Do Republicans Not Understand How Moronic It Is To Blame Obama For Today's Economy Yet Won't Give..

Same tired bullshit you Keynesians have been posting for decades.

She's wrong which makes you stupid.
And yet you can't explain why she is wrong. Have some humility. Economists know more than you, k pumpkin?

I don't need to. The whole foundation of her claims have been blown apart for decades. Her math doesn't add up and she's excluding key parameters. It's all about making the conclusion fit the POV.

She knows nothing...just like you.
Well if that's true you should be able to sum it up. Go ahead. I'll wait.

Wait for what. For me to explain to you why your brainfart of an article is wrong when the article makes no attempt to prove it is right.

Sorry Billy. It don't work that way.

Just because you say it is correct does not make it so (especially in your case).
I've challenged Board liberals repeatedly to tell us all what Barack Obama's plans are to create jobs and stimulate the economy and the only answer that ever seems to come back is that "you can't make plans if you know the other side won't let you do them!" I'm sorry folks but that's a cop out! You CAN make plans and you CAN present them to the American people and let THEM pressure Congress into acting! Barry doesn't DO that because Barry hasn't had an economic stimulus plan since the Obama Stimulus tanked WAY back in the beginning of his first term. Since then he hasn't even tried. I'll bet you can't even tell me who his economic advisers ARE...can you? Think about that! The number one concern for Americans in poll after poll for six years has been jobs and the economy and yet you don't know who Barry's economic "gurus" are!

Same tired bullshit you Keynesians have been posting for decades.

She's wrong which makes you stupid.
And yet you can't explain why she is wrong. Have some humility. Economists know more than you, k pumpkin?

I don't need to. The whole foundation of her claims have been blown apart for decades. Her math doesn't add up and she's excluding key parameters. It's all about making the conclusion fit the POV.

She knows nothing...just like you.
Well if that's true you should be able to sum it up. Go ahead. I'll wait.

Wait for what. For me to explain to you why your brainfart of an article is wrong when the article makes no attempt to prove it is right.

Sorry Billy. It don't work that way.

Just because you say it is correct does not make it so (especially in your case).
Oh boy. You cons crack me up.
I've challenged Board liberals repeatedly to tell us all what Barack Obama's plans are to create jobs and stimulate the economy and the only answer that ever seems to come back is that "you can't make plans if you know the other side won't let you do them!" I'm sorry folks but that's a cop out! You CAN make plans and you CAN present them to the American people and let THEM pressure Congress into acting! Barry doesn't DO that because Barry hasn't had an economic stimulus plan since the Obama Stimulus tanked WAY back in the beginning of his first term. Since then he hasn't even tried. I'll bet you can't even tell me who his economic advisers ARE...can you? Think about that! The number one concern for Americans in poll after poll for six years has been jobs and the economy and yet you don't know who Barry's economic "gurus" are!
Hmm well we have had consistent job growth each month since the stimulus came into effect. Hmmmm
I've challenged Board liberals repeatedly to tell us all what Barack Obama's plans are to create jobs and stimulate the economy and the only answer that ever seems to come back is that "you can't make plans if you know the other side won't let you do them!" I'm sorry folks but that's a cop out! You CAN make plans and you CAN present them to the American people and let THEM pressure Congress into acting! Barry doesn't DO that because Barry hasn't had an economic stimulus plan since the Obama Stimulus tanked WAY back in the beginning of his first term. Since then he hasn't even tried. I'll bet you can't even tell me who his economic advisers ARE...can you? Think about that! The number one concern for Americans in poll after poll for six years has been jobs and the economy and yet you don't know who Barry's economic "gurus" are!
Hmm well we have had consistent job growth each month since the stimulus came into effect. Hmmmm
Yeah job growth for illegal immigrants.
I've challenged Board liberals repeatedly to tell us all what Barack Obama's plans are to create jobs and stimulate the economy and the only answer that ever seems to come back is that "you can't make plans if you know the other side won't let you do them!" I'm sorry folks but that's a cop out! You CAN make plans and you CAN present them to the American people and let THEM pressure Congress into acting! Barry doesn't DO that because Barry hasn't had an economic stimulus plan since the Obama Stimulus tanked WAY back in the beginning of his first term. Since then he hasn't even tried. I'll bet you can't even tell me who his economic advisers ARE...can you? Think about that! The number one concern for Americans in poll after poll for six years has been jobs and the economy and yet you don't know who Barry's economic "gurus" are!
Hmm well we have had consistent job growth each month since the stimulus came into effect. Hmmmm
Yeah job growth for illegal immigrants.
Lol all for the illegals. Tell me, if that were true, why would that be Obama's fault?
I've challenged Board liberals repeatedly to tell us all what Barack Obama's plans are to create jobs and stimulate the economy and the only answer that ever seems to come back is that "you can't make plans if you know the other side won't let you do them!" I'm sorry folks but that's a cop out! You CAN make plans and you CAN present them to the American people and let THEM pressure Congress into acting! Barry doesn't DO that because Barry hasn't had an economic stimulus plan since the Obama Stimulus tanked WAY back in the beginning of his first term. Since then he hasn't even tried. I'll bet you can't even tell me who his economic advisers ARE...can you? Think about that! The number one concern for Americans in poll after poll for six years has been jobs and the economy and yet you don't know who Barry's economic "gurus" are!
Hmm well we have had consistent job growth each month since the stimulus came into effect. Hmmmm
Yeah job growth for illegal immigrants.
Lol all for the illegals. Tell me, if that were true, why would that be Obama's fault?
It's his job to police the border and send the illegals back, Duh!

