Do You Believe In God?

Do You Believe In God?

  • Yes

    Votes: 19 46.3%
  • Yes, but not like Christian's do

    Votes: 3 7.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 11 26.8%
  • No. But I believe a higher being put us here

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • I don't think we'll ever know until we die

    Votes: 2 4.9%
  • Something Else (Specify)

    Votes: 5 12.2%

  • Total voters
I see the truth. I voted no to the question do you believe in God.

So God revealed himself to you? Tell me about it. Sounds like an amazing experience. I would think you'd want to tell all.

God reveals Himself in many ways, not like a magic show (e.g. Rabbit out of a hat) - if you open your heart and your mind you will see Him. Guaranteed. Someone else (forget who, sorry!) said this and it's a perfect example of the difficulty explaining the experience of God to an unbeliever:

Can you describe a color to a blind person?
I opened my heart and mind and found no God exists. Just because you guys are gullible doesn't mean your feeling or belief is accurate.

You're delusional. Wishful thinking and ignorant bliss
I believe in God - the father
Jesus is the Son.
The Holy Spirit is God.
The Bible is very clear on it.
And if you were raised in Iran you'd believe Mohammad.

Or in Utah Joe Smith.

Or Africa you'd worship Juju.

No I would be one of the many Christians being killed by Jihadists.
Oh shut up! You're only a Christian because you were born in a Christian society.

If Christianity were obviously true there wouldn't be other religions.

What is it about Christianity that you think makes it the obvious one true religion? And why can't Muslims and athiests see it?

Your 2nd sentence shows you know nothing of how God works.

Anyone who rejects the calling will be blind and not see God as the one and only true creator.
We are in end times and as we get more and more into it, many will open their hearts and their minds and they will see that Jesus is coming back.
God is showing the whole world right now that the end times that the Bible talks about is coming true right before our very eyes.
Many are still blind and deaf to it. Many will reject it.
Anyone who sees him coming to go to war against the Nations that want to wipe Israel off the map can call out to him and they will be saved.
God will give many people on Earth the signs of the truth.
It is up to the individuals to decide.
They've been saying were in the end of days since before Jesus. In fact jesus' followers thought it would happen in their lifetime. So did Martin Luther.
I see the truth. I voted no to the question do you believe in God.

So God revealed himself to you? Tell me about it. Sounds like an amazing experience. I would think you'd want to tell all.

God reveals Himself in many ways, not like a magic show (e.g. Rabbit out of a hat) - if you open your heart and your mind you will see Him. Guaranteed. Someone else (forget who, sorry!) said this and it's a perfect example of the difficulty explaining the experience of God to an unbeliever:

Can you describe a color to a blind person?
I opened my heart and mind and found no God exists. Just because you guys are gullible doesn't mean your feeling or belief is accurate.

You're delusional. Wishful thinking and ignorant bliss

I acknowledge your right to not believe and I don't say anything derogatory about it.
I understand why you believe Christian's are gullible because I used to believe that also.
I loved my previous life. I was completely selfish and did what I wanted when I wanted regardless of how it effected others - I looked forward to each day. But God kept bugging me.
I believe in God - the father
Jesus is the Son.
The Holy Spirit is God.
The Bible is very clear on it.
And if you were raised in Iran you'd believe Mohammad.

Or in Utah Joe Smith.

Or Africa you'd worship Juju.

True, but you know that Missionaries go to these places (yes, even Utah!) and talk to people (nicely, not screaming at them about Hell) and people give their lives over to Christ. Some see the Truth, some don't. Why? I don't know, but, He reveals Himself to all of us at some point in time in our lives....
I see the truth. I voted no to the question do you believe in God.

So God revealed himself to you? Tell me about it. Sounds like an amazing experience. I would think you'd want to tell all.

You know about the Bible you decided not to accept it or read it.
Once you decided that you will remain blind and deaf.
When you accept Jesus as your savior, you will receive the Holy Spirit and your ears and eyes will be opened to the truth.
I did accept Jesus as my savior. Years later I woke up. You act like there are no former Christians. I quit because I realized there is no God. Knowledge is liberating.
I believe in God - the father
Jesus is the Son.
The Holy Spirit is God.
The Bible is very clear on it.
And if you were raised in Iran you'd believe Mohammad.

Or in Utah Joe Smith.

Or Africa you'd worship Juju.

True, but you know that Missionaries go to these places (yes, even Utah!) and talk to people (nicely, not screaming at them about Hell) and people give their lives over to Christ. Some see the Truth, some don't. Why? I don't know, but, He reveals Himself to all of us at some point in time in our lives....
I see the truth. I voted no to the question do you believe in God.

