Do You Believe there are More than TWO Genders? My thoughts (Video)

That's funny, that's what the World Health Organization thinks of you. Only they know better than you.

I will point out that the WHO article that you keep citing does not state nor imply that the different genetic patterns constitute six different genders, nor does it state or imply that there are any genders other than male or female.

I'll stop short, for now, of claiming that it absolutely refutes the idea that thee are genders other than male and female, but if it doesn't state that male and female are the only genders represented by those different genetic patterns, it certainly very strongly implies this.

You'ere insane to claim that there are more than two genders, and you're flat-out lying by claiming that this article supports your insane claim.

More than 95% of the Y chromosome is male-specific and a single copy of the Y chromosome is able to induce testicular differentiation of the embryonic gonad. The Y chromosome acts as a dominant inducer of male phenotype and individuals having four X chromosomes and one Y chromosome (49XXXXY) are phenotypically male. When a Y chromosome is present, early embryonic testes develop around the 10th week of pregnancy. In the absence of both a Y chromosome and the influence of a testis-determining factor (TDF), ovaries develop.

Really, when you get right down to the reproductive level, which is what gender/sex is about, what this is saying is that in the presence of a Y chromosome, even if it's just one Y chromosome and a bunch of X chromosomes, the gonads will develop into testes, which means that if they become functional, they will produce sperm cells; and that in the absence of a Y chromosome, the gonads will develop into ovaries, which means that if they become functional, they will produce ova.

So, a Y chromosome and any number of X chromosomes == male

Only X chromosomes with no Y chromosomes == female

The article mentions more chromosomal configurations than the six that you keep listing; so of it meant that each different chromosomal configuration represented a different gender, then it would mean that there are more than the six that you keep claiming. But where the article discusses each individual configuration, it describes that configuration as being male or female.

Here, for example, is the description in that article of Kleinfelter Syndrome, which you claim is a separate gender…

Klinefelter syndrome (47XXY or XY/XXY mosaic) with male phenotype is the most pervasive sex chromosomal anomaly affecting approximately 1:600 males. Males with Klinefelter syndrome carry two or more X chromosomes which results in abnormal development of the testis, leading to hypogonadism and infertility. Affected individuals are often tall and produce relatively small amounts of testosterone. As a result of this hormone imbalance, affected males have incompletely developed secondary male sex characteristics.
Thank you for helping the blind to see.
There are genders and there is sexuality
They don’t always match

Male, female and Perverted!!!


Really, when you get right down to the reproductive level, which is what gender/sex is about, what this is saying is that in the presence of a Y chromosome, even if it's just one Y chromosome and a bunch of X chromosomes, the gonads will develop into testes, which means that if they become functional, they will produce sperm cells; and that in the absence of a Y chromosome, the gonads will develop into ovaries, which means that if they become functional, they will produce ova.
Ah. No wonder you're so confused.
That's funny, that's what the World Health Organization thinks of you. Only they know better than you.

I will point out, again, that the WHO article that you keep citing does not state nor imply that the different abnormal genetic patterns constitute different genders, nor does it state nor imply that there are any genders other than male or female.

I'll stop short, for now, of claiming that it absolutely refutes the idea that there are genders other than male and female, but if it doesn't state that male and female are the only genders represented by those different genetic patterns, it certainly very strongly implies this.

You're insane to claim that there are more than two genders, and you're flat-out lying by claiming that this article supports your insane claim.

More than 95% of the Y chromosome is male-specific and a single copy of the Y chromosome is able to induce testicular differentiation of the embryonic gonad. The Y chromosome acts as a dominant inducer of male phenotype and individuals having four X chromosomes and one Y chromosome (49XXXXY) are phenotypically male. When a Y chromosome is present, early embryonic testes develop around the 10th week of pregnancy. In the absence of both a Y chromosome and the influence of a testis-determining factor (TDF), ovaries develop.

Really, when you get right down to the reproductive level, which is what gender/sex is about, what this is saying is that in the presence of a Y chromosome, even if it's just one Y chromosome and a bunch of X chromosomes, the gonads will develop into testes, which means that if they become functional, they will produce sperm cells; and that in the absence of a Y chromosome, the gonads will develop into ovaries, which means that if they become functional, they will produce ova.

So, a Y chromosome and any number of X chromosomes == male

Only X chromosomes with no Y chromosomes == female

The article mentions more chromosomal configurations than the six that you keep listing; so of it meant that each different chromosomal configuration represented a different gender, then it would mean that there are more than the six that you keep claiming. But where the article discusses each individual configuration, it describes that configuration as being male or female.

Here, for example, is the description in that article of Kleinfelter Syndrome, which you claim is a separate gender…

Klinefelter syndrome (47XXY or XY/XXY mosaic) with male phenotype is the most pervasive sex chromosomal anomaly affecting approximately 1:600 males. Males with Klinefelter syndrome carry two or more X chromosomes which results in abnormal development of the testis, leading to hypogonadism and infertility. Affected individuals are often tall and produce relatively small amounts of testosterone. As a result of this hormone imbalance, affected males have incompletely developed secondary male sex characteristics.

