Disgruntled Democrats Want A Constitutional Convention To Leave The Union


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Well why don't we just have a second CIVIL WAR and winners take all?

Pony up America hating, constitution hating, progtwits. Your trashing America and our constitution isn't GETTING old, it IS old... GFY...

Disgruntled Democrats Want A Constitutional Convention To Leave The Union

On Tuesday, disgruntled Democrats held a forum to discuss the possibility of replacing the Electoral College.

Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) conceded that Democrats could not get rid of the Electoral College due to the way the United States Constitution is written.

“I don’t think we can sustain our American democracy by having the majority ruled by the minority. And so the question is how to fix this since the Constitution is written in such a way that it’s almost impossible to amend,” Lofgren said.

Lofgren went on to say she is open to a Constitutional Convention, “We are three states away from calling for a Constitutional Convention. It’s something I’ve always been opposed to, …. But I’ll say because, for the second time in sixteen years, people the American voters elected did not become president. Rational people, not the fringe, are now talking about whether states could be separated from the U.S., whether we should have a Constitutional Convention. And I think as time goes on that is apt to become more the case unless we here can figure an answer to preventing the majority from being ruled by the minority.

Disgruntled Democrats Want A Constitutional Convention To Leave The Union | Need To Know Network

Progs won the coasts, period. Practically the ENTIRE HEARTLAND of America voted AGAINST them, and they think their filthy, over populated, commie cess pools on the coasts should RULE like KINGS over the VAST, VAST MAJORITY of land and people of the nation that does NOT go along with their wretched BULL SHIT agenda.

The are insane, and the butt hurt is EPIC.
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I have been thinking for a while that Civil War is the next step. I think we are very close.

What don't they understand about this being a Constitutional Republic and not a democracy?


I have been thinking for a while that Civil War is the next step. I think we are very close.
I wouldn't start it or like it, but I'd welcome it.

It's the number one way to REALLY "drain the swamp" in my opinion.
I really don't think the left would want a civil war against all these angry gun owning right wingers they are always talking about.
But the way they're recklessly running their mouths is the way they get started.
I have been thinking for a while that Civil War is the next step. I think we are very close.
Let the libtards bring it...civil war...pfffft.. those crybabies are too scared to leave mommas basement and they know us Texans will be hunting them down.
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I think the Founding Fathers were afraid of the very kind of thing that is happening.

They feared a single faction would get control of a couple of big states....and oppress the smaller states. So, they created a Republic, rather than a Democracy.

They would never have dreamed of the malfeasance going on in California today...but that is in the class of abuses they were afraid of when they created the Electoral College.

California has been invaded by Mexico...which now gives illegal aliens drivers licenses...which is enough of a presumption of citizenship to allow one to vote.

Thus, the huge vote in California for the craven coat-tailing riding bitch who promised to let in some more Mexicans and Middle-Easterners.

But, no, the old White Boys were too smart for that......the ones who set this country up to become the greatest society in the history of the world...which is why it is filling up with people from the rest of the world....most of whom do nothing but Bitch & Whine about it not being enough like the shit-holes they fled from...like Mexico and the Middle East.
A tantrum by any other name would smell as sweet....
I really don't think the left would want a civil war against all these angry gun owning right wingers they are always talking about.
But the way they're recklessly running their mouths is the way they get started.
I think the majority of the idiocy ends after Inauguration Day.
IDK, blackhawk... it could get worse. I don't think leftists know how to stop to save themselves. The indoctrination and brain washing is too complete from childhood.
but first they want to steal as much money from the middle class, then leave the union.
It would crumble within a year and they'd be begging to be allowed back in the union.
what are the illegals going to do when the checks/deposits stop in 2017?
Hopefully self deportation.
imagine all of those illegals crossing the border assuming they will get free money from Hillary? and now they know there wont be any free money? what are they gonna do? live on the streets of LA?
but first they want to steal as much money from the middle class, then leave the union.
It would crumble within a year and they'd be begging to be allowed back in the union.
what are the illegals going to do when the checks/deposits stop in 2017?
Hopefully self deportation.
imagine all of those illegals crossing the border assuming they will get free money from Hillary? and now they know there wont be any free money? what are they gonna do? live on the streets of LA?

Hopefully run to a sanctuary city [ghetto].

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