Did Trump ever draw First Blood?

If you want to know what went wrong, read all the reports. Each investigation came up with the same things. None blamed Hillary.

Hillary's own e-mails blame Hillary.

Bottom Line: No Americans should have been in Benghazi on 9/11/12; The more than 60 requests for additional security should never have been denied; 14 members of his security detail should not have been pulled after 2 terrorist attacks; 4 Americans died needlessly because she f*ed up / didn't know what was going on in her own agency...

$6 billion disappeared and 4 Americans died on her watch but she knew nothing about any of it. Yeah, whatever...

All that was thoroughly investigated.Read the reports.
I did and it's all true. Read Hillary's e-mails.

Again, Do you think all those republicans on all those republican led investigative committees are all conspiring to protect Hillary? If there was anything there, they would have found it and screamed it from the rooftops. It didn't happen.
You can keep repeating that all you want and it still doesn't make it true.

Ex-Qadaffi soldiers had to rescue Americans from Barry & Hillary's allies - Al Qaeida - on 9/11/12. The Americans should bever have been in Benghazi, as every other nation had pulled their people out.

Stevens begged for more security & was denied iver 60 times...even after 2 tertorist attacks. After those attacks 14 members of his security team were pulled...

Somehow you equate that to Hillary doing all she could to protect American lives...and 'not doing anything wrong'.

Only in a liberal's mind...

So you think all those investigation reports were just lies to protect Hillary? Answer the question. Either you think they found all there was to find, or they lied to protect Hillary. Which is it?
Like the right is doing with Khan? The man gave his life fighting for our country, and happened to be Muslim. That's enough for the right to slime him and his family.
Khan didn't give his life for anyone - his son did. The 'right' didn't slime anyone, jackass. Trump said stupid things in defending himself from the Sharia advocate's attack. But you go ahead and justify slandering another patriot's sacrifice and his mother because it's ok when libs do it, right?!

Obviously you haven't read many of the posts right here.
I read yours calling a patriot who died fighting for his country a 'merc' who was killed for money. Its ok for you and Hillary to slander patriots while using Sharia Law advocates for political gain. ' Nuff said.

There was more than nuff from you a page ot two ago.Now go ask hannity for some new talking points. Your old ones are just boring.
What is boring is ignorant libs who run out of intellectual ammo in debates having nothing more to add except for personal attacks and lame-ass accusations about 'talking points'...

Answer the question you big baby.
The reports revealed Hillary's e-mails, which exposed Hillary telling the Egyptian Ambassador and her daughter the video had nothing to do with the TERRORIST ATTACK yet how she lied her ass off the next day.

Libs love lying about lying. Like Hillary's e-mails. The FBI exposed she lied her ass off...then Hillary lied about lying.

History continues to repeat itself...
Khan didn't give his life for anyone - his son did. The 'right' didn't slime anyone, jackass. Trump said stupid things in defending himself from the Sharia advocate's attack. But you go ahead and justify slandering another patriot's sacrifice and his mother because it's ok when libs do it, right?!

Obviously you haven't read many of the posts right here.
I read yours calling a patriot who died fighting for his country a 'merc' who was killed for money. Its ok for you and Hillary to slander patriots while using Sharia Law advocates for political gain. ' Nuff said.

There was more than nuff from you a page ot two ago.Now go ask hannity for some new talking points. Your old ones are just boring.
What is boring is ignorant libs who run out of intellectual ammo in debates having nothing more to add except for personal attacks and lame-ass accusations about 'talking points'...

Answer the question you big baby.

Now just waiting for you to slander some more patriots in defense of Hillary....
The reports revealed Hillary's e-mails, which exposed Hillary telling the Egyptian Ambassador and her daughter the video had nothing to do with the TERRORIST ATTACK yet how she lied her ass off the next day.

Libs love lying about lying. Like Hillary's e-mails. The FBI exposed she lied her ass off...then Hillary lied about lying.

