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Do hyphenated-Americans contribute to racism?

The fundamental idea behind racism is not that you are different but that between us you are an inferior form of human. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being different. Unless you have a twin you are different from everyone else anyway.
"You are inferior" is built on "you are different." You can't think someone is inferior to you without first thinking they are different from you. The more importance you place on that difference that you have recognized, the more misunderstanding, intolerance, and hate you invite. If you want to end racism, decreasing the importance of differences and increasing the importance of similarities is the fundamental place to start.
"You are inferior" is built on "you are different." You can't think someone is inferior to you without first thinking they are different from you. The more importance you place on that difference that you have recognized, the more misunderstanding, intolerance, and hate you invite. If you want to end racism, decreasing the importance of differences and increasing the importance of similarities is the fundamental place to start.

OK. I notice that you phrased this as a starting point rather than as a static solution, so what do you believe will be the immediate consequence of deemphasizing differences and what do you imagine the counter-move will be?
The fundamental idea behind racism is not that you are different but that between us you are an inferior form of human. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being different. Unless you have a twin you are different from everyone else anyway.
"You are inferior" is built on "you are different." You can't think someone is inferior to you without first thinking they are different from you. The more importance you place on that difference that you have recognized, the more misunderstanding, intolerance, and hate you invite. If you want to end racism, decreasing the importance of differences and increasing the importance of similarities is the fundamental place to start.

Everyone is superior to someone and inferior to someone else in some way or another...This "we are all equal in every way" BS people are indoctrinated to believe is just that...BS.

Nothing on earth is "equal". "Equality" is an artificial and inaccurate concept concocted by humans.

"In actual operation, Nature is cruel and merciless to men, as to all other beings. Let a tribe of human animals live a rational life, Nature will smile upon them and their posterity; but let them attempt to organize an unnatural mode of existence, an equality elysium, and they will be punished even to the point of extinction."
~ R. Redbeard ~
OK. I notice that you phrased this as a starting point rather than as a static solution, so what do you believe will be the immediate consequence of deemphasizing differences and what do you imagine the counter-move will be?

I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I understood your question correctly. Can you elaborate on what you mean by counter-move?
OK. I notice that you phrased this as a starting point rather than as a static solution, so what do you believe will be the immediate consequence of deemphasizing differences and what do you imagine the counter-move will be?

I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I understood your question correctly. Can you elaborate on what you mean by counter-move?

I'm assuming that you have something in mind when you write "decreasing the importance of differences and increasing the importance of similarities is the fundamental place to start" so I'm curious about a.) what actual method or policy you feel is the best way to achieve that and then b.) how do you imagine the policy would be received and what will your opponents do to counter the policy you support.

This is a dynamic game - move and countermove. You noted that the effort should "start" with your suggestion. I took this to mean that you had more suggestion in mind which would follow after the starting move was initiated.

Here's an example. People who hate the injustice of Affirmative Action work to make it illegal by amending their State Constitutions. This seriously pisses off black people who count on this to advance in their lives. They respond by suing the state and trying to overturn the changes. There are two factions which are diametrically opposed to each other's positions. There is no compromise in a binary stand-off. Either you have AA or you don't.

In general, here in the US there is a lot of white support for race neutrality - whites want a level playing field without racial interest groups and policies having any role. This is completely unacceptable to blacks and Hispanics because they end up a huge losers in terms of unequal outcomes and so they'll fight you tooth and nail.

You want to emphasize similarities but all Hispanics and blacks are going to see is unequal outcomes. Race is a hugely visible attribute in the social realm. The social variation that we see within white communities - some people are rich, others poor, some smart, others dumb, some in professional jobs, some in blue collar jobs, some thin, some fat, some healthy, some sick, is just seen as diversity within a community and accepted. However, if that diversity breaks along racial lines, for instance, if blacks are unhealthy, fat, predominantly in blue collar jobs, and poor then the differences are in your face difficult to avoid noticing. How will pointing out similarities soothe the griping about unequal outcomes?
If you want to end racism, decreasing the importance of differences and increasing the importance of similarities is the fundamental place to start.