So God revealed himself to you? Tell me about it. Sounds like an amazing experience. I would think you'd want to tell all.

You know about the Bible you decided not to accept it or read it.
Once you decided that you will remain blind and deaf.
When you accept Jesus as your savior, you will receive the Holy Spirit and your ears and eyes will be opened to the truth.
I did accept Jesus as my savior. Years later I woke up. You act like there are no former Christians. I quit because I realized there is no God. Knowledge is liberating.

In other words you prayed for something and it did not happen so you rejected Jesus.
I see the truth. I voted no to the question do you believe in God.

So God revealed himself to you? Tell me about it. Sounds like an amazing experience. I would think you'd want to tell all.

God reveals Himself in many ways, not like a magic show (e.g. Rabbit out of a hat) - if you open your heart and your mind you will see Him. Guaranteed. Someone else (forget who, sorry!) said this and it's a perfect example of the difficulty explaining the experience of God to an unbeliever:

Can you describe a color to a blind person?
I opened my heart and mind and found no God exists. Just because you guys are gullible doesn't mean your feeling or belief is accurate.

You're delusional. Wishful thinking and ignorant bliss

I acknowledge your right to not believe and I don't say anything derogatory about it.
I understand why you believe Christian's are gullible because I used to believe that also.
I loved my previous life. I was completely selfish and did what I wanted when I wanted regardless of how it effected others - I looked forward to each day. But God kept bugging me.[/QUOTE
So you were a bad person and a cult changed you.

And by the way, Christians do whatever they want too. Then they say sorry to God and make it all better.

I notice most born again led really devious lives prior to joining the church. Guilt. The church loves that

Wish I had a nickle for every time a Christian has said that they use to love being bad before they found religion
And if you were raised in Iran you'd believe Mohammad.

Or in Utah Joe Smith.

Or Africa you'd worship Juju.

True, but you know that Missionaries go to these places (yes, even Utah!) and talk to people (nicely, not screaming at them about Hell) and people give their lives over to Christ. Some see the Truth, some don't. Why? I don't know, but, He reveals Himself to all of us at some point in time in our lives....
I see the truth. I voted no to the question do you believe in God.

So God revealed himself to you? Tell me about it. Sounds like an amazing experience. I would think you'd want to tell all.

You know about the Bible you decided not to accept it or read it.
Once you decided that you will remain blind and deaf.
When you accept Jesus as your savior, you will receive the Holy Spirit and your ears and eyes will be opened to the truth.
I did accept Jesus as my savior. Years later I woke up. You act like there are no former Christians. I quit because I realized there is no God. Knowledge is liberating.

In other words you prayed for something and it did not happen so you rejected Jesus.
That's what you think but no. I did a lot of research after reading the bible because it seemed man made up and God damn if I wasn't right. There was no guilt, anger emotion or evil involved. I'm just to smart to swallow the greatest bs story ever told.

You theists assume something must be wrong with us but you are the flawed ones. Guilty ignorant and wishful thinking and all.

You think something is wrong with me but there's something wrong with you.
I see the truth. I voted no to the question do you believe in God.

So God revealed himself to you? Tell me about it. Sounds like an amazing experience. I would think you'd want to tell all.

God reveals Himself in many ways, not like a magic show (e.g. Rabbit out of a hat) - if you open your heart and your mind you will see Him. Guaranteed. Someone else (forget who, sorry!) said this and it's a perfect example of the difficulty explaining the experience of God to an unbeliever:

Can you describe a color to a blind person?
I opened my heart and mind and found no God exists. Just because you guys are gullible doesn't mean your feeling or belief is accurate.

You're delusional. Wishful thinking and ignorant bliss

I acknowledge your right to not believe and I don't say anything derogatory about it.
I understand why you believe Christian's are gullible because I used to believe that also.
I loved my previous life. I was completely selfish and did what I wanted when I wanted regardless of how it effected others - I looked forward to each day. But God kept bugging me.[/QUOTE
So you were a bad person and a cult changed you.

And by the way, Christians do whatever they want too. Then they say sorry to God and make it all better.

I notice most born again led really devious lives prior to joining the church. Guilt. The church loves that

Wish I had a nickle for every time a Christian has said that they use to love being bad before they found religion

No, I'm still a pretty bad (selfish) person. God SHOULD change you from the inside out, but, you have to allow him to work through you. I am not a mature Christian. I don't make the excuse that God forgive me and go about my sinful ways. Some may even say I'm NOT saved, but, that is for God to judge.