History continues to repeat itself...

So you finally admit the tragedy wasn't her fault?
Obviously you haven't read many of the posts right here.
I read yours calling a patriot who died fighting for his country a 'merc' who was killed for money. Its ok for you and Hillary to slander patriots while using Sharia Law advocates for political gain. ' Nuff said.

There was more than nuff from you a page ot two ago.Now go ask hannity for some new talking points. Your old ones are just boring.
What is boring is ignorant libs who run out of intellectual ammo in debates having nothing more to add except for personal attacks and lame-ass accusations about 'talking points'...

Answer the question you big baby.

Now just waiting for you to slander some more patriots in defense of Hillary....

No you didn't answer. That is a simple yes or no. Do you think they lied to protect Hillary? The reports said it wasn't her fault. She didn't cause those deaths.
The reports revealed Hillary's e-mails, which exposed Hillary telling the Egyptian Ambassador and her daughter the video had nothing to do with the TERRORIST ATTACK yet how she lied her ass off the next day.

Libs love lying about lying. Like Hillary's e-mails. The FBI exposed she lied her ass off...then Hillary lied about lying.

History continues to repeat itself...

So you finally admit the tragedy wasn't her fault?
Not at all. Hillary was the Sect of State. She was ultimately responsible. Running her own agency she didn't know what the F* was going on until that '2am phone call'. At that point she concocted lies designed to save her own ass while Americans fought for their lives. You called one of those men a 'Merc' when in truth the only one who has sold herself for money has been Hillary!
It seems that Kahn dishonors his son more than Trump ever could.
His son join the military to fight for this country, part of the oath he took clearly stated that he would defend the constitution.
Pappa Kahn Is a Muslim Brotherhood Agent Who Wants to Advance Sharia Law And Bring More Muslims Into the US.
Now lets look at that, Kahn wants to disregard that same constitution his son died for.
I think it fair to say that Kahn sides more with those that killed his son than he does with any real American.
One steaming pile of bullshit right there. ^
think what you will, facts are facts. Kahn follows the same lifestyle and desires of those that killed his son. He might as well have blown him up himself.
Stay fucked in the head for all I care.

"WHAT'S FALSE: No credible evidence supports the assertion that Khan is an operative of the Muslim Brotherhood."

Khizr Khan Is a Muslim Brotherhood Agent? | SNOPES
I stopped following snopes a long time ago when I realized they were so left leaning that it was a wonder they didnt fall over.
You might as well quote Huffington Post.
The reports revealed Hillary's e-mails, which exposed Hillary telling the Egyptian Ambassador and her daughter the video had nothing to do with the TERRORIST ATTACK yet how she lied her ass off the next day.

Libs love lying about lying. Like Hillary's e-mails. The FBI exposed she lied her ass off...then Hillary lied about lying.

History continues to repeat itself...

So you finally admit the tragedy wasn't her fault?
Not at all. Hillary was the Sect of State. She was ultimately responsible. Running her own agency she didn't know what the F* was going on until that '2am phone call'. At that point she concocted lies designed to save her own ass while Americans fought for their lives. You called one of those men a 'Merc' when in truth the only one who has sold herself for money has been Hillary!

That's not what the reports said. Don't try to change the subject. Do you accept the reports as truth or not?
I read yours calling a patriot who died fighting for his country a 'merc' who was killed for money. Its ok for you and Hillary to slander patriots while using Sharia Law advocates for political gain. ' Nuff said.

There was more than nuff from you a page ot two ago.Now go ask hannity for some new talking points. Your old ones are just boring.
What is boring is ignorant libs who run out of intellectual ammo in debates having nothing more to add except for personal attacks and lame-ass accusations about 'talking points'...

Answer the question you big baby.

Now just waiting for you to slander some more patriots in defense of Hillary....

