Do we need a digital/cyberspace bill of rights?

Cheering on regulations and equal treatment?! Fucking commie! :mad:

The left doesn't believe in "equal treatment". The left believes in and demands conformity of thought.
Net neutrality has nothing to do with this discussion.

Yes, it does.

Government acting as arbiter and enforcer of what it deems to be neutral is government acting as arbiter and enforcer of what it deems to be neutral, no matter how you wanna frame it.

The prior argument was that facebook and youtube were removing content from their sites.

Net Neutrality has nothing to do with that. The net neutrality rules from the FCC, had no effect either way, on what Facebook and Youtube have on their sites.

As for government acting as arbiter, I do not support that.

But Net Neutrality had to do with giving specific content companies, higher priority on bandwidth. It had nothing to do with the content being provided. Meaning, again back to the original point about Youtube and Facebook removing content from their sites, higher priority of content, does not have anything to do with the content itself.

The two are entirely different topics, that are not related in any way.

Both I agree, are unwanted and unnecessary intervention in the market. On that level they are connected. But they really are not connected to each other. Just connected in that they are both stupid government controls.
Maybe your definition of a Conservative differs from mine.

There's no maybe about it.

If we wanna be good conservatives, we have to ask what the proper role of government should be. And we have a very good guide. It's called the constitution. Not what John McCain thought about anything.
So explain something to me.
How can Conservatives rule the radio waves yet they cant break into the internet?
It's not like they dont have millions of followers who are active in politics.
So whats your hypothesis as to why Conservatives dont have the same representation?
It defies logic.

There are very, very few conservatives left in America. Very few.

You are nutz. I doubt conservatives are the majority, but 'very few'? Like 40% of the entire population very few? What definition of "very few" are you using?
You are nutz. I doubt conservatives are the majority, but 'very few'? Like 40% of the entire population very few? What definition of "very few" are you using?

Most are rabid statists who understand very little of what conservatism actually means. They're routinely no less big-government than those whom they attack as leftists. The only difference is that at least the admitted statists whom they call leftists actually have the intellectual honesty to admit their position. That's at least respectable.

The only real conservatives left in America are classical liberals. And, I, for one, am offended to have to accept an adjective in order to placate confused statists who consistently misrepresent conservatism.
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Social media and cyberspace are not silencing conservatives. Ya fucking whiners.

That's not entirely true. Crowder was kicked off, and demonetized, even though by Youtubes own statement, they did nothing wrong. So.... yeah they are somewhat.

I'm not going down rabbit holes full of grievances with people.who refuse to accept the fact that private companies can decide what does and does not get put on their websites and other platforms.

I never suggested that companies can't decide what is on their website.

I fully accept that.

Facebook can openly turn into a left-wing outlet if they want. It's their site, and they have the right to do with it as they please.
You are nutz. I doubt conservatives are the majority, but 'very few'? Like 40% of the entire population very few? What definition of "very few" are you using?

Most are rabid statists who understand very little of what conservatism actually means.

I know of dozens of conservatives who quote the constitution, and claim that government doesn't have the constitutional authority to do what it is doing.

I hope you are not doing what the media does, which is you look at only the people who are shouting back at you, rather than those who silently agree.

If you come on here talking to a bunch of right-wing people, and say government shouldn't do X... the ones that are going to reply are the ones who disagree. If you base your assessment of conservatives on those who reply back, you would get that idea that few people are really conservative.

But that's because the other 100 people who saw your post, agreed and moved on without saying anything.

Doesn't mean that there are few conservatives left in the country. Just that the ones who are not, are the ones you see.

This is like Media and protesters. 100 protesters show up, yelling and screaming, and the media starts spouting off "HUGE SUPPORT FOR REFORM!".... of course there are 2 million people in the city, that didn't protest, because they liked how things were working.
But the media doesn't see those people because they are..... working. Instead of pooping in a park, and calling it OWS.
If you come on here talking to a bunch of right-wing people, and say government shouldn't do X... the ones that are going to reply are the ones who disagree. If you base your assessment of conservatives on those who reply back, you would get that idea that few people are really conservative.

But that's because the other 100 people who saw your post, agreed and moved on without saying anything.

Doesn't mean that there are few conservatives left in the country. Just that the ones who are not, are the ones you see.

Hmmm.. maybe. I sure hope you're right. But at the same time, it be really swell if these chickenshit "conservatives" would speak up, instead of sitting on their hands while fascists shit all over the Constitution. All for a couple of seats on the SC.
If you come on here talking to a bunch of right-wing people, and say government shouldn't do X... the ones that are going to reply are the ones who disagree. If you base your assessment of conservatives on those who reply back, you would get that idea that few people are really conservative.

But that's because the other 100 people who saw your post, agreed and moved on without saying anything.

Doesn't mean that there are few conservatives left in the country. Just that the ones who are not, are the ones you see.