I am NOT holier -than - thou.

God loves you just as much as he loves me, and guess what, there are non-Christian's that are more "Christian-like" than me.... and I know you already know that, but I confess that. It makes me a very BAD witness for God.

Don't confuse my confession for bragging or excusing.
True, but you know that Missionaries go to these places (yes, even Utah!) and talk to people (nicely, not screaming at them about Hell) and people give their lives over to Christ. Some see the Truth, some don't. Why? I don't know, but, He reveals Himself to all of us at some point in time in our lives....
I see the truth. I voted no to the question do you believe in God.

So God revealed himself to you? Tell me about it. Sounds like an amazing experience. I would think you'd want to tell all.

You know about the Bible you decided not to accept it or read it.
Once you decided that you will remain blind and deaf.
When you accept Jesus as your savior, you will receive the Holy Spirit and your ears and eyes will be opened to the truth.
I did accept Jesus as my savior. Years later I woke up. You act like there are no former Christians. I quit because I realized there is no God. Knowledge is liberating.

In other words you prayed for something and it did not happen so you rejected Jesus.
That's what you think but no. I did a lot of research after reading the bible because it seemed man made up and God damn if I wasn't right. There was no guilt, anger emotion or evil involved. I'm just to smart to swallow the greatest bs story ever told.

You theists assume something must be wrong with us but you are the flawed ones. Guilty ignorant and wishful thinking and all.

You think something is wrong with me but there's something wrong with you.

There is nothing wrong with you. Just because you refuse to acknowledge God doesn't mean anything except you are a human being.
I see the truth. I voted no to the question do you believe in God.

So God revealed himself to you? Tell me about it. Sounds like an amazing experience. I would think you'd want to tell all.

God reveals Himself in many ways, not like a magic show (e.g. Rabbit out of a hat) - if you open your heart and your mind you will see Him. Guaranteed. Someone else (forget who, sorry!) said this and it's a perfect example of the difficulty explaining the experience of God to an unbeliever:

Can you describe a color to a blind person?
I opened my heart and mind and found no God exists. Just because you guys are gullible doesn't mean your feeling or belief is accurate.

You're delusional. Wishful thinking and ignorant bliss

I acknowledge your right to not believe and I don't say anything derogatory about it.
I understand why you believe Christian's are gullible because I used to believe that also.
I loved my previous life. I was completely selfish and did what I wanted when I wanted regardless of how it effected others - I looked forward to each day. But God kept bugging me.
I don't believe you were ever smart enough to really understand all the reasons God is made up. At best you maybe had your doubts but you never go back from athiesm unless either.

A. You're dying and afraid
B. Guilty and mentally weak or not smart.
C. Brainwashed by a made up church that was once a small cult.
D.You see god
I see the truth. I voted no to the question do you believe in God.

So God revealed himself to you? Tell me about it. Sounds like an amazing experience. I would think you'd want to tell all.

God reveals Himself in many ways, not like a magic show (e.g. Rabbit out of a hat) - if you open your heart and your mind you will see Him. Guaranteed. Someone else (forget who, sorry!) said this and it's a perfect example of the difficulty explaining the experience of God to an unbeliever:

Can you describe a color to a blind person?
I opened my heart and mind and found no God exists. Just because you guys are gullible doesn't mean your feeling or belief is accurate.

You're delusional. Wishful thinking and ignorant bliss

I acknowledge your right to not believe and I don't say anything derogatory about it.
I understand why you believe Christian's are gullible because I used to believe that also.
I loved my previous life. I was completely selfish and did what I wanted when I wanted regardless of how it effected others - I looked forward to each day. But God kept bugging me.[/QUOTE
So you were a bad person and a cult changed you.

And by the way, Christians do whatever they want too. Then they say sorry to God and make it all better.

I notice most born again led really devious lives prior to joining the church. Guilt. The church loves that

Wish I had a nickle for every time a Christian has said that they use to love being bad before they found religion

No, I'm still a pretty bad (selfish) person. God SHOULD change you from the inside out, but, you have to allow him to work through you. I am not a mature Christian. I don't make the excuse that God forgive me and go about my sinful ways. Some may even say I'm NOT saved, but, that is for God to judge.

I am NOT holier -than - thou.

God loves you just as much as he loves me, and guess what, there are non-Christian's that are more "Christian-like" than me.... and I know you already know that, but I confess that. It makes me a very BAD witness for God.

