
dear idiot your side has no proof for the need for these laws.

the court will take that into consideration.

unlike you the court deals in facts

I'm not on anyone's side.

I asked a question that you will not or cannot answer.

How is asking someone for proof that they are legally eligible to vote a bad thing?

How many people in this country have absolutely no form of legally recognized ID?


what bullshit.

you are on the side of the people cheating Americans out of their voting rights.

Prove it.

Asking for an ID is not cheating anyone out of anything.

Is asking for an ID at a liquor store cheating people out of their right to drink?

Asking for ID is nothing but an attempt to enforce the law. Since you are against asking for IDs then you are against enforcing the law; you must be an anarchist.
I'm not on anyone's side.

I asked a question that you will not or cannot answer.

How is asking someone for proof that they are legally eligible to vote a bad thing?

How many people in this country have absolutely no form of legally recognized ID?


what bullshit.

you are on the side of the people cheating Americans out of their voting rights.

Im out.... you can ruin any decent discussion with all your idiocy.

Ya'll have fun with this dumbass.

of course your leaving

you have no evidence to back your claim
your party is the one claiming it hurts no one and never has any proof of what they claim.

Now the court will trap your ass for it
bye bye republican party.

your minions didnt care about you enough to stop cheating long enough to save you
Lie as they might they could not save you with the only tactic they seem to know
TM if you think that the Republican party is going down, what kind of party do you think will replace them?
TM if you think that the Republican party is going down, what kind of party do you think will replace them?

I hope an honest one unlike the republican party has been for thirty years now.

It used to be a great party and I would have been a republican at one time in our history.

you people distroyed that greatness over the last thirty years
TderpM has no prayer of any credibility when she persists in making hollow claims and asking questions but she won't back up her claims and she runs away from questions.
TderpM has no prayer of any credibility when she persists in making hollow claims and asking questions but she won't back up her claims and she runs away from questions. Pure Fact.
there wont be any consent decree this time.

Just the plain truth of what the republucan party has become.

cheating assholes who will deny facts and embrace lies to win elections
TderpM has no hope and no prayer of any credibility when she persists in making hollow claims and asking questions but she won't back up her claims and she runs away from questions.
TM if you think that the Republican party is going down, what kind of party do you think will replace them?

I hope an honest one unlike the republican party has been for thirty years now.

It used to be a great party and I would have been a republican at one time in our history.

you people distroyed that greatness over the last thirty years

You people as you call them, are still going to be the same people TM and vote for Conservatives and Moderates.
Both Parties have corruption in them and that is what needs to change.
Yes, disenfranchising the homeless seems an excellent plan.

How is asking one to prove their legal eligibility to vote a bad thing?

What if a homeless guy got carded at the liquor store? Are you against that too?

I dont get it.... they can be sure to be able to get boose, but they do not care about being able to vote.

The dems just want to be able to go gather these drecks up and shuttle them to the poles to vote for their guy. Do I have proof.... No, but since when does that matter to Dems?

In a recent post, one of the resident libturds told me that "common knowledge" was a sufficient explanation for a statement.

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