Dixiecrats Became Republicans??? A Lie.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. It seems that some of our friends contend that ‘conservative (racist) southern Democrats left the party and became Republicans. Not only is it provably untrue, but the fact that reliable Democrat voters, i.e., dim-wits, will accept it without questioning, is the reason the nation is in the state that it is.

2. In 1948, Strom Thurmond ran as a “Dixiecrat,” not “Dixiecan.” They were segregations, and an offshoot of the Democrat Party. And they remained Democrats.

a. "The so-called “Dixiecrats” remained Democrats and did not migrate to the Republican Party. The Dixiecrats were a group of Southern Democrats who, in the 1948 national election, formed a third party, the State’s Rights Democratic Party with the slogan: “Segregation Forever!” Even so, they continued to be Democrats for all local and state elections, as well as for all future national elections.
Frequently Asked Questions | National Black Republican Association

b. While all Democrats weren’t segregationists, all segregationists were Democrats.

c. Klan members and racists including Hugo Black, George Wallace, ‘Bull’ Connor, Orval Faubus, Lester Maddox, etc. were all....guess what.....Democrats!

3. But the most important segregationists were Democrats in the U.S. Senate, where civil rights bills went to die.

a. "On June 13, 2005, in a resolution sponsored by senators Mary Landrieu of Louisiana and George Allen of Virginia, together with 78 others, the US Senate formally apologized for its failure to enact this and other anti-lynching bills "when action was most needed."[3] From 1882-1968, "...nearly 200 anti-lynching bills were introduced in Congress, and three passed the House. Seven presidents between 1890 and 1952 petitioned Congress to pass a federal law."[3] None was approved by the Senate because of the powerful opposition of the Southern Democratic voting bloc"
Senate Apologizes for Not Passing Anti-Lynching Laws | Fox News

4. Here’s a great opportunity to see the work the media does: challenge anyone to name one segregationist U.S. Senator, and the only one they’ll be able to name is Thurmond….the only one who became a Republican. Get the idea?

a. The media intentionally hides the civil rights records of lifelong, liberal Democrats to make it look as if it was the Republican Party that was the party of segregation and racial discrimination.

5. The most important points: all the segregationists in the Senate were Democrats, and remained same for the rest of their lives…except for one.
a. And they were not conservative.

b. Strom Thurmond became a Republican, albeit 16 years later.
Lets see how many of the 12 in the Senate were conservative.

c. Senator Harry Byrd, staunch opponent of anti-communist McCarthy

d. Senator Robert Byrd, proabortion, opposed Gulf Wars, supported ERA, high grades from NARAL and ACLU

e. Senator Allen Ellender, McCarthy opponent, pacifist

f. Senator Sam Ervin, McCarthy opponent, anti-Vietnam War, Nixon antagonist

g. Senator Albert Gore, Sr., McCarthy opponent, anti-Vietnam War

h. Senator James Eastland, strong anti-communist

i. Senator Wm. Fulbright, McCarthy opponent, anti-Vietnam War, big UN supporter

j. Senator Walter F. George, supported TVA, and Great Society programs

k. Senator Ernest Hollings, initiated federal food stamp program, …but supported Clarence Thomas’ nomination

l. Senator Russell Long, led the campaign for Great Society programs

m. Senator Richard Russell, McCarthy opponent, anti-Vietnam War, supported FDR’s New Deal

n. Senator John Stennis, McCarthy opponent, opposed Robert Bork’s nomination.

The above, largely, from Coulter's new book, "Mugged."

Notice how segregationist positions went hand-in-hand with opposition to McCarthy? Not all Democrats….Robert Kennedy worked for McCarthy, and Senator John F. Kennedy refused to censure him.

So....proof of why blacks should reconsider party affiliation, and shun the Democrats...the party of

slavery, segregation, sedition, and secularization.
It was not a case of Dixiecrats changing party affiliation

What happened was segregationist voters who blamed civil rights on the Democrats, swiched loyaties to new Republicans who now embraced their views. Republicans ran against busing, against afirmative action, against equal rights legislation

The south has been Republican ever since
Rightwinger, you forgot to put your reply in numberological order.

1. How amusing that your ability only extend as far as Arabic numerals....

Tell me, nonoodles, when will you have completed your study of the alphabet?

