Do Conservatives Believe In Social Darwinism?

"(George) Wallace would spend his remaining years seeking redemption for the divisiveness he had once preached and asking forgiveness from those he had scorned, but he left a conservative political legacy that continues to influence national politics today."

The American Experience George Wallace Settin the Woods on Fire Program Description

I understand why many conservatives would like to distance themselves from this. Don't blame them.

But trying to change the definition of terms is a really stupid way to try to do it.

No one is fooled.
Only people that have diminutive critical thinking skills would define Wallace as anything other than conservative.

Or people who are trying to grind a political ax or trying to make their positions look more palatable by re-defining terms.

Only two possible explanations - ignorance or dishonesty.
The racist democrats all vote as republican racists now. I already educated you on the southern strategy. You are now being willfully ignorant and as such are not regarded as a viable interlocutor from this point on.

If you chant the big lie, people will believe it?

Perhaps, for awhile.

Tell me, WHICH racist dims became Republicans?

Bull Conner?
Orval Faubus?
Albert Gore? (sr. - KKK member)
George Wallace?
Fritz Hollings? (KKK member)
Robert Byrd (Grand Kleagle - KKK)

the DNC was and is the home of racism - you continue to judge others by the color of their skin, rather than the content of their character.
The entire southern voting block for starters. Also as I have informed you before the Republicans already admitted it years ago. You need to catch up. - GOP We were wrong to play racial politics

"Mehlman's apology to the NAACP at the group's convention in Milwaukee marked the first time a top Republican Party leader has denounced the so-called Southern Strategy employed by Richard Nixon and other Republicans to peel away white voters in what was then the heavily Democratic South. Beginning in the mid-1960s, Republicans encouraged disaffected Southern white voters to vote Republican by blaming pro-civil rights Democrats for racial unrest and other racial problems."
"(George) Wallace would spend his remaining years seeking redemption for the divisiveness he had once preached and asking forgiveness from those he had scorned, but he left a conservative political legacy that continues to influence national politics today."

The American Experience George Wallace Settin the Woods on Fire Program Description

I understand why many conservatives would like to distance themselves from this. Don't blame them.

But trying to change the definition of terms is a really stupid way to try to do it.

No one is fooled.
I realize when you see one word you salivate like a dog. But the truth is that Wallace expanded state government, enlarged the educational system, and courted individual businesses with incentives.
The racist democrats all vote as republican racists now. I already educated you on the southern strategy. You are now being willfully ignorant and as such are not regarded as a viable interlocutor from this point on.

If you chant the big lie, people will believe it?

Perhaps, for awhile.

Tell me, WHICH racist dims became Republicans?

Bull Conner?
Orval Faubus?
Albert Gore? (sr. - KKK member)
George Wallace?
Fritz Hollings? (KKK member)
Robert Byrd (Grand Kleagle - KKK)

the DNC was and is the home of racism - you continue to judge others by the color of their skin, rather than the content of their character.
The only two to come to mind were Strom Thurmond and perhaps Jesse Helms. But the old "Democrat racists become Republicans" is nonsense.
"(George) Wallace would spend his remaining years seeking redemption for the divisiveness he had once preached and asking forgiveness from those he had scorned, but he left a conservative political legacy that continues to influence national politics today."

The American Experience George Wallace Settin the Woods on Fire Program Description

I understand why many conservatives would like to distance themselves from this. Don't blame them.

But trying to change the definition of terms is a really stupid way to try to do it.

No one is fooled.
Only people that have diminutive critical thinking skills would define Wallace as anything other than conservative.

Or people who are trying to grind a political ax or trying to make their positions look more palatable by re-defining terms.

Only two possible explanations - ignorance or dishonesty.
Please produce evidence of any conservative proclaiming social darwinism, or anything resembling it. Go ahgead, we'll wait,
Hmmmm - disagree. Communism and Fascism win that award.

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Lets tally up the the death count.

amenable to that. only how exactly do you propose to do that?
Going to have to be an approximation now that I think about it and we would need to ignore the propaganda.

But we must agree on exactly what factors go into counting the death statistics. Saying that people died either of Conservatism or Communism is not good enough. Did they die through wars? Famines? Droughts? Biological weapons? and so on and so on and so on....
All of those except droughts unless it can be proven someone can control the weather.

And pogroms, and concentration camps as well, right?
Lets tally up the the death count.

amenable to that. only how exactly do you propose to do that?
Going to have to be an approximation now that I think about it and we would need to ignore the propaganda.

But we must agree on exactly what factors go into counting the death statistics. Saying that people died either of Conservatism or Communism is not good enough. Did they die through wars? Famines? Droughts? Biological weapons? and so on and so on and so on....
All of those except droughts unless it can be proven someone can control the weather.

And pogroms, and concentration camps as well, right?
"(George) Wallace would spend his remaining years seeking redemption for the divisiveness he had once preached and asking forgiveness from those he had scorned, but he left a conservative political legacy that continues to influence national politics today."

The American Experience George Wallace Settin the Woods on Fire Program Description

I understand why many conservatives would like to distance themselves from this. Don't blame them.

But trying to change the definition of terms is a really stupid way to try to do it.

No one is fooled.
Only people that have diminutive critical thinking skills would define Wallace as anything other than conservative.

Or people who are trying to grind a political ax or trying to make their positions look more palatable by re-defining terms.

Only two possible explanations - ignorance or dishonesty.
Please produce evidence of any conservative proclaiming social darwinism, or anything resembling it. Go ahgead, we'll wait,
The Bell Curve.
I realize when you see one word you salivate like a dog. But the truth is that Wallace expanded state government, enlarged the educational system, and courted individual businesses with incentives.

Yes, just like Reagan expanded the federal government and spent $$ like a visitor at a whorehouse on Nickel-night, even expanded the education system. Ergo, Reagan is also a progressive.

I am using YOUR criteria.

Enjoy your portion of humble pie.
If Wallace were elected in 1968 we would have won the Vietnam War.

Oh, fer fux sakes. That man was a walking disaster and a nasty sonofabitch.
Good American. States's right guy until 1982 when he turned traitor.

Ahhh, "State's Rights".

Great code words for "Mega-Racists".

No, its code for Constitution of the United States of America. You should read it sometime.
I realize when you see one word you salivate like a dog. But the truth is that Wallace expanded state government, enlarged the educational system, and courted individual businesses with incentives.

Yes, just like Reagan expanded the federal government and spent $$ like a visitor at a whorehouse on Nickel-night, even expanded the education system. Ergo, Reagan is also a progressive.

I am using YOUR criteria.

Enjoy your portion of humble pie.
No, Reagan didnt do those things. Reagan tried to cut spending but of course was at the mercy of the Democrat Congress.
But keep making shit up, asshole.
If Wallace were elected in 1968 we would have won the Vietnam War.

Oh, fer fux sakes. That man was a walking disaster and a nasty sonofabitch.
Good American. States's right guy until 1982 when he turned traitor.

Ahhh, "State's Rights".

Great code words for "Mega-Racists".

No, its code for Constitution of the United States of America. You should read it sometime.

Not the way racists pervert it.

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