Don't confuse my confession for bragging or excusing.
If implemented properly the God hypothesis can be good and if implement it improperly you have Isis, gay suicide and a controllable gullible citizen who is easily manipulated.
A. You're dying and afraid
B. Guilty and mentally weak or not smart.
C. Brainwashed by a made up church that was once a small cult.
D.You see god

Here's what happened. I grew up in the Lutheran church which I hated and could not wait to be old enough to STOP going. Joined a Bible group in College, got involved some but was derailed when I fell in love. Didn't think much about Christianity until my kids were ages 12 and 5 and I felt they were in need of some "moral teaching" so started getting them involved in Church. I believe God revealed himself to me during Church during a sermon.

I'm not dying or afraid
I'm not sure about B. I never thought of myself that way, but, opinions vary.
Definitely not C.
D Have I "visually" seen the person of God in bodily form? No, but I do believe I have seen and heard Him in other ways.........
Gay suicide? Gay is apparently the litmus test for some people. Anything misused is harmful. Politics especially. Trying to twist every fucking thing under the sun into a gay sex issue is equally corrupt.
I see the truth. I voted no to the question do you believe in God.

So God revealed himself to you? Tell me about it. Sounds like an amazing experience. I would think you'd want to tell all.

You know about the Bible you decided not to accept it or read it.
Once you decided that you will remain blind and deaf.
When you accept Jesus as your savior, you will receive the Holy Spirit and your ears and eyes will be opened to the truth.
I did accept Jesus as my savior. Years later I woke up. You act like there are no former Christians. I quit because I realized there is no God. Knowledge is liberating.

In other words you prayed for something and it did not happen so you rejected Jesus.
That's what you think but no. I did a lot of research after reading the bible because it seemed man made up and God damn if I wasn't right. There was no guilt, anger emotion or evil involved. I'm just to smart to swallow the greatest bs story ever told.

You theists assume something must be wrong with us but you are the flawed ones. Guilty ignorant and wishful thinking and all.

You think something is wrong with me but there's something wrong with you.

There is nothing wrong with you. Just because you refuse to acknowledge God doesn't mean anything except you are a human being.
I just don't believe a God exists. Not attacking your God just call em like I see em. If there is a God he made me too smart to believe any religion.

Scientifically no religion makes sense. If God exists he made the scientific laws. The bible was written by men 1500 years ago. How much longer should humans believe or worship a lie?

I'm sure religion is just another way the rich control us. If they can convince us a God exists the rest is easy.

And that you theists just can't see it even with the facts right at your fingertips! Now that's brainwashed
There's more to life than what meets the eye. I have had unexplainable things happen to me that defy science so I believe there's a dimension out there we don't have direct access to. I can't believe nothing exploded and everything happened so I can't be an atheist, it requires too much faith.

I don't know who or what God is and just admit, I don't know, instead of adopting a pre-packaged belief by others.
You know about the Bible you decided not to accept it or read it.
Once you decided that you will remain blind and deaf.
When you accept Jesus as your savior, you will receive the Holy Spirit and your ears and eyes will be opened to the truth.
I did accept Jesus as my savior. Years later I woke up. You act like there are no former Christians. I quit because I realized there is no God. Knowledge is liberating.

In other words you prayed for something and it did not happen so you rejected Jesus.
That's what you think but no. I did a lot of research after reading the bible because it seemed man made up and God damn if I wasn't right. There was no guilt, anger emotion or evil involved. I'm just to smart to swallow the greatest bs story ever told.

You theists assume something must be wrong with us but you are the flawed ones. Guilty ignorant and wishful thinking and all.

You think something is wrong with me but there's something wrong with you.

There is nothing wrong with you. Just because you refuse to acknowledge God doesn't mean anything except you are a human being.
I just don't believe a God exists. Not attacking your God just call em like I see em. If there is a God he made me too smart to believe any religion.

Scientifically no religion makes sense. If God exists he made the scientific laws. The bible was written by men 1500 years ago. How much longer should humans believe or worship a lie?

I'm sure religion is just another way the rich control us. If they can convince us a God exists the rest is easy.

And that you theists just can't see it even with the facts right at your fingertips! Now that's brainwashed
If God truly made you smart you would have known that religion and God are two different things.
True, but you know that Missionaries go to these places (yes, even Utah!) and talk to people (nicely, not screaming at them about Hell) and people give their lives over to Christ. Some see the Truth, some don't. Why? I don't know, but, He reveals Himself to all of us at some point in time in our lives....
I see the truth. I voted no to the question do you believe in God.

