Do liberals want a parasite tax? It would seem consistent:

. Progressive taxes are that way for a reason. Without it, the rich get way too rich and the middle class and the country falls apart. DUHHHH.

You love to lie to yourself that what the rich have is taken from the poor. When are you going to stop the bigotry?? You scapegoat the rich like Hitler scapegoated the Jews!!
Flat tax is just like that. Try and remain calm, superdupe. lol. See the Gilded Age. See the 20's. See all history. We'll be a GOP banana republic rich people- DEMS- get it.
When the richest end up with almost all the new wealth for 30 years, the middle class and our country's infrastructure goes to hell, there's something wrong with the tax system, dupe.

the rich end up with all the wealth because the liberals shipped middle class jobs to China with excessive taxes and regulations, attacked and destroyed the families schools churches, and then invited in 30 million illegals to take what jobs are left and bid down wages.

The solution is to change the liberal policies not steal from the rich at gunpoint
There are 11 million illegals, and the Dems have been trying to get an unfakable SS ID card passed for years. The GOP won't allow the only solution. They LOVE the cheap labor. They also refuse the cheap training and education we need for all the tech jobs that the new markets produce for smart countries like Germany. They love ignorant dupes.

a card stops them from migrating to our country??
the rich end up with all the wealth because the liberals shipped middle class jobs to China with excessive taxes and regulations, attacked and destroyed the families schools churches, and then invited in 30 million illegals to take what jobs are left and bid down wages.

The solution is to change the liberal policies not steal from the rich at gunpoint
An unfakable SS ID card stops them from getting a job. The reason they come.
An unfakable SS ID card stops them from getting a job. The reason they come.

thats of course is really really stupid. In my town they have designated pick up areas where illegals wait to be picked up for work every morning. Employers do not care about ID's just the cheap labor. Do you understand?
An unfakable SS ID card stops them from getting a job. The reason they come.

thats of course is really really stupid. In my town they have designated pick up areas where illegals wait to be picked up for work every morning. Employers do not care about ID's just the cheap labor. Do you understand?
They can just fake the GOP SS card DUHHH. Of course you have to enforce the new card system DUHHH. Quote the whole thing and think, dumbass.
An unfakable SS ID card stops them from getting a job. The reason they come.

thats of course is really really stupid. In my town they have designated pick up areas where illegals wait to be picked up for work every morning. Employers do not care about ID's just the cheap labor. Do you understand?
They can just fake the GOP SS card DUHHH. Of course you have to enforce the new card system DUHHH. Quote the whole thing and think, dumbass.
And building a stupid, un-American wall won't do a gd thing...
working class is already paying a fairly high tax bill through payroll and state and local taxes.

Refresh our memory why people in blue states and cities pay a higher taxes in state and local?

Uhm could it be, just possibly they vote against their wallets by voting democrat dupe?

They like good services and don't like mooching off the federal gov't and other states?

IRRELEVANT to this argument, which is that the GOP has cut taxes mainly on the rich the last 35 years, due to less fed aid the states have raised THEIR taxes- which kill the NONRICH- YOU DUPES, and now we basically have a flat tax system that is pander to the rich GOP idiocy. And you are duped by GOP bs propaganda into thinking the rich pay a lot %wise. Get it, ferchrissake?

They cut taxes, it mainly effects the rich the most, since the rich pay the most in our progressive income tax system. What flat tax says, is that rich don't have less rights than everyone else. The only ones who don't pay the flat tax is those who make 50,000 or less. You get taxed on everything you make past you're first 50,000. It's even and fair for the rich, the poor, and those in between. The rights goal is not tax cuts for the rich. That's a petty false strawman. Sure there are plenty of republican politicians working for the rich donors. There's plenty of Dems (even though they say they aren't) that are also fighting for their rich donors (at least just as much if not more). It's all a play for power that involves pitting both sides against each other while you rob them blind. And both sides are getting duped
No, dumbass, the rich used to pay MORE %WISE, up to 90% on over a million in today's dollars. Today their top rate is 40% and their are PLENTY of GOP loopholes so they pay the same %WISE as the middle class and we have no money for infrastructure and education. The Dems want the opposite, and you are a brainwashed functional MORON. WAKE UP!!!