I recalled reading something about what the idiot Swedes were doing and after a bit of searching I found it again. They're simply going to pretend that race doesn't exist, up and down, through their society. These guys are totally buying into the notion that race is a social construction - I suppose that they've thrown all their population geneticists into prison or something.

"We know that different human races actually do not exist," Swedish Integration Minister Erik Ullenhag told Sveriges Television (SVT).

"We also know that the fundamental grounds of racism are based on the belief that there are different races, and that belonging to a race makes people behave in a certain way, and that some races are better than others." . . .

Oscar Pripp, associate professor of ethnology at Uppsala University, welcomed the idea. He said that the concept of race is necessary to understand people's social behaviour, but that it is not necessary in law.

"It sounds rather sensible," Pripp told The Local. "Not to scrap the word entirely, but that it should not be included as a concept in legislation, because then you're saying that there are indeed different races."

Pripp went on to say that race in and of itself does not exist, but is rather something that is "done" in society, such as in the labour market, housing market, and other areas.​

So I had asked you about counter-moves. Here's one:

The proposal has come under sharp criticism, however, from the National Afro-Swedish Association (Afrosvensarnas Riksförbund, ASR).

"This scientific racism that Ullenhag is focused on, when he says that racism is based on believing in different races, is not true," Kitimbwa Sabuni, spokesperson for the ASR, told The Local.

"How many people in Sweden really think that way? Maybe 100. That's not the problem. Racism existed before the concept of race biology. Scientific racism is just one chapter in the story of race and racism."

Sabuni concurred that race is a social construction, but from there his views diverged.

"Just because it's a social construction doesn't mean it's not a reality," Sabuni said. "For us, this is just trying to take away the possibility to even talk about it. It's critical."
And here is the crux of the objection.

"How can you apply for a grant for fighting racism if the concept of race doesn't exist in legislation? Racism will disappear de facto from the agenda. The government is lost in a fantasy, a fantasy which counteracts effective work against racism."
So for the Swedes all this racial talking and the problems arising from multiculturalism are causing all sorts of social strife. The Swedes just want it to go away and they believe that by not talking about it, but stressing similarity and making it difficult to talk about differences, that the problems will indeed go away. However, those from the invader-class living in Sweden get a lot of benefit from talking about differences. The more they make Swedes feel guilty about differences in outcomes, the more money they can get for themselves and their projects designed to extort even more money.

I don't know if this is similar to what you're proposing but the Swedes really have an aversion to talking about race and this is actually now corrupting science. This is serious business because it involves willfully closing the eyes of scientists such that they don't dare acknowledge the genetic basis of race because it runs counter to the liberal notion that race is just a figment of our imaginations.

Here is a report of new research published in Sweden which investigates the rapid increase of male babies being born with deformed penises. The researchers state that they've tried to find the cause and they are baffled as to what is going on.

A condition which causes baby boys to be born with deformed penises is becoming more common in Sweden, for reasons unknown to scientists.

Researchers in Sweden assessed data collected on Hypospadias between 1973 and 2009. They found that before 1990, only 4.5 boys out of every thousand had the condition known as hypospadias. But after 1990, the figure had risen to 8 per 1000 boys.

In an attempt to explain the rise, the experts from Stockholm's Karolinksa Institute considered factors known to cause the defect, including low-birth weight, being born a twin, and parents who used IVF treatment to conceive.

However, scientists could not link the rise to any previously known causes, and instead concluded that an unknown factor was behind the trend, The Local reported.
They purposely avoid looking at the genetics of race, so I'm going to solve the puzzle for you because I always look at population variance when I read such studies. Have the demographics of Sweden changed over time? They can't look at that, but I sure can.

Hypospadias in Istanbul: Incidence and risk factors

Out of 1750 boys examined, 34 had hypospadias, that is, the frequency was 19.4 per 1000 male live-births
If you purposely close your eyes to the genetics of race, you are left willfully stupid. I don't have a clue how far you propose to take your solution of stressing similarities and avoiding discussing differences, but the Swedes are blazing a path forward and other than making them willfully stupid and a laughingstock, I highly doubt that this tactic will solve their racial problems.
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The fundamental idea behind the hyphenation is the same as the fundamental idea behind racism: we are different, you and I.