So God revealed himself to you? Tell me about it. Sounds like an amazing experience. I would think you'd want to tell all.

You know about the Bible you decided not to accept it or read it.
Once you decided that you will remain blind and deaf.
When you accept Jesus as your savior, you will receive the Holy Spirit and your ears and eyes will be opened to the truth.
I did accept Jesus as my savior. Years later I woke up. You act like there are no former Christians. I quit because I realized there is no God. Knowledge is liberating.

In other words you prayed for something and it did not happen so you rejected Jesus.
That's what you think but no. I did a lot of research after reading the bible because it seemed man made up and God damn if I wasn't right. There was no guilt, anger emotion or evil involved. I'm just to smart to swallow the greatest bs story ever told.

You theists assume something must be wrong with us but you are the flawed ones. Guilty ignorant and wishful thinking and all.

You think something is wrong with me but there's something wrong with you.

There is nothing wrong with you.
Many have rejected God.
As we progress more and more into the things written in Revelation many will see and accept.
It is that very attitude of who is right and who is wrong (labeling and assuming) that keeps people blind.
Lables change how we perceive and it's very dangerous.
A. You're dying and afraid
B. Guilty and mentally weak or not smart.
C. Brainwashed by a made up church that was once a small cult.
D.You see god

Here's what happened. I grew up in the Lutheran church which I hated and could not wait to be old enough to STOP going. Joined a Bible group in College, got involved some but was derailed when I fell in love. Didn't think much about Christianity until my kids were ages 12 and 5 and I felt they were in need of some "moral teaching" so started getting them involved in Church. I believe God revealed himself to me during Church during a sermon.

I'm not dying or afraid
I'm not sure about B. I never thought of myself that way, but, opinions vary.
Definitely not C.
D Have I "visually" seen the person of God in bodily form? No, but I do believe I have seen and heard Him in other ways.........
Thanks for having the conversation. I'm not attacking you. I think you are great. Wish more were like you. But I think you're suffering from cognitive dissonance. That's where you just brush off the things that might not make sense to you. Makes you feel better. Better to be safe. Even if its a lie its a good lie.

I just don't think ignorance is good even if it is blissful.
A. You're dying and afraid
B. Guilty and mentally weak or not smart.
C. Brainwashed by a made up church that was once a small cult.
D.You see god

Here's what happened. I grew up in the Lutheran church which I hated and could not wait to be old enough to STOP going. Joined a Bible group in College, got involved some but was derailed when I fell in love. Didn't think much about Christianity until my kids were ages 12 and 5 and I felt they were in need of some "moral teaching" so started getting them involved in Church. I believe God revealed himself to me during Church during a sermon.

I'm not dying or afraid
I'm not sure about B. I never thought of myself that way, but, opinions vary.
Definitely not C.
D Have I "visually" seen the person of God in bodily form? No, but I do believe I have seen and heard Him in other ways.........
Thanks for having the conversation. I'm not attacking you. I think you are great. Wish more were like you. But I think you're suffering from cognitive dissonance. That's where you just brush off the things that might not make sense to you. Makes you feel better. Better to be safe. Even if its a lie its a good lie.

I just don't think ignorance is good even if it is blissful.

Believing in God is not ignorance.
A. You're dying and afraid
B. Guilty and mentally weak or not smart.
C. Brainwashed by a made up church that was once a small cult.
D.You see god

Here's what happened. I grew up in the Lutheran church which I hated and could not wait to be old enough to STOP going. Joined a Bible group in College, got involved some but was derailed when I fell in love. Didn't think much about Christianity until my kids were ages 12 and 5 and I felt they were in need of some "moral teaching" so started getting them involved in Church. I believe God revealed himself to me during Church during a sermon.

I'm not dying or afraid
I'm not sure about B. I never thought of myself that way, but, opinions vary.
Definitely not C.
D Have I "visually" seen the person of God in bodily form? No, but I do believe I have seen and heard Him in other ways.........
Thanks for having the conversation. I'm not attacking you. I think you are great. Wish more were like you. But I think you're suffering from cognitive dissonance. That's where you just brush off the things that might not make sense to you. Makes you feel better. Better to be safe. Even if its a lie its a good lie.

I just don't think ignorance is good even if it is blissful.

No problem, and, you're welcome. I feel God wants us to use our brain and question and learn. We can't talk to people about Jesus and the Bible, salvation etc. unless we "know our stuff" and I will admit, I really don't know mine all that well. So I agree with you.

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