Did you vote for trump because of wikileaks?

Did you vote for trump due to wikileaks?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • No

    Votes: 45 97.8%

  • Total voters
Spoken like an illegal, not respecting laws. Your signature says you're an ILLEGAL Immigrant, that means your current status is that of a criminal. There's no beating around it

I wrote on a piece of paper that I am a legal resident of "here," and signed it into law myself. I guess that settles the matter.
Spoken like an illegal, not respecting laws. Your signature says you're an ILLEGAL Immigrant, that means your current status is that of a criminal. There's no beating around it

I wrote on a piece of paper that I am a legal resident of "here," and signed it into law myself. I guess that settles the matter.
Try doing that to justify stealing something or murdering someone. I'm sure it'll work wonders.
Try doing that to justify stealing something or murdering someone. I'm sure it'll work wonders.

It does for the state. Ever hear of taxation and asset forfeiture? Your hypocrisy shows no bounds.
Sounds like you don't understand how laws work, or how they apply to day to day life. Judging from your previous posts and your signature line, I didn't expect much from you in the first place. Illegals are trash, after all. Hopefully Donny changes his mind and ships all illegals to the middle of the ocean instead of their Nation of origin, nothing of value would be lost.
I doubt the Russians did anything the chinks and carpet pilots haven't done. It they release information to the world based on espionage, too fuckin bad. It just sucks for you bed wetters hitlary and the DNC were exposed for the shady mother fuckers they are, and in the end even Bernie sold out like a chump for less than a million bucks
$25 says the RWNJ opinion of the fucking Russians will change by a year from now when they release their RNC hackings.

Yes, I'm hedging my bet since I truly believe it will happen by Spring, but 31DEC17 is insurance. Bet?

Oh then it'll be too late. They would've already thrown such a huge safety net around Trump and Russia that when it happens to them they'll be speechless.
They? Who's "they"?

That's the problem with LWL's; they're mostly atheists and lack faith. They think of people in the most "deplorable" terms. They project their own petty ideals onto all others.

No, those on the right are not perfect either, but neither with most RW Americans betray their country by supporting the fucking godless Russians.

Man if that's your way of ignoring their history and going for an approach of anyone can do anything so we don't know do hurr durr! You can say they support the Russians but their ties, history and resum says differently. Oh, but if we ignore that and just have faith then you have a point..I guess:rolleyes:
I'm hearing a lot about Russia interfering in the election though wikileaks. I think it had minimal impact. After all, we knew she was corrupt before the leaks.

It didn't influence my vote. Did it influence yours? Did you vote for trump because of wikileaks?

Most certainly not. Why would I vote for Trump for such an elementary reason?
I don't vote,

Then you don't get to kvetch. End of story

He has no business voting, or complaining in the first place, as he doesn't belong in the US, at his own admission.

Beware, Pumpkin is a quick draw with the screenshots.
I'm hearing a lot about Russia interfering in the election though wikileaks. I think it had minimal impact. After all, we knew she was corrupt before the leaks.

It didn't influence my vote. Did it influence yours? Did you vote for trump because of wikileaks?
I can`t vote in the US, but if I could have the Wikileaks stuff + the Clinton email scandal would have very definitely changed my mind. As it is now, who aside from the liberals cares if it was Russia, China or somebody else who forked it over to Wikileaks. In essence the liberals are saying they could have won if Americans would not have known just how crooked Hillary and the DNC really is.
Aside from that hacking is not rocket science especially if the server does not use state of the art security.
Many of the US government servers can be "soft-hacked" by a teenager using your every day google search filters. For example if you want to nose around inside the IRS just copy & paste the line below:
-inurl:htm -inurl:html intitle:"index of" "Last modified" intitle:"irs"
Pick one and then climb the directory tree in any direction you like. Eventually you find a lot of stuff including emails that the IRS would never tell you if you would ask them.
Hey I never guessed that one did you ?
You can file a "bona fide" tax return just by saying you are a US citizen and in addition to that you don't have to pay any income tax if you say that the paychecks you got in the US by a US company were for work you did for this company outside the US.
Don`t tell me that the entire Clinton entourage $ foundation scam artists did not make use of that loophole.
I bet that also works well with the kind of crap that goes on between a lot of US companies that have a leg in Mexico.
Be that as it may, cyber security is for the most part a joke and it`s not very hard to soft-hack Wifi linked appliances, major utilities such as electrical etc much the same you can so called "private" surveillance cameras which are linked to the internet simply by writing this filter:
inurl:"viewerframe?mode=motion". It,s easy all you have to know is the java format for the commands which are always embedded in the url that receives that command from a remote.
You get a lot that are open to the public but if you have nothing better to do then you can alter the filter and get what you are after and most of the time people are too stupid or too lazy to change the factory default passwords....which again anyone who wants to can get on the internet.
No I don`t think it took highly trained ex-KGB agents to hack the DNC emails. These idiots have no clue how easy that is on servers that are not ironclad. Any kid with an IP scanner could have gotten into the laptop that Huma Abedin and that pervert Weiner had where a lot of Hillary Clinton's stuff was found by the FBI.
By the way if you had any doubts that the IRS has a pronounced left slant maybe you should take a look at some of their photo archives like this one they call it protestpromo:
Index of /w/images/thumb/6/6f/Protestpromo350.jpg