The fundamental idea behind racism is not that you are different but that between us you are an inferior form of human. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being different. Unless you have a twin you are different from everyone else anyway.
Says the feral negro who's more proud of the color brown than he is about being an American.
You must be really incensed you got caught not knowing how to lookup your blunder before you posted it. :lol:

Bubu nyeupe mvulana
Just because I told you how stupid it is to call yourself an African-American because you're not from Africa is no reason to not understand anything else I say. But then again, none of you guys ever came close to splitting the atom, and blacks need affirmative action just to try to keep up, so I guess I shouldn't expect too much from you. Carry on. :D
But then again, none of you guys ever came close to splitting the atom...

And you did, personally? You couldn't peel a banana by yourself, idiot. STFU before you make yourself look like even more of a loser.
On another thread, Even Bill Cosby has something to say on this issue:

We are not Africans. Those people are not Africans; they don't know a thing about Africa .....
I say this all of the time. It would be like white people saying they are European-American. That is totally stupid.
I was born here, and so were my parents and grand parents and, very likely my great grandparents. I don't have any connection to Africa, no more than white Americans have to Germany , Scotland , England , Ireland , or the Netherlands . The same applies to 99 percent of all the black Americans as regards to Africa . So stop, already! ! !
On another thread, Even Bill Cosby has something to say on this issue:

We are not Africans. Those people are not Africans; they don't know a thing about Africa .....
I say this all of the time. It would be like white people saying they are European-American. That is totally stupid.
I was born here, and so were my parents and grand parents and, very likely my great grandparents. I don't have any connection to Africa, no more than white Americans have to Germany , Scotland , England , Ireland , or the Netherlands . The same applies to 99 percent of all the black Americans as regards to Africa . So stop, already! ! !

Good point. I will repost this the next time someone here says in general to the black population as they frequently do, "go back to Africa".

Furthermore, when certain white people here like Shootspeeders, and his plethora of cartoon pals take personal credit based on accident of birth for the accomplishments and contributions to mankind by European inventors, explorers, scientists and scholars they should also be reminded of this. Thanks for posting the truth,
I don't know anything about any race war and I can't predict the future.
Now hush negro..you're getting too uppity.

So what's going happen when the so called "reckoning" comes, "blanco"?

Or are you just another "keyboard warrior" who lives vicariously through old Rambo movies?

See ya in the field.

No, you won't.
Figures. you're all bark and no bite.
I recalled reading something about what the idiot Swedes were doing and after a bit of searching I found it again. They're simply going to pretend that race doesn't exist, up and down, through their society. These guys are totally buying into the notion that race is a social construction - I suppose that they've thrown all their population geneticists into prison or something.

"We know that different human races actually do not exist," Swedish Integration Minister Erik Ullenhag told Sveriges Television (SVT).

"We also know that the fundamental grounds of racism are based on the belief that there are different races, and that belonging to a race makes people behave in a certain way, and that some races are better than others." . . .

Oscar Pripp, associate professor of ethnology at Uppsala University, welcomed the idea. He said that the concept of race is necessary to understand people's social behaviour, but that it is not necessary in law.

"It sounds rather sensible," Pripp told The Local. "Not to scrap the word entirely, but that it should not be included as a concept in legislation, because then you're saying that there are indeed different races."

Pripp went on to say that race in and of itself does not exist, but is rather something that is "done" in society, such as in the labour market, housing market, and other areas.​

So I had asked you about counter-moves. Here's one:

The proposal has come under sharp criticism, however, from the National Afro-Swedish Association (Afrosvensarnas Riksförbund, ASR).

"This scientific racism that Ullenhag is focused on, when he says that racism is based on believing in different races, is not true," Kitimbwa Sabuni, spokesperson for the ASR, told The Local.

"How many people in Sweden really think that way? Maybe 100. That's not the problem. Racism existed before the concept of race biology. Scientific racism is just one chapter in the story of race and racism."

