Do liberals want a parasite tax? It would seem consistent:

Yea, attack the rich and businesses, drive them out of the nation! As usual liberals cannot see the forest for the trees...
POOR, poor megarich GOPers, only getting 99% of new wealth while the middle class and the country go to hell for 35 years now......what a pile of crap, poor little rich boy/lunatic liar...

He is telling the truth go shopping in the projects sometime,miles away from a supermarket and your paying $10 bucks fora little bag of potato chips
You dupes are incredible...After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!
Definitely the middle class better off under Carter than now. After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!
Socialism has never worked in the history of the planet… Fact
this is why nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics or civics.

Government is Socialism.
That is why government fails
Capitalism has boom and bust cycles.
Capitalism is power divided among millions of companies so boom and bust cycles affecting all of them are impossible it's only when federal monolithic monopolistic regulation is inserted that boom and bust cycles are possible. Great Depression and recent housing collapse are perfect examples .
The capitalist, South African government failed after about three years. More socialist Cuba can still, command economize their way to prosperity, whenever they want.
You dupes are incredible...After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!
Definitely the middle class better off under Carter than now. After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!
Socialism has never worked in the history of the planet… Fact
this is why nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics or civics.

Government is Socialism.
That is why government fails
this is why nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics or civics.

Government is Socialism.
That is why government fails
Capitalism has boom and bust cycles.
Capitalism is power divided among millions of companies so boom and bust cycles affecting all of them are impossible it's only when federal monolithic monopolistic regulation is inserted that boom and bust cycles are possible. Great Depression and recent housing collapse are perfect examples .
BS. You need gov't regulation or the natural greed of businesses run to maximize profits will create corrupt bubbles like 1929, 1989, and 2008- all of course under crony GOP rule...
Na, People should not depend on the federal government…
Our Founding Fathers thought differently, and gave us a Constitution for Government.
Socialism has never worked in the history of the planet… Fact
this is why nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics or civics.

Government is Socialism.
That is why government fails
That is why government fails
Capitalism has boom and bust cycles.
Capitalism is power divided among millions of companies so boom and bust cycles affecting all of them are impossible it's only when federal monolithic monopolistic regulation is inserted that boom and bust cycles are possible. Great Depression and recent housing collapse are perfect examples .
BS. You need gov't regulation or the natural greed of businesses run to maximize profits will create corrupt bubbles like 1929, 1989, and 2008- all of course under crony GOP rule...
Na, People should not depend on the federal government…
Our Founding Fathers thought differently, and gave us a Constitution for Government.
The federal government is there for a hand up... not a handout.
this is why nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics or civics.

Government is Socialism.
That is why government fails
Capitalism has boom and bust cycles.
Capitalism is power divided among millions of companies so boom and bust cycles affecting all of them are impossible it's only when federal monolithic monopolistic regulation is inserted that boom and bust cycles are possible. Great Depression and recent housing collapse are perfect examples .
BS. You need gov't regulation or the natural greed of businesses run to maximize profits will create corrupt bubbles like 1929, 1989, and 2008- all of course under crony GOP rule...
Na, People should not depend on the federal government…
Our Founding Fathers thought differently, and gave us a Constitution for Government.
The federal government is there for a hand up... not a handout.
All that may be required to achieve your point of view, is better solutions at lower cost, instead of nothing but repeal.

a solution hand up not a solution hand out.
Socialism has never worked in the history of the planet… Fact
this is why nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics or civics.

Government is Socialism.
That is why government fails
Capitalism has boom and bust cycles.
Capitalism is power divided among millions of companies so boom and bust cycles affecting all of them are impossible it's only when federal monolithic monopolistic regulation is inserted that boom and bust cycles are possible. Great Depression and recent housing collapse are perfect examples .

Boom and bust cycles happen naturally in any economy, for a number of different reasons. New technologies replace old and dying industries, or demographics shift markets. The difference with capitalism is that it allows a natural reset and market correction that occurs rather quickly, the old industries either die off and knew ones take their place and wealth is transferred to them...or the old industries adapt and try to compete for what ever it is consumers are looking for. To suggest that booms and busts don't happen under socialism is ridiculous, because they most certainly do, just the old industries petition government to keep them alive, and government wants to avoid the collapse, and artificially prop up markets and just wind up creating an even larger bubble. To say boom and bust don't happen in capitalism is also incorrect.

