Did Trump just say what I think he said?

The US does no have to "nationalize" its oil.
It is already all owned nationally.

Nutter, what is ExxonMobil and Chevron? Some sort of subdivision of the Department of Energy?
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I'm not so sure about that. We have so many RINO's now. Like 90% of the House and Senate. And the liberals seem to stay focused on them, instead of the true conservatives, like Chip Roy, Mike Lee and Thomas Massie.

In fact, the true conservatives seem to have more problems with their RINO's colleagues than the left.

Those "true conservatives" will cave if the rubber hit the road. The liberals aren't going to go after them until they start doing things. I'm not sure you are disagreeing with me. 50 screaming conservatives in the house accomplish nothing but good speeches to send back to their home district.
Talking about Trumpsters who imagine themselves conservative.

They literally don't have a clue as to what conservatism is. But they can look back through our history and see how the government kept a close watch on the debt, debt ceiling, and inflationary spending. The Fed Res. kept the USD in check. We didn't fund retarded things like gender studies, DEI and political opposition campaigns in foreign countries.
This was prior to Reagan. The first real RINO. When the US was the technology capital of the world. We were the manufacturing giants. We created the largest middle class.
Manufacturers could afford to build things here. And the world could afford to buy our stuff.

Now because of all the inflationary spending, and the over inflated USD value, companies are having to pay their employees anywhere from $20hr to $60hr. And they're competing with countries where $5hr is an upper middle class wage.

This is the failure of the Republican party, IMO.
1. For allowing this over spending to continue when they had the majority.
2. Letting the democrats get away with it to.
3. It's allowed BRICS to become a legitimate force we will have to recon within the next decade. And if the US loses it global currency status, we're done. (economically)
Those "true conservatives" will cave if the rubber hit the road. The liberals aren't going to go after them until they start doing things. I'm not sure you are disagreeing with me. 50 screaming conservatives in the house accomplish nothing but good speeches to send back to their home district.

If I had an actual conservative Senator or congressman, I'd donate money to his campaign. I'd help him campaign. Which is something I haven't done since Ron Paul.
All of my states US congressmen and Senators are Trump sucking RINO's of the highest order. Voting for one omnibus bill after another. The all support unconstitutional crap like FISA 702 and the Patriot Act. Even with all the unconstitutional crap build into it.

I'm a conservative without a party.
It sounds to me like Trump is wanting to nationalize US oil to pay off the national debt. If I'm wrong, someone explain to me how when asked how he's going to pay off the debt, he goes straight into the subject of how much money Saudi makes on oil and how they don't finance things because they have so much oil money.

Nevermind his lie about Saudi having more oil than the USA. It's not even close. Saudi has way more than us.

@2:55 mark (saying it without actually calling it that)

Well, for starters we could dissolve every dollar that rich lefties have and use it to make a huge payment on the debt, which will lower inflation.
Did Biden ever say what we thought he did? Did Biden want to surrender America's energy policies to Mid East regimes?
Yea, lets nationalize more, thats the "conservative" way.

It's not the "conservative" way. We like free market capitalism.

There's not a whole lot of that now days. There's a lot of crony capitalism now.
"We're gonna get the debt way down", he says. And the ignorant rubes cheer.

He's just spitting out words. Maybe he's saying the sales tax or corporate tax from the oil would pay the debt down. Maybe. Or not.

Who knows. They just cheer anything he says.

Ever heard of royalties? Every barrel of oil and 1000 cuf of NG produced on public lands means dollars to the treasury.

Ever heard of royalties? Every barrel of oil and 1000 cuf of NG produced on public lands means dollars to the treasury.


I remember Biden trying to increase the royalties and the republicans went ape shit. If that's what Trumps planning on doing, I wonder if the republican's will still object.
I remember Biden trying to increase the royalties and the republicans went ape shit. If that's what Trumps planning on doing, I wonder if the republican's will still object.

xiden wanted to slap them in the face and stab them in the back, at the same time.

"We're gonna get the debt way down", he says. And the ignorant rubes cheer.
It's amazing to me anyone still believes Trump's bullshit. Positively amazing.

Anyone who buys his bullshit deserves to be lied to.


Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years


US budget deficit balloons to nearly $1 trillion for fiscal 2019

Fool me once...


This time I really, really will repeal and replace Obamacare, pay off the debt, reduce the trade deficit with China and Mexico, build the Wall and make Mexico pay for it, bring back coal jobs, remove all illegal aliens, and grow the economy by 4 to 6 percent every year! Bleev me, folks. Bleev me. Bleev me. And I this time I really, really will bring a $4,000 pay raise for workers, bring down drug prices, drain the swamp, provide maternity leave to women whose employers don't provided that benefit, release my tax returns, and I really, really won't have time to go golf, that I can tell you.
It sounds to me like Trump is wanting to nationalize US oil to pay off the national debt. If I'm wrong, someone explain to me how when asked how he's going to pay off the debt, he goes straight into the subject of how much money Saudi makes on oil and how they don't finance things because they have so much oil money.

Nevermind his lie about Saudi having more oil than the USA. It's not even close. Saudi has way more than us.

@2:55 mark (saying it without actually calling it that)

It is really sickening to see how much more of a fluffer Sean Hannity has become. Has this douche no shame?

It is amazing he is able to get any words out with Trump's cock in his mouth.
xiden wanted to slap them in the face and stab them in the back, at the same time.


Trump was better for the US oil companies than Trump was. They made way more profit and produced way less oil. And are getting way more government subsidies. Biden gave the the gravy train for 2 years.

He only played the part of being anti oil. And did a good job of it. He had everyone on the left and the right believing his lie about ending fossil fuels.
It sounds to me like Trump is wanting to nationalize US oil to pay off the national debt. If I'm wrong, someone explain to me how when asked how he's going to pay off the debt, he goes straight into the subject of how much money Saudi makes on oil and how they don't finance things because they have so much oil money.

Nevermind his lie about Saudi having more oil than the USA. It's not even close. Saudi has way more than us.

@2:55 mark (saying it without actually calling it that)

CNN agrees with Trump.

CNN agrees with Trump.

Rystad Energy, where this report comes from, only gathers information from other sources. It's an energy consultancy company.
It's amazing to me anyone still believes Trump's bullshit. Positively amazing.

Anyone who buys his bullshit deserves to be lied to.
Yeah. I've run out of adjectives. One day plenty of psychological/sociological studies will come out on this.

One thing I know for sure, is what a horrible reflection of this country this all is. The elections next year won't change that. We're diseased.

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