Do You Believe there are More than TWO Genders? My thoughts (Video)

There are more than two genders, even though in our society the genders that are most recognized are male and female (called the gender binary) and usually is based on someone's anatomy (the genitals they were born with).
ANOTHER disturbed individual. There are more than two genders only in the minds of the confused and disturbed.
Why is it necessary to call someone "confused and disturbed' because you disagree with them?. Clearly you are highly threatened by the possibility that not everyone is clearly male or female. Why is that? If you believe that we are wrong as you apparently do, try stating your case calmly, like an adult. Please be sure to take into account the well established medical evidence that some people are intersexed and that some researched now think that is related to the transgender phenomena. Try it. You might actually be taken seriously.
He-he, the moron STILL carries on.............
Holy shit! What are you? A 12 year old emotionally disturbed delinquent? I have better things to do than have a pissing match with a juvenile zombie troll bot.

Hey Bobby Boy! I thought that you might this interesting.

About four-in-ten U.S. adults say forms should offer more than two gender options

n 2019, at least seven states have started offering a third gender option on driver’s licenses for people who don’t identify as male or female, and at least four more plan to do so in 2020. A number of states have also added a third gender option on birth certificates. These changes follow decisions by some popular social media platforms to offer their own nonbinary gender options

In addition :

About one-in-five U.S. adults know someone who goes by a gender-neutral pronoun

You're living in a world that does not exist anymore Bobby

A lie does not become truth, no matter how many people are deceived into believing it.

The world I live in is the one in which the immutable biological distinction between men and women is the same as it has always been, and the same as it will always be, regardless of the insane and destructive lies that are gaining support from an insignificant, but very noisy minority of mentally-defective freaks.

And you live in the same world. The only difference I am sane, and you are not, which affects how each of us respectively perceives this world.

The fad will pass.
Here are my thoughts on whether or not there are two genders from my Christian perspective. Let me know what you think about the video.

Sex is binary. X and Y, the psychological sociological ramifications? Now it seems the pink unicorn people from beyond the 8th dimension have a new as of yet unheard of gender. This gender politics stuff stretches plausibility and common sense.


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But such abnormalities do not disprove the basic biological fact, that outside of these rare cases, we are all unambiguously male or female, based on our genetics and morphology, and not on how we claim to “identify” or “feel”.
But these cases destroy the 'all' in your argument. Everyone is not unambiguously male or female.
But such abnormalities do not disprove the basic biological fact, that outside of these rare cases, we are all unambiguously male or female, based on our genetics and morphology, and not on how we claim to “identify” or “feel”.
But these cases destroy the 'all' in your argument. Everyone is not unambiguously male or female.
There are TWO and ONLY TWO genders. Male or female. To believe otherwise is INSANITY.
There are TWO and ONLY TWO genders. Male or female. To believe otherwise is INSANITY.
Or to have taken note of current best knowledge. I accept deplorables define that as insanity.
Please refer to post #446 in this thread. Thank you.
An appeal to ignorance logical fallacy. " I said it so therefore it's a fact, and no I do not have to prove it"

It was bullshit yesterday, it is bullshit today, and will still be bullshit tomorrow because repeating bullshit does not make it anything other than BULLSHIT
Here are my thoughts on whether or not there are two genders from my Christian perspective. Let me know what you think about the video.

Of course not. There is male and female. End of story.

However, there are many many shades and types of mental illness. Not sure why that came to mind just now....

Perhaps it's comes down to how you conceptualize it, or a matter of semantics. I have posted scientific evidence that there exists people who's biological/ genetic makeup is no 100% male or female. You can stick your head in the sand and refuse to accept that but you would just making a damned fool of yourself.

Sure, you can still argue that those people are all either mostly male or mostly female, with the former still being male and the latter still being female and therefore there are only two genders, but that does not change the reality that I described.

Similarly, you could argue that there are only 5 races: White, Black, Brown, Red and yellow and that would be, on one level true. Or, you can say that most or all members of those races are partly other races as well, there are an infinite number of races. So you would also be right.

So this whole argument is stupid and pointless because the answer that you give to the question of "how many genders are there" does not change reality. It does however change the reality of the people who we are talking about because it has a direct effect on the extent that we acknowledge their existence.
Just remember this - There are TWO and ONLY TWO genders. Male and female. That's ALL you need to know. Thank you.
Nope, there are six. I don't care how regressive you are.
  • X – Roughly 1 in 2,000 to 1 in 5,000 people (Turner’s )
  • XX – Most common form of female
  • XXY – Roughly 1 in 500 to 1 in 1,000 people (Klinefelter)
  • XY – Most common form of male
  • XYY – Roughly 1 out of 1,000 people
  • XXXY – Roughly 1 in 18,000 to 1 in 50,000 births
WHO | Gender and Genetics
Just remember this - There are TWO and ONLY TWO genders. Male and female. That's ALL you need to know. Thank you.
Nope, there are six. I don't care how regressive you are.
  • X – Roughly 1 in 2,000 to 1 in 5,000 people (Turner’s )
  • XX – Most common form of female
  • XXY – Roughly 1 in 500 to 1 in 1,000 people (Klinefelter)
  • XY – Most common form of male
  • XYY – Roughly 1 out of 1,000 people
  • XXXY – Roughly 1 in 18,000 to 1 in 50,000 births
WHO | Gender and Genetics
Thank you.
Here are my thoughts on whether or not there are two genders from my Christian perspective. Let me know what you think about the video.

