talking about this now.

Instead he has the Veterans of Foreign Wars condemning him. And Republicans are busy trying to distance themselves from him as fast as they can.

Trump is being Trump.

And it is coming home to roost.
Just asking of course. Yes, I do follow politics, but I step away because it gets to be too much at times, especially during Global Warming where I spend a lot of time outside.

The reason I ask this question is due to this Khan situation. Once again, Trump is attacked, and when he strikes back, somehow Trump is the devil.

In all the instances that I can remember, I don't recall Trump ever attacking anybody that didn't attack him first. Or am I wrong? Does anybody remember anytime Trump drew first blood in this election?

It kind of reminds me of a kid on the street where I grew up. He was a little prankster, and used to throw water balloons at the big kid all the time. He would make sure he pulled his stunt in front of his house where he could safely run back inside. Of course, he couldn't stay inside forever. When the big kid finally caught him away from the house, he would beat the hell out of him, and then the mother of the prankster would walk to the big kids house to complain to his mother.

In my opinion, once you throw your hat into the ring, all bets are off. It doesn't matter who you are, who your son was, or where you came from. You joined the political fight willingly. You can't throw water balloons at the big kid on the block and expect him to stand there and take it. Remember Mr. Khan, the Democrats are not honoring you or your son, they are using you and your son. Big difference.

Right. And as soon as we need the mentality of a kid playing on the street, I'll vote for Trump. The thing is that we need an adult in that position, and Trump's mental and emotional abilities just don't cut it.

Why do you support Hillary simply because she has a vagina? That's not the adult thing to do.

Why do you support Trump just because he has a tiny dick? That's not the adult thing to do.
Trump was attacking her before he even declared for President. I didn't see Hillary go after him until he was a candidate

Were Trumps birther rants a first blood?

Before Trump decided to run for President, he and Hillary were friends. He was even at their daughters wedding for crying out loud.

As for DumBama's birth certificate, many people were suspicious about that and still are. Trump was considering running the last time, and I hardly call asking for verification of a persons birth an attack.

Yep- until Trump decided to run for President he thought Hillary would make a great President. What changed? Trump decided to run for President and Hillary is in his way. Just like every Republican candidate he attacked.

And you asked for examples of Trump attacking people first- and yes his Birtherism is an attack on President Obama- by Trump courting the batshit crazy Birthers.

Yes this is an attack

yes this is an attack

Birthers are bat shit crazy- and Trump is the chief Birther.
Just asking of course. Yes, I do follow politics, but I step away because it gets to be too much at times, especially during Global Warming where I spend a lot of time outside.

The reason I ask this question is due to this Khan situation. Once again, Trump is attacked, and when he strikes back, somehow Trump is the devil.

In all the instances that I can remember, I don't recall Trump ever attacking anybody that didn't attack him first. Or am I wrong? Does anybody remember anytime Trump drew first blood in this election?

It kind of reminds me of a kid on the street where I grew up. He was a little prankster, and used to throw water balloons at the big kid all the time. He would make sure he pulled his stunt in front of his house where he could safely run back inside. Of course, he couldn't stay inside forever. When the big kid finally caught him away from the house, he would beat the hell out of him, and then the mother of the prankster would walk to the big kids house to complain to his mother.

In my opinion, once you throw your hat into the ring, all bets are off. It doesn't matter who you are, who your son was, or where you came from. You joined the political fight willingly. You can't throw water balloons at the big kid on the block and expect him to stand there and take it. Remember Mr. Khan, the Democrats are not honoring you or your son, they are using you and your son. Big difference.

Right. And as soon as we need the mentality of a kid playing on the street, I'll vote for Trump. The thing is that we need an adult in that position, and Trump's mental and emotional abilities just don't cut it.

Why do you support Hillary simply because she has a vagina? That's not the adult thing to do.

Why do you support Trump just because he has a tiny dick? That's not the adult thing to do.

Why do you kiss Obama's ass because it's black?
What do you think about that attention slut Patricia Smith? She digs up the ghost of her dead son to wave around more often than Giuliani digs up the corpse of 9/11. The first 15 or 20 times .she appeared on TV or radio, I said she is a grieving mother who needs to say what she feels. After the next hundred times, and the results of all those investigations saying Hillary was not responsible for the poor man's death, I realized she is just using her dead boy to have her 15 minutes. She's gone way past the grieving stage and gone to the political circus stage.