Instead the effing POS advertises for them to come here illegally, rolls out the red carpet and lets them go waving his hands claiming he can't do anything about it.

Not just that but he frigging arms the drug dealers and human traffickers with machine guns.

His effing POS VP is bragging about all the stuff Obama's gonna do for the illegals after the elections.

Fact it this POTUS is a PIECE OF CRAP.
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I've challenged Board liberals repeatedly to tell us all what Barack Obama's plans are to create jobs and stimulate the economy and the only answer that ever seems to come back is that "you can't make plans if you know the other side won't let you do them!" I'm sorry folks but that's a cop out! You CAN make plans and you CAN present them to the American people and let THEM pressure Congress into acting! Barry doesn't DO that because Barry hasn't had an economic stimulus plan since the Obama Stimulus tanked WAY back in the beginning of his first term. Since then he hasn't even tried. I'll bet you can't even tell me who his economic advisers ARE...can you? Think about that! The number one concern for Americans in poll after poll for six years has been jobs and the economy and yet you don't know who Barry's economic "gurus" are!
Hmm well we have had consistent job growth each month since the stimulus came into effect. Hmmmm

Jesus, Billy...are you kidding? It's been the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression! Job growth has been grinding along for years now. I guess you could call that "consistent" growth but consistently sluggish is not something to brag about!

So...did you want to tell me who Barry's economic advisers are? And then give us a brief synopsis of what their plan is to put people back to work? Or are you going to keep on ducking?
...any blame to Bush for it? You have this mantra that liberals love to blame Bush for everything yet when it is so obvious something is Bush's fault you still say that bullshit.

Now it's debatable how much Bush had to do with the Great Recession but I think it is safe to say he at least contributed a small part to it (TIME has a great article on that). Despite that, you put most of the blame on Obama for the economy that he inherited and it's just fucking stupid.

According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created close to 3 million private jobs. Not only that, but we have seen twice as many private sector jobs created in his first term than in both of Bush's. These are facts. The stock market has never been better. You can whine about them being false but they are very much true.