There was a depression 10 years prior to the Great Depression, that by every metric should have been much worse than the Great Depression. Harding and Coolidge came into to power, drastically cut government spending (68% in the first year alone) and the drastically cut taxes. The market self corrected within 18 months, and ushered in the greatest decade of prosperity growth the country has ever seen in the roaring 20s. Contrast that to the Great Depression, which was only the Great Depression in America, and lasted 10 years longer than everywhere else.
You are out of your mind. It lasted until WW II EVERYWHERE and was the result of GOP deregulation of Wall St and crony corruption, just like 2008. The 1919 recession was all about the end of WW I -ditto less gov't spending. Thanks GOP for wrecking the League of Nations and the depression and isolationism that gave Hitler and Japanese militarists their start and rise. Great job as always!
this is why nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics or civics.

Government is Socialism.
That is why government fails
Capitalism has boom and bust cycles.
Capitalism is power divided among millions of companies so boom and bust cycles affecting all of them are impossible it's only when federal monolithic monopolistic regulation is inserted that boom and bust cycles are possible. Great Depression and recent housing collapse are perfect examples .
BS. You need gov't regulation or the natural greed of businesses run to maximize profits will create corrupt bubbles like 1929, 1989, and 2008- all of course under crony GOP rule...
Na, People should not depend on the federal government…
Our Founding Fathers thought differently, and gave us a Constitution for Government.
The federal government is there for a hand up... not a handout.
Both. Or under the New BS GOP, neither. All to save the rich and giant corps from paying their fair share.
Last edited:
That is why government fails
Capitalism is power divided among millions of companies so boom and bust cycles affecting all of them are impossible it's only when federal monolithic monopolistic regulation is inserted that boom and bust cycles are possible. Great Depression and recent housing collapse are perfect examples .
BS. You need gov't regulation or the natural greed of businesses run to maximize profits will create corrupt bubbles like 1929, 1989, and 2008- all of course under crony GOP rule...
Na, People should not depend on the federal government…
Our Founding Fathers thought differently, and gave us a Constitution for Government.
The federal government is there for a hand up... not a handout.
Both. Or under the New BS GOP, neither. All to save the rich and giant corps from paying their fair share.

Franco is a bigot who hates the rich like Hitler hated the Jews. Gates Jobs Bezos Brin are the enemy for the jobs, products and charity they create, and for paying 45% of what federal and state govt spends!
You are out of your mind. It lasted until WW II EVERYWHERE and was the result of GOP deregulation of Wall St !
Friedman and Bernanke knew the money supply had dropped 34% by 1931 and that it caused the Great Depression. That wisdom enabled Bernanke to prevent the housing collapse from becoming another Great Depression. Franco dropped out of HS and so sticks to the liberal cartoon version of the Depression.
That is why government fails
Capitalism is power divided among millions of companies so boom and bust cycles affecting all of them are impossible it's only when federal monolithic monopolistic regulation is inserted that boom and bust cycles are possible. Great Depression and recent housing collapse are perfect examples .
BS. You need gov't regulation or the natural greed of businesses run to maximize profits will create corrupt bubbles like 1929, 1989, and 2008- all of course under crony GOP rule...
Na, People should not depend on the federal government…
Our Founding Fathers thought differently, and gave us a Constitution for Government.
The federal government is there for a hand up... not a handout.
Both. Or under the New BS GOP, neither. All to save the rich and giant corps from paying their fair share.
Any type of progressive tax is a cowardly act by overreaching federal government....
BS. You need gov't regulation or the natural greed of businesses run to maximize profits will create corrupt bubbles like 1929, 1989, and 2008- all of course under crony GOP rule...
Na, People should not depend on the federal government…
Our Founding Fathers thought differently, and gave us a Constitution for Government.
The federal government is there for a hand up... not a handout.
Both. Or under the New BS GOP, neither. All to save the rich and giant corps from paying their fair share.
Any type of progressive tax is a cowardly act by overreaching federal government....
BS. You need gov't regulation or the natural greed of businesses run to maximize profits will create corrupt bubbles like 1929, 1989, and 2008- all of course under crony GOP rule...
Na, People should not depend on the federal government…
Our Founding Fathers thought differently, and gave us a Constitution for Government.
The federal government is there for a hand up... not a handout.
Both. Or under the New BS GOP, neither. All to save the rich and giant corps from paying their fair share.
Any type of progressive tax is a cowardly act by overreaching federal government....
When the richest end up with almost all the new wealth for 30 years, the middle class and our country's infrastructure goes to hell, there's something wrong with the tax system, dupe.
Na, People should not depend on the federal government…
Our Founding Fathers thought differently, and gave us a Constitution for Government.
The federal government is there for a hand up... not a handout.
Both. Or under the New BS GOP, neither. All to save the rich and giant corps from paying their fair share.
Any type of progressive tax is a cowardly act by overreaching federal government....
Na, People should not depend on the federal government…
Our Founding Fathers thought differently, and gave us a Constitution for Government.
The federal government is there for a hand up... not a handout.
Both. Or under the New BS GOP, neither. All to save the rich and giant corps from paying their fair share.
Any type of progressive tax is a cowardly act by overreaching federal government....
When the richest end up with almost all the new wealth for 30 years, the middle class and our country's infrastructure goes to hell, there's something wrong with the tax system, dupe.
A progressive tax is taxation without representation… fact
Communist countries felt every able bodied person should be out working hard to build the communist paradise or to at least contribute to society. To discourage parasites they often had a so called "parasite tax". If someone got a job in a certain time frame the tax would often be refunded as an incentive.
In our society the top 1% for example pay 44% of all income tax and often supply millions of jobs and great innovative products while the bottom 1% pay no taxes and create no jobs or products. It seems that liberals might want a parasite tax on these people to encourage them to pay their fair share??