And if it was GOP loopholes that were helping the rich, then why didn't Obama with control of the legislative branch get rid of these loopholes? The Dems have had plenty of opportunities to do away with them, but they always rush to blame the GOP for their inability to" fix" with control of legislative and executive branches. Again you're naive if you think the Dems are above lining their pockets.

Top 10 wealthiest senators

The government has spent 16 trillion alone on the war on poverty, and the only results is a bigger wage gap, more dependent on government, and more poor that stay poor. Before you blame this solely on the GOP, remember, a lot of this happened under Obamas watch.
You are trying to put forward a syllogistic illogical assumption that only the Dems tax incomes, when it is and has been done by both sides, Jesus approves of welfare...
working class is already paying a fairly high tax bill through payroll and state and local taxes.

Refresh our memory why people in blue states and cities pay a higher taxes in state and local?

Uhm could it be, just possibly they vote against their wallets by voting democrat dupe?

They like good services and don't like mooching off the federal gov't and other states?

IRRELEVANT to this argument, which is that the GOP has cut taxes mainly on the rich the last 35 years, due to less fed aid the states have raised THEIR taxes- which kill the NONRICH- YOU DUPES, and now we basically have a flat tax system that is pander to the rich GOP idiocy. And you are duped by GOP bs propaganda into thinking the rich pay a lot %wise. Get it, ferchrissake?

They cut taxes, it mainly effects the rich the most, since the rich pay the most in our progressive income tax system. What flat tax says, is that rich don't have less rights than everyone else. The only ones who don't pay the flat tax is those who make 50,000 or less. You get taxed on everything you make past you're first 50,000. It's even and fair for the rich, the poor, and those in between. The rights goal is not tax cuts for the rich. That's a petty false strawman. Sure there are plenty of republican politicians working for the rich donors. There's plenty of Dems (even though they say they aren't) that are also fighting for their rich donors (at least just as much if not more). It's all a play for power that involves pitting both sides against each other while you rob them blind. And both sides are getting duped
No, dumbass, the rich used to pay MORE %WISE, up to 90% on over a million in today's dollars. Today their top rate is 40% and their are PLENTY of GOP loopholes so they pay the same %WISE as the middle class and we have no money for infrastructure and education. The Dems want the opposite, and you are a brainwashed functional MORON. WAKE UP!!!

And if it was GOP loopholes that were helping the rich, then why didn't Obama with control of the legislative branch get rid of these loopholes? The Dems have had plenty of opportunities to do away with them, but they always rush to blame the GOP for their inability to" fix" with control of legislative and executive branches. Again you're naive if you think the Dems are above lining their pockets.

Top 10 wealthiest senators

The government has spent 16 trillion alone on the war on poverty, and the only results is a bigger wage gap, more dependent on government, and more poor that stay poor. Before you blame this solely on the GOP, remember, a lot of this happened under Obamas watch.
You are trying to put forward a syllogistic illogical assumption that only the Dems tax incomes, when it is and has been done by both sides, Jesus approves of welfare...

Too bad Federal and State and Local revenue authorities prohibit Jesus images and Crucifixes in the office. You might have a case. Good thing Jesus prefers US giving directly to the Church over the State when it comes to welfare.
An unfakable SS ID card stops them from getting a job. The reason they come.

thats of course is really really stupid. In my town they have designated pick up areas where illegals wait to be picked up for work every morning. Employers do not care about ID's just the cheap labor. Do you understand?
They can just fake the GOP SS card DUHHH. Of course you have to enforce the new card system DUHHH. Quote the whole thing and think, dumbass.
And building a stupid, un-American wall won't do a gd thing...

So stand up, grow a pair, and call for Open Borders. It's what you people want.
An unfakable SS ID card stops them from getting a job. The reason they come.

thats of course is really really stupid. In my town they have designated pick up areas where illegals wait to be picked up for work every morning. Employers do not care about ID's just the cheap labor. Do you understand?
They can just fake the GOP SS card DUHHH. Of course you have to enforce the new card system DUHHH. Quote the whole thing and think, dumbass.
And building a stupid, un-American wall won't do a gd thing...