Sabuni concurred that race is a social construction, but from there his views diverged.

"Just because it's a social construction doesn't mean it's not a reality," Sabuni said. "For us, this is just trying to take away the possibility to even talk about it. It's critical."
And here is the crux of the objection.

"How can you apply for a grant for fighting racism if the concept of race doesn't exist in legislation? Racism will disappear de facto from the agenda. The government is lost in a fantasy, a fantasy which counteracts effective work against racism."
So for the Swedes all this racial talking and the problems arising from multiculturalism are causing all sorts of social strife. The Swedes just want it to go away and they believe that by not talking about it, but stressing similarity and making it difficult to talk about differences, that the problems will indeed go away. However, those from the invader-class living in Sweden get a lot of benefit from talking about differences. The more they make Swedes feel guilty about differences in outcomes, the more money they can get for themselves and their projects designed to extort even more money.

I don't know if this is similar to what you're proposing but the Swedes really have an aversion to talking about race and this is actually now corrupting science. This is serious business because it involves willfully closing the eyes of scientists such that they don't dare acknowledge the genetic basis of race because it runs counter to the liberal notion that race is just a figment of our imaginations.

Here is a report of new research published in Sweden which investigates the rapid increase of male babies being born with deformed penises. The researchers state that they've tried to find the cause and they are baffled as to what is going on.

A condition which causes baby boys to be born with deformed penises is becoming more common in Sweden, for reasons unknown to scientists.

Researchers in Sweden assessed data collected on Hypospadias between 1973 and 2009. They found that before 1990, only 4.5 boys out of every thousand had the condition known as hypospadias. But after 1990, the figure had risen to 8 per 1000 boys.

In an attempt to explain the rise, the experts from Stockholm's Karolinksa Institute considered factors known to cause the defect, including low-birth weight, being born a twin, and parents who used IVF treatment to conceive.

However, scientists could not link the rise to any previously known causes, and instead concluded that an unknown factor was behind the trend, The Local reported.
They purposely avoid looking at the genetics of race, so I'm going to solve the puzzle for you because I always look at population variance when I read such studies. Have the demographics of Sweden changed over time? They can't look at that, but I sure can.

Hypospadias in Istanbul: Incidence and risk factors

Out of 1750 boys examined, 34 had hypospadias, that is, the frequency was 19.4 per 1000 male live-births
If you purposely close your eyes to the genetics of race, you are left willfully stupid. I don't have a clue how far you propose to take your solution of stressing similarities and avoiding discussing differences, but the Swedes are blazing a path forward and other than making them willfully stupid and a laughingstock, I highly doubt that this tactic will solve their racial problems.
You make a lot of sense. I had not really thought that far ahead. More a theoretical point. Pretending that race doesn't exist wouldn't help. I'm not saying that we should pretend that our differences do not exist. Differences are what makes the world interesting for one thing. The problem is making differences of prime importance.

There are all these groups out there that claim to want to end discrimination. But by making their DIFFERENCE from others their identity, they only invite more discrimination. Gay pride, black pride, it's all about declaring that "I am different and that difference is the most important aspect of who I am."

Unity isn't based in differences though. It is based in similarities. People don't form groups based on what makes them different from each other. They form groups based on what they have in common. Then the diversity in the group can help make them a more interesting stronger group, because the differences are there, but they are not the thing of most importance.

If we want true unity in America, we need to be proud to be American again. That's a similarity that can tie the truly different people together in the country while still allowing their differences to add real spice to the mix.

But you're right. The special interest groups don't really want unity. They want a cause.
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OK. I notice that you phrased this as a starting point rather than as a static solution, so what do you believe will be the immediate consequence of deemphasizing differences and what do you imagine the counter-move will be?

I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I understood your question correctly. Can you elaborate on what you mean by counter-move?

I'm assuming that you have something in mind when you write "decreasing the importance of differences and increasing the importance of similarities is the fundamental place to start" so I'm curious about a.) what actual method or policy you feel is the best way to achieve that and then b.) how do you imagine the policy would be received and what will your opponents do to counter the policy you support.

