Do You Believe In God?

Do You Believe In God?

  • Yes

    Votes: 19 46.3%
  • Yes, but not like Christian's do

    Votes: 3 7.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 11 26.8%
  • No. But I believe a higher being put us here

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • I don't think we'll ever know until we die

    Votes: 2 4.9%
  • Something Else (Specify)

    Votes: 5 12.2%

  • Total voters
I did accept Jesus as my savior. Years later I woke up. You act like there are no former Christians. I quit because I realized there is no God. Knowledge is liberating.

In other words you prayed for something and it did not happen so you rejected Jesus.
That's what you think but no. I did a lot of research after reading the bible because it seemed man made up and God damn if I wasn't right. There was no guilt, anger emotion or evil involved. I'm just to smart to swallow the greatest bs story ever told.

You theists assume something must be wrong with us but you are the flawed ones. Guilty ignorant and wishful thinking and all.

You think something is wrong with me but there's something wrong with you.

There is nothing wrong with you. Just because you refuse to acknowledge God doesn't mean anything except you are a human being.
I just don't believe a God exists. Not attacking your God just call em like I see em. If there is a God he made me too smart to believe any religion.

Scientifically no religion makes sense. If God exists he made the scientific laws. The bible was written by men 1500 years ago. How much longer should humans believe or worship a lie?

I'm sure religion is just another way the rich control us. If they can convince us a God exists the rest is easy.

And that you theists just can't see it even with the facts right at your fingertips! Now that's brainwashed
If God truly made you smart you would have known that religion and God are two different things.

Why do you believe a God exists without or despite the fact religions are made up? Even you admit all the other ones besides yours are, right? OK so follow my thinking here.

Without religions or before them men imagined there must be a creator and some doubted. OK so now what? Do we need to worship it?
A. You're dying and afraid
B. Guilty and mentally weak or not smart.
C. Brainwashed by a made up church that was once a small cult.
D.You see god

Here's what happened. I grew up in the Lutheran church which I hated and could not wait to be old enough to STOP going. Joined a Bible group in College, got involved some but was derailed when I fell in love. Didn't think much about Christianity until my kids were ages 12 and 5 and I felt they were in need of some "moral teaching" so started getting them involved in Church. I believe God revealed himself to me during Church during a sermon.

I'm not dying or afraid
I'm not sure about B. I never thought of myself that way, but, opinions vary.
Definitely not C.
D Have I "visually" seen the person of God in bodily form? No, but I do believe I have seen and heard Him in other ways.........
Thanks for having the conversation. I'm not attacking you. I think you are great. Wish more were like you. But I think you're suffering from cognitive dissonance. That's where you just brush off the things that might not make sense to you. Makes you feel better. Better to be safe. Even if its a lie its a good lie.

I just don't think ignorance is good even if it is blissful.

Believing in God is not ignorance.
When you understand the history of man and science it sure seems to be
A. You're dying and afraid
B. Guilty and mentally weak or not smart.
C. Brainwashed by a made up church that was once a small cult.
D.You see god

Here's what happened. I grew up in the Lutheran church which I hated and could not wait to be old enough to STOP going. Joined a Bible group in College, got involved some but was derailed when I fell in love. Didn't think much about Christianity until my kids were ages 12 and 5 and I felt they were in need of some "moral teaching" so started getting them involved in Church. I believe God revealed himself to me during Church during a sermon.

I'm not dying or afraid
I'm not sure about B. I never thought of myself that way, but, opinions vary.
Definitely not C.
D Have I "visually" seen the person of God in bodily form? No, but I do believe I have seen and heard Him in other ways.........
Thanks for having the conversation. I'm not attacking you. I think you are great. Wish more were like you. But I think you're suffering from cognitive dissonance. That's where you just brush off the things that might not make sense to you. Makes you feel better. Better to be safe. Even if its a lie its a good lie.

I just don't think ignorance is good even if it is blissful.

No problem, and, you're welcome. I feel God wants us to use our brain and question and learn. We can't talk to people about Jesus and the Bible, salvation etc. unless we "know our stuff" and I will admit, I really don't know mine all that well. So I agree with you.
Do you realize it's impossible for a non believer to believe? I just tried and you can't convince yourself of something you know isn't true.

If there is a Christian God he is cruel to make me this way then burn me forever for it.

And no I can't choose to believe. You have to really believe, don't you?
Do you realize it's impossible for a non believer to believe? I just tried and you can't convince yourself of something you know isn't true.

If there is a Christian God he is cruel to make me this way then burn me forever for it.

And no I can't choose to believe. You have to really believe, don't you?

