Do good productive people respond to political polls?

I don't think Democrats want good productive people involved in their polls. Democrats prefer people who are poor, pissed off and dependent on government. They are able to dominate this kind of person with a combination of race baiting, class warfare, playing the victim and making promises they have no intention of keeping. That's what makes them the Democrats natural constituency. That's also what makes Democrats the party who will destroy the American dream. Anti worker Democrats will do everything in their power to keep the working man and woman down. And I'm pretty sure they're not interested in their polling opinions any more than they're interested in well paying jobs. Viva Trump, the jobs President.
Do good productive people respond to political poll? I do. I add my voice to what's going on in the world as much as I can. At my old home I used to get the polls on the phone and in the mail all the time. I answered all of them.
Do good productive people respond to political poll? I do. I add my voice to what's going on in the world as much as I can. At my old home I used to get the polls on the phone and in the mail all the time. I answered all of them.

Most of us are far too busy to spend time on senseless bullshit. We spend our effort working, running businesses, raising families and telling Leftists to go fuck themselves on internet message boards.
Thankfully, telemarketers inspired me to use a call blocker that only allows people in my contacts list to get through. Yes, you guessed right, there aren't any pollsters in there.
Thankfully, telemarketers inspired me to use a call blocker that only allows people in my contacts list to get through. Yes, you guessed right, there aren't any pollsters in there.
Yeah, I used a call blocker, too, and it really helps. Sometimes there are still some scam calls go through (I didn't answer them. I looked up the numbers on Google or some complaint boards like Report unknown numbers to I usually just block them immediately.
The only thing I see Biden killing is our country.
Serious question: When you see non-stop 50%-and-above polling for Biden, does it give you even a moment's worth of pause? Do you wonder for just a second if some of what you're being told may not be true?

This isn't an attack. I'm just curious.
NOBODY decent, sane, productive and legitimate responds to polls....Guess what that means?
Polls are worthless because they are based on the assumption that people will be honest
Don’t good, productive people ALWAYS have something better to do with their time?

Naw, productive people manage their time effectively... I'm sorry you never learned this.

Managing one's time effectively includes not allowing telemarketing pollsters and similar vermin to waste it.

Okay, if you say so, Bob. I'm trying to work in a Mormon Joke here but really can't. Oh well.

I think it's a question of who is giving the poll. I got a poll from our local Republican State Senate candidate, where this poor girl who was probably not the least bit interested in politics had to read from this script. I kind of felt bad for her and let her finish.
Do good productive people respond to political poll? I do. I add my voice to what's going on in the world as much as I can. At my old home I used to get the polls on the phone and in the mail all the time. I answered all of them.

I'm much the same when it comes to phone polls.

Only thing I ever get through the mail are questionnaires from the Republican Party. I figure the only part they really want filled is at the end of the questions there is a solicitation for a money donation. I don't waste my time nor a stamp on it.

I never responded to any online poll.
NOBODY decent, sane, productive and legitimate responds to polls....Guess what that means?

That in crazy right wing world

Polls are wrong
Elections are fixed
History is bad
The News Media is biased.

Anything where you don't have to deal with reality, bud.

Do good productive people respond to political poll? I do. I add my voice to what's going on in the world as much as I can. At my old home I used to get the polls on the phone and in the mail all the time. I answered all of them.

Most of us are far too busy to spend time on senseless bullshit. We spend our effort working, running businesses, raising families and telling Leftists to go fuck themselves on internet message boards.
/——/ USMB polls are the only ones I respond to, mostly because they are funny or offer an alternative answer like: Gumbo.

a rally for a loser."​


Here I am.
Look at me.
Listen to my lies.
Cheer for me.
Believe what I tell you.
Send me money.
Make me great again.

a rally for a loser."​


Here I am.
Look at me.
Listen to my lies.
Cheer for me.
Believe what I tell you.
Send me money.
Make me great again.


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