2. Now to award you today's "Unintentional Humor" award:
You wrote:
"Rightwinger, you forgot to put your reply in numberological order."

Jaw-dropping ignorance....
...I shouldn't be surprised: I've seen your work before.

a. Your limited facility with the English language prevented you from understanding that that word refers to 'numerology.

For edification:
"Numerology is any study of the purported divine, mystical or other special relationship between a number and some coinciding observed (or perceived) events. It has many systems and traditions and beliefs. Numerology and numerological divination by systems such as isopsephy were popular among early mathematicians, such as Pythagoras, but are no longer considered part of mathematics and are regarded as pseudomathematics or pseudoscience by modern scientists."
Numerology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know it is wrong to laugh at the lesser among us....but that was a hoot!

BTW....have you given up trying to spin straw into gold?

For future reference, ..now jot this down...you meant to say 'numerical.'
You're welcome.

Ain't it great when an attempted sneer turns right around and bites you in the butt???

Keep up the good work!
It was not a case of Dixiecrats changing party affiliation

What happened was segregationist voters who blamed civil rights on the Democrats, swiched loyaties to new Republicans who now embraced their views. Republicans ran against busing, against afirmative action, against equal rights legislation

The south has been Republican ever since

1. As the man said of the three holes in the ground, "Well, well, well."

2. How unusual is it to have wingy support my OP????
Wising up!!

3. Yes...the meme that is so prevalent among the uninformed that Republicans were the segregationists, or that Dixiecrats switched parties to become Republicans....all lies to cover the disgraceful past of the Democrat Party....slavery and segregation.

4. "What happened was segregationist voters who blamed civil rights on the Democrats, switched loyalties to new Republicans..."

Oh, no.....

You were doing so well....sorry that I have to send you to the penalty box on this one.

Segregationist voters were Democrats, remained Democrats to the end.
Why do you think the Democrat Senators in the OP continued to be re-elected???

But if you ask nicely I might post an OP stating the facts of the segregationist vote, and who they voted for.

Wanna guess?
Right!!! Democrats.

But....there is hope for you!
More PoliticalChic cut-n-paste nonsense.

Oh, goody!

1. Cut and paste refers to form.

2. Your analysis of the content is.....


3. Same applies to your ability, seems.

Care to try to respond to any of it,....

...or stick to the Liberal's usual response: none.

C'mon, Sindy.....prove you're not anencephalic.
It was not a case of Dixiecrats changing party affiliation

What happened was segregationist voters who blamed civil rights on the Democrats, swiched loyaties to new Republicans who now embraced their views. Republicans ran against busing, against afirmative action, against equal rights legislation

The south has been Republican ever since

1. As the man said of the three holes in the ground, "Well, well, well."

2. How unusual is it to have wingy support my OP????
Wising up!!

3. Yes...the meme that is so prevalent among the uninformed that Republicans were the segregationists, or that Dixiecrats switched parties to become Republicans....all lies to cover the disgraceful past of the Democrat Party....slavery and segregation.

4. "What happened was segregationist voters who blamed civil rights on the Democrats, switched loyalties to new Republicans..."

Oh, no.....

You were doing so well....sorry that I have to send you to the penalty box on this one.

Segregationist voters were Democrats, remained Democrats to the end.
Why do you think the Democrat Senators in the OP continued to be re-elected???

But if you ask nicely I might post an OP stating the facts of the segregationist vote, and who they voted for.

Wanna guess?
Right!!! Democrats.

But....there is hope for you!

Sorry babe...no cut and paste to the rescue this time

After the civil rights bills passed in the mid 1960s, formerly Democratic voters abandoned their party in favor of Republicans who preached the evils of busing, affirmative action and equal rights. Many of the old Dixicrats hung in for a while but were replaced by Republicans who condemned Democrats for Civil Rights and pandered to southern racists
It was not a case of Dixiecrats changing party affiliation

What happened was segregationist voters who blamed civil rights on the Democrats, swiched loyaties to new Republicans who now embraced their views. Republicans ran against busing, against afirmative action, against equal rights legislation

The south has been Republican ever since

1. As the man said of the three holes in the ground, "Well, well, well."

2. How unusual is it to have wingy support my OP????
Wising up!!

3. Yes...the meme that is so prevalent among the uninformed that Republicans were the segregationists, or that Dixiecrats switched parties to become Republicans....all lies to cover the disgraceful past of the Democrat Party....slavery and segregation.

