Zone1 Do you ever feel betrayed by God?

she must be around your age... wondering why she has a cane?

But mostly

Would she do something really violent if you told her to get out?

She did something violent if her eggs were runny. She has anger issues among others.

She has a cane because of multiple knee surgeries, it never slowed her down, she didn't use it around the house unless it was on me, she only used it when outside.
Betrayed by GOD?

Even if the idea for a moment crosses my mind..... I know that's not true at all....

I know in my heart there is nobody but mySelf to blame.
not everyone gets all that God wants to teach us humans in one go around...

I don't even bother most of the time talking to most people because I know most cannot begin to understand some of the things I've been through.. and most, on hearing my story would say something tantamount to: You deserve it..

As if I had never thought of that? I know that my sins deserve Hell. But I gave up my most egregious and some not so egregious sins a long time ago.. so I u/stand poster who says he is a good person (but... this/that). I never expected to get heaven on earth for giving up all my sins. But on the other hand, why should I go to Hell, even if it is for a "short" (doesn't seem short) time?

you wonder....
She did something violent if her eggs were runny. She has anger issues among others.

She has a cane because of multiple knee surgeries, it never slowed her down, she didn't use it around the house unless it was on me, she only used it when outside.
well, again, I have been through this.. a person who goes off the rails over seemingly ridiculous, insignificant things.. She needs a shrink but these kind of people never go to one.. it's always someone else's fault (is one reason they don't).. Some people just think they are entitled to wahtever the hell they want in life.. and when they don't get it.. all hell breaks loose.
Was she like this b4 marriage? (not that that makes much difference)

You will never win w/ that person.
well, again, I have been through this.. a person who goes off the rails over seemingly ridiculous, insignificant things.. She needs a shrink but these kind of people never go to one.. it's always someone else's fault (is one reason they don't).. Some people just think they are entitled to wahtever the hell they want in life.. and when they don't get it.. all hell breaks loose.
Was she like this b4 marriage? (not that that makes much difference)

You will never win w/ that person.

She was ornery and had her moments, was definitely easy to set off. However, it increased over time and the incidents of violence increased, sometimes significantly.

Without me working it's impossible to leave. It seems some want me to be forced to stay.
She was ornery and had her moments, was definitely easy to set off. However, it increased over time and the incidents of violence increased, sometimes significantly.

Without me working it's impossible to leave. It seems some want me to be forced to stay.

If you think that trend may subside, you are lying to yourself. It sounds like she is possessed, just like the *&^%$ I was involved w/...

Only God can help you. After God, only you know what your life is like. None of us here does... although you and I appear to have much in common. Still, I cannot help other than to pray...
It's not specifically the "good behaviour" that I expect to be rewarded, loyalty and Faith maybe that what is in ones heart is known to God. It's moreso the evil deeds and those who bear false witness that I would expect to be prevented from success.

Absolute free will means no punishment for our wicked deeds until after the end of our lives. Such a reality is why tyrannical men and serial predators are given free passes to kill unhindered by the power of any divine being . . . in life. The only way to enact punishment for the wicked in this life is to carry it out ourselves. Of course, many simpletons co-believe in Christ and karma at the same time. They believe what comes around goes around whilst still believing no punishment for sin comes until after death. People believe in whatever spiritual amalgamation they find most pleasing, most hopeful. But there is no hope but that which we create for ourselves. The human way is to plant "landmines" all throughout life and then weep when treading old ground and stepping on them; the consequence of forgotten sins and all of that. Who do we blame when setting them off? Why, God of course.
No because God doesn't control our lives in a way that he would do something to me.
Sorry... but the sheer ego of someone who believes that God has such a special relationship with them that he will grant them a miracle while "allowing" millions to suffer incalculably worse situations than yours is some serious ego.

At heart everyone believes they are unique among all others and more deserving of some divine intervention or specifically tailored mercy than everyone else. That's what friends and family are for—not some cosmic, galaxy creating, all powerful being. Many do not pass one thought of God or empathy for others until something terrible comes their way, then it's me oh my please help me . . . now! Falling into victimhood and choosing to remain down there is much easier than helping oneself. Addiction to apathy is the mother of all self-loathing and voluntary martyrdom.
Absolute free will means no punishment for our wicked deeds until after the end of our lives. Such a reality is why tyrannical men and serial predators are given free passes to kill unhindered by the power of any divine being . . . in life. The only way to enact punishment for the wicked in this life is to carry it out ourselves. Of course, many simpletons co-believe in Christ and karma at the same time. They believe what comes around goes around whilst still believing no punishment for sin comes until after death. People believe gamiin whatever spiritual amalgamation they find most pleasing, most hopeful. But there is no hope but that which we create for ourselves. The human way is to plant "landmines" all throughout life and then weep when treading old ground and stepping on them; the consequence of forgotten sins and all of that. Who do we blame when setting them off? Why, God of course.

