Do we have a right to defend our heritage and culture with force?

Tell icecube that he can pursue anything. But he also has to prepare for the pursuit. And some pursuits take time.
Why can’t we get the same time as all ordinary kids the same age in the burbs?
I already told you you don’t accept reality

The reality is that what you are complaining about is not a loss of liberty. It is just your own shortcomings.

Get into an apprentice program. Go to college. Go to a trade school. Join the military. There are numerous ways to get the skills you need.
The reality is that what you are complaining about is not a loss of liberty. It is just your own shortcomings.

Get into an apprentice program. Go to college. Go to a trade school. Join the military. There are numerous ways to get the skills you need.
Oh yea 225 ppl die a day of drug over dose never seen before, it’s all our fault 🤣🤡
Why can’t we get the same time as all ordinary kids the same age in the burbs?

Because the kids in one suburb don't get exactly the same as kids in another suburb.

If you live in a ghetto things will be tougher. That is a fact of life.
Things are not fair. That is also a fact of life.

But people have been succeeding and excelling, despite life being tough, since the beginning. Quit whining and start doing something to improve your life.
Because the kids in one suburb don't get exactly the same as kids in another suburb.

If you live in a ghetto things will be tougher. That is a fact of life.
Things are not fair. That is also a fact of life.

But people have been succeeding and excelling, despite life being tough, since the beginning. Quit whining and start doing something to improve your life.
Schools were very similar to the suburbs in 1965 and before. Black schools in the ghetto on three 1965 or some of the best schools in America. Would you like to go over what things changed? Hehe lol
Schools were very similar to the suburbs in 1965 and before. Black schools in the ghetto on three 1965 or some of the best schools in America. Would you like to go over what things changed? Hehe lol

On what do you base your claims? Your vast experience in public schools before 1965?
On what do you base your claims? Your vast experience in public schools before 1965?
I bast base of knowledge, Family, neighbors, I lived here for a few generations, I know who used to buy home and who buys homes now, jobs, business owner ship.. they all have something in common ones you have been exposed to today’s immigration and ones that haven’t.
I haven't really been tracking the "debate" here, but what the fuck? Defend heritage and culture with force??? What does that even mean? Are you saying that you should have the right to beat people up if they mock your "heritage"?
I haven't really been tracking the "debate" here, but what the fuck? Defend heritage and culture with force??? What does that even mean? Are you saying that you should have the right to beat people up if they mock your "heritage"?
No way unless they attack
No way unless they attack
Attack what? If they attack your person, or your property - absolutely you have the right to defend yourself with force. But this concept of defending your heritage and culture? What the fuck is that?
Attack what? If they attack your person, or your property - absolutely you have the right to defend yourself with force. But this concept of defending your heritage and culture? What the fuck is that?
That’s what I’m asking what do you think?
That's what I'm wondering. If you don't want to answer, don't.
Yes I think heritage and culture is important for a country, should be protected, helps the poor rise out of poverty to have pride, a culture, a identity.
Yes I think heritage and culture is important for a country, should be protected, helps the poor rise out of poverty to have pride, a culture, a identity.
That's doesn't answer the question. The question is - what does defend it with force mean?
That's doesn't answer the question. The question is - what does defend it with force mean?
It means peacefully confronting foreigners that refuse our norms culture heritage in common language, asking them to respect it. Speak it. Confront him sometimes 20 times a day. Until they do it.. peaceful..
My communication skills were developed young like everyone else.. unfortunately many were around immigrants that stunted Communication skills, no matter what job I have that will always be a issue with millions of us
I learned their language to hire and train them.

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