4. "What happened was segregationist voters who blamed civil rights on the Democrats, switched loyalties to new Republicans..."

Oh, no.....

You were doing so well....sorry that I have to send you to the penalty box on this one.

Segregationist voters were Democrats, remained Democrats to the end.
Why do you think the Democrat Senators in the OP continued to be re-elected???

But if you ask nicely I might post an OP stating the facts of the segregationist vote, and who they voted for.

Wanna guess?
Right!!! Democrats.

But....there is hope for you!

Sorry babe...no cut and paste to the rescue this time

After the civil rights bills passed in the mid 1960s, formerly Democratic voters abandoned their party in favor of Republicans who preached the evils of busing, affirmative action and equal rights. Many of the old Dixicrats hung in for a while but were replaced by Republicans who condemned Democrats for Civil Rights and pandered to southern racists

I sure wish I could take that on just your say-so.....

...but your record of veracity is.....what to call it...less than 'unblemished.'

Now, I recognize that in your day and age, writing out a supported response on a slate-board was somewhat onerous.....

...but using that keyboard in front of you makes it far easier.

Now....don't be lazy.
More PoliticalChic cut-n-paste nonsense.

Oh, goody!

Oh, noooo......

I scared Sindy away!!!

All I did was suggest that he try to think of a response to the OP!

I should have realized the burden I was putting on the poor Liberal.....

Now....come on out from under that desk, Sindy!!
Rightwinger, you forgot to put your reply in numberological order.

1. How amusing that your ability only extend as far as Arabic numerals....

Tell me, nonoodles, when will you have completed your study of the alphabet?

2. Now to award you today's "Unintentional Humor" award:
You wrote:
"Rightwinger, you forgot to put your reply in numberological order."

Jaw-dropping ignorance....
...I shouldn't be surprised: I've seen your work before.

a. Your limited facility with the English language prevented you from understanding that that word refers to 'numerology.

For edification:
"Numerology is any study of the purported divine, mystical or other special relationship between a number and some coinciding observed (or perceived) events. It has many systems and traditions and beliefs. Numerology and numerological divination by systems such as isopsephy were popular among early mathematicians, such as Pythagoras, but are no longer considered part of mathematics and are regarded as pseudomathematics or pseudoscience by modern scientists."
Numerology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know it is wrong to laugh at the lesser among us....but that was a hoot!

BTW....have you given up trying to spin straw into gold?

For future reference, ..now jot this down...you meant to say 'numerical.'
You're welcome.

Ain't it great when an attempted sneer turns right around and bites you in the butt???

Keep up the good work!

It is almost painful to watch you attempting to be clever and failing so miserably. If you came off at all like a decent person, instead of wanting to be Anne Coulter, it would be painful. But now? We can just sit back and enjoy it.

Numberological was a poor attempt at humor. thought you might get it though. Instead you go on and on in your boring, boring, boring style.
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Rightwinger, you forgot to put your reply in numberological order.

1. How amusing that your ability only extend as far as Arabic numerals....

Tell me, nonoodles, when will you have completed your study of the alphabet?

2. Now to award you today's "Unintentional Humor" award:
You wrote:
"Rightwinger, you forgot to put your reply in numberological order."

Jaw-dropping ignorance....
...I shouldn't be surprised: I've seen your work before.

a. Your limited facility with the English language prevented you from understanding that that word refers to 'numerology.

For edification:
"Numerology is any study of the purported divine, mystical or other special relationship between a number and some coinciding observed (or perceived) events. It has many systems and traditions and beliefs. Numerology and numerological divination by systems such as isopsephy were popular among early mathematicians, such as Pythagoras, but are no longer considered part of mathematics and are regarded as pseudomathematics or pseudoscience by modern scientists."
Numerology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know it is wrong to laugh at the lesser among us....but that was a hoot!

BTW....have you given up trying to spin straw into gold?

For future reference, ..now jot this down...you meant to say 'numerical.'
You're welcome.