Yes. But you have to be of an open mind and heart, and in a submissive state. God has a way of breaking people (that need it) in order to come to Him. You can't just make yourself believe, no. It has to be SHOWN to you (how, where, when.... I don't know....) Sometime our lives it will happen, and if you reject Him, that's on the person that rejected Him.
We all really hope and wish Hitler and bin ladin are burning in hell. Even us athiests. So you can't say if I want it I will believe because as much as I want to believe there's a hell for them and a heaven for me I don't.
Why do you believe a God exists without or despite the fact religions are made up? Even you admit all the other ones besides yours are, right? OK so follow my thinking here.

Without religions or before them men imagined there must be a creator and some doubted. OK so now what? Do we need to worship it?
How can you not get it? I don't have a religion. Period. I said why I believe in a creator, I don't think everything can just happen naturally, before nature even existed.
Why do you believe a God exists without or despite the fact religions are made up? Even you admit all the other ones besides yours are, right? OK so follow my thinking here.

Without religions or before them men imagined there must be a creator and some doubted. OK so now what? Do we need to worship it?
How can you not get it? I don't have a religion. Period. I said why I believe in a creator, I don't think everything can just happen naturally, before nature even existed.
Oh OK. I love debating with rational theists. The minute you tell me you believe the abrahamic bs the debate completely changes. Lol
A. You're dying and afraid
B. Guilty and mentally weak or not smart.
C. Brainwashed by a made up church that was once a small cult.
D.You see god

Here's what happened. I grew up in the Lutheran church which I hated and could not wait to be old enough to STOP going. Joined a Bible group in College, got involved some but was derailed when I fell in love. Didn't think much about Christianity until my kids were ages 12 and 5 and I felt they were in need of some "moral teaching" so started getting them involved in Church. I believe God revealed himself to me during Church during a sermon.

I'm not dying or afraid
I'm not sure about B. I never thought of myself that way, but, opinions vary.
Definitely not C.
D Have I "visually" seen the person of God in bodily form? No, but I do believe I have seen and heard Him in other ways.........
Thanks for having the conversation. I'm not attacking you. I think you are great. Wish more were like you. But I think you're suffering from cognitive dissonance. That's where you just brush off the things that might not make sense to you. Makes you feel better. Better to be safe. Even if its a lie its a good lie.

I just don't think ignorance is good even if it is blissful.

Believing in God is not ignorance.
When you understand the history of man and science it sure seems to be

Why are you so certain that Man's theories (educated guess)is so correct?
Especially when it has to be corrected so many times. Man has some things right but not all.
You put your faith in Man's laws and theories.
I put mine in Gods.
Why do you believe a God exists without or despite the fact religions are made up? Even you admit all the other ones besides yours are, right? OK so follow my thinking here.

Without religions or before them men imagined there must be a creator and some doubted. OK so now what? Do we need to worship it?
How can you not get it? I don't have a religion. Period. I said why I believe in a creator, I don't think everything can just happen naturally, before nature even existed.
Oh OK. I love debating with rational theists. The minute you tell me you believe the abrahamic bs the debate completely changes. Lol

Believing the big bang theory and a creator who did it is Abrahamic bs?
I thought you said you believe in Man's science.
I believe in God - the father
Jesus is the Son.
The Holy Spirit is God.
The Bible is very clear on it.
And if you were raised in Iran you'd believe Mohammad.

Or in Utah Joe Smith.

Or Africa you'd worship Juju.

True, but you know that Missionaries go to these places (yes, even Utah!) and talk to people (nicely, not screaming at them about Hell) and people give their lives over to Christ. Some see the Truth, some don't. Why? I don't know, but, He reveals Himself to all of us at some point in time in our lives....
I see the truth. I voted no to the question do you believe in God.

So God revealed himself to you? Tell me about it. Sounds like an amazing experience. I would think you'd want to tell all.

You know about the Bible you decided not to accept it or read it.
Once you decided that you will remain blind and deaf.
When you accept Jesus as your savior, you will receive the Holy Spirit and your ears and eyes will be opened to the truth.
Do You Believe In God?

peach: You know about the Bible you decided not to accept it or read it.

bibles: ... No one comes to the Father except through me.

how about to its first fallacy, pg2 Genesis much less the above ...

when the cock crowed three times and not a Spirit among them joined with Jesus, what does that say about the authenticity of their "disciples" ... ?

christians by their denial are indeed filled with "fear" and throughout history have been fears greatest ally using their contempt that prevents the true religion of God from being fulfilled.

believing in the Almighty is just that alone, the misgivings of all the scripted religions when correct over time or simply abandoned has little to no bearing on the fact itself.