And if Hillary or her crew attacked back, I would say the same thing: Smith threw her hat into the ring.

The difference of course is that she does hold Hillary responsible, and she has more of a right to attack Hillary than this guy did attacking Trump. Trump had absolutely nothing to do with his sons death or the Iraq war. In fact he was very much against the Iraq war right from the beginning. Hillary voted for it.

But he didn't attack Trump for his son's death. Did he?

Mr. Khan attacked Donnie for his attacks on Muslims- and was pointing out that his son- who died fighting for America- is one of the people that Donald Trump says should not have been allowed into the United States.

Here is what he said. Tell me what part you found offensive.

First, our thoughts and prayers are with our veterans and those who serve today. Tonight, we are honored to stand here as the parents of Capt. Humayun Khan, and as patriotic American Muslims with undivided loyalty to our country.

Like many immigrants, we came to this country empty-handed. We believed in American democracy -- that with hard work and the goodness of this country, we could share in and contribute to its blessings.

We were blessed to raise our three sons in a nation where they were free to be themselves and follow their dreams. Our son, Humayun, had dreams of being a military lawyer. But he put those dreams aside the day he sacrificed his life to save his fellow soldiers.

Hillary Clinton was right when she called my son "the best of America." If it was up to Donald Trump, he never would have been in America. Donald Trump consistently smears the character of Muslims. He disrespects other minorities -- women, judges, even his own party leadership. He vows to build walls and ban us from this country.

Donald Trump, you are asking Americans to trust you with our future. Let me ask you: Have you even read the U.S. Constitution? I will gladly lend you my copy. In this document, look for the words "liberty" and "equal protection of law."

Have you ever been to Arlington Cemetery? Go look at the graves of the brave patriots who died defending America -- you will see all faiths, genders, and ethnicities.

You have sacrificed nothing and no one.

We can't solve our problems by building walls and sowing division. We are stronger together. And we will keep getting stronger when Hillary Clinton becomes our next president.

Oh I forgot- Trump said he sacrificed plenty- you know- by building skyscrapers

“I think I’ve made a lot of sacrifices,” Trump claimed. “I work very, very hard. I’ve created thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of jobs, built great structures. I’ve had tremendous success. I think I’ve done a lot.”

Cindy pissed in 43's front yard and he didnt even bother to wave at her .... even blithering idiots know to stand down to parents of fallen soldiers.

Fuck Trump.
Just asking of course. Yes, I do follow politics, but I step away because it gets to be too much at times, especially during Global Warming where I spend a lot of time outside.

The reason I ask this question is due to this Khan situation. Once again, Trump is attacked, and when he strikes back, somehow Trump is the devil.

In all the instances that I can remember, I don't recall Trump ever attacking anybody that didn't attack him first. Or am I wrong? Does anybody remember anytime Trump drew first blood in this election?

It kind of reminds me of a kid on the street where I grew up. He was a little prankster, and used to throw water balloons at the big kid all the time. He would make sure he pulled his stunt in front of his house where he could safely run back inside. Of course, he couldn't stay inside forever. When the big kid finally caught him away from the house, he would beat the hell out of him, and then the mother of the prankster would walk to the big kids house to complain to his mother.

In my opinion, once you throw your hat into the ring, all bets are off. It doesn't matter who you are, who your son was, or where you came from. You joined the political fight willingly. You can't throw water balloons at the big kid on the block and expect him to stand there and take it. Remember Mr. Khan, the Democrats are not honoring you or your son, they are using you and your son. Big difference.

Right. And as soon as we need the mentality of a kid playing on the street, I'll vote for Trump. The thing is that we need an adult in that position, and Trump's mental and emotional abilities just don't cut it.

Why do you support Hillary simply because she has a vagina? That's not the adult thing to do.

Why do you support Trump just because he has a tiny dick? That's not the adult thing to do.

Why do you kiss Obama's ass because it's black?

Its always about race for you.

Apparently even your sexual fantasies.
Just asking of course. Yes, I do follow politics, but I step away because it gets to be too much at times, especially during Global Warming where I spend a lot of time outside.

The reason I ask this question is due to this Khan situation. Once again, Trump is attacked, and when he strikes back, somehow Trump is the devil.

In all the instances that I can remember, I don't recall Trump ever attacking anybody that didn't attack him first. Or am I wrong? Does anybody remember anytime Trump drew first blood in this election?

