Did Trump ever draw First Blood?

No one lied - the truth came out. It came out in Hillary's iwn e-mails.

The US knew about the terrorist attack calked for on 9/11/01. Did Hillary pull out all the Americans in Benghazi?
- NO

Did Hillary / the State Dept grant any of Stevens' 60+ pleas for additional security, even after 2 terrorist attacks?
- NO

Did Hillary / the State Dept pull 14 members of Stevens security team after 2 terrorist attacks, knowing the attack on 9/11/12 was still pending, and kniwing there was no military team that could respond?

Did Hillary do everything possible to protect American lives?

Again, all that was investigated, and they found she was not responsible. They found no wrongdoing on her part. Why do you continue to try to blame her when your own party says you are wrong?
You keep repeating the same shit and ignoring the facts:

Did Hillary's State Dept Deny 60+ pleas for additional security, even after 2 terrorist attacks?
- I will help you: YES! YOU say that's doing nothing wrong. I disagree.

Did Hillary's State Department take away 14 members of Stvebs'security team after 2 terrorist attacks and begore the pending attack on 9/11/12?
- AGAIN, I will help you: YES. YOU say that isn't doing anything wrong. I disagree.

Did Hillary order all the Americans out of Benghazi after 2 terrorist attacks and before the final attack on 9/11/12 AND did thise Americans have to be rescued by ex-Qadaffi troops?
- AGAIN, I will help you: YES. YOU say that isn't doing anything wrong. I disagree.

Is Hillary responsible for what goes on in HER agency?
- YOU say 'no', as Libs don't believe in accountability. I do.

Did Hillary tell the Egyptian Rep she KNEW it was a terrorist attack and the video played no part?
- YES. It was in her own e-mail.

Did she tell her daughter the same thing?
- YES.

Did she tell the world something differently the next day in public?
- YES.

YOU say Hillary did not lie. It is obvious by her own e-mails that she did.

No, that's the reports from republican investigations saying that. You know that she only publicly said what she was told by the FBI and CIA and it took them about a week to determine exactly what happened, right? You know there were several attacks throughout the mid east during the same time, (the days before, that same day, and days after) that were caused by that video, right? You've just latched on another right wing lie, and you don't have enough integrity to let it go. What a little dishonest weasel.
Re-read my last post and tell me you would answer the questions differently. If you do you prove my point you're full of shit.

Those weren't my questions. You are still a little noncommittal. Do you think those investigators lied to clear Hillary of any wrongdoing causing the deaths of those men?
So you dodge the questions, proving my answers are right and you are full of shit. Thanks for playing. :p
No one lied - the truth came out. It came out in Hillary's iwn e-mails.

The US knew about the terrorist attack calked for on 9/11/01. Did Hillary pull out all the Americans in Benghazi?
- NO

Did Hillary / the State Dept grant any of Stevens' 60+ pleas for additional security, even after 2 terrorist attacks?
- NO

Did Hillary / the State Dept pull 14 members of Stevens security team after 2 terrorist attacks, knowing the attack on 9/11/12 was still pending, and kniwing there was no military team that could respond?

Did Hillary do everything possible to protect American lives?

Again, all that was investigated, and they found she was not responsible. They found no wrongdoing on her part. Why do you continue to try to blame her when your own party says you are wrong?
You keep repeating the same shit and ignoring the facts:

Did Hillary's State Dept Deny 60+ pleas for additional security, even after 2 terrorist attacks?
- I will help you: YES! YOU say that's doing nothing wrong. I disagree.

Did Hillary's State Department take away 14 members of Stvebs'security team after 2 terrorist attacks and begore the pending attack on 9/11/12?
- AGAIN, I will help you: YES. YOU say that isn't doing anything wrong. I disagree.

Did Hillary order all the Americans out of Benghazi after 2 terrorist attacks and before the final attack on 9/11/12 AND did thise Americans have to be rescued by ex-Qadaffi troops?
- AGAIN, I will help you: YES. YOU say that isn't doing anything wrong. I disagree.