No you didn't answer. That is a simple yes or no. Do you think they lied to protect Hillary? The reports said it wasn't her fault. She didn't cause those deaths.
No one lied - the truth came out. It came out in Hillary's iwn e-mails.

The US knew about the terrorist attack calked for on 9/11/01. Did Hillary pull out all the Americans in Benghazi?
- NO

Did Hillary / the State Dept grant any of Stevens' 60+ pleas for additional security, even after 2 terrorist attacks?
- NO

Did Hillary / the State Dept pull 14 members of Stevens security team after 2 terrorist attacks, knowing the attack on 9/11/12 was still pending, and kniwing there was no military team that could respond?

Did Hillary do everything possible to protect American lives?
The reports revealed Hillary's e-mails, which exposed Hillary telling the Egyptian Ambassador and her daughter the video had nothing to do with the TERRORIST ATTACK yet how she lied her ass off the next day.

Libs love lying about lying. Like Hillary's e-mails. The FBI exposed she lied her ass off...then Hillary lied about lying.

History continues to repeat itself...

So you finally admit the tragedy wasn't her fault?
Not at all. Hillary was the Sect of State. She was ultimately responsible. Running her own agency she didn't know what the F* was going on until that '2am phone call'. At that point she concocted lies designed to save her own ass while Americans fought for their lives. You called one of those men a 'Merc' when in truth the only one who has sold herself for money has been Hillary!

That's not what the reports said. Don't try to change the subject. Do you accept the reports as truth or not?
Considering the subject is about whether Hillary, Khan, or Trump drew 1st blood and YOU changed the subject...try staying on it, unless you want to slander the rest of the Americans Hillary let die in Benghazi?!
There was more than nuff from you a page ot two ago.Now go ask hannity for some new talking points. Your old ones are just boring.
What is boring is ignorant libs who run out of intellectual ammo in debates having nothing more to add except for personal attacks and lame-ass accusations about 'talking points'...

Answer the question you big baby.

Now just waiting for you to slander some more patriots in defense of Hillary....

No you didn't answer. That is a simple yes or no. Do you think they lied to protect Hillary? The reports said it wasn't her fault. She didn't cause those deaths.
No one lied - the truth came out. It came out in Hillary's iwn e-mails.

The US knew about the terrorist attack calked for on 9/11/01. Did Hillary pull out all the Americans in Benghazi?
- NO

Did Hillary / the State Dept grant any of Stevens' 60+ pleas for additional security, even after 2 terrorist attacks?
- NO

Did Hillary / the State Dept pull 14 members of Stevens security team after 2 terrorist attacks, knowing the attack on 9/11/12 was still pending, and kniwing there was no military team that could respond?

Did Hillary do everything possible to protect American lives?

Again, all that was investigated, and they found she was not responsible. They found no wrongdoing on her part. Why do you continue to try to blame her when your own party says you are wrong?
What is boring is ignorant libs who run out of intellectual ammo in debates having nothing more to add except for personal attacks and lame-ass accusations about 'talking points'...

Answer the question you big baby.

Now just waiting for you to slander some more patriots in defense of Hillary....

No you didn't answer. That is a simple yes or no. Do you think they lied to protect Hillary? The reports said it wasn't her fault. She didn't cause those deaths.
No one lied - the truth came out. It came out in Hillary's iwn e-mails.

The US knew about the terrorist attack calked for on 9/11/01. Did Hillary pull out all the Americans in Benghazi?
- NO

Did Hillary / the State Dept grant any of Stevens' 60+ pleas for additional security, even after 2 terrorist attacks?
- NO

Did Hillary / the State Dept pull 14 members of Stevens security team after 2 terrorist attacks, knowing the attack on 9/11/12 was still pending, and kniwing there was no military team that could respond?

Did Hillary do everything possible to protect American lives?