I think it's absolutely ridiculous to say this recovery has been "slow". The economy lost 8 million jobs to that recession. What kind of job growth are you repubs expecting? What would be suitable for you? A million jobs a month? Do you not see how ridiculous that sounds? Do you really expect any economy from any part of the globe to get a million jobs a month? That seems to be what you clowns are demanding. I mean how many jobs should we be creating every month? Why is it Obama's fault we haven't your magic number? Nowadays, we have regained all the jobs we lost. Yes, you can whine about it not keeping up with population growth if you want but it is still true.

Oh, and some of you love to bring up the small number of parttime jobs created under Obama. Tell me, if job creators are wealthier than they have ever been, why is it that you don't put any blame on them for the economic mess this country suffered? Why don't you ask them where all the full time jobs are?

Obama 8217 s Numbers July 2014 Update
Oh, I know, I know...!!!

Because of politics.

Iths tho thimple.
I've challenged Board liberals repeatedly to tell us all what Barack Obama's plans are to create jobs and stimulate the economy and the only answer that ever seems to come back is that "you can't make plans if you know the other side won't let you do them!" I'm sorry folks but that's a cop out! You CAN make plans and you CAN present them to the American people and let THEM pressure Congress into acting! Barry doesn't DO that because Barry hasn't had an economic stimulus plan since the Obama Stimulus tanked WAY back in the beginning of his first term. Since then he hasn't even tried. I'll bet you can't even tell me who his economic advisers ARE...can you? Think about that! The number one concern for Americans in poll after poll for six years has been jobs and the economy and yet you don't know who Barry's economic "gurus" are!
Hmm well we have had consistent job growth each month since the stimulus came into effect. Hmmmm

Jesus, Billy...are you kidding? It's been the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression! Job growth has been grinding along for years now. I guess you could call that "consistent" growth but consistently sluggish is not something to brag about!

So...did you want to tell me who Barry's economic advisers are? And then give us a brief synopsis of what their plan is to put people back to work? Or are you going to keep on ducking?
So...a few hundred thousand a month isn't enough? Why not?
I've challenged Board liberals repeatedly to tell us all what Barack Obama's plans are to create jobs and stimulate the economy and the only answer that ever seems to come back is that "you can't make plans if you know the other side won't let you do them!" I'm sorry folks but that's a cop out! You CAN make plans and you CAN present them to the American people and let THEM pressure Congress into acting! Barry doesn't DO that because Barry hasn't had an economic stimulus plan since the Obama Stimulus tanked WAY back in the beginning of his first term. Since then he hasn't even tried. I'll bet you can't even tell me who his economic advisers ARE...can you? Think about that! The number one concern for Americans in poll after poll for six years has been jobs and the economy and yet you don't know who Barry's economic "gurus" are!
Hmm well we have had consistent job growth each month since the stimulus came into effect. Hmmmm

Jesus, Billy...are you kidding? It's been the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression! Job growth has been grinding along for years now. I guess you could call that "consistent" growth but consistently sluggish is not something to brag about!

So...did you want to tell me who Barry's economic advisers are? And then give us a brief synopsis of what their plan is to put people back to work? Or are you going to keep on ducking?
So...a few hundred thousand a month isn't enough? Why not?
This is why:
I've challenged Board liberals repeatedly to tell us all what Barack Obama's plans are to create jobs and stimulate the economy and the only answer that ever seems to come back is that "you can't make plans if you know the other side won't let you do them!" I'm sorry folks but that's a cop out! You CAN make plans and you CAN present them to the American people and let THEM pressure Congress into acting! Barry doesn't DO that because Barry hasn't had an economic stimulus plan since the Obama Stimulus tanked WAY back in the beginning of his first term. Since then he hasn't even tried. I'll bet you can't even tell me who his economic advisers ARE...can you? Think about that! The number one concern for Americans in poll after poll for six years has been jobs and the economy and yet you don't know who Barry's economic "gurus" are!
Hmm well we have had consistent job growth each month since the stimulus came into effect. Hmmmm

Jesus, Billy...are you kidding? It's been the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression! Job growth has been grinding along for years now. I guess you could call that "consistent" growth but consistently sluggish is not something to brag about!