It kind of reminds me of a kid on the street where I grew up. He was a little prankster, and used to throw water balloons at the big kid all the time. He would make sure he pulled his stunt in front of his house where he could safely run back inside. Of course, he couldn't stay inside forever. When the big kid finally caught him away from the house, he would beat the hell out of him, and then the mother of the prankster would walk to the big kids house to complain to his mother.

In my opinion, once you throw your hat into the ring, all bets are off. It doesn't matter who you are, who your son was, or where you came from. You joined the political fight willingly. You can't throw water balloons at the big kid on the block and expect him to stand there and take it. Remember Mr. Khan, the Democrats are not honoring you or your son, they are using you and your son. Big difference.

Right. And as soon as we need the mentality of a kid playing on the street, I'll vote for Trump. The thing is that we need an adult in that position, and Trump's mental and emotional abilities just don't cut it.

Why do you support Hillary simply because she has a vagina? That's not the adult thing to do.

Why do you support Trump just because he has a tiny dick? That's not the adult thing to do.

Why do you kiss Obama's ass because it's black?

Its always about race for you.

Apparently even your sexual fantasies.

So you're saying you kiss ass of all colors?
What do you think about that attention slut Patricia Smith? She digs up the ghost of her dead son to wave around more often than Giuliani digs up the corpse of 9/11. The first 15 or 20 times .she appeared on TV or radio, I said she is a grieving mother who needs to say what she feels. After the next hundred times, and the results of all those investigations saying Hillary was not responsible for the poor man's death, I realized she is just using her dead boy to have her 15 minutes. She's gone way past the grieving stage and gone to the political circus stage.

And if Hillary or her crew attacked back, I would say the same thing: Smith threw her hat into the ring.

The difference of course is that she does hold Hillary responsible, and she has more of a right to attack Hillary than this guy did attacking Trump. Trump had absolutely nothing to do with his sons death or the Iraq war. In fact he was very much against the Iraq war right from the beginning. Hillary voted for it.

But he didn't attack Trump for his son's death. Did he?

Mr. Khan attacked Donnie for his attacks on Muslims- and was pointing out that his son- who died fighting for America- is one of the people that Donald Trump says should not have been allowed into the United States.

Here is what he said. Tell me what part you found offensive.

First, our thoughts and prayers are with our veterans and those who serve today. Tonight, we are honored to stand here as the parents of Capt. Humayun Khan, and as patriotic American Muslims with undivided loyalty to our country.

Like many immigrants, we came to this country empty-handed. We believed in American democracy -- that with hard work and the goodness of this country, we could share in and contribute to its blessings.

We were blessed to raise our three sons in a nation where they were free to be themselves and follow their dreams. Our son, Humayun, had dreams of being a military lawyer. But he put those dreams aside the day he sacrificed his life to save his fellow soldiers.

Hillary Clinton was right when she called my son "the best of America." If it was up to Donald Trump, he never would have been in America. Donald Trump consistently smears the character of Muslims. He disrespects other minorities -- women, judges, even his own party leadership. He vows to build walls and ban us from this country.

Donald Trump, you are asking Americans to trust you with our future. Let me ask you: Have you even read the U.S. Constitution? I will gladly lend you my copy. In this document, look for the words "liberty" and "equal protection of law."

Have you ever been to Arlington Cemetery? Go look at the graves of the brave patriots who died defending America -- you will see all faiths, genders, and ethnicities.

You have sacrificed nothing and no one.

We can't solve our problems by building walls and sowing division. We are stronger together. And we will keep getting stronger when Hillary Clinton becomes our next president.

Oh I forgot- Trump said he sacrificed plenty- you know- by building skyscrapers

“I think I’ve made a lot of sacrifices,” Trump claimed. “I work very, very hard. I’ve created thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of jobs, built great structures. I’ve had tremendous success. I think I’ve done a lot.”

This isn't rocket science...........really.........

Out of all the foreigners that made it to this country, the Democrats "accidentally" picked out one who's son died in war???

If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you. They didn't pick the middle-easterner who successfully opened up a farmers market, they didn't pick the middle-easterner who owns a chain of 7-11's, they didn't pick out the middle-easterner who went to school to become a very popular surgeon.

No,they specifically picked out a person because he could criticize Trump and hold his sons dead body up for protection.

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