Gay suicide? Gay is apparently the litmus test for some people. Anything misused is harmful. Politics especially. Trying to twist every fucking thing under the sun into a gay sex issue is equally corrupt.
Just one example of how religions arent always good. You're the one who fixated on it.
Why do you believe a God exists without or despite the fact religions are made up? Even you admit all the other ones besides yours are, right? OK so follow my thinking here.

Without religions or before them men imagined there must be a creator and some doubted. OK so now what? Do we need to worship it?
How can you not get it? I don't have a religion. Period. I said why I believe in a creator, I don't think everything can just happen naturally, before nature even existed.
Oh OK. I love debating with rational theists. The minute you tell me you believe the abrahamic bs the debate completely changes. Lol

Believing the big bang theory and a creator who did it is Abrahamic bs?
I thought you said you believe in Man's science.
No. If that's all you are saying is there must be that's cool. I disagree but you aren't claiming to know or that it visits and cares even made a heaven for you
A. You're dying and afraid
B. Guilty and mentally weak or not smart.
C. Brainwashed by a made up church that was once a small cult.
D.You see god

Here's what happened. I grew up in the Lutheran church which I hated and could not wait to be old enough to STOP going. Joined a Bible group in College, got involved some but was derailed when I fell in love. Didn't think much about Christianity until my kids were ages 12 and 5 and I felt they were in need of some "moral teaching" so started getting them involved in Church. I believe God revealed himself to me during Church during a sermon.

I'm not dying or afraid
I'm not sure about B. I never thought of myself that way, but, opinions vary.
Definitely not C.
D Have I "visually" seen the person of God in bodily form? No, but I do believe I have seen and heard Him in other ways.........
Thanks for having the conversation. I'm not attacking you. I think you are great. Wish more were like you. But I think you're suffering from cognitive dissonance. That's where you just brush off the things that might not make sense to you. Makes you feel better. Better to be safe. Even if its a lie its a good lie.

I just don't think ignorance is good even if it is blissful.

Believing in God is not ignorance.
When you understand the history of man and science it sure seems to be

Why are you so certain that Man's theories (educated guess)is so correct?
Especially when it has to be corrected so many times. Man has some things right but not all.
You put your faith in Man's laws and theories.
I put mine in Gods.
There are only man's laws.
There's more to life than what meets the eye. I have had unexplainable things happen to me that defy science so I believe there's a dimension out there we don't have direct access to. I can't believe nothing exploded and everything happened so I can't be an atheist, it requires too much faith.

I don't know who or what God is and just admit, I don't know, instead of adopting a pre-packaged belief by others.
But that is our position. What created all this? We don't know. Welcome to the side of science.
Do you realize it's impossible for a non believer to believe? I just tried and you can't convince yourself of something you know isn't true.

If there is a Christian God he is cruel to make me this way then burn me forever for it.

And no I can't choose to believe. You have to really believe, don't you?

Yes. But you have to be of an open mind and heart, and in a submissive state. God has a way of breaking people (that need it) in order to come to Him. You can't just make yourself believe, no. It has to be SHOWN to you (how, where, when.... I don't know....) Sometime our lives it will happen, and if you reject Him, that's on the person that rejected Him.
Interesting 17 Christians and 19 others in your poll. Most people here don't buy your story. Hmmm. Seems I'm not alone. Lol
"Fear" carries two meanings: a lesser form of dread, and an awe and respect.

No it doesn't. Fear means fear. Period. You're trying to fit a square rhetorical peg in a round hole, because your source material is inconvenient.

My point is, take your source material seriously. It's telling you something. Something you're trying to cover up. Ask those women burned alive at the stake if what happened to them was an act of "reverence".

Again, if the Babble writers/editors intended to say "revere"...... they would have simply said "revere". It's not like the word wasn't available.
I'm an non believing heathen. As long your faith isn't hurting anyone or being forced upon me...whatever gets you through the day is fine by moi.
I'm an non believing heathen. As long your faith isn't hurting anyone or being forced upon me...whatever gets you through the day is fine by moi.
Well I think it's holding us back as a species. Hopefully we will be a lot smarter 1000 years from now but no doubt there will be people then who will be sure the end days are apon us. Lol
There's more to life than what meets the eye. I have had unexplainable things happen to me that defy science so I believe there's a dimension out there we don't have direct access to. I can't believe nothing exploded and everything happened so I can't be an atheist, it requires too much faith.

I don't know who or what God is and just admit, I don't know, instead of adopting a pre-packaged belief by others.
But that is our position. What created all this? We don't know. Welcome to the side of science.
You're high already? When did I say I didn't believe in science? You saw words not there. You said you were an atheist but now you say you're an agnostic. Which is it?

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