Is Hillary responsible for what goes on in HER agency?
- YOU say 'no', as Libs don't believe in accountability. I do.

Did Hillary tell the Egyptian Rep she KNEW it was a terrorist attack and the video played no part?
- YES. It was in her own e-mail.

Did she tell her daughter the same thing?
- YES.

Did she tell the world something differently the next day in public?
- YES.

YOU say Hillary did not lie. It is obvious by her own e-mails that she did.

No, that's the reports from republican investigations saying that. You know that she only publicly said what she was told by the FBI and CIA and it took them about a week to determine exactly what happened, right? You know there were several attacks throughout the mid east during the same time, (the days before, that same day, and days after) that were caused by that video, right? You've just latched on another right wing lie, and you don't have enough integrity to let it go. What a little dishonest weasel.
Re-read my last post and tell me you would answer the questions differently. If you do you prove my point you're full of shit.

Those weren't my questions. You are still a little noncommittal. Do you think those investigators lied to clear Hillary of any wrongdoing causing the deaths of those men?

They didn't clear her...in fact, they said she broke the law, they are not going to actually pursue it......everything Comey answered before congress showed that hilary lied to FBI investigators...anyone else is in cuffs for perjury........even considering they didn't put her under oath, lying to federal investigators is a crime.....

As is having a private server and destroying State Department emails....and sending classified materials on an unsecured server....
No you didn't answer. That is a simple yes or no. Do you think they lied to protect Hillary? The reports said it wasn't her fault. She didn't cause those deaths.
No one lied - the truth came out. It came out in Hillary's iwn e-mails.

The US knew about the terrorist attack calked for on 9/11/01. Did Hillary pull out all the Americans in Benghazi?
- NO

Did Hillary / the State Dept grant any of Stevens' 60+ pleas for additional security, even after 2 terrorist attacks?
- NO

Did Hillary / the State Dept pull 14 members of Stevens security team after 2 terrorist attacks, knowing the attack on 9/11/12 was still pending, and kniwing there was no military team that could respond?

Did Hillary do everything possible to protect American lives?

Again, all that was investigated, and they found she was not responsible. They found no wrongdoing on her part. Why do you continue to try to blame her when your own party says you are wrong?
You keep repeating the same shit and ignoring the facts:

Did Hillary's State Dept Deny 60+ pleas for additional security, even after 2 terrorist attacks?
- I will help you: YES! YOU say that's doing nothing wrong. I disagree.

Did Hillary's State Department take away 14 members of Stvebs'security team after 2 terrorist attacks and begore the pending attack on 9/11/12?
- AGAIN, I will help you: YES. YOU say that isn't doing anything wrong. I disagree.

Did Hillary order all the Americans out of Benghazi after 2 terrorist attacks and before the final attack on 9/11/12 AND did thise Americans have to be rescued by ex-Qadaffi troops?
- AGAIN, I will help you: YES. YOU say that isn't doing anything wrong. I disagree.

Is Hillary responsible for what goes on in HER agency?
- YOU say 'no', as Libs don't believe in accountability. I do.

Did Hillary tell the Egyptian Rep she KNEW it was a terrorist attack and the video played no part?
- YES. It was in her own e-mail.

Did she tell her daughter the same thing?
- YES.

Did she tell the world something differently the next day in public?
- YES.

YOU say Hillary did not lie. It is obvious by her own e-mails that she did.

No, that's the reports from republican investigations saying that. You know that she only publicly said what she was told by the FBI and CIA and it took them about a week to determine exactly what happened, right? You know there were several attacks throughout the mid east during the same time, (the days before, that same day, and days after) that were caused by that video, right? You've just latched on another right wing lie, and you don't have enough integrity to let it go. What a little dishonest weasel.

She told her daughter and Turkey that it was an organized attack by terrorists the night it happened....sell that to someone voting for hilary.