So...did you want to tell me who Barry's economic advisers are? And then give us a brief synopsis of what their plan is to put people back to work? Or are you going to keep on ducking?
So...a few hundred thousand a month isn't enough? Why not?
This is why:
lol you cons cling to this stat when you have nothing else. News flash: the labor participation rate has been declining before Obama came to office and two of the primary reasons why it has been declining is retirement and disability claims.
One try Billy, that is all you get. I'm going to simplify this to an absurd level so that you can understand this nonsense you are spewing about Obama creating 3 times more jobs than Bush in eight years.

Let us suppose that there was a population of one million people, and as populations go, let say they grow at a rate of 1%. This means that every year, there is ten-thousand more people.

Now, let's say that the job growth (a function of a healthy economy didn't you know) is 3% of that one million. This means that there will be a steady supply of jobs over the course of time. So, in 10 years, we have created 300,000 jobs while he population has only grown by 100,000.

Now a recession hits, and 750,000 of the original jobs are lost in addition to 250,000 of the grown jobs. This means that we have only 300,000 jobs in total. With Me so far?

After time, the recovery happens and of the 1 million jobs lost, 600,000 return. However, this takes six years and there is no appreciable job growth because the economy is still weak because there has been a significant lack of coherent policy for recovery.

Now, the baseline of jobs is 900,000 and slowly growing.

Here is the question you need to ask yourself.

Did we really add three times the number of jobs as was created in the previous decade?

You see; 300,000 are all that was created in 10 years, but it was 300,000 positive jobs. Meaning that they added to the overall amount.

However, the recovery is bumping along at a lower level and now adding jobs at a lower rate, yet people like you will buy into the spin that we have added three times the number of jobs as previously, when, in fact, we are still behind and will always be behind until the economy grows jobs at a rate to replace what we had, and what we would have had if the recession never occurred.

These numbers can be directly correlated with what we have been going on in this nation right now. Growth is low, jobs are increasing, but at a lower rate than previously, and the only gains that can be credited are new growth jobs, not recovered lost jobs.
Now, I am going to ask you a serious question.

Name, specifically, those programs that Obama has introduced to the Congress (DO NOT USE GENERALITIES!!) that have resulted in economic growth.

I was the agencies that are running these programs; I want the specific work they are doing in the communities to get more jobs; I want the regulations authorizing these agencies and I want the specific law enacted that has created jobs in the past six years.

Think you can handle that?
I've challenged Board liberals repeatedly to tell us all what Barack Obama's plans are to create jobs and stimulate the economy and the only answer that ever seems to come back is that "you can't make plans if you know the other side won't let you do them!" I'm sorry folks but that's a cop out! You CAN make plans and you CAN present them to the American people and let THEM pressure Congress into acting! Barry doesn't DO that because Barry hasn't had an economic stimulus plan since the Obama Stimulus tanked WAY back in the beginning of his first term. Since then he hasn't even tried. I'll bet you can't even tell me who his economic advisers ARE...can you? Think about that! The number one concern for Americans in poll after poll for six years has been jobs and the economy and yet you don't know who Barry's economic "gurus" are!
Hmm well we have had consistent job growth each month since the stimulus came into effect. Hmmmm

Jesus, Billy...are you kidding? It's been the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression! Job growth has been grinding along for years now. I guess you could call that "consistent" growth but consistently sluggish is not something to brag about!

So...did you want to tell me who Barry's economic advisers are? And then give us a brief synopsis of what their plan is to put people back to work? Or are you going to keep on ducking?
So...a few hundred thousand a month isn't enough? Why not?

