Do we live in America or do we live in Africa?

Sounds like the most boring, inbred town in America. 😄

Here in Miami I get to hear Spanish, Haitian and jamaican patois where ever I go. I can get a beef pattie and a Cuban coffee on any street corner and there is no shortage of beautiful, exotic women for as far as the eye can see, especially at this F1 race I'm at right now. :funnyface:
You can thank Gov. DeSantis for that.
Probably because they're the most gullible consumers, so the marketers go after them. If they can be sold 'rap' as music, they can be sold anything. Same with daytime TV. Who else sits around watching that crap?

Not people who are working.
And doesn’t want the sales from the 70% of people who make uo their consumer base? You’re saying they want to be known as the store that caters primarily to blacks - the minority?

Your racism is showing, Lisa. You're saying whites won't shop at Macy's if they market to blak
While ignoring a larger percentage of the purchasing public. Like Bud Light, they will reap what they sow.

Lol 😂
So, you are suggesting that they no longer want my business

Perhaps they assume you are not a hate filled racist that will stop giving them your business because they have a black person in an ad

Silly them
This is part of the reason why I cut the cable going on three years ago.
It is ALL Gaslight Theatre. ALL of it.
I like watching YouTube, but the adds are just as bad there too.
Whichever telescreen we choose, it is hard to escape this insanity.

We cut cable in 2013. No regrets.

We have NetFlix, Hulu, HBO, Amazon Prime, and AppleTv. Plenty to watch. Complete control over what and when we watch something. And no commercials.
Hahaha…yeah just pay no attention to the timing and George Floyds demands from six feet under.
Look dude…don’t become pathetic, your level of wokeness is headed there fast. NO ADVERTISER ever spent money trying to reach consumers with no money and with no known interest in their product or service until George Floyd said they had to. NO sane advertiser would target the thirteen percentile…most of whom are broke as fuck. Again, Twilight Zone shit in Twilight Zone times.

Only an idiot thinks that all blacks are broke.
We cut cable in 2013. No regrets.

We have NetFlix, Hulu, HBO, Amazon Prime, and AppleTv. Plenty to watch. Complete control over what and when we watch something. And no commercials.
We are about to do the same thing. The service choices are hanging us up. I figure we will be cable free by June 1.
I read this and I wonder why anyone pays attention to the skin color of people in commercials.

But, each to their own I guess.
I read it and wondered where the hell they get their video entertainment from.

I don't know about you GG but I see a fuck ton of white people in advertising. They are all over the place. What mental disorder does it take to see a slight overrepresentation in advertising and skew that as being almost exclusive.

The right is killing itself.
I truly can care less about how the fascist left will label me a racist for this thread I am posting. When I see advertisements on television, if I didn't know any better I'd think we are living in Africa, not America. The majority of advertisements are dominated by black actors and actresses. Well, what makes that interesting is, the percentage of black people in America is 13.6%, yet they are in they majority of advertisements. So, I ask; why are there not more advertisements featuring Latinos instead of black people? There are more Latinos in America than black people, there are more white people in America than black people - yet black people dominate the advertisements. Do we live in Africa and I am just not aware of it and I am using stats for America instead of Africa? Don't EVER talk to me about white privilege, the only racial privilege is black privilege - that is the only race that has a privilage.

As for me, I would not mind at all seeing some advertisements featuring Latinos, Native Americans, Asians, Pacific Islanders, Eastern Indians and giving them some identity and significance as well. Why are some of these ethnicities being ignored? Supposedly, we live in the melting pot known as America - not Africa, perhaps corporations should do a better job of diversity instead of caving in to black privilege.
First … I hate advertisements no matter who's featured, but it's true that we're being bombarded with a bunch of blacks mumbling in Ebonics or Rap Lingo. I still haven't learned that language, so I'm not the least bit interested in what they're selling.
Every fucking time I watch commercial TV the people selling the crap are Blacks. I am watching a MLB game this afternoon and the assholes had five straight commercial where the actors were all Black. Not a White person to be seen.

They are not marketing to me. They are marketing to the goddamn Negroes.

They are doing it to brainwash Children too on a lot of shows like 90 day fiancee. Blacks a ALL safe and often Doctors. White guys are all dopes and clowns.
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Thread is locked, while I go back and delete off topic from 5 pages of BS, started in the wrong forum, as not politics, just racial view commercial on TV, pissing off some, pleasing others, that devolved into slave ships, bad history, and attacks, instead of discussion of: "I truly can care less about how the fascist left will label me a racist for this thread I am posting. When I see advertisements on television, if I didn't know any better I'd think we are living in Africa, not America. The majority of advertisements,blah, blah, blah....
Thread is now unlocked after cleaning off-topic, responses to off-topic and flames/attacks without thread related content. Stay on the topic of advertising to various ethnic groups or leave, or you will be removed and/or further actioned.
They are doing it to brainwash Children too on a lot of shows like 90 day fiancee. Blacks a ALL safe and often Doctors. White guys are all dopes and clowns.
There are so many racist stereotypes of blacks, it will take a while....and bs
First … I hate advertisements no matter who's featured, but it's true that we're being bombarded with a bunch of blacks mumbling in Ebonics or Rap Lingo. I still haven't learned that language, so I'm not the least bit interested in what they're selling.

You must get totally different ads than the rest of us. I have never seen an ad that uses Ebonics or rap lingo.

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