Do you believe that we are now or will soon be overpopulated?

Simple question before I head out to work. Do you believe in overpopulation, do you think it's a current problem or a very near future one, and what label would you use to identify yourself overall?

No. Developed nations are more at risk of declining native born populations as the birth rate is below the replacement rate.
Who cares what nationality Americans will be in 200 years? One time Greeks and Italians were blonde hair and blue eyed. Are Greeks and Italians today not proud of who they are?

I see your ancestors worrying about the white race. Let it go. Assimilate. We tell the blacks and foreigners and even the native Americans to assimilate well we have to realize our white kids are in a melting pot.

I get mad at foreigners who come here and want their kids to only date their kind. Well why did you bring them here? But don’t get mad when you see foreigners sticking together because you do the same thing. You want your daughters to marry aryans

Oh blah blah blah nonsense nonsense nonsense.

Here's a clue bub: culture matters. There is a fine line between immigration and invasion. When immigrants do not learn the language and do not accept the basic values of our culture, what makes the U.S. the most successful country in modern history will be destroyed. This is not a race issue; it is one of preserving our culture.

And you know nothing about my ancestors, so frell off.
Nonsense. The parents, maybe even the kids will hold on to the culture but the grandkids will be 100% Americans no matter how they look.

You're not very bright, bub.
Simple question before I head out to work. Do you believe in overpopulation, do you think it's a current problem or a very near future one, and what label would you use to identify yourself overall?

No. Developed nations are more at risk of declining native born populations as the birth rate is below the replacement rate.
Who cares what nationality Americans will be in 200 years? One time Greeks and Italians were blonde hair and blue eyed. Are Greeks and Italians today not proud of who they are?

I see your ancestors worrying about the white race. Let it go. Assimilate. We tell the blacks and foreigners and even the native Americans to assimilate well we have to realize our white kids are in a melting pot.

I get mad at foreigners who come here and want their kids to only date their kind. Well why did you bring them here? But don’t get mad when you see foreigners sticking together because you do the same thing. You want your daughters to marry aryans

Oh blah blah blah nonsense nonsense nonsense.

Here's a clue bub: culture matters. There is a fine line between immigration and invasion. When immigrants do not learn the language and do not accept the basic values of our culture, what makes the U.S. the most successful country in modern history will be destroyed. This is not a race issue; it is one of preserving our culture.

And you know nothing about my ancestors, so frell off.
Nonsense. The parents, maybe even the kids will hold on to the culture but the grandkids will be 100% Americans no matter how they look.
Not if the live in a neighborhood where all the signs are in Spanish, the schools teach in Spanish and everyone speaks Spanish.

Yes, they will. And they will move out of that neighborhood.
This question was raised 50 years ago. The "conservatives" voted for overpopulation and against ZPG.

There is no overpopulation.
Yes there is. If poured mountains of evidence on your dumb ass and you see no problem with the fact we are overpopulated.

And I’m glad this may be reversing. Low birth rates to replace all the baby boomers who are dying. This is great for our species.
The "conservatives" have wanted over-population for 50 years now. They are still at it. Just look at the policies they support. Us normal people want what the planet can sustain. To the "conservatives," it's just baby after baby after baby and then nothing about how the the world sustains these babies' lives;
The earths population is growing beyond sustainability. But the "conservatives" want it to grow beyond.
The earths population is growing beyond sustainability...

No it’s not.
Depends on how humanity is going to continue to manage pollutants.

Unsurvivable heatwaves could strike heart of China by end of century

It is so disturbing that humankind is not making progress on several fronts. Even more disturbing that millions of people are spreading the story that problems like this do not actually exist. Heat waves, wildfires, hurricanes, plastics being found in the stomachs of dead aquatic creatures, plastics coming out of the ocean. It's time to get real on these and so many other issues. We adults forget that we are leaving this planet to the grand-kids.
It’s disturbing that so many suckers are still swallowing a false crisis from decades ago.

Some scholarly calculations indicate the state of Texas could hold the entire human population of the earth. And, it wouldn't be standing room only!

Texas is a beautiful and giant area. I really like this.
Simple question before I head out to work. Do you believe in overpopulation, do you think it's a current problem or a very near future one, and what label would you use to identify yourself overall?

I think we're already overpopulated. Someone day we'll have to do what China did. ONE kid ONLY.
Simple question before I head out to work. Do you believe in overpopulation, do you think it's a current problem or a very near future one, and what label would you use to identify yourself overall?
I think resource distribution is the problem, not over-population.

There is plenty of food to go around for everyone. It just doesn't get to everywhere it is needed, for various reasons.

So, no. We do not have an over-population problem at this time.

The first real crush we will feel, as far as population goes, will be sources of fresh water. We are going to need to find a way to economically desalinate ocean water in the near future, I think.

No, there is not plenty of food at all.
Food is essentially being grown artificially with fertilizers made out of fossil fuel. That won't last more than another 100 years, and then there will be huge starvation, wars over remaining fossil fuels, etc.
Malthus was right, and only delayed by the massive waste of fossil fuel for fertilizer and shipping.
Instead of Europe starving when it should have, Europe used colonialism and imperialism to steal food from all over the world.
But that will not last either.
Nature will always balance itself out with epidemics, be it animals or humans.
We are not over populated.

That is not true.
Nature does not always balance out.
Nature simply is what ever happens, and more often than not, species go extinct, which does not at all seem balanced to me.
Almost all species that ever existed have gone extinct.
Clearly the human race is desperately trying to go extinct, and likely will succeed as well.
As with many species that evolved one attribute at the expense of survival, humans have excessive brain development. That is to say, we are smart enough to get ourselves into enormous trouble and not smart enough to avoid it.
Given the historic human condition for self-destruction, I'm not worried about overpopulation.

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