Of course not. There is male and female. End of story.

However, there are many many shades and types of mental illness. Not sure why that came to mind just now....

Perhaps it's comes down to how you conceptualize it, or a matter of semantics. I have posted scientific evidence that there exists people who's biological/ genetic makeup is no 100% male or female. You can stick your head in the sand and refuse to accept that but you would just making a damned fool of yourself.

Sure, you can still argue that those people are all either mostly male or mostly female, with the former still being male and the latter still being female and therefore there are only two genders, but that does not change the reality that I described.

Similarly, you could argue that there are only 5 races: White, Black, Brown, Red and yellow and that would be, on one level true. Or, you can say that most or all members of those races are partly other races as well, there are an infinite number of races. So you would also be right.

So this whole argument is stupid and pointless because the answer that you give to the question of "how many genders are there" does not change reality. It does however change the reality of the people who we are talking about because it has a direct effect on the extent that we acknowledge their existence.

Thank you.
There are TWO and ONLY TWO genders. Male or female. To believe otherwise is INSANITY.
Or to have taken note of current best knowledge. I accept deplorables define that as insanity.
Please refer to post #446 in this thread. Thank you.
An appeal to ignorance logical fallacy. " I said it so therefore it's a fact, and no I do not have to prove it"

It was bullshit yesterday, it is bullshit today, and will still be bullshit tomorrow because repeating bullshit does not make it anything other than BULLSHIT
Thank you for those thoughts.
That's funny, that's what the World Health Organization thinks of you. Only they know better than you.

I will point out, again, that the WHO article that you keep citing does not state nor imply that the different abnormal genetic patterns constitute different genders, nor does it state nor imply that there are any genders other than male or female.

I'll stop short, for now, of claiming that it absolutely refutes the idea that there are genders other than male and female, but if it doesn't state that male and female are the only genders represented by those different genetic patterns, it certainly very strongly implies this.

You're insane to claim that there are more than two genders, and you're flat-out lying by claiming that this article supports your insane claim.

More than 95% of the Y chromosome is male-specific and a single copy of the Y chromosome is able to induce testicular differentiation of the embryonic gonad. The Y chromosome acts as a dominant inducer of male phenotype and individuals having four X chromosomes and one Y chromosome (49XXXXY) are phenotypically male. When a Y chromosome is present, early embryonic testes develop around the 10th week of pregnancy. In the absence of both a Y chromosome and the influence of a testis-determining factor (TDF), ovaries develop.

Really, when you get right down to the reproductive level, which is what gender/sex is about, what this is saying is that in the presence of a Y chromosome, even if it's just one Y chromosome and a bunch of X chromosomes, the gonads will develop into testes, which means that if they become functional, they will produce sperm cells; and that in the absence of a Y chromosome, the gonads will develop into ovaries, which means that if they become functional, they will produce ova.

So, a Y chromosome and any number of X chromosomes == male

Only X chromosomes with no Y chromosomes == female

The article mentions more chromosomal configurations than the six that you keep listing; so of it meant that each different chromosomal configuration represented a different gender, then it would mean that there are more than the six that you keep claiming. But where the article discusses each individual configuration, it describes that configuration as being male or female.

Here, for example, is the description in that article of Kleinfelter Syndrome, which you claim is a separate gender…

Klinefelter syndrome (47XXY or XY/XXY mosaic) with male phenotype is the most pervasive sex chromosomal anomaly affecting approximately 1:600 males. Males with Klinefelter syndrome carry two or more X chromosomes which results in abnormal development of the testis, leading to hypogonadism and infertility. Affected individuals are often tall and produce relatively small amounts of testosterone. As a result of this hormone imbalance, affected males have incompletely developed secondary male sex characteristics.

Really, the only claim that could possibly be at all credible, about anyone being anything other than male or female, would be to claim that it is possible to be genderless—not of any other gender than male or female, but having no gender at all. But even in the failure to develop any recognizable sexual dimorphism, under modern technology and knowledge, we could still examine the DNA of such an individual, and classify that individual as nominally male, if there is at least one Y chromosome, or nominally female if there is not.
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