Again, all that was investigated, and they found she was not responsible. They found no wrongdoing on her part. Why do you continue to try to blame her when your own party says you are wrong?
You keep repeating the same shit and ignoring the facts:

Did Hillary's State Dept Deny 60+ pleas for additional security, even after 2 terrorist attacks?
- I will help you: YES! YOU say that's doing nothing wrong. I disagree.

Did Hillary's State Department take away 14 members of Stevens'security team after 2 terrorist attacks and before the pending attack on 9/11/12?
- AGAIN, I will help you: YES. YOU say that isn't doing anything wrong. I disagree.

Did Hillary order all the Americans out of Benghazi after 2 terrorist attacks and before the final attack on 9/11/12 AND did these Americans have to be rescued by ex-Qadaffi troops?
- AGAIN, I will help you: YES. YOU say that isn't doing anything wrong. I disagree.

Is Hillary responsible for what goes on in HER agency?
- YOU say 'no', as Libs don't believe in accountability. I do.

Did Hillary tell the Egyptian Rep she KNEW it was a terrorist attack and the video played no part?
- YES. It was in her own e-mail.

Did she tell her daughter the same thing?
- YES.

Did she tell the world something different the next day in public?
- YES.

YOU say Hillary did not lie. It is obvious by her own e-mails that she did.
Last edited:
Just asking of course. Yes, I do follow politics, but I step away because it gets to be too much at times, especially during Global Warming where I spend a lot of time outside.

The reason I ask this question is due to this Khan situation. Once again, Trump is attacked, and when he strikes back, somehow Trump is the devil.

In all the instances that I can remember, I don't recall Trump ever attacking anybody that didn't attack him first. Or am I wrong? Does anybody remember anytime Trump drew first blood in this election?

It kind of reminds me of a kid on the street where I grew up. He was a little prankster, and used to throw water balloons at the big kid all the time. He would make sure he pulled his stunt in front of his house where he could safely run back inside. Of course, he couldn't stay inside forever. When the big kid finally caught him away from the house, he would beat the hell out of him, and then the mother of the prankster would walk to the big kids house to complain to his mother.

In my opinion, once you throw your hat into the ring, all bets are off. It doesn't matter who you are, who your son was, or where you came from. You joined the political fight willingly. You can't throw water balloons at the big kid on the block and expect him to stand there and take it. Remember Mr. Khan, the Democrats are not honoring you or your son, they are using you and your son. Big difference.
He sucks.
Answer the question you big baby.

Now just waiting for you to slander some more patriots in defense of Hillary....

No you didn't answer. That is a simple yes or no. Do you think they lied to protect Hillary? The reports said it wasn't her fault. She didn't cause those deaths.
No one lied - the truth came out. It came out in Hillary's iwn e-mails.

The US knew about the terrorist attack calked for on 9/11/01. Did Hillary pull out all the Americans in Benghazi?
- NO

Did Hillary / the State Dept grant any of Stevens' 60+ pleas for additional security, even after 2 terrorist attacks?
- NO

Did Hillary / the State Dept pull 14 members of Stevens security team after 2 terrorist attacks, knowing the attack on 9/11/12 was still pending, and kniwing there was no military team that could respond?

Did Hillary do everything possible to protect American lives?

Again, all that was investigated, and they found she was not responsible. They found no wrongdoing on her part. Why do you continue to try to blame her when your own party says you are wrong?
You keep repeating the same shit and ignoring the facts:

Did Hillary's State Dept Deny 60+ pleas for additional security, even after 2 terrorist attacks?
- I will help you: YES! YOU say that's doing nothing wrong. I disagree.

Did Hillary's State Department take away 14 members of Stvebs'security team after 2 terrorist attacks and begore the pending attack on 9/11/12?
- AGAIN, I will help you: YES. YOU say that isn't doing anything wrong. I disagree.

Did Hillary order all the Americans out of Benghazi after 2 terrorist attacks and before the final attack on 9/11/12 AND did thise Americans have to be rescued by ex-Qadaffi troops?
- AGAIN, I will help you: YES. YOU say that isn't doing anything wrong. I disagree.

