Zone1 Do you ever feel betrayed by God?

My Karma is my Karma.

That's all.

We all have our own Karma and we pay....for the good and the bad.

No need blaming GOD for our mistakes....we all have free will

Dear skye We can also be affected by generational karma or sins, revisited or passed down from the fathers to the sons for 4-5 generations. Including national karma and collective karma by group history, lineage or all humanity combined.

When a person with addictive family history fails to get help in time to stop drinking uncontrollably, to the point that person gets in a car drunk and kills an entire family. That isn't the fault of that family. It's not just the person's addiction, but it's also on the conscience of us as society to intervene earlier to prevent drink driving in the first place. We were not teaching and training everyone to overcome addictions by addressing generational patterns to stop this from escalating into criminal abuse and danger or death.

That collective karma if not resolved ends up killing innocent people.

It's not God's fault but it's not the fault of the victims but everyone's responsibility equally to share the knowledge of curing addiction in advance to prevent worse consequences like that.
Hie had more children after.

Do you really compare your life to Job?

There is nothing I could have done to warrant the abuses against me for decades. Not in any civilized context.

We all have our sins, I've been a good human for my adult life. Imperfect yes, but solid and remaining committed to my fellow human being even when dealing with alot myself.
It's not that you did something to deserve it.
But when you got into that relationship without first establishing the means and process of addressing the abusive disorder, then it's like getting into a car with a driver with a drinking problem.

Not your fault that person has a dangerous addiction and can kill themselves or others driving drunk.

But we as a society need to teach train and offer assistance to prevent addicted abusive people from harming themselves or others.

If we dont intervene, then if the problem escalates where drivers are killing people including themselves their passengers or other pedestrians or drivers, that's on all of us

These problems keep happening to tell us we haven't solved the root problem.

And similar with other abuse in relationships whether civil or criminal violations, emotional psychological or physical harm and damage

It's not our fault if people have sick addictive and abusive disorders and refuse or deny the problem.

But if we have reports and research that spiritual therapy can identify and address these hidden disorders before abuse and crime occurs, then it becomes our responsibility to get help and access to information and treatment out to the people at risk of this abusive problem isn't stopped in time.
It's not that you did something to deserve it.
But when you got into that relationship without first establishing the means and process of addressing the abusive disorder, then it's like getting into a car with a driver with a drinking problem.

Not your fault that person has a dangerous addiction and can kill themselves or others driving drunk.

But we as a society need to teach train and offer assistance to prevent addicted abusive people from harming themselves or others.

If we dont intervene, then if the problem escalates where drivers are killing people including themselves their passengers or other pedestrians or drivers, that's on all of us

These problems keep happening to tell us we haven't solved the root problem.

And similar with other abuse in relationships whether civil or criminal violations, emotional psychological or physical harm and damage

It's not our fault if people have sick addictive and abusive disorders and refuse or deny the problem.

But if we have reports and research that spiritual therapy can identify and address these hidden disorders before abuse and crime occurs, then it becomes our responsibility to get help and access to information and treatment out to the people at risk of this abusive problem isn't stopped in time.

Except, whenever I tried to force the issue, call her cousins or police, se threatened me. Believe me as a guy in Canada, with my own distrust of the system, that fear was palpable and the threat was very effective in silencing me.
Except, whenever I tried to force the issue, call her cousins or police, se threatened me. Believe me as a guy in Canada, with my own distrust of the system, that fear was palpable and the threat was very effective in silencing me.

You can't change her or control her. You can only control yourself.
You can't change her or control her. You can only control yourself.

I am alone, far away from family, unemployed. There were few options, none of them good certainly. Taking the abuse was more viable than leaving. If I had left early, which I almost did; I had a chance. Once love, marraige and the purchase of a home occur, you are in deep and my loyalty instinct kicked in.
I am alone, far away from family, unemployed. There were few options, none of them good certainly. Taking the abuse was more viable than leaving. If I had left early, which I almost did; I had a chance. Once love, marraige and the purchase of a home occur, you are in deep and my loyalty instinct kicked in.

Are you saying that you are loyal to your abuser?
I am loyal to all who I love, yes. I'm trying to work through the emotions, it's not easy and I'm not too arrogant to admit it.
I often say that the Word does not say to love others instead of ourselves.. it says Love your neighbor AS yourself. I think you 2 need time away from ea other and possibly for a long time, but in any case as long as it takes to see some improvement. As the saying goes "If nothing changes, nothing changes."

I often say that the Word does not say to love others instead of ourselves.. it says Love your neighbor AS yourself. I think you 2 need time away from ea other and possibly for a long time, but in any case as long as it takes to see some improvement. As the saying goes "If nothing changes, nothing changes."