Right, "Free Will" guided by the invisible hand of the state. Be it employment interference, agent provocateurs or gaming the system against one when they know he is the victim.

I recall reading a book by Anna Funder called "Stasiland". She interviewed former Stasi agents about their role in the destruction of so many lives. When she asked one particularly proud agent "how do you know a target is guilty and worthy of further harm", his response was "he had to be guilty, or else why would another agent claim he is">

It was a circular argument in which no one really updates ones file. A perpetual game of using citizens as cattle to maintain employment for themselves at the cost of their nation, as history has shown when the wall collapsed.

Your argument assumes that Free Will doesn't ever involve state actors and abusers. You are quite wrong on this assumption as I try and remain loyal to my vows.
You pray, you try and walk the righteous path but God punished you. Have you felt this way? If so, how do you overcome the feeling?
The vast majority of humans have violated laws of G-d. Non-Jewish people are given only Seven Laws of Noah -- thus violating these Laws is an especially severe sin. As a Jew given 613 Laws, I am partially observant, which also means a sinner.

One measure of suffering in this life counts for atonement about as much as about 3 million measures of suffering in the next life. (Rabbi Schneur Zalman).
I've thought that too, except, a life of abuse isn't much of a life, is it?

I've stated on here multiple times that the Book of Job is the best reflection in the bible of my life, it's also the most unusual and out of place writings in the bible.
You have to talk to people on how to escape your abusive situation. On this forum you will find support. I may know general statistics on the issue, but I am not an expert.
Absolute free will means no punishment for our wicked deeds until after the end of our lives. Such a reality is why tyrannical men and serial predators are given free passes to kill unhindered by the power of any divine being . . . in life. The only way to enact punishment for the wicked in this life is to carry it out ourselves. Of course, many simpletons co-believe in Christ and karma at the same time. They believe what comes around goes around whilst still believing no punishment for sin comes until after death. People believe in whatever spiritual amalgamation they find most pleasing, most hopeful. But there is no hope but that which we create for ourselves. The human way is to plant "landmines" all throughout life and then weep when treading old ground and stepping on them; the consequence of forgotten sins and all of that. Who do we blame when setting them off? Why, God of course.

And "free will" is a human construct, designed to make us not kill ourselves.
Yes, you would be shocked, hence my name. I almost joined the military in Canada, not knowing what I know now.

This is why I reached out to the F.B.I years ago. They have divisions of people who understand profiling and can sift through bs from fact. I have nothing to hide, I am the victim and have not been allowed autonomy of my life since I was a kid ffs. A true caste system it seems.

You are deeply, deeply committed to being a victim.

Hard talk:

Don't blame God for that
It's not specifically the "good behaviour" that I expect to be rewarded, loyalty and Faith maybe that what is in ones heart is known to God. It's moreso the evil deeds and those who bear false witness that I would expect to be prevented from success.

Read the Psalms

People have been ranting about this forever
Absolute free will means no punishment for our wicked deeds until after the end of our lives. Such a reality is why tyrannical men and serial predators are given free passes to kill unhindered by the power of any divine being . . . in life. The only way to enact punishment for the wicked in this life is to carry it out ourselves. Of course, many simpletons co-believe in Christ and karma at the same time. They believe what comes around goes around whilst still believing no punishment for sin comes until after death. People believe in whatever spiritual amalgamation they find most pleasing, most hopeful. But there is no hope but that which we create for ourselves. The human way is to plant "landmines" all throughout life and then weep when treading old ground and stepping on them; the consequence of forgotten sins and all of that. Who do we blame when setting them off? Why, God of course.

God looked at all of it and decided it's worth it.

You can be bitter about that, and let it eat your soul, or you can acknowledge that God is God and He had that right.

It was worth it.

And it WILL be made right in the end.
At heart everyone believes they are unique among all others and more deserving of some divine intervention or specifically tailored mercy than everyone else. That's what friends and family are for—not some cosmic, galaxy creating, all powerful being. Many do not pass one thought of God or empathy for others until something terrible comes their way, then it's me oh my please help me . . . now! Falling into victimhood and choosing to remain down there is much easier than helping oneself. Addiction to apathy is the mother of all self-loathing and voluntary martyrdom.

Judgmental much?

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