Billy? It's comments like THAT one...that show quite clearly that you don't know much at all about economics. Before the recession we needed to create about 120,000 jobs per month to keep up with population growth. 200,000 new jobs a month means that you are only adding about 80,000 jobs a month as you attempt to make up for the 8 million or so jobs that were lost at the height of the recession. You do the math on that, long would it take to make up that many jobs at 80,000 a month?

Still think 200,000 new jobs a month are enough?
BillO is a confirmed Obamabot. Anything Barry does is fine with him.

Barry wasted two years with his absurd ACA that he and the Dems foisted on the American taxpayer instead of focusing on the economy.

Its been six years and the economy is still sluggish at best.

We still have another two years with that idiot in the WH.

A guy who's never held a real job in his entire life. A guy we taxpayers will be supporting for the rest of his life. He doesn't care about the economy. Why should he? He's not running for POTUS again.

Save your breath trying to explain things to BillyO. He also could care less.
I do my best to try and educate some of the "slower" members of the US MessageBoard, Claudette. It's a thankless task...:bang3:
Where the phrase "originated" means little, Billy! The fact is that the Obama Administration latched onto it because it obscured how few job were created under the Obama Stimulus.

And I DO understand economics...hence my understanding of why tax cuts promote real job growth and extending unemployment does not.
You keep saying that it created few jobs yet you offer no evidence or explanation. I can give you the link to the CBO article if you'd like as well as the independent article explaining why extending unemployment benefits created jobs.

Tax cuts for the middle class stimulates some growth, but tax cuts for the wealthy do very little. Why? Because this is a consumer based economy. The wealthy, in reality, invest very little of their money. They keep it. That's mostly why 1% of the top earners own 40% of the nation's wealth. Economic growth relies more on consumer demand than it does investment anyway. Investment only accounts for 30% of our economy. And if you do understand that tax cuts allow for more consumer spending, why wouldn't you understand that extending unemployment benefits stimulates consumer spending as well. Yes, it adds to our debt but so do tax cuts! The difference is that stimulating demand is more beneficial to the economy than investment. Again this is further complicated by the fact that the wealthy invest less and less these days.

God,'re SO clueless when it comes to economics! It's like arguing philosophy with a two year old!

You create jobs with the anticipation of profit. Cutting taxes is one way of letting investors know that if they DO risk capital to start up or expand a business that they will be able to keep more of their possible profits. It's a way of changing the equation in the minds of investors to take a risk. When the government agrees to take less that means that an investor stands to make more which might change that equation just enough to get them to risk that capital. When the government sends the message that they want more...that also changes the equation for investors. Letting consumers have more money to spend isn't going to create more jobs if at the same time you take away some of the anticipation of profit from the investors that are needed to create those jobs!
See you're talking about an abstract, psychological idea affecting growth. It just doesn't work like that. If it does, we are talking about a minuscule amount. Also, this doesn't change the fact that the wealthy invest very little these days.

"Letting consumers have more money to spend isn't going to create more jobs if at the same time you take away some of the anticipation of profit from the investors that are needed to create those jobs!"

What? That does not make any sense. How could giving UI discourage investment? Lol even if it did, in Obama's case he extended Bush's tax cuts so that wouldn't even be close to a problem.

Come on man. You are missing facts.

The wealthy don't invest? That's one of the stupidest statements ever made on this board, Billy! Investment is what wealthy people do!!!! It's WHERE they invest that either creates or doesn't create employment. It scares me that there are so many people in this country as ignorant about economics as you are!

A wealthy person with a choice between a tax sheltered investment that carries zero risk but a small return...or an investment in a business start-up that promises a larger return but substantial risk is weighing the risks vs. the returns of both strategies. When you lower the tax they would have to pay on that risky start-up...then you alter the equation that they are looking at when they decide where to put part of their capital.