Is Hillary responsible for what goes on in HER agency?
- YOU say 'no', as Libs don't believe in accountability. I do.

Did Hillary tell the Egyptian Rep she KNEW it was a terrorist attack and the video played no part?
- YES. It was in her own e-mail.

Did she tell her daughter the same thing?
- YES.

Did she tell the world something differently the next day in public?
- YES.

YOU say Hillary did not lie. It is obvious by her own e-mails that she did.

No, that's the reports from republican investigations saying that. You know that she only publicly said what she was told by the FBI and CIA and it took them about a week to determine exactly what happened, right? You know there were several attacks throughout the mid east during the same time, (the days before, that same day, and days after) that were caused by that video, right? You've just latched on another right wing lie, and you don't have enough integrity to let it go. What a little dishonest weasel.

Now just waiting for you to slander some more patriots in defense of Hillary....

No you didn't answer. That is a simple yes or no. Do you think they lied to protect Hillary? The reports said it wasn't her fault. She didn't cause those deaths.
No one lied - the truth came out. It came out in Hillary's iwn e-mails.

The US knew about the terrorist attack calked for on 9/11/01. Did Hillary pull out all the Americans in Benghazi?
- NO

Did Hillary / the State Dept grant any of Stevens' 60+ pleas for additional security, even after 2 terrorist attacks?
- NO

Did Hillary / the State Dept pull 14 members of Stevens security team after 2 terrorist attacks, knowing the attack on 9/11/12 was still pending, and kniwing there was no military team that could respond?

Did Hillary do everything possible to protect American lives?

Again, all that was investigated, and they found she was not responsible. They found no wrongdoing on her part. Why do you continue to try to blame her when your own party says you are wrong?
You keep repeating the same shit and ignoring the facts:

Did Hillary's State Dept Deny 60+ pleas for additional security, even after 2 terrorist attacks?
- I will help you: YES! YOU say that's doing nothing wrong. I disagree.

Did Hillary's State Department take away 14 members of Stvebs'security team after 2 terrorist attacks and begore the pending attack on 9/11/12?
- AGAIN, I will help you: YES. YOU say that isn't doing anything wrong. I disagree.

Did Hillary order all the Americans out of Benghazi after 2 terrorist attacks and before the final attack on 9/11/12 AND did thise Americans have to be rescued by ex-Qadaffi troops?
- AGAIN, I will help you: YES. YOU say that isn't doing anything wrong. I disagree.

Is Hillary responsible for what goes on in HER agency?
- YOU say 'no', as Libs don't believe in accountability. I do.

Did Hillary tell the Egyptian Rep she KNEW it was a terrorist attack and the video played no part?
- YES. It was in her own e-mail.

Did she tell her daughter the same thing?
- YES.

Did she tell the world something differently the next day in public?
- YES.

YOU say Hillary did not lie. It is obvious by her own e-mails that she did.

No, that's the reports from republican investigations saying that. You know that she only publicly said what she was told by the FBI and CIA and it took them about a week to determine exactly what happened, right? You know there were several attacks throughout the mid east during the same time, (the days before, that same day, and days after) that were caused by that video, right? You've just latched on another right wing lie, and you don't have enough integrity to let it go. What a little dishonest weasel.
Re-read my last post and tell me you would answer the questions differently. If you do you prove my point you're full of shit.
Just asking of course. Yes, I do follow politics, but I step away because it gets to be too much at times, especially during Global Warming where I spend a lot of time outside.

The reason I ask this question is due to this Khan situation. Once again, Trump is attacked, and when he strikes back, somehow Trump is the devil.

In all the instances that I can remember, I don't recall Trump ever attacking anybody that didn't attack him first. Or am I wrong? Does anybody remember anytime Trump drew first blood in this election?