Since when is it the job of the IRS to promote protests ????
Or events like this:
Index of /w/images/thumb/6/6f/Fighting_Bob_Web-ad-236x150px.jpg

“Fighting Bob” La Follette. La Follette is considered one of the founders of the progressive movement and organizers say the intent of the festival is to honor his contributions and energize progressives by providing a forum for speakers, networking and camaraderie.

And at the same time the IRS was targeting conservative .orgs
Take a look at that IRS file. The IRS is collecting information in order to teint a right wing org called "Alec":
and added the caption "did you know that Victor Schwartz is a lawyer who represents companies in product legislation.
So much for the Obama admin`s IRS being politically neutral as the dems claimed.
Maybe the Russians should sift through the IRS files before they bleach-bit them like Hillary wiped her server.... and post it on Wikileaks for everybody to see!

Yeah that whole system was rigged....good riddance

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I doubt the Russians did anything the chinks and carpet pilots haven't done. It they release information to the world based on espionage, too fuckin bad. It just sucks for you bed wetters hitlary and the DNC were exposed for the shady mother fuckers they are, and in the end even Bernie sold out like a chump for less than a million bucks
$25 says the RWNJ opinion of the fucking Russians will change by a year from now when they release their RNC hackings.

Yes, I'm hedging my bet since I truly believe it will happen by Spring, but 31DEC17 is insurance. Bet?
by 31/12/17 you'll sound like jakestarkey.
wikileaks says it was a DNC insider not the Russians

It's clear that Russia was interfering into this election cycle. We have Senate Republicans getting more information about it, and they're having a conniption fit over it. They're all stating that these wiki-leaks were coming in from high levels of the Kremlin. They didn't even try to cover their tracks by going after some RNC databases, it was all done to the DNC.t

For someone to hack into a computer and risk getting caught, (which is a felony in the U.S, and comes with prison time.) There is going to be a reward for taking that risk. Either monetary or a promise of something. It's as simple as that.

This is not some 400 lb. fat guy sitting on his bed doing it, just because he favors Donald Trump.

The Kremlin breaking out the champagne and vodka on the news that Trump won, really tells a story. They've never done that before with any other President.
US election 2016: Why Russia is celebrating Trump win - BBC News

This investigation is going to go deep, and if they find that Trump or any of his campaign staff was complicit or working behind the scenes to get Russia to break into Government data bases to get this information, the holy shit is going to hit the fan on the Trump Presidency. You could probably consider it Treason.

We cannot have foreign adversary's influencing our elections, or choosing our Presidents for us, based on the information they're putting out. If there is no price or consequence to pay, then this will be the new world order for every upcoming National election.


While it may not have influenced your vote, because you're a member of the Reich wing, be assured that it did with millions of others. It was almost a daily onslaught of wiki-leaks, all aimed at Hillary Clinton or the Democrat National Committee.
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I'm hearing a lot about Russia interfering in the election though wikileaks. I think it had minimal impact. After all, we knew she was corrupt before the leaks.

It didn't influence my vote. Did it influence yours? Did you vote for trump because of wikileaks?
I did not vote for Trump nor Hillary.

I figured Hillary would win no matter who I voted for so I voted 3rd party.

I did watch the election results minute by minute though, and it was clear from the first election reports out of KY and TN that Trump was winning there by large margins.

Trump was never behind.

Hillary caught up when California reported, but soon thereafter Trump pulled ahead again and never looked back.

I would have to guess that the FBI report on the Wiener Wife e-mails hurt Hillary the most.

But I also know a lot of women who hated Hillary all along.

Hillary somehow did not connect with women any better than Elizabeth Dole had.

Wiki Leaks probably had nothing to do with it.
I'm hearing a lot about Russia interfering in the election though wikileaks. I think it had minimal impact. After all, we knew she was corrupt before the leaks.

It didn't influence my vote. Did it influence yours? Did you vote for trump because of wikileaks?

Morons voted for Trump because they are morons.
I'm hearing a lot about Russia interfering in the election though wikileaks. I think it had minimal impact. After all, we knew she was corrupt before the leaks.

It didn't influence my vote. Did it influence yours? Did you vote for trump because of wikileaks?
Did not influence my vote, I voted third party. But I think the fact that wiki leaks was there influenced just enough people from Hillary. Which she was a terrible candidate, agianst another terrible candidate.

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