She publicly said exactly what the FBI and CIA told her, and her private conversation was a little different. Big deal. I'm not sure that would be the first time that ever happened in high levels of government.
Again, all that was investigated, and they found she was not responsible. They found no wrongdoing on her part. Why do you continue to try to blame her when your own party says you are wrong?
You keep repeating the same shit and ignoring the facts:

Did Hillary's State Dept Deny 60+ pleas for additional security, even after 2 terrorist attacks?
- I will help you: YES! YOU say that's doing nothing wrong. I disagree.

Did Hillary's State Department take away 14 members of Stvebs'security team after 2 terrorist attacks and begore the pending attack on 9/11/12?
- AGAIN, I will help you: YES. YOU say that isn't doing anything wrong. I disagree.

Did Hillary order all the Americans out of Benghazi after 2 terrorist attacks and before the final attack on 9/11/12 AND did thise Americans have to be rescued by ex-Qadaffi troops?
- AGAIN, I will help you: YES. YOU say that isn't doing anything wrong. I disagree.

Is Hillary responsible for what goes on in HER agency?
- YOU say 'no', as Libs don't believe in accountability. I do.

Did Hillary tell the Egyptian Rep she KNEW it was a terrorist attack and the video played no part?
- YES. It was in her own e-mail.

Did she tell her daughter the same thing?
- YES.

Did she tell the world something differently the next day in public?
- YES.

YOU say Hillary did not lie. It is obvious by her own e-mails that she did.

No, that's the reports from republican investigations saying that. You know that she only publicly said what she was told by the FBI and CIA and it took them about a week to determine exactly what happened, right? You know there were several attacks throughout the mid east during the same time, (the days before, that same day, and days after) that were caused by that video, right? You've just latched on another right wing lie, and you don't have enough integrity to let it go. What a little dishonest weasel.
Re-read my last post and tell me you would answer the questions differently. If you do you prove my point you're full of shit.

Those weren't my questions. You are still a little noncommittal. Do you think those investigators lied to clear Hillary of any wrongdoing causing the deaths of those men?
So you dodge the questions, proving my answers are right and you are full of shit. Thanks for playing. :p

Coward. I asked first. A simple yes or no will be enough.
You keep repeating the same shit and ignoring the facts:

Did Hillary's State Dept Deny 60+ pleas for additional security, even after 2 terrorist attacks?
- I will help you: YES! YOU say that's doing nothing wrong. I disagree.

Did Hillary's State Department take away 14 members of Stvebs'security team after 2 terrorist attacks and begore the pending attack on 9/11/12?
- AGAIN, I will help you: YES. YOU say that isn't doing anything wrong. I disagree.

Did Hillary order all the Americans out of Benghazi after 2 terrorist attacks and before the final attack on 9/11/12 AND did thise Americans have to be rescued by ex-Qadaffi troops?
- AGAIN, I will help you: YES. YOU say that isn't doing anything wrong. I disagree.

Is Hillary responsible for what goes on in HER agency?
- YOU say 'no', as Libs don't believe in accountability. I do.

Did Hillary tell the Egyptian Rep she KNEW it was a terrorist attack and the video played no part?
- YES. It was in her own e-mail.

Did she tell her daughter the same thing?
- YES.

Did she tell the world something differently the next day in public?
- YES.

YOU say Hillary did not lie. It is obvious by her own e-mails that she did.

No, that's the reports from republican investigations saying that. You know that she only publicly said what she was told by the FBI and CIA and it took them about a week to determine exactly what happened, right? You know there were several attacks throughout the mid east during the same time, (the days before, that same day, and days after) that were caused by that video, right? You've just latched on another right wing lie, and you don't have enough integrity to let it go. What a little dishonest weasel.
Re-read my last post and tell me you would answer the questions differently. If you do you prove my point you're full of shit.