So stand up, grow a pair, and call for Open Borders. It's what you people want.
Actually, I want to end the illegal problem with the only solution there is, an unfakable ss id card and enforcement, and of course letting most of them stay. Throwing the worthy hardworking ones out is a stupid racist dream. The GOP invited them in by blocking a good SS card forever...
An unfakable SS ID card stops them from getting a job. The reason they come.

thats of course is really really stupid. In my town they have designated pick up areas where illegals wait to be picked up for work every morning. Employers do not care about ID's just the cheap labor. Do you understand?
They can just fake the GOP SS card DUHHH. Of course you have to enforce the new card system DUHHH. Quote the whole thing and think, dumbass.
And building a stupid, un-American wall won't do a gd thing...

So stand up, grow a pair, and call for Open Borders. It's what you people want.
And Hillary was talking about open borders FOR TRADE ONLY, as her DREAM, superdupe.
An unfakable SS ID card stops them from getting a job. The reason they come.

thats of course is really really stupid. In my town they have designated pick up areas where illegals wait to be picked up for work every morning. Employers do not care about ID's just the cheap labor. Do you understand?
They can just fake the GOP SS card DUHHH. Of course you have to enforce the new card system DUHHH. Quote the whole thing and think, dumbass.
And building a stupid, un-American wall won't do a gd thing...

So stand up, grow a pair, and call for Open Borders. It's what you people want.
Stand up and grow a pair, call for socialism on a national basis, it is what You people want.
An unfakable SS ID card stops them from getting a job. The reason they come.

thats of course is really really stupid. In my town they have designated pick up areas where illegals wait to be picked up for work every morning. Employers do not care about ID's just the cheap labor. Do you understand?
They can just fake the GOP SS card DUHHH. Of course you have to enforce the new card system DUHHH. Quote the whole thing and think, dumbass.
And building a stupid, un-American wall won't do a gd thing...

So stand up, grow a pair, and call for Open Borders. It's what you people want.
And Hillary was talking about open borders FOR TRADE ONLY, as her DREAM, superdupe.

See what happens when you drop out of HS??
“My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, some time in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere.”
thats of course is really really stupid. In my town they have designated pick up areas where illegals wait to be picked up for work every morning. Employers do not care about ID's just the cheap labor. Do you understand?
They can just fake the GOP SS card DUHHH. Of course you have to enforce the new card system DUHHH. Quote the whole thing and think, dumbass.
And building a stupid, un-American wall won't do a gd thing...

So stand up, grow a pair, and call for Open Borders. It's what you people want.
And Hillary was talking about open borders FOR TRADE ONLY, as her DREAM, superdupe.

See what happens when you drop out of HS??
“My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, some time in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere.”
Well, Politifact calls your conclusion mostly false. That would be her dream, she's certainly not for more illegal workers coming in. If we had an unfakable ID card and enforcement, it could be done someday, but hardy with terrorism. IT'S A DREAM ferchrisske she told to BRAZILIANS lol...The GOP will never end the problem, they love the cheap, easily bullied labor, dupe.
They can just fake the GOP SS card DUHHH. Of course you have to enforce the new card system DUHHH. Quote the whole thing and think, dumbass.
And building a stupid, un-American wall won't do a gd thing...

So stand up, grow a pair, and call for Open Borders. It's what you people want.
And Hillary was talking about open borders FOR TRADE ONLY, as her DREAM, superdupe.

See what happens when you drop out of HS??
“My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, some time in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere.”
Well, Politifact calls your conclusion mostly false. That would be her dream, she's certainly not for more illegal workers coming in. If we had an unfakable ID card and enforcement, it could be done someday, but hardy with terrorism. IT'S A DREAM ferchrisske she told to BRAZILIANS lol...The GOP will never end the problem, they love the cheap, easily bullied labor, dupe.

always stupid!! libturds want the immigrant vote just like in California even if it means taking 30 million more jobs from Americans

Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, which favors stricter immigration control, believes Clinton’s plan undermines immigration laws.

"She’s putting forward the most radical immigration plan ever put down on paper by a candidate," Krikorian said. "She has pledged to refuse to deport any illegal alien who has not been convicted of a violent crime."

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