That risky start-up is what will create new jobs. When you chase investment capital out of such start-ups and into "safe" sheltered investments you are killing jobs. Raising taxes is one more reason for investors NOT to pull the trigger on that risky start-up.
No try and keep up will you? I didn't say the wealthy don't invest. I'm saying that nowadays, they keep much more of their money than they invest. Think about it. Why would they bother investing most of the money they save from tax cuts? They are already rich as hell. They don't need to invest extra to whatever they usually invest in. Like I said, the vast majority of the wealth is concentrated at the top. Look at the facts: job growth under Bush was pitiful despite his enormous cuts.

To start with, the Bush tax cuts were not for the 'wealthy.' They lowered the tax rates for ALL taxpayers. I agree that job growth was pitiful under Bush, but the reason was because everyone already had a job. I believe the average UE rate for Bush's 8 years was 5.8%. It has not reached that number in the last 6 years.
The wealthy don't invest? That's one of the stupidest statements ever made on this board, Billy! Investment is what wealthy people do!!!! It's WHERE they invest that either creates or doesn't create employment. It scares me that there are so many people in this country as ignorant about economics as you are!

A wealthy person with a choice between a tax sheltered investment that carries zero risk but a small return...or an investment in a business start-up that promises a larger return but substantial risk is weighing the risks vs. the returns of both strategies. When you lower the tax they would have to pay on that risky start-up...then you alter the equation that they are looking at when they decide where to put part of their capital.

That risky start-up is what will create new jobs. When you chase investment capital out of such start-ups and into "safe" sheltered investments you are killing jobs. Raising taxes is one more reason for investors NOT to pull the trigger on that risky start-up.
No try and keep up will you? I didn't say the wealthy don't invest. I'm saying that nowadays, they keep much more of their money than they invest. Think about it. Why would they bother investing most of the money they save from tax cuts? They are already rich as hell. They don't need to invest extra to whatever they usually invest in. Like I said, the vast majority of the wealth is concentrated at the top. Look at the facts: job growth under Bush was pitiful despite his enormous cuts.

The rich are concerned with maintaining capital, Billy. What are you talking about when you say that they "keep more of their money than they invest"? Do you think that the wealthy have millions stuffed under their mattresses? They don't...the wealthy have to make their money work for them. They choose investment strategies designed to keep their capital intact and hopefully to increase it. They have expenses...expenses that they need income to pay. They don't "keep"'s always going to be working for them somewhere. What Progressives like you don't seem to grasp is the effect that you have on potential investment when you start proposing things like letting tax cuts expire or doing a Cap & Trade thing that will increase the cost of energy for US businesses. Even if you don't GET that legislation passed...the mere threat of it being passed makes investors change their calculations on whether or not to risk capital on a start-up business or expansion of an existing one. That's something that Barry has done REPEATEDLY during his six years in office!
For Christ's sakes. Here is the proof you clown:

"Marketwatch estimates that over 90% of the assets owned by millionaires are held in a combination of low-risk investments (bonds and cash), the stock market, and real estate. According to economist Richard Wolff, about half of the assets of the richest 1% are held inunincorporated business equity (personal business accounts). The Wall Street Journal notes that over three-quarters of individuals worth over $20 million are invested in hedge funds.

Angel investing (capital provided by affluent individuals for business start-ups) accounted for less than 1% of theinvestable assets of high net worth individuals in North America in 2011.

The Mendelsohn Affluent Survey confirmed that the very rich spend less than two percent of their money on new business startups. The last thing most of them want, apparently, is the risky business of hiring people for new innovation."

How the Job Creators REALLY Spend Their Money Common Dreams Breaking News Views for the Progressive Community

Trickle down economics is a lie my friend...

"Trickle down economics" IS a lie, Billy! It doesn't exist except as a pejorative uttered by liberals like yourself who don't understand the first thing about economics.

Profits trickle up...not down! They always have...they always will. Labor gets paid before ownership takes it's profit...if indeed they ever DO take a profit. Labor gets paid whether ownership makes a profit or not.