Ain't it great when an attempted sneer turns right around and bites you in the butt???

Keep up the good work!

It is almost painful to watch you attempting to be clever and failing so miserably. If you came off at all like a decent person, instead of wanting to be Anne Coulter, it would be painful. But now? We can just sit back and enjoy it.

It sure isn't painful to observe the comic gold that you provide, nonoodles!!!!

I got such a kick out of you proving what a dunce you are......again.

Wasn't that great, you launching an attack against me....but using the incorrect word!!

Was that justice or what!!

And where is my 'thanks' for teaching you the correct word, huh????
Bet you think an innuendo is an Italian suppository…
…so stupid, if the teacher told you to do an essay you’d have sex with a Mexican.

I haven't had this much fun since the 2010 midterm elections!

OK, ok...I know...a conservative is never so tall as when she stoops to teach a liberal the English language....

And thank you so very much for mentioning me in the same sentence with the magnificent Queen Ann!!!
Made my day!
1. How amusing that your ability only extend as far as Arabic numerals....

Tell me, nonoodles, when will you have completed your study of the alphabet?

2. Now to award you today's "Unintentional Humor" award:
You wrote:
"Rightwinger, you forgot to put your reply in numberological order."

Jaw-dropping ignorance....
...I shouldn't be surprised: I've seen your work before.

a. Your limited facility with the English language prevented you from understanding that that word refers to 'numerology.

For edification:
"Numerology is any study of the purported divine, mystical or other special relationship between a number and some coinciding observed (or perceived) events. It has many systems and traditions and beliefs. Numerology and numerological divination by systems such as isopsephy were popular among early mathematicians, such as Pythagoras, but are no longer considered part of mathematics and are regarded as pseudomathematics or pseudoscience by modern scientists."
Numerology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know it is wrong to laugh at the lesser among us....but that was a hoot!

BTW....have you given up trying to spin straw into gold?

For future reference, ..now jot this down...you meant to say 'numerical.'
You're welcome.

Ain't it great when an attempted sneer turns right around and bites you in the butt???

Keep up the good work!

It is almost painful to watch you attempting to be clever and failing so miserably. If you came off at all like a decent person, instead of wanting to be Anne Coulter, it would be painful. But now? We can just sit back and enjoy it.

It sure isn't painful to observe the comic gold that you provide, nonoodles!!!!

I got such a kick out of you proving what a dunce you are......again.

Wasn't that great, you launching an attack against me....but using the incorrect word!!

Was that justice or what!!

And where is my 'thanks' for teaching you the correct word, huh????
Bet you think an innuendo is an Italian suppository…
…so stupid, if the teacher told you to do an essay you’d have sex with a Mexican.

I haven't had this much fun since the 2010 midterm elections!

OK, ok...I know...a conservative is never so tall as when she stoops to teach a liberal the English language....

And thank you so very much for mentioning me in the same sentence with the magnificent Queen Ann!!!
Made my day!

You are really pathetic. Not even enough of a person to want to be yourself. And if it was not for me, no one would be replying to you on your boring thread.

Perhaps you should drop a few bucks and invest in a joke book, I hear they are useful for the terminally boring.
I'm sure PC just forgot...

The Conservative Coalition

The Conservative Coalition was a coalition in the U.S. Congress that brought together the majority of the Northern Republicans and a conservative, mostly Southern minority of the Democrats. The coalition usually defeated the liberals of the New Deal Coalition; the Coalition largely controlled Congress from 1937 to 1963. It continued as a potent force until the 1990s when most of the conservative southern Democrats were replaced by southern Republicans. The coalition no longer exists.

In its heyday, its most important Republican leader until his death in 1963 was Senator Robert A. Taft of Ohio; Illinois Senator Everett Dirksen was the key Republican in the 1960s. The chief Democrats were Senator Richard Russell, Jr. of Georgia and Congressmen Howard W. Smith of Virginia and Carl Vinson of Georgia. Dirksen and the Republicans broke with Southern Democrats and provided the bipartisan votes necessary to insure passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
I'm sure PC just forgot...