Well, yes, this is what we are going through now. I'm not sure we can reconcile, but I am at least working through it as best I can. My concern is the secrecy being shown by police as I've requested details of the investigation.

As much as Americans believe that too many get away with certain acts in the U.S ,it is FAR worse than an unaccountable covert police apparatus I assure you. This is why I was transparent with the F.B.I, they need to understand how our system works and assess where we stand on civil liberties, Rule of Law and the like.

What some might THINK they know, you can be sure they do not.
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Well, yes, this is what we are going through now. I'm not sure we can reconcile, but I am at least working through it as best I can. My concern is the secrecy being shown by police as I've requested details of the investigation.

As much as Americans believe that too many get away with certain acts in the U.S ,it is FAR worse than an unaccountable covert police apparatus I assure you. This is why I was transparent with the F.B.I, they need to understand how our system works and assess where we stand on civil liberties, Rule of Law and the like.
Would it be too personal to ask what seems most irreconcilable? I would guess the physical violence. People use such things (or just anger/tantrums) to control others... I stay away from those kind of people whether relative, acquaintance... whatever
Would it be too personal to ask what seems most irreconcilable? I would guess the physical violence. People use such things (or just anger/tantrums) to control others... I stay away from those kind of people whether relative, acquaintance... whatever

No, the physical is the worst for certain due to the unpredictability of it and in some cases she put our lives and others lives at risk on the highway. The words hurt, especially the comments that are egregious and some might linger, but compared to a cane in the ribs or head? I will take the words and even the non-violent outbursts.
No, the physical is the worst for certain due to the unpredictability of it and in some cases she put our lives and others lives at risk on the highway. The words hurt, especially the comments that are egregious and some might linger, but compared to a cane in the ribs or head? I will take the words and even the non-violent outbursts.
You can do better than that crazy person. I don't believe in divorce/re-marriage but the Catholic (real Catholic) Church teaches that you can divorce, but if it's a valid marriage, you can never re-marry. Frankly, I don't really know if that is novus ordo teaching or the TRUE Catholic teaching but I tend to think it is what the real Church has always taught.. hope I'm not wrong.. It is re-marriage that is not condoned. But you may not even have what the CC (and I believe other Christian "churches") would call a valid marriage. If you were only married by a JP, and not in a Christian church, then that is not a valid marriage. Objectively, it would be fornication.. and you are thereby free to extricate yourself from it and definitely should..
You can do better than that crazy person. I don't believe in divorce/re-marriage but the Catholic (real Catholic) Church teaches that you can divorce, but if it's a valid marriage, you can never re-marry. Frankly, I don't really know if that is novus ordo teaching or the TRUE Catholic teaching but I tend to think it is what the real Church has always taught.. hope I'm not wrong.. It is re-marriage that is not condoned. But you may not even have what the CC (and I believe other Christian "churches") would call a valid marriage. If you were only married by a JP, and not in a Christian church, then that is not a valid marriage. Objectively, it would be fornication.. and you are thereby free to extricate yourself from it and definitely should..

What do you mean "not a valid marriage"? lol We have a marriage license and we updated our details accordingly.
What do you mean "not a valid marriage"? lol We have a marriage license and we updated our details accordingly.
I'm not canon (Church) lawyer but I can give examples of invalid marriage: If one person was not fully consenting to the marriage somehow.. I suppose if one spouse could prove the other was drunk at the time of the wedding? things like that... But the CC always held (not sure about the novus ordo sect..) that what looks like a valid marriage will be treated as such until proven otherwise. Another invalid marriage would be if the person, on the day of the wedding or soon before.. had sexual relations w/ someone else, proving the person was not ready for a lifetime commitment. The Church has tribunals that decide validity.. Members thereof would know more about this. But I do know that if you were married by a justice of the peace and not married in an actual "church" it's not valid.. (wedding doesn't have to be in Catholic, just Christian church... though again, there is always presumably a difference btwn novus ordo teaching on validity and REAL Catholic teaching).
I'm not canon (Church) lawyer but I can give examples of invalid marriage: If one person was not fully consenting to the marriage somehow.. I suppose if one spouse could prove the other was drunk at the time of the wedding? things like that... But the CC always held (not sure about the novus ordo sect..) that what looks like a valid marriage will be treated as such until proven otherwise. Another invalid marriage would be if the person, on the day of the wedding or soon before.. had sexual relations w/ someone else, proving the person was not ready for a lifetime commitment. The Church has tribunals that decide validity.. Members thereof would know more about this. But I do know that if you were married by a justice of the peace and not married in an actual "church" it's not valid.. (wedding doesn't have to be in Catholic, just Christian church... though again, there is always presumably a difference btwn novus ordo teaching on validity and REAL Catholic teaching).

Meh, those are unique circumstances that don't pertain to us.

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