Do you celebrate "Martin Luther King's" day?

The ClayTaurus said:
Quoting white supremicists now?

just the facts linked to this site... ***shrug*** nice try though...back on iggy!
archangel said:
just the facts linked to this site... ***shrug*** nice try though...back on iggy!
Honestly Arch, if you really were an investigator, I would have expected at least a little research into the authenticity of the claims, instead of just linking to the first site you came upon using google.
The ClayTaurus said:
Quoting white supremicists now?

Hey, that was an enlightening read. Had sources listed and everything. If even half of that is true, MLK was pretty much a degenerate.

Instead of MLK day, it should be renamed to "Civil Rights Day". :blsmile:
George Washington probably merits a holiday. Jesus does as well. Lincoln, most assuredly NOT. MLK has had enough streets around this country re-named for him. His life did nothing to place him in the company of Washington, Franklin, Lincoln or Christ. Honor the message but not, in this case, the messenger.
ScreamingEagle said:
Hey, that was an enlightening read. Had sources listed and everything. If even half of that is true, MLK was pretty much a degenerate.

Instead of MLK day, it should be renamed to "Civil Rights Day". :blsmile:

Clearly "enlightening" is a subjective term. And clearly you've done very little background checking into what Michael Savage has been feeding you.

President's day should be renamed "Leadership Day" and Washington's Birthday should be renamed "Nation Founders Day"

Columbus day can be renamed "Lucky Explorer Day"

I might buy the enlightening argument for a paper on calculus that happened to be written by a white supremist; but not so much for a diatribe against MLK. Consider the source. Heavily.
The ClayTaurus said:
Clearly "enlightening" is a subjective term. And clearly you've done very little background checking into what Michael Savage has been feeding you.

President's day should be renamed "Leadership Day" and Washington's Birthday should be renamed "Nation Founders Day"

Columbus day can be renamed "Lucky Explorer Day"

I might buy the enlightening argument for a paper on calculus that happened to be written by a white supremist; but not so much for a diatribe against MLK. Consider the source. Heavily.

Yeah, everything is "subjective" to you liberals. Seems to me that there are some facts about MLK that aren't discussed in liberal society. It will be interesting to see what comes out of the sealed FBI files on MLK in 2027.

Your "amusing" renaming falls right in line with the Communist agenda to strip America of its heritage. :spank3:
ScreamingEagle said:
Yeah, everything is "subjective" to you liberals. Seems to me that there are some facts about MLK that aren't discussed in liberal society. It will be interesting to see what comes out of the FBI files on MLK in 2027.

Your "amusing" renaming falls right in line with the Communist agenda to strip America of its heritage. :spank3:

3 posts and you've already resorted to smokescreening by calling me a liberal. Typical. Although calling me a communist was a nice move; you don't see that as much. Just admit you lack the knowledge to continue the debate, and I'll let you go back to worshipping Savage.

Aren't you stripping America of it's heritage by wanting MLK day gone?
The ClayTaurus said:
Honestly Arch, if you really were an investigator, I would have expected at least a little research into the authenticity of the claims, instead of just linking to the first site you came upon using google.

your continued "Gotcha" is really old and tiring...I posted a link which gives facts regardless of the messenger...if you have something to dispute my guest! If you even bothered to read the entire article you would have made it to the end where sources were cited! ***shrug***

***sneaks out***
archangel said:
your continued "Gotcha" is really old and tiring...I posted a link which gives facts regardless of the messenger...if you have something to dispute my guest! If you even bothered to read the entire article you would have made it to the end where souces were stated! ***shrug***

***sneaks out***

Dude - the Messenger is VERY relavant to the 'facts'.
archangel said:
your continued "Gotcha" is really old and tiring...I posted a link which gives facts regardless of the messenger...if you have something to dispute my guest! If you even bothered to read the entire article you would have made it to the end where souces were stated! ***shrug***

***sneaks out***

If you even bothered to read the rest of this thread, you would see the refutation pre-dated your post.

Honestly, why do you even bother announcing that I'm on ignore? You lack the self-discipline to follow through on it.
I guess he didn't quote his sources or write all of his speaches. I would suspect there are lots of greats who've had speach writers or based their work on what someone else started. Many thesis papers are a continuation of a paper done by another student, hence the copying. It's not uncommon.
archangel said:
the sources cited by the messenger...check em out!
Ok Arch. List the relevant sources we should all check out. You haven't even checked them out yourself.
The ClayTaurus said:
Ok Arch. List the relevant sources we should all check out. You haven't even checked them out yourself.

We've all heard of the river named DeNial.... :poke:

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