The Conservative Coalition

The Conservative Coalition was a coalition in the U.S. Congress that brought together the majority of the Northern Republicans and a conservative, mostly Southern minority of the Democrats. The coalition usually defeated the liberals of the New Deal Coalition; the Coalition largely controlled Congress from 1937 to 1963. It continued as a potent force until the 1990s when most of the conservative southern Democrats were replaced by southern Republicans. The coalition no longer exists.

In its heyday, its most important Republican leader until his death in 1963 was Senator Robert A. Taft of Ohio; Illinois Senator Everett Dirksen was the key Republican in the 1960s. The chief Democrats were Senator Richard Russell, Jr. of Georgia and Congressmen Howard W. Smith of Virginia and Carl Vinson of Georgia. Dirksen and the Republicans broke with Southern Democrats and provided the bipartisan votes necessary to insure passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

And the point you are responding to, and/or making is.......?
It is almost painful to watch you attempting to be clever and failing so miserably. If you came off at all like a decent person, instead of wanting to be Anne Coulter, it would be painful. But now? We can just sit back and enjoy it.

It sure isn't painful to observe the comic gold that you provide, nonoodles!!!!

I got such a kick out of you proving what a dunce you are......again.

Wasn't that great, you launching an attack against me....but using the incorrect word!!

Was that justice or what!!

And where is my 'thanks' for teaching you the correct word, huh????
Bet you think an innuendo is an Italian suppository…
…so stupid, if the teacher told you to do an essay you’d have sex with a Mexican.

I haven't had this much fun since the 2010 midterm elections!

OK, ok...I know...a conservative is never so tall as when she stoops to teach a liberal the English language....

And thank you so very much for mentioning me in the same sentence with the magnificent Queen Ann!!!
Made my day!

You are really pathetic. Not even enough of a person to want to be yourself. And if it was not for me, no one would be replying to you on your boring thread.

Perhaps you should drop a few bucks and invest in a joke book, I hear they are useful for the terminally boring.

For clarity....are you claiming you don't realize what a fool you've been made to appear....

...or that it happens so often that you no longer care?
It is almost painful to watch you attempting to be clever and failing so miserably. If you came off at all like a decent person, instead of wanting to be Anne Coulter, it would be painful. But now? We can just sit back and enjoy it.

It sure isn't painful to observe the comic gold that you provide, nonoodles!!!!

I got such a kick out of you proving what a dunce you are......again.

Wasn't that great, you launching an attack against me....but using the incorrect word!!

Was that justice or what!!

And where is my 'thanks' for teaching you the correct word, huh????
Bet you think an innuendo is an Italian suppository…
…so stupid, if the teacher told you to do an essay you’d have sex with a Mexican.

I haven't had this much fun since the 2010 midterm elections!

OK, ok...I know...a conservative is never so tall as when she stoops to teach a liberal the English language....

And thank you so very much for mentioning me in the same sentence with the magnificent Queen Ann!!!
Made my day!

You are really pathetic. Not even enough of a person to want to be yourself. And if it was not for me, no one would be replying to you on your boring thread.

Perhaps you should drop a few bucks and invest in a joke book, I hear they are useful for the terminally boring.

"You are really pathetic."

nonoodles.......bet you don't realize how much you sound like this?

I bet you thought I’d run out of ways to humiliate you.
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Fact: in 2002, the senior republican in the US Senate said that America would be a better country TODAY if we had elected a racist segregationist, who supported a constitutional amendment permanently enshrining segregation as our national policy and permanently banning interracial marriage, as president in 1948 instead of Truman.

and the Dixiecrat he was talking about had, in fact, switched parties and was also a republican senator at the time those indelicate, but oh, so revealing sentiments were expressed.

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Why is Joseph McCarthy so important to republicans? There are constant apologies for a man who from everything I have read was a drunk and a liar. His list of communists was a fraud, same as that tea party buffoon from Florida, Alan West. Is retardation an inheritable trait among republicans? Do they take republicans, like PC, into a room and brainwash them with McCarthy as saint images? Weirdest historical nonsense, and it must soothe the likes of a Coulter to rehash a buffoon. The communists in real communist countries have even given up on their glorification of losers, time PC and Coulter found something relevant to today. "Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you no sense of decency?" Joseph Nye Welch, the Army's chief counsel addressing JM.


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