Those weren't my questions. You are still a little noncommittal. Do you think those investigators lied to clear Hillary of any wrongdoing causing the deaths of those men?
So you dodge the questions, proving my answers are right and you are full of shit. Thanks for playing. :p

Coward. I asked first. A simple yes or no will be enough.
I answered your question....you continue to duck mine to prevent gaving to claim Hillary 'did all she could to protect American lives', which even you know is a lie. Keep dodging BD!
No, that's the reports from republican investigations saying that. You know that she only publicly said what she was told by the FBI and CIA and it took them about a week to determine exactly what happened, right? You know there were several attacks throughout the mid east during the same time, (the days before, that same day, and days after) that were caused by that video, right? You've just latched on another right wing lie, and you don't have enough integrity to let it go. What a little dishonest weasel.
Re-read my last post and tell me you would answer the questions differently. If you do you prove my point you're full of shit.

Those weren't my questions. You are still a little noncommittal. Do you think those investigators lied to clear Hillary of any wrongdoing causing the deaths of those men?
So you dodge the questions, proving my answers are right and you are full of shit. Thanks for playing. :p

Coward. I asked first. A simple yes or no will be enough.
I answered your question....you continue to duck mine to prevent gaving to claim Hillary 'did all she could to protect American lives', which even you know is a lie. Keep dodging BD!

Refresh my memory. Was that a yes or no? I reread your posts and didn't find that.
Re-read my last post and tell me you would answer the questions differently. If you do you prove my point you're full of shit.

Those weren't my questions. You are still a little noncommittal. Do you think those investigators lied to clear Hillary of any wrongdoing causing the deaths of those men?
So you dodge the questions, proving my answers are right and you are full of shit. Thanks for playing. :p

Coward. I asked first. A simple yes or no will be enough.
I answered your question....you continue to duck mine to prevent gaving to claim Hillary 'did all she could to protect American lives', which even you know is a lie. Keep dodging BD!

Refresh my memory. Was that a yes or no? I reread your posts and didn't find that.
Go back and re-read it ya lazy ass, And while you're at it answer my questions if you have the balls.
Just asking of course. Yes, I do follow politics, but I step away because it gets to be too much at times, especially during Global Warming where I spend a lot of time outside.

The reason I ask this question is due to this Khan situation. Once again, Trump is attacked, and when he strikes back, somehow Trump is the devil.

In all the instances that I can remember, I don't recall Trump ever attacking anybody that didn't attack him first. Or am I wrong? Does anybody remember anytime Trump drew first blood in this election?

It kind of reminds me of a kid on the street where I grew up. He was a little prankster, and used to throw water balloons at the big kid all the time. He would make sure he pulled his stunt in front of his house where he could safely run back inside. Of course, he couldn't stay inside forever. When the big kid finally caught him away from the house, he would beat the hell out of him, and then the mother of the prankster would walk to the big kids house to complain to his mother.

In my opinion, once you throw your hat into the ring, all bets are off. It doesn't matter who you are, who your son was, or where you came from. You joined the political fight willingly. You can't throw water balloons at the big kid on the block and expect him to stand there and take it. Remember Mr. Khan, the Democrats are not honoring you or your son, they are using you and your son. Big difference.

Someone attacks Trump, he takes it personally and acts like a little child, a lot like many people on forums like this, and it all descends into the abyss of nonsense. That's not very presidential.
Those weren't my questions. You are still a little noncommittal. Do you think those investigators lied to clear Hillary of any wrongdoing causing the deaths of those men?
So you dodge the questions, proving my answers are right and you are full of shit. Thanks for playing. :p

Coward. I asked first. A simple yes or no will be enough.
I answered your question....you continue to duck mine to prevent gaving to claim Hillary 'did all she could to protect American lives', which even you know is a lie. Keep dodging BD!

Refresh my memory. Was that a yes or no? I reread your posts and didn't find that.
Go back and re-read it ya lazy ass, And while you're at it answer my questions if you have the balls.

It's just one word, Yes or no?
Just asking of course. Yes, I do follow politics, but I step away because it gets to be too much at times, especially during Global Warming where I spend a lot of time outside.