As for that article you cited? Should it come as a shock to anyone that the wealthy didn't choose to invest in start-ups in 2011? Refresh my memory on the dates we're talking about...wasn't Barack Obama President of the United States back then? Weren't the Democrats pushing a campaign message of "we need to tax the rich more!"? Why WOULD the rich invest in risky start-ups when you Progressives were promising to tax the living begeezus out of what ever profits they DID make?
Do you happen to know what the actual tax rate Obama proposed for the wealthy?

We have an income tax, not a wealth tax, so the tax rate Bush proposed for the wealthy would be zero.
Yes once again you cons demonstrate you don't even know what was even in the stimulus. The extension of unemployment was the heart of the stimulus package. The dems pushing for the extension was simply trying to extend what made the stimulus worked. I know it sounds counter intuitive, but extending unemployment benefits creates jobs. How you ask? Demand side economics. See what extending unemployment benefits does is put money in hands in the people who would otherwise not be spending money in the market. These people used their money on basic essentials like food, clothing and shelter. That boosted economic growth which in turn created jobs. Yes it added to our national debt, but every dollar lost in revenue created $1.21 in economic growth.

The results of Hope and Change, the stimulus and the trickle UP theory.

About 260,000 people who had a college or professional degree made at or below the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour last year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

260 000 graduates in minimum wage jobs - Mar. 31 2014

So why does Obama want to raise the minimum wage?

More than 3.5 million Americans work at or below the minimum wage, up more than 50 percent from a decade ago, and government data show that the numbers of minimum wage workers have swollen even among those with college and advanced degrees.

Twice as Many College Grads in Minimum Wage Jobs as 5 Years Ago - US News

... and in an election cycle where Democrats are vulnerable in trying desperately to hold a majority in the senate, a poor producing job market doesn't favor well with this kind of 'Hope and Change'.

Full-time jobs last month plunged by 523,000, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. What has increased are part-time jobs. They soared by about 800,000 to more than 28 million. Just think of all those Americans working part time, no doubt glad to have the work but also contending with lower pay,

Mortimer Zuckerman The Full-Time Scandal of Part-Time America - WSJ

The left's Washington Post agrees.
the spike in part-time work since the recession has been largely involuntary. These workers may have had their hours cut or are unable to find full-time jobs, earning them the official designation of “part-time for economic reasons.”

More Americans are stuck in part-time work - The Washington Post

The high share of workers who are part time for economic reasons is one reason that the Labor Department’s broadest measure of unemployment remains far above its 8.8 percent pre-recession level. U6 unemployment, which includes involuntarily part time and discouraged job seekers in addition to the jobless, is 12.2 percent, or almost double the 6.2 percent level of the main unemployment rate.

Part-Time Workers a Full-Time Headache on Yellen Radar Economy - Bloomberg

Is this how a "trickle up" economy has proven itself to be effective in moving our nation in the RIGHT direction in creating jobs? Has all that lost revenue of unemployment extensions helped create a stronger healthier economy? The facts we see here speaks for themselves.
Same tired bullshit you Keynesians have been posting for decades.

She's wrong which makes you stupid.
And yet you can't explain why she is wrong. Have some humility. Economists know more than you, k pumpkin?

I don't need to. The whole foundation of her claims have been blown apart for decades. Her math doesn't add up and she's excluding key parameters. It's all about making the conclusion fit the POV.

She knows nothing...just like you.
Well if that's true you should be able to sum it up. Go ahead. I'll wait.

Wait for what. For me to explain to you why your brainfart of an article is wrong when the article makes no attempt to prove it is right.

Sorry Billy. It don't work that way.

Just because you say it is correct does not make it so (especially in your case).
Oh boy. You cons crack me up.

Oh, you are already pretty cracked up (or up on crack).

Please keep starting threads that basically poison the premise in the title by using words like moronic. You'll get just what you are looking for.....a reason to masturbate.

When you present some numbers based arguments (meaning you present and explain the numbers...not point to some asswipe and say "she said it so it must be true", maybe people on this board will quit calling you the board dipshit.

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