Disinformation is enemy #1.

Good job. Now you need to work at accepting Biden is the legitimately elected prez of the country.

I have my doubts about the veracity of the 2020 election.

He won't be anything after January 2025, either via losing to Trump, or being pulled from the Dem Ballot at the convention.
Have come to realize that to be a true American, we have to check our own self's ,
and try and see past the propaganda that we have excepted. & help bring back HONESTY over WINNING for any team.
Until demofks can agree the sky looks blue during daytime with a clear sky. Openly admitting 2+2=5 is still dumbfounding for me.

Well, let's a look at a few lies that were pretty important.

"There are WMD in Iraq." <<< Helping to drum up support for the war in Iraq.
"I'm going to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it." <<< Helped to get Trump elected
"I'm going to end fossil fuels in the USA"<< < Helped get Biden elected
Most Everyone said it. No one was punished? Trump even called out the liars. You hate him

I hate Trump for lying too. Just because he's honest about some things, doesn't make him an honest person.
Trump: "I'm going to zero out the national debt." <<< Another lie that helped get him elected.
That's exactly what you need to work on. You'll never see US politics as it really is until you give up the fantasy that Don won.

Hey Berg, have you come clean yet to admit you hijacked your own thread, beginning with the first post? Wow, how could you be so intellectually dishonest?

Rhetorical, you wouldn't otherwise be Democracked.
LOL I wonder where they got a silly idea like that?

"A few months ago, when you were asked what's the biggest geopolitical threat facing America, you said Russia. Not al-Qaeda. You said Russia," Obama said to Romney at the time. "And the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because the Cold War's been over for 20 years."
Watch Putin's Way on PBS. Putin's charm offensive ended years ago. Obama changed his tune.
I hate Trump for lying too. Just because he's honest about some things, doesn't make him an honest person.
Trump: "I'm going to zero out the national debt." <<< Another lie that helped get him elected.
You can’t even state a lie, makes you a liar
TDS is a construct only the weak minded use.

Such as yourself?

It's a meme that allows you to ignore the credible reasons Trump is criticized.

But not the myriad reasons the leftards are criticized?

People who are outraged over his constant lies, his traitorous acts, his bigotry, his plot to overturn the election, do not suffer from an affliction.

Yes, they do. Since these things are endemic in the DC swamp, but for some reason the leftards want to blame all their failures on Trump.

Unless you count the affliction on the country Trump represents.

You morons leftards are the reason for the affliction in the first place.

You scumbags are letting in hundreds of terrorists PER DAY because of your brain dead policies which VIOLATE THE LAW. No vetting, no checking, just a free gift card and a free months long hotel stay.

You leftard asswipes are completely brain dead. You're DANGEROUSLY stupid. You gotta go.
who pretends from the conservatives? I asked you twice now, and you avoid answering, did clinton pay for the russian dossier? Got any balls left trannie?
berg80 , I see you have no balls. Can't answer a simple question. loser cuck

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