Hmmm.. maybe. I sure hope you're right. But at the same time, it be really swell if these chickenshit "conservatives" would speak up, instead of sitting on their hands while fascists shit all over the Constitution. All for a couple of seats on the SC.

Well, you do realize that most of us have lives outside of politics.

I do think that having an actual party for conservatives, would be helpful. I didn't vote for Trump or Hillary in 2016, because I hated both of them. While Trump has turned out far better than I expected, he is blowing money all over the place, like I feared he would.

As I've said for now 4 years.... I would have loved to had a real conservative choice, and I would have most certainly voted for such.

Let's be honest.... when the options are Trump, or worse than Trump... it's hard to speak up.
The 1st Amendment not working? The way to beat the media is not to buy their product and the way to beat politicians is in the voting booth. In other words the 270 year old original "bill of rights" is good enough if we safeguard it.
Denying one sides voice is not equal.
It's not equal treatment. But it is equal rights. Conservatives and libertarians know the difference. Nationalists do not.

Actually it's not when one side holds all the cards.

It's still equal rights. Even if one side ”holds all the cards”. Even if there's only one bakery in town, the baker still has the right to say no.

While I agree with that it's totally different when one side is all powerful and can decide who has a voice and who doesnt.
You cant get a large Conservative sight going when the left controls the internet.
Totally different then say like when the left demanded equal time on Conservative talk radio.
There was nothing stopping them from starting their own stations other than the lack luster following they received.
Air America comes to mind.

There was nothing stopping you and those like you from starting their own websites. Trust me, the internet is not full and the Dems to not control it.
Fake news.
The 1st Amendment not working?

What is net neutrality ?
Network neutrality, or simply net neutrality, is the principle that Internet service providers (ISPs) must treat all Internet communications equally, and not discriminate or charge differently based on user, content, website, platform, application, type of equipment, source address, destination address, or method


Nevertheless, on December 14, 2017, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted in favor of repealing these policies, 3–2, along party lines, as the 2015 vote had occurred. ... On June 11, 2018, the repeal of the FCC's rules took effect, ending network neutrality regulation in the United States.

If this was a 2nd Amd thread, it'd be 10X's longer....~S~
It's not equal treatment. But it is equal rights. Conservatives and libertarians know the difference. Nationalists do not.

Actually it's not when one side holds all the cards.

It's still equal rights. Even if one side ”holds all the cards”. Even if there's only one bakery in town, the baker still has the right to say no.

While I agree with that it's totally different when one side is all powerful and can decide who has a voice and who doesnt.
You cant get a large Conservative sight going when the left controls the internet.
Totally different then say like when the left demanded equal time on Conservative talk radio.
There was nothing stopping them from starting their own stations other than the lack luster following they received.
Air America comes to mind.

There was nothing stopping you and those like you from starting their own websites. Trust me, the internet is not full and the Dems to not control it.
Fake news.

Yes you are
It's not equal treatment. But it is equal rights. Conservatives and libertarians know the difference. Nationalists do not.

Actually it's not when one side holds all the cards.

It's still equal rights. Even if one side ”holds all the cards”. Even if there's only one bakery in town, the baker still has the right to say no.

While I agree with that it's totally different when one side is all powerful and can decide who has a voice and who doesnt.
You cant get a large Conservative sight going when the left controls the internet.
Totally different then say like when the left demanded equal time on Conservative talk radio.
There was nothing stopping them from starting their own stations other than the lack luster following they received.
Air America comes to mind.

There was nothing stopping you and those like you from starting their own websites. Trust me, the internet is not full and the Dems to not control it.
Fake news.

Fake t*ts....~S~
Actually it's not when one side holds all the cards.

It's still equal rights. Even if one side ”holds all the cards”. Even if there's only one bakery in town, the baker still has the right to say no.

While I agree with that it's totally different when one side is all powerful and can decide who has a voice and who doesnt.
You cant get a large Conservative sight going when the left controls the internet.
Totally different then say like when the left demanded equal time on Conservative talk radio.
There was nothing stopping them from starting their own stations other than the lack luster following they received.
Air America comes to mind.

There was nothing stopping you and those like you from starting their own websites. Trust me, the internet is not full and the Dems to not control it.
Fake news.

Fake t*ts....~S~

Are nice to look at but not as much fun to play with
It's still equal rights. Even if one side ”holds all the cards”. Even if there's only one bakery in town, the baker still has the right to say no.

While I agree with that it's totally different when one side is all powerful and can decide who has a voice and who doesnt.
You cant get a large Conservative sight going when the left controls the internet.
Totally different then say like when the left demanded equal time on Conservative talk radio.
There was nothing stopping them from starting their own stations other than the lack luster following they received.
Air America comes to mind.

There was nothing stopping you and those like you from starting their own websites. Trust me, the internet is not full and the Dems to not control it.
Fake news.

Fake t*ts....~S~

Are nice to look at but not as much fun to play with

They are in VR...

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