It kind of reminds me of a kid on the street where I grew up. He was a little prankster, and used to throw water balloons at the big kid all the time. He would make sure he pulled his stunt in front of his house where he could safely run back inside. Of course, he couldn't stay inside forever. When the big kid finally caught him away from the house, he would beat the hell out of him, and then the mother of the prankster would walk to the big kids house to complain to his mother.

In my opinion, once you throw your hat into the ring, all bets are off. It doesn't matter who you are, who your son was, or where you came from. You joined the political fight willingly. You can't throw water balloons at the big kid on the block and expect him to stand there and take it. Remember Mr. Khan, the Democrats are not honoring you or your son, they are using you and your son. Big difference.

You are right...he has stated that that is how he conducts himself.....he will not attack someone first, but once attacked he will respond to crush the other guy.......

And during the primary the democrat media supported him doing this....

Now, the democrat media have to destroy him to get hilary elected, so what they enjoyed in the primary they will now use to destroy him, if the can.......

Khan is a sharia supremacist, who makes a living helping muslim immigrants get green cards.....he is helping the very political party that has, through incompetence and their screwed up beliefs, allowed isis to grow and expand in the middle east......and who want to bring the same immigration disaster that we are seeing in Europe, here....all so that democrats can control the vote and keep power.......

Trump did nothing to their family, he gave no orders, made no decisons that caused the death of their son...those people were obama and hilary.....yet who did khan support.......hilary.........

Now just waiting for you to slander some more patriots in defense of Hillary....

No you didn't answer. That is a simple yes or no. Do you think they lied to protect Hillary? The reports said it wasn't her fault. She didn't cause those deaths.
No one lied - the truth came out. It came out in Hillary's iwn e-mails.

The US knew about the terrorist attack calked for on 9/11/01. Did Hillary pull out all the Americans in Benghazi?
- NO

Did Hillary / the State Dept grant any of Stevens' 60+ pleas for additional security, even after 2 terrorist attacks?
- NO

Did Hillary / the State Dept pull 14 members of Stevens security team after 2 terrorist attacks, knowing the attack on 9/11/12 was still pending, and kniwing there was no military team that could respond?

Did Hillary do everything possible to protect American lives?

Again, all that was investigated, and they found she was not responsible. They found no wrongdoing on her part. Why do you continue to try to blame her when your own party says you are wrong?
You keep repeating the same shit and ignoring the facts:

Did Hillary's State Dept Deny 60+ pleas for additional security, even after 2 terrorist attacks?
- I will help you: YES! YOU say that's doing nothing wrong. I disagree.

Did Hillary's State Department take away 14 members of Stvebs'security team after 2 terrorist attacks and begore the pending attack on 9/11/12?
- AGAIN, I will help you: YES. YOU say that isn't doing anything wrong. I disagree.

Did Hillary order all the Americans out of Benghazi after 2 terrorist attacks and before the final attack on 9/11/12 AND did thise Americans have to be rescued by ex-Qadaffi troops?
- AGAIN, I will help you: YES. YOU say that isn't doing anything wrong. I disagree.

Is Hillary responsible for what goes on in HER agency?
- YOU say 'no', as Libs don't believe in accountability. I do.

Did Hillary tell the Egyptian Rep she KNEW it was a terrorist attack and the video played no part?
- YES. It was in her own e-mail.

Did she tell her daughter the same thing?
- YES.

Did she tell the world something differently the next day in public?
- YES.

YOU say Hillary did not lie. It is obvious by her own e-mails that she did.

No, that's the reports from republican investigations saying that. You know that she only publicly said what she was told by the FBI and CIA and it took them about a week to determine exactly what happened, right? You know there were several attacks throughout the mid east during the same time, (the days before, that same day, and days after) that were caused by that video, right? You've just latched on another right wing lie, and you don't have enough integrity to let it go. What a little dishonest weasel.