Top 1% earn 90% of the income . Shouldn't they pay 90% of income tax? They are getting away with measly 44%! Thieves !

Why exactly? I never understood the premise that higher taxes needed to be collected from the rich folk. Why? The government is going to spend what it wants regardless of the taxes they collect.

Now if government only spent what money comes in, that might make some sense, but they don't.

Nor does it make any sense that there is a finite amount of wealth. Wealth is created. 500 years ago there was not near the amount of wealth there is today, so why pretend there is a small pie that has to be divided equally among everyone?
When the richest end up with almost all the new wealth for 30 years, the middle class and our country's infrastructure goes to hell, there's something wrong with the tax system, dupe.

the rich end up with all the wealth because the liberals shipped middle class jobs to China with excessive taxes and regulations, attacked and destroyed the families schools churches, and then invited in 30 million illegals to take what jobs are left and bid down wages.

The solution is to change the liberal policies not steal from the rich at gunpoint
When the richest end up with almost all the new wealth for 30 years, the middle class and our country's infrastructure goes to hell, there's something wrong with the tax system, dupe.

the rich end up with all the wealth because the liberals shipped middle class jobs to China with excessive taxes and regulations, attacked and destroyed the families schools churches, and then invited in 30 million illegals to take what jobs are left and bid down wages.

The solution is to change the liberal policies not steal from the rich at gunpoint
BULLSHYTTE! lol All taxes are stealing at gunpoint, dupe. Progressive taxes are that way for a reason. Without it, the rich get way too rich and the middle class and the country falls apart. DUHHHH.
. Progressive taxes are that way for a reason. Without it, the rich get way too rich and the middle class and the country falls apart. DUHHHH.

You love to lie to yourself that what the rich have is taken from the poor. When are you going to stop the bigotry?? You scapegoat the rich like Hitler scapegoated the Jews!!
When the richest end up with almost all the new wealth for 30 years, the middle class and our country's infrastructure goes to hell, there's something wrong with the tax system, dupe.

the rich end up with all the wealth because the liberals shipped middle class jobs to China with excessive taxes and regulations, attacked and destroyed the families schools churches, and then invited in 30 million illegals to take what jobs are left and bid down wages.

The solution is to change the liberal policies not steal from the rich at gunpoint
There are 11 million illegals, and the Dems have been trying to get an unfakable SS ID card passed for years. The GOP won't allow the only solution. They LOVE the cheap labor. They also refuse the cheap training and education we need for all the tech jobs that the new markets produce for smart countries like Germany. They love ignorant dupes.
When the richest end up with almost all the new wealth for 30 years, the middle class and our country's infrastructure goes to hell, there's something wrong with the tax system, dupe.

the rich end up with all the wealth because the liberals shipped middle class jobs to China with excessive taxes and regulations, attacked and destroyed the families schools churches, and then invited in 30 million illegals to take what jobs are left and bid down wages.

The solution is to change the liberal policies not steal from the rich at gunpoint
There are 11 million illegals, and the Dems have been trying to get an unfakable SS ID card passed for years. The GOP won't allow the only solution. They LOVE the cheap labor. They also refuse the cheap training and education we need for all the tech jobs that the new markets produce for smart countries like Germany. They love ignorant dupes.

a card stops them from migrating to our country??
the rich end up with all the wealth because the liberals shipped middle class jobs to China with excessive taxes and regulations, attacked and destroyed the families schools churches, and then invited in 30 million illegals to take what jobs are left and bid down wages.

The solution is to change the liberal policies not steal from the rich at gunpoint

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