The reason I ask this question is due to this Khan situation. Once again, Trump is attacked, and when he strikes back, somehow Trump is the devil.

In all the instances that I can remember, I don't recall Trump ever attacking anybody that didn't attack him first. Or am I wrong? Does anybody remember anytime Trump drew first blood in this election?

It kind of reminds me of a kid on the street where I grew up. He was a little prankster, and used to throw water balloons at the big kid all the time. He would make sure he pulled his stunt in front of his house where he could safely run back inside. Of course, he couldn't stay inside forever. When the big kid finally caught him away from the house, he would beat the hell out of him, and then the mother of the prankster would walk to the big kids house to complain to his mother.

In my opinion, once you throw your hat into the ring, all bets are off. It doesn't matter who you are, who your son was, or where you came from. You joined the political fight willingly. You can't throw water balloons at the big kid on the block and expect him to stand there and take it. Remember Mr. Khan, the Democrats are not honoring you or your son, they are using you and your son. Big difference.

Someone attacks Trump, he takes it personally and acts like a little child, a lot like many people on forums like this, and it all descends into the abyss of nonsense. That's not very presidential.
Neither is Hillary.....the woman can't stop lying.
So you dodge the questions, proving my answers are right and you are full of shit. Thanks for playing. :p

Coward. I asked first. A simple yes or no will be enough.
I answered your question....you continue to duck mine to prevent gaving to claim Hillary 'did all she could to protect American lives', which even you know is a lie. Keep dodging BD!

Refresh my memory. Was that a yes or no? I reread your posts and didn't find that.
Go back and re-read it ya lazy ass, And while you're at it answer my questions if you have the balls.

It's just one word, Yes or no?
So lazy you are begging me....lol That's funny as hell. I answered yours but you refuse to answer mine . If you're too lazy and gutless, piss off.
Just asking of course. Yes, I do follow politics, but I step away because it gets to be too much at times, especially during Global Warming where I spend a lot of time outside.

The reason I ask this question is due to this Khan situation. Once again, Trump is attacked, and when he strikes back, somehow Trump is the devil.

In all the instances that I can remember, I don't recall Trump ever attacking anybody that didn't attack him first. Or am I wrong? Does anybody remember anytime Trump drew first blood in this election?

It kind of reminds me of a kid on the street where I grew up. He was a little prankster, and used to throw water balloons at the big kid all the time. He would make sure he pulled his stunt in front of his house where he could safely run back inside. Of course, he couldn't stay inside forever. When the big kid finally caught him away from the house, he would beat the hell out of him, and then the mother of the prankster would walk to the big kids house to complain to his mother.

In my opinion, once you throw your hat into the ring, all bets are off. It doesn't matter who you are, who your son was, or where you came from. You joined the political fight willingly. You can't throw water balloons at the big kid on the block and expect him to stand there and take it. Remember Mr. Khan, the Democrats are not honoring you or your son, they are using you and your son. Big difference.
Who gives a fuck about first blood. What counts is who draws the last blood. And it looks as if should Hillary not do that for Trump, he will do it for himself. Never seen anyone in politics spout such idiocy day after day.
Just asking of course. Yes, I do follow politics, but I step away because it gets to be too much at times, especially during Global Warming where I spend a lot of time outside.

The reason I ask this question is due to this Khan situation. Once again, Trump is attacked, and when he strikes back, somehow Trump is the devil.

In all the instances that I can remember, I don't recall Trump ever attacking anybody that didn't attack him first. Or am I wrong? Does anybody remember anytime Trump drew first blood in this election?

It kind of reminds me of a kid on the street where I grew up. He was a little prankster, and used to throw water balloons at the big kid all the time. He would make sure he pulled his stunt in front of his house where he could safely run back inside. Of course, he couldn't stay inside forever. When the big kid finally caught him away from the house, he would beat the hell out of him, and then the mother of the prankster would walk to the big kids house to complain to his mother.