She told her daughter and Turkey that it was an organized attack by terrorists the night it happened....sell that to someone voting for hilary.
Just asking of course. Yes, I do follow politics, but I step away because it gets to be too much at times, especially during Global Warming where I spend a lot of time outside.

The reason I ask this question is due to this Khan situation. Once again, Trump is attacked, and when he strikes back, somehow Trump is the devil.

In all the instances that I can remember, I don't recall Trump ever attacking anybody that didn't attack him first. Or am I wrong? Does anybody remember anytime Trump drew first blood in this election?

It kind of reminds me of a kid on the street where I grew up. He was a little prankster, and used to throw water balloons at the big kid all the time. He would make sure he pulled his stunt in front of his house where he could safely run back inside. Of course, he couldn't stay inside forever. When the big kid finally caught him away from the house, he would beat the hell out of him, and then the mother of the prankster would walk to the big kids house to complain to his mother.

In my opinion, once you throw your hat into the ring, all bets are off. It doesn't matter who you are, who your son was, or where you came from. You joined the political fight willingly. You can't throw water balloons at the big kid on the block and expect him to stand there and take it. Remember Mr. Khan, the Democrats are not honoring you or your son, they are using you and your son. Big difference.

Well I do remember trump attacking that retard.

He attacked a reporter who attacked him.......unlike the P.C. controlled elite...he didn't let the guys handicap influence how he treated the guy.......
No you didn't answer. That is a simple yes or no. Do you think they lied to protect Hillary? The reports said it wasn't her fault. She didn't cause those deaths.
No one lied - the truth came out. It came out in Hillary's iwn e-mails.

The US knew about the terrorist attack calked for on 9/11/01. Did Hillary pull out all the Americans in Benghazi?
- NO

Did Hillary / the State Dept grant any of Stevens' 60+ pleas for additional security, even after 2 terrorist attacks?
- NO

Did Hillary / the State Dept pull 14 members of Stevens security team after 2 terrorist attacks, knowing the attack on 9/11/12 was still pending, and kniwing there was no military team that could respond?

Did Hillary do everything possible to protect American lives?

Again, all that was investigated, and they found she was not responsible. They found no wrongdoing on her part. Why do you continue to try to blame her when your own party says you are wrong?
You keep repeating the same shit and ignoring the facts:

Did Hillary's State Dept Deny 60+ pleas for additional security, even after 2 terrorist attacks?
- I will help you: YES! YOU say that's doing nothing wrong. I disagree.

Did Hillary's State Department take away 14 members of Stvebs'security team after 2 terrorist attacks and begore the pending attack on 9/11/12?
- AGAIN, I will help you: YES. YOU say that isn't doing anything wrong. I disagree.

Did Hillary order all the Americans out of Benghazi after 2 terrorist attacks and before the final attack on 9/11/12 AND did thise Americans have to be rescued by ex-Qadaffi troops?
- AGAIN, I will help you: YES. YOU say that isn't doing anything wrong. I disagree.

Is Hillary responsible for what goes on in HER agency?
- YOU say 'no', as Libs don't believe in accountability. I do.

Did Hillary tell the Egyptian Rep she KNEW it was a terrorist attack and the video played no part?
- YES. It was in her own e-mail.

Did she tell her daughter the same thing?
- YES.

Did she tell the world something differently the next day in public?
- YES.

YOU say Hillary did not lie. It is obvious by her own e-mails that she did.

No, that's the reports from republican investigations saying that. You know that she only publicly said what she was told by the FBI and CIA and it took them about a week to determine exactly what happened, right? You know there were several attacks throughout the mid east during the same time, (the days before, that same day, and days after) that were caused by that video, right? You've just latched on another right wing lie, and you don't have enough integrity to let it go. What a little dishonest weasel.
Re-read my last post and tell me you would answer the questions differently. If you do you prove my point you're full of shit.

Those weren't my questions. You are still a little noncommittal. Do you think those investigators lied to clear Hillary of any wrongdoing causing the deaths of those men?

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