This is a dynamic game - move and countermove. You noted that the effort should "start" with your suggestion. I took this to mean that you had more suggestion in mind which would follow after the starting move was initiated.

Here's an example. People who hate the injustice of Affirmative Action work to make it illegal by amending their State Constitutions. This seriously pisses off black people who count on this to advance in their lives. They respond by suing the state and trying to overturn the changes. There are two factions which are diametrically opposed to each other's positions. There is no compromise in a binary stand-off. Either you have AA or you don't.

In general, here in the US there is a lot of white support for race neutrality - whites want a level playing field without racial interest groups and policies having any role. This is completely unacceptable to blacks and Hispanics because they end up a huge losers in terms of unequal outcomes and so they'll fight you tooth and nail.

You want to emphasize similarities but all Hispanics and blacks are going to see is unequal outcomes. Race is a hugely visible attribute in the social realm. The social variation that we see within white communities - some people are rich, others poor, some smart, others dumb, some in professional jobs, some in blue collar jobs, some thin, some fat, some healthy, some sick, is just seen as diversity within a community and accepted. However, if that diversity breaks along racial lines, for instance, if blacks are unhealthy, fat, predominantly in blue collar jobs, and poor then the differences are in your face difficult to avoid noticing. How will pointing out similarities soothe the griping about unequal outcomes?

I don't know anything about any race war and I can't predict the future.
Now hush negro..you're getting too uppity.

So what's going happen when the so called "reckoning" comes, "blanco"?

Or are you just another "keyboard warrior" who lives vicariously through old Rambo movies?

See ya in the field.
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I don't know anything about any race war and I can't predict the future.
Now hush negro..you're getting too uppity.

So what's going happen when the so called "reckoning" comes, "blanco"?

Or are you just another "keyboard warrior" who lives vicariously through old Rambo movies?

See ya in the field.

No, you won't.
Figures. you're all bark and no bite.

Yeah right. It is not I who alluded to a "day of reckoning" then when asked what I meant avoided answering the question.

You're a yellow Chihuahua who wishes he was a Pitbull.
Do terms like African-American, Asian-American, Muslim-American, etc. contribute to racism? I believe they do. Rather than making people out to be something other than a regular ol' "American" hyphenated forms seem to highlight how they're somehow different.

Yes, absolutely.

PC and Identity Politics have caused this country great harm and continue to do so.

The Left has gone out of its way to divide us for political advantage, and we are seeing the predictable result.

Hyphenated America, enjoy.

The fundamental idea behind racism is not that you are different but that between us you are an inferior form of human. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being different. Unless you have a twin you are different from everyone else anyway.
"You are inferior" is built on "you are different." You can't think someone is inferior to you without first thinking they are different from you. The more importance you place on that difference that you have recognized, the more misunderstanding, intolerance, and hate you invite. If you want to end racism, decreasing the importance of differences and increasing the importance of similarities is the fundamental place to start.

Everyone is superior to someone and inferior to someone else in some way or another...This "we are all equal in every way" BS people are indoctrinated to believe is just that...BS.

Nothing on earth is "equal". "Equality" is an artificial and inaccurate concept concocted by humans.

"In actual operation, Nature is cruel and merciless to men, as to all other beings. Let a tribe of human animals live a rational life, Nature will smile upon them and their posterity; but let them attempt to organize an unnatural mode of existence, an equality elysium, and they will be punished even to the point of extinction."
~ R. Redbeard ~

I agree that, except for equality before the law, equality is an illusion at best. In theory we could all be made equal in a world of utter mediocrity. If you worked hard enough to discourage excellence, you might be able to bring everyone down to the level of the weakest. That isn't really a goal worth pursuing though. Excellence and achievement are what advancement is made of. Encouraging mediocrity just undermines that.

I'm not suggesting that we should view ourselves as being identical to each other. That would be an incredibly boring world. Rather, I'm suggesting that where we place prime importance can either be used to divide or it can be used to unite. If prime importance is given to what makes us different, then we will be divided by that difference. If prime importance is given to what makes us the same, we can be united by the similarity. The differences don't go away. They simply aren't used to divide us.

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