Do we live in America or do we live in Africa?

I don't make decisions in my life based on what is best for any given race. I make my decisions based on what is best for me and mine, with a caveat that I like to spend locally.

But you know who is a piece of shit? The person who decides not to shop someplace because of the race of the people in their ads. If you want what they sell, and the price is acceptable, what does it matter if there are blacks, whites, asians or martians on their poster?
Has anyone here said they don’t shop at companies that demonstrate racism in favor of their potential black customers? We are just pointing out the racism involved in selecting models for ads based on their skin color.
Do you choose not to buy from a store because they have posters of black people?

I bet the answer is yes but she will likely lack the backbone to admit it
I’ll admit it….you wokesters have created a monster. I do my best not to spend one cent with anybody OTW (other than white)
I definitely will not hire anybody OTW.
Trust me, theres a shit-ton of this going on…like always, you white guilters have got in your own way once again.
I don't make decisions in my life based on what is best for any given race. I make my decisions based on what is best for me and mine, with a caveat that I like to spend locally.

But you know who is a piece of shit? The person who decides not to shop someplace because of the race of the people in their ads. If you want what they sell, and the price is acceptable, what does it matter if there are blacks, whites, asians or martians on their poster?

Every fucking time I watch commercial TV the people selling the crap are Blacks. I am watching a MLB game this afternoon and the assholes had five straight commercial where the actors were all Black. Not a White person to be seen.

They are not marketing to me. They are marketing to the goddamn Negroes.
Commercials that feature mostly whites.................

Progressive Insurance. Liberty Insurance. Just about any truck commercial. Most of the commercials for drugs.

Shows that feature whites as the main character, where minorities are solidly in the supporting cast...............

Last Man Standing. Young Sheldon. Big Bang Theory. Supernatural. Most of the car shows on Motortrend channel.

Nope, sorry, but black people and minorities aren't exactly taking over the airwaves. And, these are just shows that I watch. I'm pretty sure that if I started to dig in and get actual statistics, the research would more than likely point out that most of the television shows and commercials are pretty much dominated by white people.
Every fucking time I watch commercial TV the people selling the crap are Blacks. I am watching a MLB game this afternoon and the assholes had five straight commercial where the actors were all Black. Not a White person to be seen.

They are not marketing to me. They are marketing to the goddamn Negroes.

Do you want or need the products they are selling? If so, buy them. If not, then don't buy them. Blaming the race of the people in the commercials is ridiculous.
Your racism is showing, Lisa. You're saying whites won't shop at Macy's if they market to blacks.
I didn’t say that. I said they are not attracting whites by marketing to people other than them.

But right on cue….out with the racist shit. You libs are getting boring.
Your racism is showing, Lisa. You're saying whites won't shop at Macy's if they market to blacks.
To the contrary, you are showing that you are OK with racism, as long as it’s against whites. Obviously, when 80% of posters are selected from 13% of the population, the company is making hiring decisions based on race. That type of statistical imbalance just doesn’t happen.
To the contrary, you are showing that you are OK with racism, as long as it’s against whites. Obviously, when 80% of posters are selected from 13% of the population, the company is making hiring decisions based on race. That type of statistical imbalance just doesn’t happen.

Who the fuck pays attention to the posters in a store?

Is your life really so devoid of meaning that you actually do this?
Do you want or need the products they are selling? If so, buy them. If not, then don't buy them. Blaming the race of the people in the commercials is ridiculous.
If I see Blacks pitching a product I usually think that the product producers are not trying to market me.

Of course nowadays the advertisers are not advertising to their product demographics. They are just doing filthy ass woke advertising and it is despicable. Kissing the filthy ass of the Blacks and weak Whites that see nothing wrong with racial misappropriation. I see commericals with Black actors for products that very few Blacks buy.
If I see Blacks pitching a product I usually think that the product producers are not trying to market me.

Of course nowadays the advertisers are not advertising to their product demographics. They are just doing filthy ass woke advertising and it is despicable. Kissing the filthy ass of the Blacks and weak Whites that see nothing wrong with racial misappropriation. I see commericals with Black actors for products that very few Blacks buy.