Really, the only claim that could possibly be at all credible, about anyone being anything other than male or female, would be to claim that it is possible to be genderless—not of any other gender than male or female, but having no gender at all. But even in the failure to develop any recognizable sexual dimorphism, under modern technology and knowledge, we could still examine the DNA of such an individual, and classify that individual as nominally male, if there is at least one Y chromosome, or nominally female if there is not.
See post 451 and chill.
There are two genders: male and female.

Some human beings do not feel comfortable in the gender to which they have been assigned.

We should be kind and gentle with them.

They should not be subject to verbal/physical abuse.

But they should be considerate of the vast majority of people who have accepted their birth gender. For example, if a person has a penis and wears a dress, and if she uses the women's restroom, this will cause discomfort to many women if it is evident that she is a trans person. On the other hand, if she uses the men's restroom, she is liable to be beaten up by insecure males. Until all restrooms are unisex, I hope that there is some solution to this matter, but I cannot think of one.
But they should be considerate of the vast majority of people who have accepted their birth gender. For example, if a person has a penis and wears a dress, and if she uses the women's restroom, this will cause discomfort to many women if it is evident that she is a trans person. On the other hand, if she uses the men's restroom, she is liable to be beaten up by insecure males. Until all restrooms are unisex, I hope that there is some solution to this matter, but I cannot think of one.
The whole bathroom thing is nothing more than manufactured hysteria intended to demean trans people. If a transwoman goes into a woman's room and into a stall, no one will know what is between her legs-unless they peek.
There are male, female, and very confused and possibly mentally ill people.
Thank you so much for that brilliant and thoughtful essay on human sexuality. The depth of your knowledge is truly impressive. You must have numerous, advanced degree from the finest universities in biology, psychology and sociology. Please tell us more:asshole:
There are male, female, and very confused and possibly mentally ill people.
Thank you so much for that brilliant and thoughtful essay on human sexuality. The depth of your knowledge is truly impressive. You must have numerous, advanced degree from the finest universities in biology, psychology and sociology. Please tell us more:asshole:
My degree is in Electronics Engineering, but I know enough about biology to understand that humans have 2 sexes - male and female. With the exception of the very rare hermaphrodite and intersex male. I am not suggesting that individuals who think they are the opposite sex should be persecuted or treated differently under the law, be it is delusional.
There are male, female, and very confused and possibly mentally ill people.
Thank you so much for that brilliant and thoughtful essay on human sexuality. The depth of your knowledge is truly impressive. You must have numerous, advanced degree from the finest universities in biology, psychology and sociology. Please tell us more:asshole:
My degree is in Electronics Engineering, but I know enough about biology to understand that humans have 2 sexes - male and female. With the exception of the very rare hermaphrodite and intersex male. I am not suggesting that individuals who think they are the opposite sex should be persecuted or treated differently under the law, be it is delusional.
Thank you again for raising the bar on the level of intellectual discourse on the USMB and for providing that excellent documentation to support your position.
There are male, female, and very confused and possibly mentally ill people.
Thank you so much for that brilliant and thoughtful essay on human sexuality. The depth of your knowledge is truly impressive. You must have numerous, advanced degree from the finest universities in biology, psychology and sociology. Please tell us more:asshole:
My degree is in Electronics Engineering, but I know enough about biology to understand that humans have 2 sexes - male and female. With the exception of the very rare hermaphrodite and intersex male. I am not suggesting that individuals who think they are the opposite sex should be persecuted or treated differently under the law, be it is delusional.
Thank you again for raising the bar on the level of intellectual discourse on the USMB and for providing that excellent documentation to support your position.
OK. You're welcome. Glad I could clear that up for you. Apparently, you are one of those people who don't know if they are a man or a woman. Basically, if you have a penis, you're a man. If you have a vagina, you're a woman. If you have a penis and think you're a woman, you're mistaken.
There are male, female, and very confused and possibly mentally ill people.
Thank you so much for that brilliant and thoughtful essay on human sexuality. The depth of your knowledge is truly impressive. You must have numerous, advanced degree from the finest universities in biology, psychology and sociology. Please tell us more:asshole:
My degree is in Electronics Engineering, but I know enough about biology to understand that humans have 2 sexes - male and female. With the exception of the very rare hermaphrodite and intersex male. I am not suggesting that individuals who think they are the opposite sex should be persecuted or treated differently under the law, be it is delusional.
Thank you again for raising the bar on the level of intellectual discourse on the USMB and for providing that excellent documentation to support your position.
OK. You're welcome. Glad I could clear that up for you. Apparently, you are one of those people who don't know if they are a man or a woman. Basically, if you have a penis, you're a man. If you have a vagina, you're a woman. If you have a penis and think you're a woman, you're mistaken.

I know exactly what I am. And, I know exactly what you are.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
There are male, female, and very confused and possibly mentally ill people.
Thank you so much for that brilliant and thoughtful essay on human sexuality. The depth of your knowledge is truly impressive. You must have numerous, advanced degree from the finest universities in biology, psychology and sociology. Please tell us more:asshole:
My degree is in Electronics Engineering, but I know enough about biology to understand that humans have 2 sexes - male and female. With the exception of the very rare hermaphrodite and intersex male. I am not suggesting that individuals who think they are the opposite sex should be persecuted or treated differently under the law, be it is delusional.
Thank you again for raising the bar on the level of intellectual discourse on the USMB and for providing that excellent documentation to support your position.
You're quite welcome.

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