In my opinion, once you throw your hat into the ring, all bets are off. It doesn't matter who you are, who your son was, or where you came from. You joined the political fight willingly. You can't throw water balloons at the big kid on the block and expect him to stand there and take it. Remember Mr. Khan, the Democrats are not honoring you or your son, they are using you and your son. Big difference.

Someone attacks Trump, he takes it personally and acts like a little child, a lot like many people on forums like this, and it all descends into the abyss of nonsense. That's not very presidential.
Neither is Hillary.....the woman can't stop lying.

I won't disagree. But then 95% of people who vote will probably vote for one or the other. What does that say about America?
Just asking of course. Yes, I do follow politics, but I step away because it gets to be too much at times, especially during Global Warming where I spend a lot of time outside.

The reason I ask this question is due to this Khan situation. Once again, Trump is attacked, and when he strikes back, somehow Trump is the devil.

In all the instances that I can remember, I don't recall Trump ever attacking anybody that didn't attack him first. Or am I wrong? Does anybody remember anytime Trump drew first blood in this election?

It kind of reminds me of a kid on the street where I grew up. He was a little prankster, and used to throw water balloons at the big kid all the time. He would make sure he pulled his stunt in front of his house where he could safely run back inside. Of course, he couldn't stay inside forever. When the big kid finally caught him away from the house, he would beat the hell out of him, and then the mother of the prankster would walk to the big kids house to complain to his mother.

In my opinion, once you throw your hat into the ring, all bets are off. It doesn't matter who you are, who your son was, or where you came from. You joined the political fight willingly. You can't throw water balloons at the big kid on the block and expect him to stand there and take it. Remember Mr. Khan, the Democrats are not honoring you or your son, they are using you and your son. Big difference.
Who gives a fuck about first blood. What counts is who draws the last blood. And it looks as if should Hillary not do that for Trump, he will do it for himself. Never seen anyone in politics spout such idiocy day after day.
Obviously you don't listen to Barry without his teleprompter.

Hillary would surpass Trump except she hasn't held a press conference in a year because she KNOWS she will say stupid shit.

Coward. I asked first. A simple yes or no will be enough.
I answered your question....you continue to duck mine to prevent gaving to claim Hillary 'did all she could to protect American lives', which even you know is a lie. Keep dodging BD!

Refresh my memory. Was that a yes or no? I reread your posts and didn't find that.
Go back and re-read it ya lazy ass, And while you're at it answer my questions if you have the balls.

It's just one word, Yes or no?
So lazy you are begging me....lol That's funny as hell. I answered yours but you refuse to answer mine . If you're too lazy and gutless, piss off.

No you didn't. You talked all around it, but never said YES OR NO.

Someone attacks Trump, he takes it personally and acts like a little child, a lot like many people on forums like this, and it all descends into the abyss of nonsense. That's not very presidential.

So you're hoping to get a President that just sits back and doesn't respond to attacks? That doesn't show much leadership, does it?
So you're hoping to get a President that just sits back and doesn't respond to attacks? That doesn't show much leadership, does it?

Sure worked out well invading Iraq didn't it? Wait a minute..Iraq didn't attack US..And we still invaded and destroyed the country.
So you're hoping to get a President that just sits back and doesn't respond to attacks? That doesn't show much leadership, does it?

Sure worked out well invading Iraq didn't it? Wait a minute..Iraq didn't attack US..And we still invaded and destroyed the country.
Iraq was liberated...until Barry.

Libya didn't attack the US.
Syria didn't attack the US.
Didn't stop Barry and Hillary for dragging us to war twice without authorization to do so.
Someone attacks Trump, he takes it personally and acts like a little child, a lot like many people on forums like this, and it all descends into the abyss of nonsense. That's not very presidential.

So you're hoping to get a President that just sits back and doesn't respond to attacks? That doesn't show much leadership, does it?

I'm more hoping for a President who can change the US onto a path that makes sense. It's a hopeless hope.

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