So you think major corporations are spending billions of dollars, not to entice customers but to push some woke agenda? Losing money to push a political bit?

Wow. That is stunningly ignorant.
When I see advertisements on television, if I didn't know any better I'd think we are living in Africa, not America. The majority of advertisements are dominated by black actors and actresses. Well, what makes that interesting is, the percentage of black people in America is 13.6%, yet they are in they majority of advertisements.

This must be extremely traumatizing for you.
I have noticed that TV commercials are starting to feature more Asian people, Hispanic people, and gay people -- not to mention inter-racial couples.

It is true that TV commercials do feature African Americans more than any other ethnicity except for Caucasians, who still dominate the commercials (at least here in the Los Angeles market).

Perhaps advertisers stipulate so many African Americans because they feel that they have a moral obligation to let African Americans know that they are now welcomed everywhere and that they are very important in American society.
If I see Blacks pitching a product I usually think that the product producers are not trying to market me.

Of course nowadays the advertisers are not advertising to their product demographics. They are just doing filthy ass woke advertising and it is despicable. Kissing the filthy ass of the Blacks and weak Whites that see nothing wrong with racial misappropriation. I see commericals with Black actors for products that very few Blacks buy.
How do you know what they buy?

It is a market decision, not a “woke” decision.
I truly can care less about how the fascist left will label me a racist for this thread I am posting. When I see advertisements on television, if I didn't know any better I'd think we are living in Africa, not America. The majority of advertisements are dominated by black actors and actresses. Well, what makes that interesting is, the percentage of black people in America is 13.6%, yet they are in they majority of advertisements. So, I ask; why are there not more advertisements featuring Latinos instead of black people? There are more Latinos in America than black people, there are more white people in America than black people - yet black people dominate the advertisements. Do we live in Africa and I am just not aware of it and I am using stats for America instead of Africa? Don't EVER talk to me about white privilege, the only racial privilege is black privilege - that is the only race that has a privilage.

As for me, I would not mind at all seeing some advertisements featuring Latinos, Native Americans, Asians, Pacific Islanders, Eastern Indians and giving them some identity and significance as well. Why are some of these ethnicities being ignored? Supposedly, we live in the melting pot known as America - not Africa, perhaps corporations should do a better job of diversity instead of caving in to black privilege.
This is part of the reason why I cut the cable going on three years ago.
It is ALL Gaslight Theatre. ALL of it.
I like watching YouTube, but the adds are just as bad there too.
Whichever telescreen we choose, it is hard to escape this insanity.
If you are seeing more blacks in commercials, you can rest assured the businesses see a segment of the population they should market their product to.

They don't waste their advertising dollars on it otherwise.
So, you are suggesting that they no longer want my business
If you are seeing more blacks in commercials, you can rest assured the businesses see a segment of the population they should market their product to.

They don't waste their advertising dollars on it otherwise.
Hahaha…yeah because blacks always camp, fish, drive Subaru’s and drink Jack Daniels. SAVE IT bud….we are in a Twilight Zone pretend period where advertisers are fully engaged in a ’who’s the woke-est‘ contest…..this lunacy isn’t sustainable and everyone even half sane knows it.
Hahaha…yeah because blacks always camp, fish, drive Subaru’s and drink Jack Daniels. SAVE IT bud….we are in a Twilight Zone pretend period where advertisers are fully engaged in a ’who’s the woke-est‘ contest…..this lunacy isn’t sustainable and everyone even half sane knows it.

If I were wanting to attract new customers, I'd do the same thing you were calling "woke".
If I were wanting to attract new customers, I'd do the same thing you were calling "woke".
Hahaha…yeah just pay no attention to the timing and George Floyds demands from six feet under.
Look dude…don’t become pathetic, your level of wokeness is headed there fast. NO ADVERTISER ever spent money trying to reach consumers with no money and with no known interest in their product or service until George Floyd said they had to. NO sane advertiser would target the thirteen percentile…most of whom are broke as fuck. Again, Twilight Zone shit in Twilight Zone times.

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